Local Government TV

Thursday, February 25, 2016

McNeill Heroin Forum Long Overdue

Because I cover Bethlehem's Zoning Hearing Board, I was unable to attend State Rep. Dan McNeill's heroin forum last night at Whitehall High School. Ironically, a Bethlehem City Council member wanted to go, too, but was stuck at a meeting as well. But Mick Dee, McNeill's legislative aide, called to tell me the get-together was well-attended and quite informative.

Fortunately, the press covered it, and you can read read Kurt Bresswein's well-written account in The Express Times. He reports LC DA Jim Martin as telling the audience that there had been five overdose deaths over just the past few days. That's not five overdoses, but five deaths.

I was told that Bethlehem police respond to about five drug overdoses a week. Though they have been trained in the use of Naloxone, they have no kits.


  1. "They have no kits."

  2. One of those five overdose deaths in the last few days was a friend of my young adult son. The man's funeral memorial was being held last night the same time as this forum. A few years ago, my adult nephew OD'd. In both cases, the victims had hidden their drug use from others, including the friends and families who discovered their lifeless bodies.

  3. ^^
    As someone said the other day, talk is cheap.'
    The DA's could easily fund these kits, as could St. Lukes or LVH.

    1. And as i replied, these talks are life savers as well, while you are an anonymous coward.

  4. http://www.readingeagle.com/news/article/all-lehigh-county-police-dempartments-to-be-equipped-with-naloxone&template=mobileart

    It sounds like BlueCross is helping fund these kits. If police aren't carrying it yet they likely haven't been trained yet how to use it.

    1. Bethlehem PD have been trained. They do not have the kits.

  5. These forums should be mandatory in all schools. The real statistics need to be published. With family permission, I think the reality of local tragedies could be an awakening. I ha e heard there are even some Districts that deny there is a problem as the do not want to tarnish their image. Hold Districts accountable for prevention.

  6. These forums should be mandatory in all schools. The real statistics need to be published. With family permission, I think the reality of local tragedies could be an awakening. I ha e heard there are even some Districts that deny there is a problem as the do not want to tarnish their image. Hold Districts accountable for prevention.

  7. YES. Hospitals could easily fund these kits for every municipality. Instead of being land developers and sports team supporters, these organizations should be held accountable for their spending or lose their non profit status. Healthcare cost have skyrocketed because their is no control or accountability.

  8. They have no kits? Where are the chief and the mayor?
    How can this be? Millions are collected through city taxes. No kits to save lives?

  9. Hasn't the time come to tax nonprofits? All one has to do is visit either of the mega hospital corporations that are now almost overnight almost on every street corner. Acres of farmland, turn the corner, wham.
    There's a new facility with a mega name. Competition has blinded these organizations.

    Anonymous6:51 AM

    YES. Hospitals could easily fund these kits for every municipality. Instead of being land developers and sports team supporters, these organizations should be held accountable for their spending or lose their non profit status. Healthcare cost have skyrocketed because their is no control or accountability

  10. Legalize Marijuana!

  11. 655.. that's because they are too busy filming promo videos with drones downtownn.

  12. 6:55, the so called administration of the school teacher is too busy on the phone to developers and raising your parking rates. It is telling that the princess in health, who works for the under qualified dced isn't on top of this. Yet another embarrassment showing the complete ineptness that exists now 10 e church st.

  13. The other day I had the honor of speeking with a young lady infected by this arena circus agenda herion hanna hospital hookup pool side¿!)$ This child clearly wanted treatment for addiction to dope and was getting madd because the hurt was about to begin¿!)$ First of all the 911 truck taxi ride was implimented to multiple hospitals at that point she said that the hospitals were wanting to commit her because she was going to kill herself (clearly not treatment for herion addiction)¿!)$ Long and short this young child was left homeless in allentown pa at one of many LCCC land holding sites in those paper pajamas the day before this meeting¿!)$
    That sight was a reel eye opener to the fact that the soul sale sector and church on the run as well as LVHN/carnival are all differently named yet one in the same, allentowns own DEATHEATERS¿!)$
    This arena area agenda really needs help too and just maybe the circus props as well as OZ should be committed to the arcaic treatment dished upon reciepients in history, because they are not only a danger to the public as a hole they are also clearly a danger to themselfs as well as clearly dillusional as a browne hole Z creation nation unto themselfs¿!)$

    As typed yesterday how is one in recovery for years yet gets ARD for said offense and on sunday the harleys were at ye old limport inn?)$! Go exercise the elbow with top law dog that puts to print whether said is criminal or civil¿!)$ Clueless just like the gun buy back were the props were given rusty pieces of iron that once ressembled a gun reel or fictisious¿!)$
    redd for Republican
    patent pending

  14. The thing is they make it sound like you can get treatment in a second. Unfortunately, a lot of places out there, such as methadone clinics, have waiting lists, especially for the uninsured. By the time it is their turn, they are either dead, or so far gone they do not care about treatment any more.

  15. The issue is not funding to purchase the kits. The issue is the training and willingness to implement the use of the kits. Anonymous 9:20 above is completely correct. The treatment system, for both D&A and Mental Health is so badly underfunded it is no surprise people are dying. Unfortunately no one has the political will to speak the truth. Funding these services costs money, and no one wants to pay the costs. It is a sad indictment of our society as a whole. Every once in a while awareness of the tragedy flares up, people wring their hands and claim to care, but then these same people demonize government, and government workers, as being poorly run and inefficient - all the while whining about how high their taxes are. It is truly sad, since it costs people their lives, and costs us all a lot of money in the long run.

