Local Government TV

Monday, June 20, 2016

Bottom-Feeding BloggerMobile

What fun is it being a bottom-feeding blogger without a bottom-feeding bloggermobile? I tooled around in this last night, and like the batmobile, was able to drive it across the Delaware River. Then I went airborne and knocked down a few drones.

And then I woke up.

Who owns this totally badass car? The license plate tells you.

King Allentown, who is in training for a fight with Muscles Nardone at Sportsfest, says he'd like it if it had fur.


  1. The prowler is a nice car but it is only a v-6, not a muscle car by any stretch of the imagination.

  2. Do you still have the RAV4? Certainly hope so!

  3. nice ride Batman

  4. When your hero stops quickly, does your nose hurt ?

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  6. "The prowler is a nice car but it is only a v-6"

    That's what Ron says, He says it is mostly a show car with nice lines, not a muscle car. but it still flies. I was afraid to drive his Vette, but I drove this.

  7. Nice Prowler Mr O'hare. Don't see many of them

  8. Sometimes I think my husband loves his corvette more than me :) LOL Although I enjoy driving it also, especially on gorgeous days like this weekend. Sometimes I take my daughter out in it just for a drive with the top down :)

  9. Convertibles get terrible gas mileage, more Eco terrorism from the far right cuckoos what's next a weekend flight in a dirigible inflated with bovine flatulence?

    Blue Badger

  10. 9:14 you drive with your Top Down???

  11. @12:39 uh huh.... and I can even drive a six-speed

  12. What year is the vette? Mine is a 2007.

  13. @3:13 2003 50th Anniversary maroon, 350hp 6-speed convertible.

  14. I'm surprised that his fat ass fits in the seats.I could not either with a sidearm .

  15. That car is quite an upgrade from the POS RAV4.


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