Local Government TV

Monday, November 09, 2015

"Martin Tower" Makes Political Debut in Bethlehem

"Martin Tower" has made his political debut in Bethlehem. Though Willie Reynolds was nearly elected Bethlehem Mayor, many believe he is working for the CRIZ developers, not the voters. Twenty-eight per cent of his campaign funding comes from CRIZ developers and their related businesses. Willie made an unusual appearance at July's Planning Commission, when Martin Tower zoning changes were first considered at Martin Tower. He argued then that the City needs to find a way to start saying "Yes" to development, just as he says Yes to CRIZ campaign contributions. He publicly advocated these changes before hearing a word from the first public hearing. Though he claims to support changes designed to reduce the amount of residential retail and prevent a publicly subsidized third downtown, he is still trying very hard to have zoning changes enacted by the end of the year.

Thanks to changes in procedure that were recommended by Karen Dolan before she resigned in disgrace, City Council never responds to the public during courtesy of the floor. The ostensible reason for this is a desire to make sure everyone is heard. But its practical effect is to create a stone wall between the public and elected officials. That was very apparent on Wednesday, when 26 public speakers at City Council were answered with silence. Even when a member of the public tried to crack a joke, Council would sit there and refuse to crack a smile or acknowledge the person in any way.

But when all members are done and no longer have an opportunity to speak, two individual Council members begin taking shots at them. When they cry out in protest, Reynolds gavels them down. The two biggest offenders have been Reynolds and Bryan Callahan.. This approach actually stifles public participation in government.

People don''t like what is going on, and that is evident in the election results on Tuesday. Even though none of the candidates had opposition in this one-party town,  Reynolds has already lost his position at top vote getter.. Moreover, 122 write-in votes were cast in the Northampton County portion of Bethlehem (I am unable to check Lehigh, and about 100 of these went to Martin Tower

Willie has been replaced as top vote getter by Olga Negron (LC 1866, NC 3416 = 5,282), who has never held elected elected office. From what I've seen of her on the Planning Commission, she is naive. But she refused to take a dime from developers.

Reynolds (LC 1816, NC 3294 = 5110) came in second. Now he can argue that he is really still the top vote getter because he was running for a four-year seat while Negron was running for a two-year seat. But that's a delusion in an uncontested race that really is nothing more than a popularity contest.  Voters were clearly sending Willie a message.

Newcomer Michael Colon  (LC 1831, NC 3253 = 5,084) finished only 26 votes behind Reynolds, and beat him in West Bethlehem. Like Negron, he took no money from CRIZ developers.

Shawn Martell (LC 1823, NC 3216 = 5,069) finished at the bottom. He is bright and his family has done many good things in Bethlehem. But like Willie, he took a lot of money from CRIZ developers.

Colon, Negron and Martell were at a NAACP candidates' forum on pre-election Tuesday. Reynolds was absent. I missed that event because I was tied up at a similar forum for the Council candidates.  But I have been told by people who were there that pay-to-play was a topic discussed.


  1. The only way Bethlehem is going to move forward is if council takes charge and moves forward on Martin Tower and other issues. Certainly not getting any real action from the mayor or the de&cd. This administration is either asleep at the wheel or completely blind and deaf to the citizens wishes due to political contributions.

    Now after nearly 2 years of not producing any significant results we are about to get a second tax and fee increase. Got to pay for those smoke detectors somehow, I guess.

    Let's see if council has the brains to make substantial cuts in this abomination of a budget. If not, they are no better than the worthless so-called administration.

  2. "Dog and pony show" originally described a small circus that had little to offer in way of animal acts. No lions, no elephants - just dogs and ponies. Rather unimpressive. Sort of reminds you of what's happening (or not happening)in Bethlehem's city hall.

  3. The election had no one else to choose from. There was no one running for the Republicans and all the Democrats were already in. Other than a 100 or so people it looks like everyone voted straight ticket. You are out of your mind If you honestly think Colon or Negron would even come close to Reynolds with a choice on the ballot.

  4. In a 1 on 1 race Reynolds would win against both Negron and Colon.

    Comparing the vote total of someone running unopposed by themselves, and 3 running unopposed together is apples and oranges. Check out the under votes in the 4 year race.

  5. Willie has lost his sparkle.

  6. All of this is sad and points out how thee Mayor is having problems. Don't know if it was he or his DCED Director that really dug a hole for the city.

  7. "In a 1 on 1 race Reynolds would win against both Negron and Colon.

    Comparing the vote total of someone running unopposed by themselves, and 3 running unopposed together is apples and oranges. Check out the under votes in the 4 year race."

