Local Government TV

Friday, May 27, 2016

Ce-Ce Gerlach, Sell-Out

I first grew suspicious of political activist and Allentown School Board member Ce-Ce Gerlach last Fall. Allentown students, even middle school students, were being encouraged to cut classes by the Queen City's very own pied piper, Michael Frassetto. I asked her, as someone whom I had been told was a leader, to speak out. She never did. Nor did she bother to respond to several messages from me

She failed my basic test. She is neither accountable nor transparent.

But she's been very useful for NIZ advocates like J.B. Reilly. On television shows concerning the NIZ, she has often been propped up as an anti-NIZ voice, mostly because her arguments are easily defused. She's been a useful idiot. More informed NIZ opponents like Dr. Steve Thode or Michael Molovinsky are usually passed over.

She now has her reward. On her Facebook page, there's this: "I have been accepted into Desales University to earn my degree in Management & Leadership. Thank you City Center (never thought I'd say that...lol) and Trexler Trust for this opportunity."

Lots of people are oohing and ahhing, many of them the very same people who have spoken out against Fed Ed.

But like him, she is also a prostitute. Crony capitalists J.B. Reilly and the Trexler Trust will pay her college bill at DeSales. She will claim to be a voice of the people, so long as those people are Democrats. But she is now officially a sell-out, a servant of the urban growth regime

Gee, I wonder how anxious she will be now to pursue an appeal in the Allentown School District challenge to the NIZ.

While they crony capitalists play her, she will play the crowd and likely will present herself next year as a candidate for Allentown City Council


  1. WTF? First of all, what does "Ce-Ce" stand for? Seems like a bogus attempt to sound like a celebrity, which she is clearly not. And why would she thank City Line or the Trexler Trust for her acceptance into a college program? Are you implying that they are helping to pay her tuition? No way Trexler would do that.

  2. How could a non-profit with Trexler Trust's mission ever justify helping to pay tuition for a private citizen? Do they sponsor an open scholarship st DeSales, and if so under what justification? Just cause Gambit is on their board?

  3. I am implying nothing. She said it all herself. She is a sell out.

  4. Wow this is mind-blowing,alhough I guess maybe it shouldn't be. In the case of Reilly, it seems like she's boldfacedly admitting to taking a bribe. I have no clue however, As to why the trexler trust should be giving her any money towards her college education.

  5. She is an elected school director with the very school district that just lost a claim against the NIZ. This scholarship conveniently comes during the appeal period. What kills me is all the people congratulating her for being a sell-out.

  6. She is the personal dupe of the Hamilton Street elite who they'll front for mayor in 2017. She is articulate but dumb, a perfect fit for an urban inner-city puppet like Guridy and Mota. J.B. and the boys must be licking their chops since their current dupe, Fed Ed, will be out of the picture. Allentown, a city without limits [or values].

    1. Bernie,
      It is and shall always be called the notorious Hamilton street gang o thugs, perpetrators of public betterment? This is all while the entire rest of the town rotts from the inside out?!

      Claiming of ignorance in there underhanded dealings public and private colluded together as one big infection, hence my description of the triboro and epicentral being the ASShole?!

  7. there is exactly no one who can find negativity in an educational scholarship. Get help....oh, thats right, no will will touch you with a ten foot pole. Sucks to be you.

    What a sad life you lead.

  8. You "grow suspicious" when someone does not answer your calls? Your a disgruntled egomaniac without a job. A standing ovation for Ce-Ce Gerlach.

  9. http://citycenterlehighvalley.com/desales-university-announces-center-city-allentown-revitalization-scholarship-program-for-niz-residents/

    Trexler Trust is clearly a participant in this program.

  10. She is so transparent, a self-serving politician who publicly advocates for the poor and the disenfranchised while privately getting whatever she can get for herself. I think Ce Ce will do great in City Hall or the State House. Reminds me a lot of Fed Ed and Sam Bennett, all she needs to do now is start comping meals then arrange a do nothing job with a lucrative salary and she will be all set for a career in politics.

  11. Don't forget that Father Gambet, who doesn't live in Allentown., was a majpr campaign contributor during Fed Ed's Mayoral runs.

  12. Bernie,
    Good investigative reporting here. Never heard a word about this. What does her message mean? Trexler Trust? Did they give her a scholarship? $100,000 four years? Wow. Since when do the trustees allocate college student funding? Isn't their job to protect the city's parks. Are they? This woman easily could secure school loans like most students do.

