Local Government TV

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Opinions Online, 5/28/16

Blogger's Note: Opinions Online is a regular Saturday feature. If you'd like to express your opinion on any topic, click on the Opinions Online button on my left sidebar. You can also call 385-325-2564. In addition to these submissions, I sometimes highlight comments from throughout the week and re-publish them here. Please keep your comments brief, if possible.


Feds Issue New Target Letters in Fed Ed case: Bernie do have a list of everyone who received fed letters today

Blogger's Reply: New Target Letters in the Fed Ed cases were sent a week ago, and I believe some went to union bosses, but I have no details.


Are LANTA bus drivers safe? : The facts that LANTA drivers have to maneuver a large vehicle and keep to a schedule aren't justification for them to completely ignore right of way rules on the road and cut into traffic whenever they feel like it. I see this daily. They just pull into traffic no matter who or what is coming, forcing the other party to slam on the brakes.


Lehigh County Vendors: The Lehigh County Commissioners need to ask questions about how Muller and Gang arrived at Stevens and Lee and Concord Finance to help shepherd through a bond.

Stevens and Lee is involved with many Lehigh County organizations and parts of the county government. It seems Blake Marles is always at a meeting representing some developer or some developer or business interest.

Mike Setley from Concord Finance got into some trouble in Reading. The city's water authority is also in the bond business and also uses Concord Finance. Turns out that Setley was also the solicitor to the authority at the same time and ended up being a big issue during a forensic audit of the authority.

The County has to ask itself - to whom does a big bond benefit? Don't assume it is the County.

Blogger's Reply: Concord Public Finance has been involved in several swaptions as well as the Bethlehem Tp streetlight scam. That firm is known for pay-to-play. But Blake Marles is perhaps one of the finest lawyers I know.


Fred Windish continues to advocate Donald Trump: Now that many unbound delegates have said they'll vote for Trump, enough to make him nominee. it's time for ALL Republicans in Congress to support their candidate and work to WIN for a change. Shouldn't that be the goal?

On the Democratic side, seems to me, Hillary needs to drop out. I rarely read any comments listing reasons to support her over Trump. Beyond the usual "Trump is bad," or "It's time for a woman president," there isn't much.

Time for Hillary to court Sanders as VP?

Fred Windish


Transparency in local government: Why don't the Lehigh Valley Planning Commission or the Lehigh County Conservation District post their budgets and audits? The Conservation District has no posted minutes since January. The Planning Commission does not post any minutes from their committees.


  1. National Review: "Both are walking impeachment risks who would bring horror shows of unending scandal and shame to the Oval Office. The American people need the chance to make a better choice. Given the stakes of the election, to simply leave the race to Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump is to guarantee a terrible presidency marked by incompetence and cronyism. There is just one hope — however slim — of avoiding this national disaster: America needs a third option." Wishful, but this is totally unrealistic.

    In 34 years of voting, this is the first time that I am truly disillusioned with my choices. I can't stand the thought of a Clinton presidency. I fear a Trump presidency. McGinty is a Dem tool. Toomey helped to create the current DC dysfunction by helping to make center-right GOPs a threatened status when he was president of the Club for Growth in the early 2000s. I no longer live in Charlie Dent's district thanks to PA's gerrymandering. Quite the predicament for someone who believes you get the government you deserve by who you vote/don't vote for....

    Interesting read, if anyone is bored this weekend: http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2016/04/america-tyranny-donald-trump.html

  2. I can only assume those organizations don't post anything because they are corrupt and hiding something. Plain and simple, they do not want to be transparent.

    The corruption in the Lehigh Valley is disgusting. Not one person from any of these organizations has said anything about Pawlowski and his "gang". Every single person is waiting for the FBI to take care of the corruption in the Valley. Allentown City Council tells the public to sit down and shut up and wait for the FBI to do something.

    No one will bite the hand that feeds them. Shame on them all.