  16. Two important points that came out of the meeting last night: Lehigh County has a Drug and Alcohol Administrator named Layne Turner, who called himself the best kept secret in Lehigh County. Help is available to ANYONE, including those without insurance. Layne encouraged that if you know anybody who needs help, to reach out to him at 610.782.3558.. he repeated his phone number several times. Northampton County also has a Drug and Alcohol Administrator: Tiffany Rossanese: 610-829-4720.

    The other important point that was made was that CVS is now selling Narcan over the counter for around $20. It was suggested that EVERYONE buy one and keep it in their house,car or purse in case you every come across someone who is overdosing (a friend of your son or daughter shoots up in your house for instance.) You may be able to save a life or prevent permanent organ damage.

    Finally, to the anonymous coward who commented that "Talk is Cheap," I'd like you to say that to the one of the parents who were there last night who lost a son or daughter to a heroin overdose. We need to start somewhere, and at least talking about this problem out in the open is a good beginning. This isn't a me problem, or a you problem, it is an us problem.

    Mick Dee

    1. I sure hope he did not speak about himself that way. That sounds extremely egotistical.

    2. "CVS is now selling Narcan over the counter for around $20. It was suggested that EVERYONE buy one and keep it in their house,car or purse in case you every come across someone who is overdosing (a friend of your son or daughter shoots up in your house for instance.) You may be able to save a life or prevent permanent organ damage."

      I will note this.

  17. Talk IS cheap!
    Treatment is action.
    Kits in every Police Car & Ambulance is action.
    Education is action.
    ACTION !!!

    1. Last night WAS education. And now every Police Department in Lehigh County carries Narcan. That also is action.

    2. Mick, I spoke with a Bethlehem PD officer who tells me they all received training but are still waiting on the kits.

    3. I think most NorCo police departments have no kits or training.

    4. The main reason there are few kits is because there is such a large demand for them, the manufacturers can't keep up. And, as a result, the price of the drug has skyrocketed.

  18. Why does't somebody park a horse and run over to the drug store and buy some kits for the responders.?


  20. Where the hell is DA Morganilli.
    HE HAS THE $$$$$$

  21. John's just interested in locking users up.
    The Church on the Run (Move)?
    Busy with the Mayor and Jesus.

    1. Church on the run is not a singular sect hence they are a collective of local human service sect to do diservice to the public as the browne hole law creation reeps the ciggerette tax and much more said monies that could and would help if it weren't for the notorious hamilton street gang o thugs subsects collaborating for said sale advertismetally instituted ie DEATHEATERS¿!)$ Bernie, please ask nothampton da morganelli not to leave as on the gaget aquired who and what names are on said gang tool and whats constitutes constitution of the BOILZ gang headZ for the Game Cainning of the headZ by the fedZ

  22. I think the "talk is cheap" comment was not meant to insult anyone that was at the meeting, but to address the issue that some of these organizations, such as hospitals, or even the State, should provide the local authorities the tools necessary to prevent death as a result of the overdose. Could it have been more artfully said? Sure. But I don't think the intent was a negative one.

    More people have died since 2009 of drug overdoses than gun violence, yet the gun issue gets most of the national attention because of mass violence makes a better story on the news.

    However, Obamacare grants monies to hospitals based upon how they are rated through surveys by their customers, and one of the categories the "pain management". The hospitals have a financial incentive to over-medicate patients, and I hear anecdotal stories from people all the time that doctors hand out percocets and other opioid drugs with multiple refills all the time.

    In 2015, the FDA approved the use of opioids for children as young as 11.

    Everyone at this point should understand this is a national crisis. But, unlike with guns, there's not a pesky 2nd Amendment and a powerful lobby group to deal with. All of congress and the President should address this, but, the first step is dealing the Big Pharma that pushes these magic little death sentences, and when the prescriptions run out, you have wide open borders with Mexico allowing billions of dollars worth of product pour in at $5 a hit when those run out. The "student" arrested at Liberty High School had a bag full of heroin ready to meet all of our children's needs. The R's don't want off the BigPharma gravy train and the D's don't want the importation of their future constituents to stop. This could be fixed, and anything has to be better than 50,000 people dropping dead from this junk every year.


  24. Who picks our fruits and vegetables, cooks in our diners and cleans the hotel rooms for the Republican owners, @ 12:03?

  25. The District Attorney of Northampton County can not be distracted, he is too busy fighting a WAR IN DRUGS to worry bout saving lives.

  26. I am acquainted with the family of one of the young people who died last weekend. I am traveling now. As soon as I return home, I will be buying kits to give to the BPD. Training without kits will save no one. A misadministered dose will not hurt. The right dose will save a life. $20 versus the cost of an autopsy and a funeral, not to mention the unmeasurable pain for the loss of a child, sibling, or friend - math seems easy to me.

    1. This is the answer. We the people can either demand that government resolve the issue by purchasing kits or step up and make donations. The toll of overdose deaths is felt by friends, families, and first responders. I too will inquire about donating kits to Bethlehem PD. Excellent idea.

  27. I'd rather all the junky pos theives die. They are the scourge of society. Why not save a dog at your local shelter?

  28. 2:48, 4:52,

    Where is the lazy administration when you need them? Probably forming a citizens committee to figure out what everyone else already knows. What a waste you voted in.

  29. Morganilli wants to lock them up not save their lives.

  30. Does John Morganilli, or St. Luke's Hospital care if these young people live or die?

    This is not a rhetorical question.

  31. start by posting weekly in media the true number of overdoses in every corner of Northampton and Lehigh county. The hidden truths will surely upset many. (Nazareth as an example). Maybe if we the people saw the numbers more demand for action would surface.

  32. @ 6:42 PM Last time I checked, heroin still illegal.


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