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Monday, March 14, 2016

Donald Trump: Is Now a Good Time to Worry?

Politico has just published a litany of Trump's errors, exaggerations and outright lies. Now all politicians can be caught in miscues, but what's amazing about the Politico story is that it limits itself to just the past week.

A week ago, I told you that Trump's appeal is NOT his penchant for discussing his penis size, which some of you find refreshing and "telling it like it is," even when it isn't. No, it's his appeal to the Authoritarians in our midst, people who want order and fear unknowns like two little Syrian girls or the gay community.

Trump's last week has included violent protests in places like St. Louis. A Guardian stringer called the crowd "midwestern nice," but turned ugly when the doors were closed at an overbooked event. Midwestern nice had suddenly become a mob. "Extraordinary fury was unleashed by the ordinary, in plain sight, in the midday sun, and political darkness rose."

Unfortunately, Trump will attract Democrats and Independents and is likely going to be elected President. A thin-skinned narcissist with no real understanding of domestic or foreign policy will not make America great again, but might bring this nation, and democracy itself, to their knees.


Anonymous said...

Bernie, can't this guy be charged with incitement? I understand that this would probably only serve to incite the ignorant masses further, but he seems to have crossed the line, many times.

Comparisons to the Third Reich are chilling but accurate.

Anonymous said...

Leave it o a liberal to use the "Trump made me do it" excuse rather than assign individual responsibility to those who actually did the deed

Bernie O'Hare said...

I am reluctant to make a direct comparison between Trump and Hitler. That would violate Godwin's Law, and would diminish what happened to the Jews. I'd say he is more like Huey Long, George Wallace or a leader of the Know-Nothing party. He's already advocated war crimes (torture) and is trying to suppress dissent and a free press.

He has said things that could be argued are designed to and do incite violence, but I doubt it rises to the criminal level.

Bernie O'Hare said...

"Leave it o a liberal ..."

This is not about ideology, and for all i know, the comment at 6:03 could be from a conservative. This is about a person with no ideology who is running a presidential campaign like a reality show. He has said some dangerous things for those of us who believe thatthe Bill of Rights includes a bit more than the Second Amendment.

Anonymous said...

just for clarification then, you DON'T believe in individual responsibility

Bernie O'Hare said...

I'm not running for president. Personal responsibility has nothing to do with this discussion. Donald Trump doesn't believe in personal responsibility. He doesn't believe in anything. This is all about hate and fear.

Anonymous said...

What about reports that the protesters are paid and supported by liberals like George Soros and his MoveOn organization? Why is this constantly ignored and trivialized by the media? By no means am I a Trump supporter, but ignoring the fact that he appeals to a large amount of people who are disgruntled with the government treading on their backs only makes his position stronger. No one is truly listening as they blindly try to squash Trump.

Anonymous said...

I have been worried these past seven years. What's new. I fear the nation will have a new narcissist in the White House this fall.I will vote for the lesser of two evils when the time comes.I will not vote for Hillary under any circumstance.

Scott Armstrong

Sezary said...

This is not about ideology, and for all i know, the comment at 6:03 could be from a conservative. This is about a person with no ideology who is running a presidential campaign like a reality show. He has said some dangerous things for those of us who believe that the Bill of Rights includes a bit more than the Second Amendment.

6:34 AM

What about reports that the protesters are paid and supported by liberals like George Soros and his MoveOn organization? Why is this constantly ignored and trivialized by the media? By no means am I a Trump supporter, but ignoring the fact that he appeals to a large amount of people who are disgruntled with the government treading on their backs only makes his position stronger. No one is truly listening as they blindly try to squash Trump.

7:14 AM

I agree with both of the above previous comments. It is indeed an unnerving political cycle. If Trump wins there will be trouble. If He doesn't there will be trouble. The anger on all sides will only increase. Maybe it is an inevitable "resetting of the table".

Anonymous said...

