Local Government TV

Thursday, April 07, 2016

Geissinger to Skip Council Meeting For Debate

Northampton County Council member Glenn Geissinger is still in his first term, but is nevertheless running for Congress. He attends most meetings by phone. Tonight, he will ditch Council completely to participate in a Congressional debate.

This is inexcusable.

His obligation to the citizens of Northampton County should trump his personal ambitions.


  1. If Chris Christie can do it....Our political system is broken in so so many ways...

  2. Doesn't make it right, but they all do this. Obama rarely showed up for his Senate gig. The fish stinks from the head.

  3. I do not want to make an excuse for Geissinger. Not putting full attention to the job and running in an unfinished term are reasons one can indeed use to not support him. The political reality is that the congressional race will always be in the middle of that term on council. In order to unseat the incumbent, a lot of money and effort does need to be put into this terribly gerrymandered district, which protects the incumbent and is a product of state republicans ironically enough. The longer the elephants wait to unseat the incumbent, the more difficult it may become. They want to "strike while the iron is hot". That's the political system and reality. Not making excuses, just wanted to explain the perspective. I can agree with 9:44 AM, "Doesn't make it right, but they all do this. Obama rarely showed up for his Senate gig. The fish stinks from the head."

  4. I heard a failed rich race car driver will not be running races to run for a seat he can't win. So I guess some still do their job while running for seats they have a snowball chances in hell to win. But the county elected this clown, enjoy a rerun of Bozo.

  5. Is there anyway Lehigh County can trade Mike Schlossberg to Northampton County? Name the price!

  6. Sezary, I get that pols already in office will run for other positions, but blowing off his commitment to the people by not appearing for a council meeting is unacceptable.

  7. He should not agree to a debate on a night that conflicts with his county obligation. Period.

  8. anon 9:44 wins the "fish head teabagger" award for being the first to bring Obama into this discussion. Well played, well played!

  9. Geissinger wanted to zip off to N. Carolina or somewhere with Ferarro last year to attend some pol meeting. He's been unimpressive, and wants to leapfrog to a higher position - something like John Brown, but nowhere near as bad. I hope he loses his bid. I hope Brown wins so we can be free of him and his band of idiots.

  10. Another guy wasting his time and other people's money. Guess it's nice to dream.

  11. Oh please. Debates are rare and important for citizens to make a judgement about candidates. Geissinger will be able to serve Norco in a far greater capacity if he is elected to Congress. The guy he is running against is from Scranton and could give a hoot about our county.

  12. Dream on Glenn! Only in America?!?! Get real already!

  13. "anon 9:44 wins the "fish head teabagger" award for being the first to bring Obama into this discussion. Well played, well played!"

    I don't think Barrack likes fish. But I think he likes to be teabagged - a lot! It's part of the reason he rarely showed for his Senate job; not that there's anything wrong with that ...

  14. Who cares? It's only a county council meeting anyway. Nothing happens so why even bother. Right Glenn? County voters get what they deserve!

  15. Amen anon 9:23. The voters of this guy got a 10% tax increase, and many absences. Good job.


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