    1. Rich, I agree. Its almost as if they are waiting and hoping not to be implicated. I truly hope our citizens make the right choice in the future on voting for someone who is not connected to any of these individuals. Someone who is grassroots and truly cares about the rights of each citize. On top of it all someone who will hold him or herself accountable first, before they hold someone else accountable. Collectively we are stronger. I intend to help with thag cause!--LDG

    2. Rich, I agree. Its almost as if they are waiting and hoping not to be implicated. I truly hope our citizens make the right choice in the future on voting for someone who is not connected to any of these individuals. Someone who is grassroots and truly cares about the rights of each citize. On top of it all someone who will hold him or herself accountable first, before they hold someone else accountable. Collectively we are stronger. I intend to help with thag cause!--LDG

  3. It is about time someone look into the Musty Muller regime. The odorous shenanigans coming out of the Lehigh County Government Center has been going on for a few years.

  4. The buses do run up to our bumpers and scare drivers. They do pull out in front of other traffic especially on Lehigh, Hanover and Union Boulevard. If a bus shames into our cars they can kill our loved ones.

    "e LANTA bus drivers safe? : The facts that LANTA drivers have to maneuver a large vehicle and keep to a schedule aren't justification for them to completely ignore right of way rules on the road and cut into traffic whenever they feel like it. I see this daily. They just pull into traffic no matter who or what is coming, forcing the other party to slam on the brakes."

  5. Right on Fred, the first thing someone should ask Hillary is "why do you want to be President",

    1. Ask the bigot Trump the same question. My best financial years were under a Clinton a Presidency.

  6. Rich: It's clear that "Fed Ed" and a bunch of his Allentown cronies are a corrupt scourge holding back Allentown & the Lehigh Valley. But, we shouldn't throw out the baby with the bath water. Accusing every government agency of corruption is not a good way to retain or recruit those who actually do good work or want to do good work in government.

    Tearing everything down is liking spraying bullets into a crowded room with a few bad actors, when what is required is a sniper to just take out the troublemakers. We must have faith that this is what the FBI is doing and because we have due process, this takes time.

    You and your family took a lot of risk in Allentown when not much else was going on ... I understand your frustration.

  7. Why is Obama talking about U.S. presidential candidates on foreign soil?

    Where is the media? What if President Bush had said overseas that a one term senator with no executive experience was not ready for presidency?

  8. No one knows precisely who 'murdered' Mr. Foster but there have been dozens of people entangled with the Clinton's who have been found dead.

  9. Inasmuch as there actually is a choice this election, this is the rare election in my lifetime:

    Trump: nationalist, America First, border control

    Clinton: globalist, Muslim refugees and wall street bankers first, border less world

    It's really a pretty easy choice.

  10. Regarding the comment about the Reading Area Water Authority.

    There was no Forensic Audit.

    The Board voted March 31st 2016 to stop single contracted service provider from having multiple contracts.

    Concord is no long financial adviser to the Authority

  11. Fred,
    You make a valid point. However, the last 8 years have shown it has nothing to do with the facts. It all depends on which candidate has a larger group of believers in empty promises. Tell enough of them what they want to hear, and you're in. This election will boil down to patriotism vs. more government handouts, regardless of the facts.

  12. We all know that people will vote for Hillary because she is a woman. Never mind the fact that she couldn't hold down a steady job for more than 8 years.

  13. Why doesn't Obama go to Pearl Harbor and apologize to the dead still buried there?

    1. the real story here is that the Japanese prime minister will NOT go to Pearl Harbor to honor America's dead as a result of their actions on December 7th , 1941 yet Obama still goes to Hiroshima to honor all those Japanese killed as a result of Americas "EVIL"deed .
      And liberals want to add Obama's face to Mount Rushmore . How dare these liberals even consider such an action !

  14. There IS something to what you write, 9:39 AM.

    Elections ARE Marketing. But, for me, elections are more about PRAGMATISM. Every so many years, citizens need to "step back, take account of things, and respond appropriately." This year more critical than ever.

    As American citizens, we are NOT better off than we were a decade ago. The path we are on, a move to globalist decision-making, will destroy us. Like Europe is being dissolved NOW. Stop this, before it's too late!

    We have 3 candidates before us. From this group, given my dim view of our current destination, Trump is the best option. I see Trump, not as member of any given political party. I see him rather as an EMBLEM, a CATALYST. Trump represents an immediate and decisive HALT to where we are headed.

    Now that Clinton has essentially promised to remove our borders and reduce our national sovereignty (NBC News/May23) she's out. Who really knows what goes on in Sander's head? So . . . that leaves Trump.

    Like 9:09 AM, the correct choice before me in November is EASY. That's pragmatism we ALL need to demonstrate.