  13. If CeCe plans a house run, Schweyer better look into unemployment.

  14. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    You "grow suspicious" when someone does not answer your calls? Your a disgruntled egomaniac without a job. A standing ovation for Ce-Ce Gerlach.

    4:39 AM

    Who wrote this? CeCe.

  15. She never thought it was inappropriate to accept a gift from a person who does business with the city and was on the other end of a lawsuit she supported as an elected official? Lack of judgement or just more of the same, same old in Allentown.

  16. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Trexler Trust is clearly a participant in this program.

    4:53 AM

    Thank you. If only a judge would challenge this wayward direction for a trust that was first established to protect the city's parks! Why only NIZ area students? Hope some South Side college-bound students take this edict to court.

  17. Bernie
    Did she really sell-out or take all?

  18. Ce-Ce aa well as most of the Allentown School Board should be voted out of office for supporting the latest teacher's contract that allows taxpayer money to fund a "ghost" teacher's salary and benefits. Not one of them has what it takes to stand up against the union. Why? Because the union funds their campaign.

  19. Are NIX resident eligible for the scholarship or just NIZ politicians.

  20. How did this deal take place? Was this scholarship opportunity publicized in the Call or all Allentown high schools? How many applicants were there? Who decided the winners? Maybe not illegal but certainly unbecoming for a school board member to even consider taking a personal opportunity versus a 17-year-old impoverished student whose life could forever be altered by a DeSales scholarship?

  21. We need Judge Young.

  22. 1:35 AM describes this "development" as I would.

    The young women is being GROOMED for higher elective office. I also agree, she is the kind of elected official who can be manipulated. She's having a good time, and will want to continue that. Just what the real players look for.

    Fred Windish

  23. Woman of the Year.

  24. Does she need to pay income tax on this money?

  25. C C (stands for Corrupt Clown) is hardly young. So how does she get selected for this scholarship? I have the same questions as a previous poster. Why does a non-profit whose primary purpose is to preserve public parks in Allentown and Lehigh County, which everyone can benefit from, offer scholarships to individuals, which only benefit recipients? General Trexler is rolling over in his grave. How were the scholarships advertised, and what was the selection process? Cannot believe that CC is do brilliant and deserving that she was selected above other candidates. What a farce!

  26. "The young women" Forty years old is hardly young woman.

  27. She took opportunity from high schoolers.


  28. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    How did this deal take place? Was this scholarship opportunity publicized in the Call or all Allentown high schools? How many applicants were there? Who decided the winners? Maybe not illegal but certainly unbecoming for a school board member to even consider taking a personal opportunity versus a 17-year-old impoverished student whose life could forever be altered by a DeSales scholarship?

    7:16 AM

    State Auditor General should investigate.

  29. I remember in the last school board election I asked Ms. Gerlach on her Facebook page whether she believed Allentown should continue to directly seize "dues" from the paychecks of education professionals conscripted into the forced-membership NEA or let the union commissars do their own work in bringing in the cash.

    Not an unreasonable question from a long-time taxpayer, right?

    I was summarily banned from asking any more questions.

    She's probably not the worst that Allentown has seen by any stretch, but she obviously has the typical leftist world view.

  30. Gerlach is a self-serving charlatan who demonstrated her immaturity when she supported the student walkout. She is a disgrace on the ASD board. And now she has the nerve to brag about a scholarship she didn't earn or deserve. Someone should investigate how the Trexler Trust made this pathetic decision.

  31. Maybe that is her reward for supporting inexperienced Ben.

    749, that award was given to a member of team Fleck for gutter ball politics.

  32. Can't wait till CC sues you for defamation, prostitute? You have chutzpah Golem.

  33. In this life, when you have opportunities, you have to seize them. Good for her.

  34. BO, very good work. Wouldn't have known of this otherwise. These "politicians" are nincompoops. She, like others, took to facebook and incriminated herself. Smart "young" girl.....

  35. Suggest you apologize for your Trumpian derogatory description of this public servant as a prostitute,

  36. 7:16/7:58

    The Auditor General only stages press conferences wherein he opines that laws aren't broken, but should have been, and that he hates charter schools.

    He's a self-serving buffoon. Why do these idiots have press conferences when they have nothing to say?

  37. That entire city is bought and paid for.

    Just a matter of where you set your price.

  38. crooked ce-ce, she's as crooked as they come.

  39. "Suggest you apologize for your Trumpian derogatory description of this public servant as a prostitute,"

    Prostitute is exactly the right word to use. She sold herself for 30 pieces of silver. I won't apologize for being truthful.

