Local Government TV

Monday, February 15, 2016

Unlike Schlossberg, Ryan MacKenzie Returns Haddad Contribution

Ramzi Haddad pleaded guilty last year to expecting preferential treatment in exchange for campaign contributions. His contributions to Allentown Mayor Edwin "Fed Ed" Pawlowski have been documented by the feds, and I have told you about his $1,000 contribution to State Rep. Michael "Darth Voter" Schlossberg. But state records show that he contributed $1,000 to State Rep. Ryan MacKenzie as well, on 6/15/15.

Unlike Darth Voter, MacKenzie returned the money. In fact, he returned $2,000, which must have included $1,000 from a previous year.

MacKenzie rejected tainted money, while Schlossberg is using it to pay himself.


  1. why would Haddad give Mackenzie $2,000. What did he get for it? That's the question you should be asking....

  2. He didn't get anything for it. The money was returned. And I'll let you know when I'm interested in what some anonymous coward thinks I should be asking..

  3. 1:07,

    Just the little guys way of slapping the other rep because he really can't find anything else. As I am sure you have noticed this is his MO.

  4. Why did MacKenzie accept it in the first place? What is the connection? There is nothing to justify a $2k contribution.

  5. No one gives 2000 without expecting something in return. I wonder when Mackenzie returned the 2000. Bernie how can we find out?

  6. Bernie how do you know for certain that Haddad got nothing from Mackenzie?

  7. The above attacks at MacKenzie are made, not bc he did anything wrong, but because he is a Republican. The argument that "they all do this" is simply wrong. At the time Mackenzie accepted this contribution, Haddad had not been accused at anything and there would be no reason to suspect any problem. But ince Haddad pleaded guilty to pay-to-play as out-and-out bribery, the only ethical thing to do is return any money contributed by the entrepreneur. I dion't much care for MacKenzie or his politics. But he did what is right, while Schlossberg is ethically tone deaf.

  8. You highlight an important topic, fund raising. What if all candidates were allowed to only spend a specific dollar amount. So much pressure would be eliminated.

  9. Sclossberg is an exercise in bad government.

  10. BOH Quote "I don't much care for MacKenzie or his politics. But he did what is right, while Schlossberg is ethically tone deaf".

    What exactly, in regards to his politics, do you not agree with?

    Can you honestly say the democrat party has done a fantastic job in the Lehigh Valley over the last decade? If so , for whom ? It might be better for the pay top play criminals from both parties, but I seriously can't think of anything the democrat party did to help all people? If I missed something quite obvious, I will be the first to say thank you for the education.

    They have a done a great job for their special interest groups, big money developers, unions, lawyers, and illegals.

    I could careless about party. If they demonstrate poor judgment, drunk driving issues, drug issues, continual ethics "issues" , and other scams like pay to play , ghost voting and paying oneself 13,000 dollars to himself....they need to be gone.

    Now where is the accountability, let alone an investigation, for guys like Schlossberg ? Where is the outrage? Wonder how the so called leadership from the democrat party feel about Schlossberg ethics and other violations? Did I miss the comments from the democrat party leadership?

  11. From what I have seen over the past two years, MacKenzie has been a reliable ally for a Republican agenda, to which I am philosophically opposed. But I share your dismay at the lack of outrage over the moral decay so evident in Allentown Democrats. I am heartened to see City Council begin to do the right thing, but I am disgusted tgat some of those who consider themselves reformers will turn a blind eye to Darth Voter. Even assuming tgat giving tainted money to charity is acceptable, this ethical oil slick engaged in ghost voting, improperly reimbursed himself and failed to report $1000 Fed Ed sent him in July. I doubt very much that Schlossberg can be defeated,

  12. If Senator Brown decides to retire, there is the potential of a Repub primary between MacKenzie and Simmons in 2 years. MacKenzie would represent the moderate wing of the party.

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. No way Sir Mackenzie runs for Browne's seat. That seat is way to urban and democrat for him. He would actually have to knock on doors and talk to the peasants of Allentown. That is beneath Sir Mackenzie. He wants to go right for Dent's seat. That is nice and gerrymandered for him like his current house seat.


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