    Fred Windish

    1. Trump has awaken the racists and xenophobes in this country. He won't win the majority of American people see him for what he is, a buffoon.

    2. If you pulled your head out of your liberal ass you might have noticed that Trump supporters come from all sides of the fence . That's why Pennsylvania had a huge number of voters switching parties from Democrat to Republican . Most American people want borders , hate Islamic terrorism ,hate illegal immigration , are tired of political correctness . All of this brought on by the worst president in American history Barack Hussein Obama . The majority of Americans aren't left leaning libtards !

    3. You're the one with his head up his ass. Trump is a loser, loser

    4. Anon 3:27 . Forget Trump for a second .. Any Democrat over 45 years old that votes for Hillary has no moral conscious . The Clintons behavior has singularly destroyed the moral fiber of young people in this country . It cannot be refuted . Throw in Benghazi , Email scandle and her lack of accomplishment as a Senator and Secretary of State and what you have is an unelectable feminist hag .

  15. Hillary Clinton has mush for brains and zero accomplishments. Her only "qualification" for the Presidency is her insatiable lust for power. Definitely not any accomplishments worth mentioning, especially legal ones.

    Her only recognizable skill set is her ability to avoid prosecution for her many lies and her rampant corruption, and I strongly suspect that even this is the work of 'others' rather than her own abilities to 'game the system'.

    Her singular claim to fame (other than her many scandals) is that she is married to a former President... an impeached, scandal-ridden President, at that.

    What a completely wretched creature she is. "Crooked Hillary" is a monkier that fits her perfectly.

  16. Fred @11:06,
    I wholeheartedly agree. But, with a good number of today's society, all they're interested in is "what's in it for me?". The uninformed masses will vote for whoever gives them the free cheese, free cell phone, the free housing. They're so obsessed with getting theirs, that the consequences will be ignored. I truly hope that enough enlightened and conscientious people come out and vote in November. Otherwise, this Nation will be in deep doo-doo.

  17. The enlightened and conscientious American voter will come out in November as always and will defeat Trump's attempt to ruin this great country. Keep America great send the Clintons back to the White House.

  18. @2:18
    Wish we could send the Clintons packing. But, with "takers" in such great numbers, Trump faces an uphill battle. The enlightened aren't the ones with the free cell phones.

  19. Vandals deface Vietnam war memorial.
    Purple Heart plant bed ripped apart.
    American Flags pulled from park honoring military.

    Democrats love to spit on Vietnam Veterans. But this is nothing new, I remember the Carter years of the 1970s very well. After all, we were "Baby Killers".

    Happy Memorial Day.

    1. Nobody in their right mind would spit on any veteran or make such a stupid statement. My guess is more democrats than republicans fought on Vietnam

    2. True but Democrats back then were Kennedy Democrats not the pansy liberal far left loons that dominate the party today .

  20. Many Democrats still defending hillary Clinton - the words are different but it all boils down to one defense:

    Please make it go away
    Please make it go away
    Please make it go away

    Oh God - Please make it go away

    TS/SCI on an unauthorized non secure private server- not going away and neither is the FBI - hope you-like Bernie the socialist. Take a look at Venesuela, that's the future Bernie has planned for you.

  21. Sad to read so many people defending either Trump of Hillary. They are both different sides of the same coin. The the "Powers" fear Bernie Sanders. He sees the future and the robber barons and their dumbed down mobs are terrified.

    Only one sane choice for America, Bernie Sanders.

  22. My Uncle was a marine wounded at Iwo Jima. He was also an FDR/JFK ardent democrat. He and many other democrats fought the wars that allow your freedom to make such dumb asanine statements. If he were alive today and heard you say this he'd kick your ass

    1. Last comment was for jackass 4:33

  23. Ed Pawlowski is the only one smart enough to hire a decent lawyer fom outside lehigh. All of the usual lehigh valley lawyers promise their clients success only to get them to cop a plea to avoid a longer prison sentence. Lehigh is a cesspool of corruption including the courthouse, local lawyers and prosecutors.

