Local Government TV

Saturday, April 09, 2016

Opinions Online, 4/9/16

Blogger's Note:Opinions Online is a regular Saturday feature. If you'd like to express your opinion on any topic, click on the Opinions Online button on my left sidebar. You can also call 385-325-2564. In addition to these submissions, I sometimes highlight comments from throughout the week and re-publish them here.


Between eight and 14 .40 caliber bullet holes found at 112 N. Eighth St. in Allentown today. This is less than 50 yards from the arena.


I actually laughed at your recent blog concerning the City of Bethlehem council meeting...and the south side parking deck proposal. As my friends know, I have comments about the issues I find important to me. Congrat's on your ability to sum up briefly, the content of the meetings. I love the humor!! - Krisann Albanese


Presidential candidate John Kasich told a Republican crowd in Philly yesterday that "teachers are the most underpaid profession in the nation". - Scott Armstrong


Yesterday presidential candidate John Kasich told a Republican crowd in Philly that "teachers are the most underpaid profession in the nation".


Bishop Barres asks Catholics to oppose legislation which would remove the statute of limitations on lawsuits involving predator priests because of the potential financial damage to the Diocese. Hmmm


Bernie: I have not given up my R label. You and Morganelli can be written in, but the older I the less I cross.

Thank you for Thinking of Mary.- G. John Bryant, Jr.


Associated Press |
HARRISON TOWNSHIP, N.J. (AP) — A veteran newsman who served as the publisher and executive editor of a southern New Jersey newspaper will be leaving at month's end.

The South Jersey Times says both of Joseph Owens' positions were eliminated as part of a restructuring this month. He'd held the posts since May 2013.

Owens has worked as an editor and reporter for more than 30 years, winning numerous awards.

He previously was editor and vice president of content at The Express-Times in Easton, Pennsylvania, where he helped lead the launch of its website. Before that, he served in various positions at the Times Herald in Norristown, Pennsylvania, including managing editor, reporter, sports editor and columnist.

A Philadelphia native, Owens started his newspaper career in 1978 as a 15-year-old copy boy at the now-defunct Philadelphia Bulletin.

(Blogger's Note: The first time I met Joe Owens, he and I got into a shouting match. That should prove he's a good judge of character. Over time, I grew to respect and admire him. We had a hate-hate relationship. I loved his irreverent writing style, his passion and believe he really cared for the people who worked for him. They were willing to endure a lot, and had a lot of very justifiable pride. When people like Joe or so many other good journalists at both dailies are sacrificed at the corporate altar, we all lose. This is how major political corruption gets started).


Someone needs to speak with a resident of Big Run Borough. I was terminated 3.21.16 No write ups, no discriplinary notices, nothing. They didn't like the fact that I kept reminding them of the Sunshine Act and they decreased their Council to 5 from 7, no written record. Ck with Jefferson Co. Voting Board!!


I think it is unethical that 17th district PA congressional candidate Glen Geissinger is having a debate in Bethlehem April 7. This is the same day/time as Northampton County Council meets. He is a paid council member and will be absent to run for another office? Sad!


Please watch this STUNNING 7 min. video as shown on Channel 4 New York. It demonstrates the practice of electronic voting using the new Diebold machines .


As we've known for many years, slot machines can be rigged for certain outcomes. Why not these units, too?

I found it interesting. How about you?

Fred Windish


The Bethlehem Area School District does not have a budget problem, it has a "spending" problem. I'm sick and tired of the rhetoric from administration and board members that it's coming from Harrisburg yet the local so called leaders are the one spending tax dollars that they don't have and are making it difficult for senior citizens to stay in their homes.



  1. Now Joe O can retire to his favorite barstool at Milos Place, be careful don't engage him in sports convo after his 5th beverage you will regret it!

  2. Kasich is a voice of calm and reason in a sea of crazy. It is not surprising the right wing radical Republicans don't like him. Hell even Ike and Reagan would have a tough time with this crowd.

  3. Unbound delegates control PA Republican nomination. Not knowing who they support, might just have to not vote for any delegates.

  4. How many ET reporters are left? A Web search still showcases the paper's once owned landmark in Easton. That should be changed.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. John Kasich is a curiosity. I understand he is a "safe" choice. Problem is, that's a bit like politicians who vote "Present." I find him too mushy to provide strong leadership. Someone who will roll up his sleeves, yet never get his hands dirty.