FOX 'news' has spent the last 30 years carefully creating a climate of fear, ignorance, hatred and intolerance, and now that a figurehead who exemplifies all of these 'values' has risen with meteoric fervor, they shake their vapid, empty little heads and gasp 'how did this happen?' at their creation.

No self respecting American could ever support an arrogant, war promoting individual who predictably couldn't cough up a pair to fight for the country he claims to so love when we were under attack.

Sezary said...

In the video you posted, there was a quick shot of a Trump supporter with a paper bag over his head.(like the New Orleans "Aints" fans of years past) That is how many R's may be feeling! This more than a "hold your nose and vote" scenario.

Sezary said...

Anonymous at 7:47 AM...

Like yourself, I am not a Trump supporter. But the notion that FOX news is the cause of all our nation's ills, is simply not true. They are more conservative than others. The other networks can be more liberal. You may be liberal in your views and disagree with or choose to watch different news channels, that's your right. I get my news from a multiple of sources, mostly on-line. Trump's ascent to the top is much more deep and complicated to simply be a creation of Fox news as you suggest. Your rant is angry and your view myopic.

Anonymous said...

I vote you vote. Let's see what happens.

Anonymous said...

There are very similar traits between Trump and the little brat who leads North Korea.

Anonymous said...

8:09 Post:
I cannot believe your view on the Fox mess.
Anyone rational person who listens to Hannity or Ms. Tantaros for more than a minute will realize the issue. Pure hate of all things liberal and love of the super right wing mob.

Bill said...

I hope you are wrong but I agree with your assessment of the situation. He only believes in power - he will destroy this country

Anonymous said...

No one seems to remember the same people who were in Chicago were in Ferguson, which the whole thing was a lie, in Baltimore, who has advocated killing police and actually done that, even this weekend. . Black lives matter, which has invaded more than trump rallies, Obama stated that he had his phone, who do you think he has been calling? This is the politics of the future, do you think if Trump is gone , these same people will not show up at other rallies. This is the Alinsky plan, push from the bottom and respond by pushing from the top. While trump has waved the red flag in front of them, summer is coming, expect to see riots in many big cities , just like last summer before primaries even started.

Anonymous said...

Trump is going to win and the bullshit we read and hear everyday will go away. The freedom we all cherish and take advantage of everyday will disappear. America will be reborn and the liberal,pansy take care of me lazy freeloaders will have to deal withit on their own if they don't fold and become sheep to the new order.Democracy at work.

Anonymous said...

Conservatives have consistently taken more in handouts than liberals for decades....not much more, but definitely more..

"And when the lens shifts to political ideology, the survey finds virtually no difference in the share of conservatives (57%), liberals (53%) or political moderates (53%) who have been assisted by at least one entitlement program"


Nine of the ten states that consistently pay zero into the federal tax base are red states, with the tenth being Florida. The blue states of New Jersey, New York and California contributed more to the tax base than all the red states of the bible belt combined last year.

Anonymous said...

7:47: No self respecting American could ever support an arrogant, war promoting individual who predictably couldn't cough up a pair to fight for the country he claims to so love when we were under attack.

You're referring to Bill Clinton, I assume?

Anonymous said...

9:55 -- I guess you missed the words 'war promoting individual'. I understand it's early, but it makes you look foolish... Clinton went out of his way to avoid war...

Anonymous said...

Remember the Old Days when political operatives went out of their way to disrupt political rallies ect.. This is an old stunt nothing more.Its sad to see our press corps not seeing these disruptions for what they are.

Anonymous said...

Please. Trump will be defeated in the largest landslide since Reagan/Mondale.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Just Who is eminently qualified to be President ?

Anonymous said...


