Local Government TV

Monday, November 16, 2015

Fegley Draws 640 Write-Ins in Election Eve Campaign

Allentown Brew Works co-owner and citizen activist Richard Fegley's last-minute run for City Council, announced just a few days before the Election, was able to attract 640 votes according to a tally by Julian Kern at the Allentown Tenants Association. Had Rich announced sooner, or had he run in the Primary, I believe he would have won.

Running mate Shane Fillman did well, too, garnering 206 votes.

King Allentown got ten write-ins and is demanding a recount.

Bernie Sanders also picked up three write-ins.


  1. Rich please run for any open office. I too think you would have won.

  2. Rich had 5 more votes hiding in his beard.

  3. I'll bet you that Paw'low'ski voted for Rich, 3 times...

  4. Unfortunately what he probably accomplished was taking votes away from Lou Hershman which allowed Candida Affa to be elected to City Council.

  5. Yeah, I think that is nonsense, too. He took votes away from Candida Affa and Jeff Glazier.

  6. Bernie, part of what you are saying is true. The write-ins did take votes away from Candida Affa and Jeff Glazier. But if the write-ins were not campaigning at all I believe those votes would have gone to Lou Hershman. Than Allentown would have a knowledgeable vocal critic of this administration on City Council. At this point it is all conjecture, but in the future if Rich Fegley wants to run for a position he should do it from a position of strength, not as a write-in.

  7. I agree Rich should try to get on the ballot for his next run, but disagree he took votes from Lew. What hurt Lew is a perception among some that he is anti-gay. I also believe his age worked against him. Ageism is the one type of prejudice that is still acceptable. I noticed that some people who were working for Rich would not mention Lew, so i think they bought into it. Rich himself supported Lew. I have known Lew Hershman for many years now, and what I like about him more than anything is that he is a gentle man. No, not a gentleman, but a gentle man. I have never once heard him launch a personal attack on any other person. He is all about policy and finance.

  8. 7:44, Your point is well made and was noted by both Donchez and Reynolds. I neglected to mention it in my story.

  9. Looks like Fegley's brew did not work!

  10. Actually, it worked far better than I would have thought possible.

  11. I believe he took votes from Glazier and Affa. You had 3 votes to use. Hershman is only 1 vote. I voted him and wrote in Fegley. Simple.

  12. I'm hearing that the feds do not have a case and that they are letting the a-town stuff die a slow death. Just like the Ravenshahl case in Pittsburgh.

  13. At some point, the witch hunters are going to have to admit that they were all wet about the heroic and transformative Mayor Pawlowski. Meanwhile, it's business as usual in this one-party Utopia known as Allentown. God bless Mayor Pawlowski and his loyal supporters.

  14. Bernie,

    All the Republicans lost in Allentown except Bob Smith who survived the primary on the D side of the Ballot as a cross filed school board candidate. I managed to win four years ago because I was running for an office few wanted and appeared as cross filed in the general. Times have changed and the Democrats in Allentown now understand the importance of controlling the school board. They have achieved that victory.
    Lou lost because the D's in Allentown vote for the D's. No questions asked.It really is that simple.

    Scott Armstrong

  15. Fegley and Hershman needed 2 more weeks, momentum was building, in spite of the Mcall lack of cvoerage - ZERO coverage of any candidate events, and no articles till 10 days before election, and articles on Glazier and Affa lining pockets with palowski cash were very minimal...

  16. It is my understanding that the D's brought in some outside help to increase their turnout in Allentown. This was part of a statewide effort to sweep the supreme court judicial races. Apparently, even in the current environment of an ongoing FBI investigations of city hall for pay to play,Republican voters couldn't be bothered enough to vote and the D's who were dragged to the polls simply followed form and pushed the straight party button.
    Hard to have pity on such as these.

    Scott Armstrong

  17. 11:18 AM . the reason Lew lost is bc he is anti gay? really BOH?
    Is he anti gay or anti gay marriage? There is a big difference. My guess is that 70% -80% of the people who didn't vote for Lew had no idea where he stands on gay marriage, nor do they care. Lew is a very good man who means well for all people in this crap city.

    This was an issue of too little too late , age , the fed ed democrat/socialist machine and the uninformed voters, just as it is in every democrat/socialist controlled city all over the country.

    When will people wake up and understand the democrat / socialist party today, is not your grannys JFK democrat party. To spin it any other way is not being honest.

    BTW I despise both parties . The GOP sucks just as much as the democrat/ socialist party. Both parties have sold out the country and her people over the last 100 plus years. One party sells out our voting rights, our citizenship , our traditions , our culture and most important our sovereignty , for political power and the other does the exact same thing for cheap labor and corporate profits.

  18. Ok, lets put things into perspective. In two years, the candidates up for reelection are Motta, O'Connell, Hendricks and Guridy. All have strong holds in the Democratic party. With only 640 non-certified write in votes, Rich still came 4,100+ short of winning a seat in this election. With little support from the Democratic party, he has zero chance in the primary. If he chooses to run as a Republican or Independent the results will be worse. His only hope is to run as a Democrat and beat the what I think is the weakest link, Motta. But that is still a long shot as she has the Hispanic name recognition as well as being an incumbent. BTW, write in campaign or not... 3% and the 1% of the vote is never good.

  19. I have no idea whether all four Council members are seeking re-election in two years and doubt they know themselves. I also have every reason to believe that Fegley will be an attractive choice to many Democrats, and that by then, Pawlowski will be long gone. So you pretty much have no idea what you are talking about, unless you are a soothsayer.

  20. BO,

    You just said that you cant speculate who is going to run for reelection, but in the next breath you speculate that Rich will be an "attractive choice" and Pawlowski will be "long gone"... talk about being a soothsayer.

  21. It's no speculation. Anyone who can draw that many write-ins with so little time would be attractive to any party. Also, Pawlowski will be long gone. The Haddad prosecution is proof enough. I question whether he lasts the year. Sara Hailstone has already bailed, without finding another job, and another top employee is sniffing around in Bucks county, looking for a landing place. Fed Ed is history.

  22. You keep insisting that Fed Ed will be gone. WHEN?? What is taking so long to indict him? Maybe the evidence they have is weak. He may just survive this mess. The credibility of Miked Fleck is highly questionable. His ass-saving actions could be considered entrapment. Looks like the FBI's case against Ed may be a house of cards. My guess is that Ed will finish his term in office and fade into the world of lobbyists like his predecessor.

  23. The case the Feds are building against Fed Ed seems to be extremly well documented and it would appear Fed Ex is working on His plea deal as We speak.I am hoping our Democratic City Council will remove Him A.S.A.P.

  24. 10:25 keep dreaming. King Edwin will remain on his throne for the balance of this term. The feds have nothing on him. He is more slippery than the Clintons. Teflon Ed.

  25. Thought it was a bit odd when Hillary returned King Edwin's donation.

  26. "You keep insisting that Fed Ed will be gone. WHEN??"

    I realize you are a member of the instant gratification society, but in the real world, good things take time.

  27. More slippery than the Clintons seems about right.


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