  40. This comes as good news and I think this opportunity can be viewed in different ways. I would hope this would energize her even more to help people that truly need a hand up to a more self sustaining future. I am really concerned how these charters schools are seemingly overcharging the district and taking resources away from main stream students. Our public system need core strengthening and more responsible parenting.

  41. "You "grow suspicious" when someone does not answer your calls? Your a disgruntled egomaniac without a job. A standing ovation for Ce-Ce Gerlach."

    Elected officials who refuse to respond to questions about important issues lack accountability and transparency. Gerlach refused to answer my questions bc it might have cost her votes to actually stake out a position. At that point, I knew she was a phony. I take a very dim view of local pols who ignore questions. It has nothing to do with ego, and everything to do with their responsibility as public officials.

  42. >"This comes as good news and I think this opportunity can be viewed in different ways. I would hope this would energize her even more to help people that truly need a hand up to a more self sustaining future. I am really concerned how these charters schools are seemingly overcharging the district and taking resources away from main stream students. Our public system need core strengthening and more responsible parenting."

    To those wearing blinders this can be viewed as "good news" so long as Gerlach continues to support the teachers' union and oppose charter schools.

  43. Bernie,

    Ce-Ce has a well established record of telling people what she thinks they want to hear. I had to laugh when Republican voters on the west end recounted her campaign pledges to me. It wasn't the rhetoric of the Ce-Ce I know or what she was telling Democratic voters. I believe she suspects Allentonians are too dumb to catch on. That is a pretty safe bet.

  44. If you look at the Trexler Trust website, their list of grantees includes DeSales University "to provide scholarships for one year to ACCESS students residing in the Neighborhood Improvement Zone." ACCESS programs are generally for "non-traditional" adult students trying to earn a degree while working. Not sure what the thinking was to confine the Trexler scholarships to those living in the NIZ. But it would appear as though Ce-Ce like any other adult living in that zone can apply and potentially earn a scholarship. Trexler granted $50 K to DeSales for this program. One year scholarships. Not sure how much each one is worth.

  45. 12:13,

    All that is well and good,perhaps, however when an elected city officail, in the case case school board, is the recipient that raises red flags. Both sides should have known better.

  46. I have no issue with Stecker Trust awarding scholarships. I do have a big issue with Me-Me accepting a scholarship funded by JB Reilly's NIZ when she is a member of the school board that has challenged the NIZ tax. The appeal period is still pending, and she is now conflicted. She has sold out.

  47. "Elected officials who refuse to respond to questions about important issues lack accountability and transparency. Gerlach refused to answer my questions bc it might have cost her votes to actually stake out a position. At that point, I knew she was a phony. I take a very dim view of local pols who ignore questions. It has nothing to do with ego, and everything to do with their responsibility as public officials."

    This is an elected official who applauds Gerlach. Responding or answering to a life long psychopath who has no regard for anyone or any issue, and who also spends his entire life lying about people, twisting everything to suit his agenda , and takes pride in being a disbarred attorney, is a great decision. You have no respect for anyone including yourself, and are a pure disgrace to any issue, political or not. Your sole intent to harass and pick fights from behind a computer because you are a life long coward who is so damaged as a human being, filled with hatred, that you cannot have any type of functional life. Grow the hell up.

  48. The above elected official is obviously Tricia Nezzacappa, who was elected with ten write-ins. She is consumed by hart red, and for someone who claims I stalk her, can't seem to leave me alone.

  49. This is an elected official who applauds Gerlach. Responding or answering to a life long psychopath who has no regard for anyone or any issue, and who also spends his entire life lying about people, twisting everything to suit his agenda , and takes pride in being a disbarred attorney, is a great decision. You have no respect for anyone including yourself, and are a pure disgrace to any issue, political or not. Your sole intent to harass and pick fights from behind a computer because you are a life long coward who is so damaged as a human being, filled with hatred, that you cannot have any type of functional life. Grow the hell up.

    I believe outside of political circles, this is called a "journalist".

    The targets of stories always pretend their words are twisted or the article is lying. If you don't want to be questioned, don't run for public office.

  50. Very bad judgement on the part of Gerlach.

    But, some points on this readers seem to have wrong:
    1. The scholarships are for the ACCESS program, which is geared towards ADULTS looking to complete their bachelor's degrees while working full time elsewhere.
    2. She didn't compete with kids - this is for adults.
    3. Each class in the ACCESS program costs about $1300, and about 40 scholarships are being awards, with Trexler funding the bulk of the scholarship.