    Kasich has a role in this Primary, but his purpose can't really be to win in the General Election. Here's a candidate who won just his 1 state (his own) in about 35 contests to date. That kind of "mojo" won't translate to a November victory.

    Problem is, already entrenched politicos can't stand Trump or Cruz, so Kasich lingers on.

    Fred Windish

  7. 7:38 -

    Thanks for viewing the segment. Is fraud more possible than ever before through technological manipulation. That answer is clearly "YES."

    Has voting manipulation already occurred? I have no proof it has, but there have been hundreds upon hundreds of reported irregularities in several states that already voted. Something to watch for, that's all.

    Fred Windish

  8. 7:38
    Speaking of hacking machines that the populus is under the impreeesion that there vote counts¿¡ There is no mention of the local thuggery that had taken place upon humptydumpty's appointment as the local circus stick¿¡
    I find the pic at the top of bernie's opinions to be very intresting, who and what LLC land holdings holds said property and what ties are there to humptydumty and the whole administrations party favor campaign contribution comPETitors 50/50 and is it also involved with parishinors of church on the run and the local vaticain LCCC¿¡
    When one looks into the local corruption, there is to be no cornorstone too be left unturned as there are many a piece of evidence that has been destroyed, and burried in untouchable archives that are now electronically compromised by most corrupt state in the union seperately from the churches distribution of said funds¿¡)$
    redd registered Republican
    patent pending

  9. Anon 7:04 - I count 15 FT writers plus one FT photographer. I recall when the E-T sports staff (FT plus part-time and freelancers) was that large. The online E-T masthead is available here:


    There are two newsroom managers (Deegan/Falsone)

    Seven news gatherers (Bresswein, Cassi, Miller, Novak, Rhodin, Satullo, Sroka-Holzman)

    Jim Flagg coordinates opinion as a freelancer (no longer a F-T employee)

    Five sports reporters (Craig, Folck, Hinkel, Joyce, Wilson)

    One Community Editor (Frantz)

    One full-time photographer (Beyer) - Matt Smith left a couple of months ago, but still freelances

  10. Well, season 1 of Scandal (available on Netflix) has a great plotline about electronic voting machine manipulation and fraud. You should check it out, Mr. Windish!

    In reality, it has already been proven that those machines can be remotely manipulated. It is impossible to imagine those who crave power resisting the allure of a possible hack. In my opinion, what is possible is, in fact, quite probable.

  11. "New" spending items on the 4-11-2016 Bethlehem Area School District finance committee meeting:
    - $7,252.70 going to an out of state company for a 2 day workshop.

    Again, it's a spending problem in the school district. When will it stop?

  12. I believe you realize the importance of being mindful of such shenanigans, Monkey Momma. Having above average knowledge of technology, I know what is possible. Let's put it this way, if delegate votes at either national convention are cast and counted electronically, Neither Trump, nor Cruz, nor Sanders stand ANY chance of becoming the nominee.

    Sadly, deception and lies have become too much a part of our political system. Our Congress is full of "political whores." It's time to be skeptical and cautious.

    I have two objectives. First, keep the Clintons out of the White House. Second, defeat a substantial number of incumbents in Congress.

    Fred Windish

  13. Tea Party supporters, Look at this ... then look in the mirror.


  14. One person observes that to sabotage a voting machine, one would have to do so on each machine. I deleted the comment bc it also included a personal attack. That argument is valid in Northampton County, where it is impossible to hack into the voting machine bc each runs internally. In order to play games, a voting technician would have to play games, which is possible bit that is possible with any voting machine, including the old lever machines. The real problem with both LC and NC voting machines is that they do not give a receipt to the voter, telling him his or her voted was tabulated. It's like making a purchase and getting no receipt. Now I have heard this called a lack of a paper trail, but there is a paper trail in the NorCo machine. It is there internally. Each vote comes out on tape when the polls shut down.

  15. "Now Joe O can retire to his favorite barstool at Milos Place, be careful don't engage him in sports convo after his 5th beverage you will regret it! "

    He started as a sports reporter. I think that's what makes him good, and like that kind of style for stories about politics and government.