If you were not sticking your head in the sand with all other liberal jack-offs and bothered to listen to the thousands of news conferences, debates, and speeches, you would have heard, umpteen times over

End Common Core
Repeal and Replace Obamacare, no more state boundry lines
Get rid of NAFTA
Rip up the Iran deal and start over
Rip up TPP and start over
Stop illegal immigration
Keep Social Security as is
Bring jobs back to America by reducing trade deficits
Replace the tax code with a simplified tax structure, to bring companies back to USA
End the use of no-bid Federal contracts
Stop the assault on the 2nd Amendment
Encourage legal immigration
Bring back waterboarding
Stop wasting trillions of dollars on foreign wars that only destabilize the middle east

Should I continue to spoon feed the liberal brain dead racists?

Anonymous said...

To the Hokey liberal at 11:40


If you are upset that the debates allow each candidate 30 seconds on a policy question, maybe you should call the media outlets and ask the debates to run for 48 hours straight, so your impoverished spoon fed mind set can grasp the facts.

Bernie O'Hare said...

"What about reports that the protesters are paid and supported by liberals like George Soros and his MoveOn organization? "

Oncer again,thios is not a :iberal" v. "conservative" issue bc Trumo has no beliefs.

Bernie O'Hare said...

"If you were not sticking your head in the sand with all other liberal jack-offs ... "

He has gone back and forth repeatedly, even on his webpage. He believes in nothing.

Anonymous said...

11:42 - A former Senator and Secretary of State would fit the bill.

11:51 - I suppose it was asking a Trump supporter to know what "substantive" meant. Sorry.

11:55 - Same as 11:51. Anyone can have one liners. Let's hear some specifics.

Zieg heil.

Anonymous said...

12:11 - Many conservatives are 100% opposed to electing Donald Trump and will go as far as voting for Hillary Clinton. This is where you can tell apart the conservatives with a brain who love this country and those who "want to take their country back" from the non-whites this "illegitimate" President empowered. After all, Trump was the drum major in the birther movement. He's been showing his racist side for years.

Anonymous said...

Actually, 11:51 chortling about "Common Core" raises a good point. Does Donald Trump know what Common Core is? I don't think he does. Did you ever hear him speak on it?

Anonymous said...

I feel a tingle.

Anonymous said...

Comparisons between Trump and Hitler are absolutely ridiculous. After all, when his Country called on him to put on a uniform and fight, Hitler did. Trump was too much of a coward.

Anonymous said...


At least "Scott Armstrong" posts under his own name. More than can be said for the likes of you. Coward.

Scott Armstrong

Anonymous said...

Yes be afraid.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, because it's completely impossible to claim you are someone you are not on a blog....

Donald J. Trump

Anonymous said...

When are Hillary and Bernie going to ask their audience to stop targeting police?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

The powers that be are afraid because those in power fear jail...with Trump as President..full blown criminal investigations are coming...I can see Hilary and Obama and Holden sharing a jail cell somewhere. It is NO surprise that billionaires are flying in from all over the place to have meetings to try and find a way to make sure Trump doesn't win. That's because Trump is self funded and doesn't need their money and won't let them get away with all the kickbacks, etc.... I will agree that Trump will be horrible for Foreign policy because he won't put up with most countries crap! TRUMP 2016!!

Anonymous said...

"A thin-skinned narcissist with no real understanding of domestic or foreign policy will not make America great again, but might bring this nation, and democracy itself, to their knees."

That's written like it's a bad thing....

One of the masters has come out from behind the curtain to expose the true nature of those that hide behind more acceptable politicians, but ultimately pull their strings.

I used to vote with a mind toward social relevance and concern. I used to care to the point where it was ruining my life. In fact, I was foolish enough to put an Obama sign in my front lawn, after 5 sets of new tires, having my dog stolen and basement door kicked in, and a bullet hole in my home, I've reconsidered doing that again. Oh, btw, the sign only lasted 20 minutes so I'm guessing the locals didn't appreciate my liberalism.

So I'm looking forward to Trump, because I've seen and felt the "hidden hand" and learned that the guys in white hats, are bad guys too. I no longer have a stake in it, and I'm amused at those who think they do. I have become an entropy fan and appreciate standing back and watching it all just decay into disorder.
It's all "bread and circuses" and at least for now, I got the popcorn and a 70inch to watch it all go down.