  24. Too many political statements on this. I can read the Clinton v Trump stuff all over the web. This should be for local discussion

  25. @5:41pm Too bad John Karoly has been disbarred. He'd be a fine criminal lawyer for Mayor Pawlowski

  26. I changed from a spring to a summer photo :)

  27. I prefer the local as well, but this is when readers can choose the topics.

  28. Korey Lewd-and-NastyMay 28, 2016 at 6:02 PM

    Bernie, as head of the Drumpf campaign I would like to extend to you a huuuuuuugeeee opportunity to become President Drumpf's czar of the war on women. Your tract record/victim list is impressive; Karen Dolan, Tricia Mezzacappa, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Kathy Allen, and Dianne Donaher. The only requirement is you dress in business casual as your normal attire of sweatsuits would attract sneers from the fashion conscious libtards.

  29. That list isn't very impressive.

  30. Bernie,
    I would have like to have redd about cival war hero's statues and trusts or one of the many other veterans that this weekend is to honor and celebrate?!
    Only in America and on your blog would we instead be reading about born and raised domestic terrorists piliging any and all monies, thinking this is going to buy there way out of HELL?! Than the twistZ on who and what presidential canadate is the best?!
    Well Hell anything would be better than the sunk ship careening into the abyss of America's future?!
    Re:publican redd

  31. Bernie new target letters in the fed Ed case? Or communication interception letters like the morning call mentioned last week? Please clarify.

  32. I'm told there was a new round of target letters, but obviously, have not seen them.

  33. Any clue who recieved them?

  34. Interesting that a blogger that censors all public comment criticizes LVR for not.

  35. Your tract record/victim list is impressive; Karen Dolan, Tricia Mezzacappa, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Kathy Allen, and Dianne Donaher.
    Nobody is buying your anti-women bullshit. He has written plenty about men who do no service to their community, or are just assholes like the list you provided.

  36. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Your tract record/victim list is impressive; Karen Dolan, Tricia Mezzacappa, Ce-Ce Gerlach, Kathy Allen, and Dianne Donaher.

    So Bernie made Dolan keep poor financials and Gerlach an as-needed scholarship? Please.

  37. I experience the comment about the planning commission and conservation district since I have to deal with both. I sometimes think they are run by the same people. Both don't return your phone calls. Request for information out of both places is a federal case. The planning commission has a hard time keeping staff. They have one guy doing stormwater reviews and it takes longer then it should.

  38. "Everyone else is doing it daddy. Why can't I?"

    Hillary Clinton's defense of her private email server

  39. @3:37 I can't help but notice how crude and ugly the Clinton supporters act.

    But then, my father told me that the worst thing you can do to a liberal is to tell them facts. They always act ugly afterwards.

    1. Seems to me Trump supporters are no angels. It appears this may be the most negative hateful election in history. That's sad.

    2. I don't recall very many friendly POTUS elections. The difference is that traditionally the lame stream media chose the path. Today the playing field is level and the pendulum of information swings the other way.

      Good for Bernie to call out the local cretins.

  40. @4:44on If Mrs Clinton had any real achievements to run on, then she would have something to run on other than digging up dirt.

    What has she actually been successful doing, besides marrying Bill and becoming First Lady ?

  41. My mom just called and told me that Yocco's was closing it's original location at Liberty & Park Street.

    Is this true ? How sad if it is

  42. I just looked on the Morning Call website. It's true. We go there when we come up to Allentown because my husband likes the origional. It's usually crowded in there as well

    A sad day.

  43. Liberals have always hated America. Progressive liberals are the modern day communists.

    Vote for America and Americans, vote for Trump.
    Make America Great Again. Not since Ronald Reagan!

  44. Hoped more people would comment on the LANTA thing...it's going to cause a major accident one day. It's obvious that the drivers are trained to ignore traffic when they are coming out of a stop - they are taking the attitude that they have right of way. I'm sure the decision is based on scheduling, and a feeling that the buses would be delayed if they followed proper traffic rules.

    Traffic laws are clear - if a vehicle is pulled over to the side of the road, with its four way flashers on, that vehicle MUST ensure it does not impede the flow of traffic when it rejoins traffic. Let me know when you see a LANTA bus wait for a clear spot in traffic when pulling out from a pick up/drop off - it will pretty much be the first time it is has happened.

  45. @9:09,
    I wouldn't go so far as to say that they are trained to ignore traffic. But, they are trained to keep on schedule. If some drivers think that means disregarding safety, then those drivers have to go. Having been in the transportation business for 25 years, I know keeping a schedule is difficult.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.