Local Government TV

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

NorCo Controller Announces Fraud Tip Line


That's a new tip line set up by NorCo Controller Steve Barron to enable employees and County residents to report suspected fraud and government waste. It will be monitored by Audit Manager Frank Kedl and the Controller Stephen Barron. “I will follow up as best as possible on anonymous tips,” Barron said. “I will also send information to other municipalities and local law enforcement if I feel a tip warrants further investigation.”

Barron explained that CCAP’s line does not follow up on anonymous tips and doesn’t generally share or take tips unrelated to the county.

Although anonymity is guaranteed, Barron said it would make his job easier if people who have concerns identify themselves. "If a person leaves their name and information I will not release their name or information unless they allow me to do so," he promised. "The goal is to stop fraud and waste and rest assure that all tips will be worked to get to that end.”


  1. Thank God this service is available. I think we will need it next year.

  2. I'd like to report that John Brown is a fraud & a waste!

  3. What happens if we want to report fraud against Little Stevie Blunder?

  4. 907 get a clue and a life. The Stevie Blunder nickname is getting old. Barron won....find something else to complain about! You are very obviously in the minority in this county as he has now won a third term. Most of us do not agree with you. Far be it for me to agree with Bernie, but Barron has made his mistakes, admitted them, matured, and does this job well. You can not tell me you think someone else, especially a republican, would have been as effective at curbing John Brown's spending as Barron was?! Or are you one of John Brown's dopes? Or perhaps one of Councilman Colonel Philips cronies who was moving Barron's campaign signs and slashing them? Guess what? You lost!!! Grow up and move on.

  5. Great advice, 9:40. Barron von Footinmouth behaved himself over the past year to get re-elected, which he BARELY succeeded in against a last-minute default candidate. He will show his true stripes, or plaids, in the days ahead as he stumbles and bungles his way around the controllers office.

  6. I agree with 12:04, Just as the Taxed Enough Already Republicans on county council gave us a 10% tax increase, when their attempt at a 20% failed, we can expect Stevie to not keep his word. Only teabagger Republicans can be counted on to be honest to their principles of less taxes and honest government. Keep pulling that lever.

  7. @2:26. Wow you hit that nail squarely on its head, shut em right up, good job with telling the truth

  8. Neat-o. The first call to the tip line could well be about a Controller inappropriately using county resources.

  9. I just called to report Barron is a fraud. Expect a rigorous investigation.

  10. Are we supposed to trust a political hack like Barron with our identifying information? Kedl is a true professional. I would trust him with my name and number. But NEVER Barron whose agenda has always been to suck up to the unions. What if a fraudulent incident is a union employee faking a workers comp injury? Do you really think Barron would investigate? Bullshit. He has had this fraud hotline in the past, and the only investigations have been into the Brown administrations antics. Yes, those have been worthwhile when he discovered illegal expense accounts submitted by that fraud Cathy Allen. But let's see if he can investigate other acts of playing the system by union folks.

  11. Actually, Barron has dealt with union members who were gaming things and had to pay money back. So your analogy is a bit off. He is certainly still pro union, but i believe he approaches his job fairly.

  12. What union members? I don't remember any such investigation. What did they have to pay back?

  13. In several audits, Barron found certain union members abusing overtime and other items. He required pay backs. I don't have the details. I can get them if you tell me who you are instead of attacking him anonymously. But I don't feel any special compulsion to knock myself for someone who can't even say who he or she is.

  14. How convenient. After all, he was your endorsed (crooked) candidate.

  15. You haven't told me who you are, and I do not work for anonymous assholes. Sorry.

  16. Those audits should be available on-line on the controllers website. Barron brags about how transparent his offices audits are. If there is no audit of union overtime I will assume you made this up to defend your new mancrush.

  17. The audits are there, but I am not wasting a second in an anonymous coward with an obvious agenda. Look for them yourself.

  18. I did a quick review including the 2014 controllers report which does not mention an overtime audit. So I guess your anecdotal opinion is "fact" in your biased world.

  19. When is Barron going to conduct an audit of payments to C3 and other Brown consultants? Some of the changes facilitated by C3 in the counties health care and workers comp TPA may be driven by a quid pro quo between C3 and the providers ultimately selected. And those relationships may have benefitted Brown and his top administrators personally. Someone needs to connect the dots and follow the money.

  20. It is very difficult to audit a third party.

  21. Isn't there some language in a contract that requires a vendor to cooperate with a county audit? Didn't Barron's office thoroughly audit CEC to come up with the conclusion that their reported rate of recidivism was bogus? Wasn't the prison medical contract audited? Why couldn't they do the same with C3?


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