From Carl Strye's Facebook |
Nazareth Mayor Carl Strye, a carwash salesman, never showed his face in the courtroom when Magisterial District Judge Jacqueline Taschner, a former FBI cryptanalyst who also served as an Assistant District Attorney,
acquitted the Sticker Gang in 2014 of all charges in a ridiculous and vindictive prosecution over tiny,postage stamp stickers that criticized the police chief. "I don't care what a judge says," he
told The Express Times, He also moaned that the acquitted Sticker Gang, "didn't get any kind of sentencing, they were sort of let go." Well, now he'll have a chance to set Judge Taschner straight. Theft charges filed against him for
skimming at Vigilance Hose are going to be heard by her.
Magisterial District Judge John "Cap" Capobianco has decided to err on the side of caution and
recuse himself, though few people would dispute that he would be fair.
It's unclear whether Strye's Preliminary Hearing is still scheduled for May 3.
Maybe Strye should bring her cupcakes.
Inside word is that he plans to waive his Preliminary Hearing.
When Strye states he "does not care what a judge says," what he is really saying is that he can ignore the rule of law. A Mayor who thumbed his nose at the courts and our criminal justice system, thinkinghe is above the law, has discovered that they do apply to him after all.
Even in Nazareth. .
that pic is great he looks like such a tool bag, his prison mates will love the cape, lol
There is no doubt in anyones mind that he stole a helluva lot more than the $8,000 he is being charged for. It's no secret that just about every private club in the state have these illegal poker machines. Yes, the American Legions, the VFW"S, the Republican Clubs, the Democratic Clubs, the Volunteer Firehouses, Athletic Associations, Police clubs, and many other organizations have these illegal machines. The presidents of these clubs or the person in charge of the machines is usually skimming the profits for his own selfish gains.There is no one watching over the shoulder of the money counters. Now, get ready for a number of raids on these clubs by the LCB. It's coming.
This is sad. Everyone knows the money trail far exceeds the accepted amount. If anything the counties investigation has been influenced as well. Happy to get an admission for 8 grand. Waste of tax dollars. Now off to Tashner. Something really stinks in this entire episode of Nazareth and the king and his court.
5:40, They count on the fact that this is an illegal activity anyway, so no one can complain. They take money from worthy nonprofits. These are the same guys who stand with buckets at the lights in summer, asking for a few bills. Maybe they could knock that off if Strye were not a thief .
I am not defending the actions of Mr. Strye, but over what period of time is he accused of pilfering this amount?
Nowdays, there are fewer volunteer fire companies that have a social club. So, to say that most fire companies have illegal gambling machines is not accurate. Many have gotten out of the social club business because of the liability. The biggest consumer of these poker machines are the private clubs other than fire companies.
I have no problem with these machines in private clubs, as long as there is a good accounting of the income. These machines have been in these clubs as long as I can remember over 40 years. Most use the profit for good causes. The few that have skimmers should be prosecuted
Holy shit batman Dinkle pussy Strye is fucked ❗ Robin what did batman tell you about swearing ❓ Sorry Bernie. But Freddie told me that Dinkle pussy was a um um ,Let me say it for you a compulsory lying ,piece of dick licking,sheep fucking,turd smelling,violating law breaking,eye turning the other way,crotch squeezing. Just saying.Robin are you sure Freddie was talking about Dinkle pussy,and not commissioner Miller.Um um I'm not sure. I mean maybe I Holy bat shit. Sorry Bernie, I mean holy bat smell. That's better says Bernie.I really have to talk to Freddie to watch ,how he talks around Robin.
Johm M must realize that by pressing charges, he has 3 votes to gain on Tuesday, and hundreds to lose. Those 3 being the sticker losers who littered all over town. John will place last on Tuesday.
Unlike you, an ethical DA does not fiole charges based on poitical repercussions. He follows the law. Stealing is stealing, no matter who does it.
Batman says hi Bernie. We will have coffee & cupcakes together real soon. I'll use the swear jar Freddie and Robin have accumulated.I declined Dinkle pussy and Miller offer to pay for it.
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