Anonymous said...

10:00 a.m.

So Clinton didn't bomb Afghan and Sudan (right when he was giving his depositions regarding Monica Lewinsky), or bomb Yugoslavia (against Russian wishes since the Muslims were using the Balkans as a safe haven for terrorists to bomb Russia), or send missile strikes in Baghdad and other locations in Iraq... yeah. I am sorry I woke up early and forgot all of the peace we had under Bill Clinton, President, pacifist and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, those 'no boots on the ground' strikes on our known enemies is exactly the same as starting wars, you bet.....

Science has already given proof, there's no need for you to give us more....


Anonymous said...

The freaks and geeks are getting nervous,I like that. You are getting worked up, I like that.

Peter J.Cochran said...

Bernie, the pathetic Easton School Board has decided to put ANOTHER 15 million of our tax dollars in a Northampton Street building and the place is full of ' anchor babies' that will go back over the boarder after Trump is elected . They can close that building after this event. I personally believe the OHIO GOVERNOR is the best choice but he is not into drama and is most likely not electable. The reason the socialist have appeared at Trumps activities is because he is a threat to free stuff, well screw them,even if I do not endorse Trump.

Bernie O'Hare said...

I deleted an anonymous comment from a person who can't seem to get past her hatred of me.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

And Hilary's qualities are?

Bernie O'Hare said...

I have no fondness for Hillary or Bernie Sanders, for that matter. Shit, there's no shortage of other republicans. Trump is appealing to authoritarians in both parties. His message of fear and hate has appeal in a dumbed down society that can't read more than 250 words and can't watch more than 30 seconds of news sound bites.

Peter J.Cochran said...

'And Hilary's qualities are;; that she will not be indicted under the present administration because that issue has to pass by 3 female democrats that were appointed.

Anonymous said...

Jim Gregory has endorsed Donald Trump. That is good enough for me. Mr. Gregory has written letters to the editor and posted on Facebook sites as to the connection between God and Trump. True believers are encouraged to follow the Mensa Messiah of political religion.

Alive in America!

Peter J.Cochran said...

The woman LIED and 3 DIED, Hilary should be charged and then indicted. She let the folks at the embassy in Libya DIE and then covered up why we doing business with people that were known to top have kill our military people in the past. She ,Hillery is not above board and even the Vince Foster issue is not clear -why, after all this time. Putin will eat her for breakfast on her lack of integrity ,because he will exploit her word and move on his own .We are in trouble and don't know it and The Donald is no different.. If fact I [m not going to be surprised if they are working in concert.

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness for "anchor babies", now 15 million can be split among the local gangsters and at the same time make brown people look like the crooks, it's a 2fer.

All this waste will stop, all we need is former investment banker and managing director of Lehman Brothers' John Kasich. I mean, come-on, with that resume why should we doubt it, and, he has perfect hair and doesn't cuss.

I think it's a good idea to remember whoever the next president is, be it Trump or some other can't-idate. There is no such thing as wasted money, every so called wasted dollar goes in someones pocket and to them, like the ones who'll split this 15 million, it's a wonderful thing and absolutely necessary.

Anonymous said...

Blog administrator you must have a HUGE staff for your world famous blog.

Anonymous said...

The Republican convention is going to look like a Nazi party rally.Christie will be there on the podium and he looks like Hermann Goering, one of Hitlers aids. Put them in brown uniforms and when they raise their arms it will be just like back in the 30s. Republicans are unable to govern. The Republican party is getting ripped to shreds and I LOVE it.Conservatism is a mental illness.

Peter J.Cochran said...

Where is the 21st century 'Robert Dole 'or a Harry S NO PERIOD Truman, where are they, have we become so mish mashed up that they staY in private industry.I think Toomey would be great personally. A fresh start is needed.

Peter J.Cochran said...

ANON 7'29 you are a whack-o Republicans are not NAZI's and for you to infer so shows you are so kind of a whack-job ---and I sign my name name -molon -labe .