    She cannot fairly represent the people of the ASD while taking away a scholarship intended for the truly needy and impoverished. She "qualifies" for this scholarship, but it's clear from the write-up of the scholarship, the intention was to lift up people who needed a hand. Ce Ce has already become a prominent resident of Allentown, and while I have no knowledge of her personal income, she clearly is not "needy."

  51. PS - I just loved that someone who is too afraid to identify themselves calls Bernie a coward! That cracks me up.

    Shooting the messenger, instead of dealing with the message itself, is the oldest trick in the book. Frankly, the writing is far too coherent for me to think it's TM. Plus, at 1:18 PM, I rather do think it's an elected official - a do nothing elected official just sitting on a blog past lunchtime. Wow, thanks for all your hard work, anonymous elected official. You're doing a great job picking apart someone you seem to think is worthless. (I think it's TM's nap time now, anyways.)

  52. Monkey Momma - all good points. I envision these scholarships for adults living in the NIZ who are impoverished or with very limited incomes i.e. part-time jobs within the NIZ. The scholarships would enable them to attend college, and improve their opportunities for full time work and a career ladder. How in the world does Ce-Ce even qualify for a scholarship? She already has a bachelor's degree from Cedar Crest, and works full-time as a teacher at the Children's Home of Easton! She is taking precious non-profit trust dollars away from far more deserving applicants. And then has the gall to brag about it on her Facebook page.

  53. This reminds me of your story on Lisa Pawlowski bragging on Facebook about the free home renovations and the man cave that were done by City contract recipients without any permits. And of course like Fed Ed himself collecting six figures and shaking down restaurants for comped meals. When will any elected or appointed officials in Allentown be honest and ethical? Now we have JB Reilly providing gifts to city politicians? Where does it end? Why is the Trexler Trust paying for a politicians college degree? This is insane. Thanks to LVR for your "muckraking" at least there is one venue that exposes this type of abuses.

  54. I definitely agree with Bernie's expose'. She has a conflict of interest. However allowing these comments trashing Ce Ce beyond this is uncalled for. She like many others in public life don't deserve this kind of public humiliation. Nothing wrong with calling her out on this issue. Another to hatefully attack her.

  55. Unless Ce Ce is seeking another Bachelor Degree of a Graduate degree, I though she already had a degree in education from Cedar Crest College.

    From a Matt Assad article of September 26, 2016

    Allentown officials like to promote the city's resurgent downtown as a place where people can live, work or play. DeSales University would like to add "learn" to that list.

    DeSales on Thursday unveiled its Center City Allentown Revitalization Scholarship program, which will offer free classes to adults who live in the Neighborhood Improvement Zone. The scholarships for classes in DeSales' ACCESS program are designed to help working adults living in the struggling neighborhoods surrounding the arena tax incentive district that's seen $1 billion worth of new development.

    "It's designed to fit the busy lives of adults with jobs, families and other responsibilities," said Deborah Booros, dean of Lifelong Learning at DeSales, based in Center Valley. "This is aimed at non-traditional students ages 25 and older."

    The $60,000 in scholarships is funded by $50,000 provided by the Harry C. Trexler Trust and $10,000 from City Center Investment Corp., the NIZ's largest private developer.

    On an other matter we of the East Side have griped that Allentown official have urged Trexler Fund and United Way to support the NIZ district and downtowns in Bethlehem and Easton to such a point that Mosser Village's funding was totally cut back or reduced because of the above emphasis.

    Ce Ce lives in the NIZ district so she may have the right to apply for the scholardhip but as a school board director she has an higher obligation to the public... The question I ask, had she been not serving on the Allentown School Board would she been selected for the program?

  56. I believe that I posted the harshest attack when I called her a prostitute, but believe the criticism to be warranted. She is for sale. Also, there is nothing personal in any of the attacks by anonymous readers.

  57. Horse shit Bernie- Veterans are returning from shooting conflicts and find it hard to make ends meet in college--This is why almost combat vets EVER are at Lafayette anymore. This 'knucklehead ' worms in ON a tax free expense. She is nothing .

  58. Bernie,
    If only you could ask CeCe what made her think she has the right to apply for a college scholarship when she already had one college diploma and many NIZ residents have none?

  59. Note to Dennis P.
    Every time I drive past the former now abandoned dealership on Hanover Avenue, I think of your 30 year efforts to bring jobs and industry to the East Side. You are a hero to many.