  16. Fred,

    As Bernie intimated, the machines used in Northampton County are not networked, that is, each machine stands on its own. Yes, individual machines can be tampered with, but the tamperer must have physical access to each machine - frankly, it would be extremely difficult to pull off such a caper and pretty much worthless when you compare the results you could obtain with the labor involved is setting up everything.

    Networked machines are a whole other matter - but I do not know of any state or other jurisdiction who uses networked machines.

    What does concern me is that the machine manufacturers consider their software to be proprietary. New software is loaded on to each machine at each election, but that software cannot be inspected by elections officials. That is, as far as I can see, the only cost-efficient way that the election could be thrown.

    I am fully in favor of using paper ballots which are read by electronic readers. Fully automated electronic machines are not secure until the manufacturers move to open-source software which is thoroughly inspected before being loaded on to machines for an election.

  17. 12:51 -

    My concern for tampering is more acute as the total number of machines decreases, of course. States that use the Caucus method are more vulnerable. Now that delegates are rewarded less by standard procedure, I have NO DOUBT total delegates earned within each state CAN be "shaved." The question becomes, does this happen in 2016?

    Reportedly, the Iowa Caucus was questionable in practice. The means to verify that state result quickly erased. I think we will hear more of these type concerns in challenges to delegate seating.

    Fred Windish

  18. One of the biggest election frauds in US history involved 'hanging chads', not quite advanced technology. Quite frankly, if you honestly believe they are so out to get Drumpf that they are writing code to hack into every voting machine in the USA, it's time to seek serious psychiatric help.

  19. There is no question that "they" are out to get him. The question is whether "they" will break the law. I don't see that as remotely likely, but it would not surprise me to see one or two unethical people try to play games.

  20. That would be a shame, because it's not necessary. The man hangs himself everytime he opens his stupid mouth. He never had a real chance, he's a flash in the pan creation of the 30 year ignorance, fear and paranoia campaign courtesy of FOX.

    Quite frankly, I'm surprised it took that long. What IS surprising is the veracity of his followers, who seem quite okay with his 'we'll wave a magic wand and change everything' reply to everything.

    Quite frankly, the number one thing that could make America even greater than it already is, would be to escort every single one of them to the border and trade them for a Mexican.

  21. Any kind of voting methods can be hacked at a higher level where votes are tabulated. Not every machine has to be tampered with. Eventually much of this ends up being electronically finalized. If a hacker wanted to expend their efforts it would be at this level. It's not impossible. We've seen how some have manipulated lottery outcomes. How Apple engineers were able to outwit the feds to some degree. The more things are done by hand the more people are involved in the oversight. Thus it's less possible for one or two screwing with the results. Not that any of this matters since both parties are rigging the elections at their respective conventions anyway.

  22. The problem with the 15 or so reporters left on the E-T staff is that it is not the RIGHT 15. Basically, you have a pair of pretty good writers in Deegan and Wilson plus a bunch of people that couldn't be hired anywhere else (because if you could, you would have left already).

    There were some very questionable decisions made on who to retain and who to let go. It surely was not based on ability but on other factors including relationships with the bossman.

    For as good of a writer as Deegan may be, he is a poor decision-maker and manager.

  23. The old lever machines were infallible and they had a paper readout in the back, because of hanging chads, which were caused by fraudsters trying to punch a whole stack of ballots at once and the bottom ones couldn't get detached, we ended up with machines that I doubt are not tamperproof, what about 1 person to enter the booth of each machine or each high voter polling place and messing with the machine while voting, It must be possible and if possible probable.

  24. Ray, The old lever machines were great, I agree. The computerized lever machines in use on NorCo also have a paper print out at the end of the night, telling when each vote was cast. I would like to see each voter get a receipt for his vote in any future version of this machine, and that would have been useful for the old lever machine.

    As an election judge, the most common error that occurs is a voter will walk away, thinking he has voted, but he has not. He has failed to actually press the button to register his vote or pulled the lever. In most instances, we catch this and call the voter back before he leaves the polling area. But once that person leaves and is out the door, that vote is lost. I will not call such a voter back.

    In the past two elections, we caught everyone making this mistake and they went back in to complete the voting. But three elections ago, there were two people that we missed. So they were signed in to vote and show up on the poll books, but the actually tally was two votes shy.

