Local Government TV

Monday, February 22, 2016

John Brown Takes Campaign to Bethlehem Township

NorCo Exec John Brown has invited the public for "free coffee, cake and conversation" at the Williams Restaurant on Tuesday night between 6:30 and 8:30 pm.

"Bring your family and friends!" the mailer says, so should I go? I think I will. My own invitation must be lost in the mail.

Brown, who is running for state auditor general, is careful to note, "No taxpayer money used for this event or mail piece."  His invitation is sent out under Lehigh Valley Postal Permit 387, and indicates it is paid for by Friends of John Brown.

According to his annual campaign finance report, Brown had just $810 in his campaign treasury at the end of 2015. But he did pay political consultant Gray Birks $3,500, and that may have funded a limited mailer.

During his first year in office, Brown did use taxpayer funds for several informational town halls, including one in Bethlehem at which only two persons who actually live there were present. Brown awarded a $76,500 (it was originally $84,000) no-bid contract to Kim Plyler's Sahl Communications, and these little soirees were part of the deal.

Brown could argue he was using taxpayer funds to promote the County, not himself. But it's impossible for him to maintain that fiction now that he is running for statewide office.

He's running against Democrat Ernest DePasquale, a breath of fresh air among statewide Democrats accused of corruption, perjury and complete intransigence.

I will say, as a Democrat, that it's going to take more than a cup of coffee and piece of cake to buy my vote..

It will probably take two.


  1. Shouldn't his invitation read "Auditor General Candidate John Brown"? Using his current elected office title to promote his candidacy for another office seems misleading and inappropriate.

  2. Kinda' like Joe Sestak promoting himself as an Admiral. But it's common.

  3. Williams Diner is actually in Palmer Township.

    1. You could very well be right. The diner is located very close to the Palmer and Beth Tp border, but ncpub.org is no help on this point and your comment is anonymous. I know the mailers for this went to people in both Bethlehem Tp and Palmer Tp area.

    2. Williams Diner is most definitely in Palmer Township. The Bethlehem Township line is about a half mile west of the diner(Sheridan Dr.).

  4. He also robo-called. His voice makes him sound like a person not well educated.

  5. It would take a pot of free coffee for me to stay awake for an hour and a half of his biz speak. Over/under for his use of "high performance team" - 10. "Nexus" - 5.

  6. I'd like to take some friends and a carton of eggs.

  7. Brown has the charisma of a pet rock. Enduring even 15 minutes of his dull demeanor and self-promoting drivel isn't worth free coffee and cake, even if the coffee was Starbucks and the cake a marzipan created by Buddy Valastro.

  8. At least this is better than sending out calls for a dessert/coffee or free pizza in exchange for a petition signature and than bragging about how many signatures were bought. Food for an open ear is one thing. Food for explicit exchange for ballot access is another.

  9. What a dreary event. Only people who will be there are Brown's deadbeat cronies and Bernie.

  10. i live in Easton and got one. OMG please after what he did for the county. I would like to help with the egg toss!

  11. Johnny Casino where are you tonight?

  12. Figurative egg tossing is fine, but I would never condone any attempt to interfere with another person's right to speak.

  13. It would only affect Brown's right to speak if an egg landed in his mouth. So let the Grade A's fly!

  14. I live and work in NorCo and can tell you that Williams Diner is Palmer Twp and the line is Sheridan. I also got the mailer and agreed it will take a lot more than coffee, cake, and conversation. Looking forward to your update.

  15. Did any readers go to this dog-and-phony show?


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