  60. I am going to guess the track record you have with a certain prominent Democrat activist, blogger, and substitute arts teacher may have influenced Ce Ce's decision to snub you. Trashing a grieving family for years turns some off it seems...

  61. Bernie,
    Sitting on edge of chair pins and needleZ poking every pore of my very being?
    So hopping this weeks opinions will be dedicated to the many war hero's that fought and died for this nation?! This and the children are the only thing to be a true value, instead of were some wants to piss and shit agenda driven to devert by design?!
    Re:publican redd

  62. This is just another hit p0iece on someone who didn't kiss O'Hare's ass. This is not a journalist, he has an agenda of hate on some and fawning love on others. He bends his stories s to fit his agenda.

    The haters on this blog are mindless lemmings who dance like monkeys to his dog whistle. Calling a woman working to improve herself a "prostitute" tells all you need to know about O'Hare. Maybe we should just call him Bernie Trump.

    All his mancrushes that have taken money are not being "paid off" just ask Bernie Trump!

  63. Bernie even had the poor taste to bash her on the linked FB posting, no one batted an eye and he was resoundingly ignored! Bravo friends of CeCe, rise about Golem's venom!

  64. Wonder if the Trust even reviewed applications. Did they bother? Loss of integrity.

  65. "She's been a useful idiot" , according to the writer.
    Seems to be the method of operation for this city , the state and the country. this is borderline criminal. but , like the Clintons, nothing will be done. talk about a conflict of interest. and once again, as usual;, everyone rips her to shreds , but she will be voted in by those same people. who is the sell out....a hack politician or the useful idiots who vote bc she is a democrat. we expect the politician to be a sell out...and now we see the voting base is just as foolish. so hows that one party rule working out for the People? It isn't and never has. This operation is close to a third world country in terms of how the city is being run.

  66. Hmmm.. where did I hear of a politician abusing a scholarship program? That would be my home of Dallas Texas. We had Democrat Congress woman, Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson , who awarded up to $20,000 in 15 scholarships to two grandsons, two great-nephews, and aide Rod Givens' children between 2005 and 2008.
    Yes she was spanked for this big time ethic violation in 2010, but that was it. no accountability and she kept her job and was voted in for another term and won 69% of the vote. Ethics , morals and the courage to t=do the right thing doesn't matter to most of the real useful idiots, the voters.

    Whether it is one dollar or 100,000 dollars , it should be 100% illegal.


  67. Anon 6:18, it's called honesty. Try it sometime. I posted a comment on her Facebook to give her an opportunity to explain herself. She didn't, in yet another confirmation of my assessment that she is a fake, a fraud and a phony.

  68. Blog Mentor @ 5:38, your "guess" as usual is wrong. Me-me refused to do a thing when your wife whined about not being picked up as a teacher. She apparently thought she had some divine right. You are irrelevant.

  69. most of these people who claim to be serving the community could careless about the promises they made to get elected. it is scams like this that makes many see that govt is not for the people or by the people. if you had enough.. vote them all out and start over. this is an epidemic in this city , in the state and in the country. As the govt officials become more and more corrupt, the country is sinking faster than ever. does this deserve some type of investigation?

  70. They way I look at it, her scholarship is a gift and has to be reported on her ethics form. I also believe she is barred from voting on any matter involving Trexler Trust or and City Center outfit. If she recuses herself from the appeal decision against City Center and reports the gift, I believe she complies with the Ethics Act. If not, I will ask that she be charged. And now that I know for sure how she rolls, it's time to take a close look at her campaign finances.

  71. In one second , I could find 50 or more , deserving individuals who really need the assist from DeSales. This is so unethical it is sad. What is worse, she will get away with this. So as I read here, I see she is a teacher with a degree and a full time job and she needs to steal this opportunity from another person who really needs the help. If she did not have a side job of school board rip off artist , would she have even been considered for this ? I doubt it.

  72. This comment has been removed by the author.

  73. Bernie,
    Thank you for alerting us to this disgusting behavior from a school board member yet. She needs to decline the scholarship. Now! Thank you also for checking into her campaign donations.

  74. Everybody is for sale, some for more and some for a lot less.

    And the JBs of the world know this and use it daily

  75. Bernie
    As a nonprofit, shouldn't the trust announce all the scholarship winners?

  76. so her idea of being able to help the community is to enrich herself with opportunities meant for the People. Sounds a lot like Maxine Waters. She claims to be serving her voters , yet in 20 plus years the only person who was enriched from her work in the govt was her and her husbands bank. Both received cash, tarp money,12 million to be exact, and other goodies along the way. She literally called
    Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson in 2008 to lobby for 12 million , all in the name of helping minorities.