Anonymous said...

Private industry owns the government, why leave it?

Anonymous said...

Peter, historically, ALL Nazi and white supremacist types have been white, Christian conservatives, and its the same for terrorists. They're always far right religious lunatics, not at all unlike today's GOP.

Anonymous 7:29 is right on the money in their assessment of today's republicans. Sieg Heil.

Anonymous said...

Peter, Bush lied and more than a million died. But that's completely different to people like you, because they weren't white Christians. Thousands of our troops have died as well, but that's okay too, because they died killing people you don't like.

Anyone whining about Benghazi who had nothing to say when 60 Americans died in 19 similar attacks under the previous administration is a flaming hypocrite.

Anonymous said...

I remind the commenter who insists that Nazis were conservative that the actual name of the party was NATIONAL SOCIALISTS and that GOVERNMENT controlled everything in Germany at the time. Much like the current Democrat wet dream.

Anonymous said...

And those of us who actually finished school know that 'National Socialism' is a purely conservative movement, with values like xenophobia, misogyny, homophobia, isolationism, and imposed theocracy, just like today's Trump supporters 'values'. Trump has also proposed stifling the media and committing war crimes with impunity.

Anonymous said...

Harry Truman was a horrible President. He dropped the atomic bomb twice when historians generally agree it was unnecessary and THEN he started and perpetuated the cold war. He did it by holding the bomb over Stalin's head because after Hitler, we needed a new mortal enemy.

-Richard Cranium

Bernie O'Hare said...

"Peter, historically, ALL Nazi and white supremacist types have been white, Christian conservatives, "

If you want to use the word "historically," you need to be more accurate. It is certainly true NOW, but in the 1800s, we all know that those white Christian conservatives were Democrats. They started the KKK movement, and you have apparently forgotten about the Dixiecrats in the 1960s. Historically, both parties have had their ugly sides.

Anonymous said...

You are confusing political ideology with political party. The democrats at that time were quite 'conservative', which is why I used that term instead of republicans. The Dixiecrats were the hold outs from those early days and were also quite conservative.

In any event, hate and supremacist groups, as well as the vast majority of terrorists, always happen to be far right religious conservatives. They're evil.

Anonymous said...

ITs not wonder why southern Democrats became Repubs and southern Repubs became Democrats. Context.

- Hugh Jaskrak

Anonymous said...

trump, or a career political criminal, with no accomplishments, under CRIMINAL investigation by the FBI..hmm lets see who will screw the country even more...

Anonymous said...

trump, or a career political criminal, with no accomplishments, under CRIMINAL investigation by the FBI..hmm lets see who will screw the country even more...

You use the word "criminal". Can you please elaborate on the exact crimes this person has been convicted of and the penalty for each? Also, attaining the seat of a US Senator and Secretary of State isn't an accomplishment? Hell, HRC's graduating from Yale Law is a greater accomplishment than your entire life's work. Come to think of it, you should be heading off to your 3-11 shift at Dunkin' Donuts.

- Jumbo McHoulihan

Anonymous said...

The fact that both sides seem worried about Trump makes me think it's possible we'll see a Grassy Knoll/Dealey plaza scene in this reality show.

That would be cool and worthy of forgoing the ease of the microwave and opt for real stove top popcorn with real butter.

However that scene would have to be played out before he picks Jesse Ventura as his running mate, for both sides would not like Jesse Ventura even more.

Wait for it! Trump/Ventura 2016

Such a ticket would sign up more new voters in total than currently participate on both sides.

Bernie O'Hare said...

It's really unfortunate we are so violent. I have no regard for Trump, but don't wish harm on anyone.

Anonymous said...

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants" Thomas Jefferson

I agree it's unfortunate, however it's seems to have been written into the script of the show and everyone knows what makes the grass grow.

Give peace a chance, and your likely to be deported or have a rendezvous with a lone nut. Maybe both.

If given a wish, I'd wish for our better angels to prevail...against tradition.