    That is where most of the error occurs. The voter forgets to completely cast his vote, and we fail to catch it until it is too late. That is my chief worry on election day.

  25. If a voter had a receipt, he would know his vote was actually cast.

  26. Joe Owens was an ignorant mistanthropic miscreant. He neither contributed to the betterment of the region nor the quality of his once award-winning newspaper.

  27. Dear Mr.Windish,I wish to inform you, even though your smarter than me --that a , 40 Cal is the same size 'round'projectile as 10 MM -10mm case has more capacity. The police are looking for a 40 cal perhaps but most likely they will not evan think of a gun frame marked 10mm .So FYI there are a couple of 10 mm's that have 14 round capacity. A 40 cal. is about 400 ftlbs of energy and a 10 mm will run up sometimes over 750 flbs of energy .out of a pistol . Big differance. Issue is here, what will the police be look for.

  28. Bernie,
    We all see that America has become the big bigtop with this presidency shit slingging shitstorm¿¡)$ Back home were ignorance and incompatence go hand in hand with the browne hole circus arena agenda we have a discriptive yet not so descriptive narative projectile's hole's¿¡)$ This imbicile must be part of the political parasitism that collude and dilludes, lawyers, poloticians and realestate chalk and paint to make a taint what it ain't because the police are most deffinatly not even participating in such low standirts as property crimes, because the circus sideshow freeks and geeks must play out and there is no incidence in the moronic gags
    police blotter¿¡)$ This is a gender specific side show of the back midway of years past presently holding offices of official capCITY¿¡)$ CLUELESS CLOWNS ONE AND ALL
    redd registered Republican
    patent peding

  29. Mr. Cochran-

    I am sure the wonderful men and women of our nation's police departments have the same knowledge about such matters as you. Thus, I would expect them to consider BOTH possibilities.


    There is no doubt, the emergence of "outsider" candidates like Trump and Sanders having meaningful citizen support, yet despised by their own party machine bosses, will cause more citizens than ever to examine our electoral process. That's one good to come out of 2016.

    Average citizens are about to learn the "Will of the People" has little effect on things. As you read this, state political party operatives are packing their delegate lists with "ringers" who will only vote as their party boss wants them to vote. Others will be bribed with gifts and favors to follow along.

    I ask, why all the bother and expense of conducting the Primaries? Seems the only reason is to give the APPEARANCE of an altogether different process.

    Fred Windish

  30. Presidential candidate John Kasich told a Republican crowd in Philly yesterday that "teachers are the most underpaid profession in the nation". - Scott Armstrong

    Yesterday presidential candidate John Kasich told a Republican crowd in Philly that "teachers are the most underpaid profession in the nation".

    And he won how many primaries so far. This is a pandering pos insider who now is receiving campaign funds from Soros. And some on here still support him?

    Soros fund managers Scott Bessent and Stanley Druckenmiller donated $488,375 to the Governor’s so-called “soft money” fund, according to records provided by the Federal Elections Commission (FEC).

    This is not news. It just hasn't been reported much.


  31. Cruz the right wing extremist religious fanatic is cruising under the radar. Trump0 is taking all the air out of the room so people have not really studied Cruz. I would much prefer Trump over Cruz. Cruz is one slimy scary dude. he is one not to be Trusted!


  32. For those still following along, it is important to note all delegates from the state of Colorado were GIVEN to Ted Cruz. This, without conducting a Primary Election with a popular vote among everyday, average citizens.

    The Primary process is being slowly taken over by party bosses throughout this nation. YOU and I are being diminished. BOTH parties are guilty.

    Yes, it's happening.

    Fred Windish

  33. Bernie,
    Maybe next week on your opinions we could have pictures depicting urban decay to negate the urbanologist theory of build it they'll come¿¡)$ This being blight and degredation of all just outside the arena agenda and the reel of allentown pa as well as the nue nue nue ReNue the valley as a whole seperated by LLC's, non profits for profit and just the general delapidation creation created thereof¿¡)$ The infection has permeated into all facets public and private denigrading all the elite want to call a cancer that must be removed when the true fact is they are the cancer that must and has to be removed and ReLocated to the cages they have designs for the public to partake in inhabitating¿¡)$
    redd registered Republican
    patent pending


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.