  77. Just saw where school Board is not going to appeal the Reichley ruling. So we have CeCe & also an attorney conflict with NIZ board part of this decision. They should have definitely appealed the 2 restaurants & get this out of the local chrony courts. Those restaurants should be taxable since they are open every day & not just during events at arena. That would be a sure fired winner at Commonwealth court. This decision by school board needs investigated--there is very little added cost to appeal to commonwealth court which makes this decision very suspect!!!

  78. If the school board voted to accept Reichley;s ruling in a closed door session, as Assad's article seems to suggest, thw Sunshine Act was violated. official action ust occur at an open meeting. They can deliberate in private, but the vote must be public. If Gerlach did not recuse herself, she violated the Ethics Act.

  79. "As a nonprofit, shouldn't the trust announce all the scholarship winners?"

    No. Many of you seem to be under the impression that the Trexler Trust is publicly funded and subject to RTK. To my knowledge it is not. Though some of its financial records must be made available upon request bcof the IRS tax exempt status, I do not believe it is subject to the same level of transparency as other nonprofits or local government.

  80. You're right Bernie. Trexler is a private not-for-profit trust that does not accept public donations. They have to provide stewardship reports and have other reporting requirements, but are not required to have open records. But in their report, they should provide names of scholarship recipients, just like they name grant beneficiaries.

  81. The Trexler Foundation does publicly list the non-profits that receive their grants each year, and the amounts. I don't know anything about scholarships.

  82. https://molovinskyonallentown.blogspot.com/2016/05/the-crucifixion-of-ce-ce-gerhart.html

    Response Bernie?

  83. love the people that keep claiming she violated ethics. so what.that used to be a big deal . now , nobody cares and they keep getting reelected.
    we have another politician from the area who casts votes for his fellow legislatures who are out of the country and HE GETS BUSTED doing so? any repercussions? NEVER..in fact I see signs to vote for the criminal one more time.

    the real issue is the lack of accountability. so what .now an ethics committee investigates and she gets a slap on the wrist and nothing is ever changed. same with Schlossberg. these ethic investigations are bogus to the max. those who break the rules / make the rules.

  84. This is nothing new. I'm reading a book about Benedict Arnold, who was outraged at the lack of public outcry following the Boston Massacre. The great failings of democracy are that (1) people by nature do not give a shit until something impacts them directly; and (2) people will condemn corruption but are unwilling to insist on ethical behavior by their own representatives.

  85. Certain __facts__ would be helpful here.

    The NIZ scholarships are for ONE CLASS only; it's not a "full ride" for a degree.

    The NIZ scholarships are for NIGHT SCHOOL ONLY; many other scholarship programs are in place to address needs of full-time students, but this one is specifically for night-school students, many of whom will be older than most full-time students.

    Ce-Ce Gerlach is not 40 years old, as one commenter above states as a fact; in fact, at the beginning of this year (2016), she was 29 years old.

    Ce-Ce Gerlach applied for a scholarship that is available to all NIZ residents (she is one). In a newspaper article from 8 months ago, it's clear that residents of the downtown area "NIZ" were eligible "to apply for the scholarships [if they] live in the city's 127-acre NIZ, fill out an application, and answer an essay explaining how they intend to effect change for the future of Allentown."

    The funding is 83% from the Trexler Trust, and 17% from J.B.Reilly's corporation.

    The total funding is $60,000; while i cannot find a list of everyone, the original newspaper article from 8 months ago said that they wanted to award approx. 40 scholarships (for ONE CLASS only, at approx. $1300 each).

  86. If the dictionary makers ever decide to list 'angry, bitter and resentful' as a single term, they could just put Scott Armstrong's picture up as the definition.

  87. I think your photograph would be far more apt. You should also belisted under "coward."

  88. Interesting comment from the guy running half a dozen phony names over at LVL...

  89. although this is a very old article, i recently did a search of ce-ce as I knew she was running for city council. which is seems as predicted in this blog not only did she run for but has been appointed to. no surprise. she cheated her way through college and continues to play the advocate for the poor people, always "wanting" to side with them but voting against the taxpayers of the city. she's a phony. perfect for a political career i guess.

  90. I think more clear evidence needs to be outlined if you're going to publicly discredit a person. This blog only informed me that CeCe Gerlach was studying management -- likely with government loans, and she didn't reply back for comment when requested. Did I get all the 'damning' facts correct? Any relevant updates since 2016?


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.