    I read this observation before. As I indicated before, these are four unopposed candidates running for the same office. I believe it is properly viewed as a popularity contest, and right now, it is safe to say Willie is not looking very good at all.

  8. "All of this is sad and points out how thee Mayor is having problems. Don't know if it was he or his DCED Director that really dug a hole for the city."

    The Mayor is not the person who tried to bully this through the Planning Comm'n in July. That was Willie. The Mayor is not the person who lased out at Bruce Haines and then threatened to silence anyone who raised the issue of the influence of campaign contributions. That was Willie. The Mayor is not the person who said this ordinance had to be passed so Council could fix it. That was Willie. The Mayor is not the person who lashed out at merchants and said they shoud be thankful for their street lights. That was Bryan Callahan. The Mayor is not the one who attempted to intimidate Bruce Haines into silence with inaccurate information about a Bedco loan. That was Bryan Callahan. Tyhe Mayor is not the Council member who violated the local taxpayer bill of rights by releasing infoirmation that he should not have been provided about the salarries of the workers for another merchants. That was Bryan Callahan. The Mayor said he'd like to redo the zoning at Martin Tower to make it more flexible. But he has engaged in none of the personal attacks or missteps that have occupied Council, which apparently represents Lew Ronca instead of the people.

  9. We shall see how the the city goes forward. Martell and Colon may appeal to some people, but lack the overall understanding of the city and its operations. It takes time to learn that.
    A veteran political hack like Donchez could take advantage of their deficiecies over the next year.

    Saying Negron is naive is another way of saying she is not bright. I doubt she will ever understand the issues facing Bethlehem, and probably won't be re-elected if someone with money runs against her.

    One thing is for sure, Reynolds won't be Council President next year.

  10. With all due respect, the Callahan Clan candidate handpicked by Joe Kelly lost to her in the primary.

  11. You have to feel bad for Mayor Donchez. AK has been like a bull in a china shop. Employees find her style rough at best. Maybe this was too big a jump given everything that's happening in once quiet Bethlehem. At the end of the day it is not council but the Administration that puts out the plan on administrating.

  12. "But when all members are done and no longer have an opportunity to speak, two individual Council members begin taking shots at them. When they cry out in protest, Reynolds gavels them down. The two biggest offenders have been Reynolds and Bryan Callahan".

    >>> Key note--->This approach actually stifles public participation in government.

    I cant figure out why hard core progressives hate different opinions or comments coming from the same public , they are supposed to be serving.

    In fact , now I get it , when People start talking about taking back their town , city state or country. This Callahan approach is witnessed by the People ,too often from all levels of govt.

    When these guys campaigned, did they inform , the voters , that all opposition would be shut down on this subject? Did Callahan and Willie inform their voters this was the direction the "Christmas City " was going? I highly doubt it. Did Willie and Callahan make a "promise " to the developers, in exchange for campaign donations, of course, that this was the plan? I would think so.

    Truth, honor, morals, ethics and service , mean nothing any more and the Callahan approach demonstrates that consistently.

    Had enough Bethlehem voters? Too bad. Sit back and watch your city get destroyed daily , by guys like Willie and Callahan as well as the rest of the so called elected officials.

    I thought you all wanted hope and change? Instead you got bait and switch and a disinterested city council , who despises you and your questions and or comments.

    Then we will hear, and read , from the so called media about how noble councils intention are .
    We will hear and read how great of a guy Willie and his council thugs are.



  13. Courtesy of the floor doe snot mandate having debates with people. Many people are more into making statements than having sincere questions answered. Get up say what you want and move on. If you want to be the center of attention run for office.

  14. To be sure, nothing in the Sunshine Act compels dialogue. But a government that wants to be open and believes in transparency needs to do more than just sit there like a stone walll as the public speaks. There is no reason why they could not answer a question here and there, or crack a smile. They act as though it is something they must endure, as opposed to something that helps them to govern. You give away your own disdain for the public with your suggerstion that these people want to be the center of attention or should run for office themselves. Most of them have no such desire, but are petitioning their government for the redress of grievances, something specifically mentioned in the First Amendment. If you don't wish to endure it, I suggest that you resign and allow someone who believes in democracy to replace you.

  15. Bernie...I agree with everything you said in your 3:11 comment but there are two more THE MAYOR IS NOT THE ONE that is doing anything for the City. Alecia Karner IS NOT THE ONE that should be the Director of CED because she has done nothing to help the City. Again why should she care she is from Bangor.


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