Local Government TV

Tuesday, November 03, 2015

Make Your Last Minute Election Pitches Here

I am going to be unavailable all day today.You see, I'm a judge. I just picked up my black robe, too. I'll be working the polls today in Hanover Township, and it is very difficult to go online from my polling place. So you will be spared my last minute pitches. Please feel free to make your arguments for or against any of the candidates seeking election today. Let us know where you voted and what turnout is like. If you see anything out of the ordinary, post it here.I will be back in action very late tonight.

1:55. Voters and even poll workers were locked out of a school in Easton as of 7:11 am.


  1. I won't vote for any Team Fed Ed member and Mr. Ramos isn't convincing.
    I'll skip the Comptroller vote.
    GO RICH FEGLEY!!!!!!!!!

  2. After a great deal of discussion myself and my friends have decided to vote a straight ticket in Northampton County. We urge one and all to swing into their polling places tomorrows and vote straight teabagger.

  3. I like taxes so I will be voting for Phillips.

  4. 4:23 - the controller has nothing to do with taxes, that's a function of the county council.

  5. Malissa Davis!!!! Time for change in Bethlehem Township.

  6. The controller does not raise taxes, but Phillips did on council. He proposed the tax hike betraying his values and showing his lack of understanding of count finance. He does not deserve to be Controller!

    I'm a republican voting for Barron and urged all my republican friends to do the same.

  7. I've been voting three times each year since my parents passed in 2004. I vote once in person and twice by absentee. It couldn't be easier. Even though my parents were Caucasian, I think voter ID requirements are voter suppression. RIP Mom and Dad. I think about you each election day.

  8. ^! Got reactionary stupid?

  9. Vote Barron for Controler

  10. Rich Fegley is an asshole

  11. VOTE MALISSA DAVIS for "Commissioner at Large" Bethlehem Township. We need a change. Marty Zawarski is backed by developers, builders, the realtors association, and has taken a donation from Hadid who has been indited by the FBI. We need a change and Malissa is just the person for this position. She is also an advocate for Save Green Pond Marsh. VOTE MALISSA DAVIS.

  12. I don't have a dog in the fight, but know of one, Shiite, dyed in the wool R who is voting for lefty Davis in BT because he cannot stand Zawarski. Zawarski may be in trouble today.

  13. Single vote for Armstrong in the ASD race, Voted for Hershman, MacLean and wrote in Fillman and Fegley for City Council. Skipped Lehigh Commissioners race. Struggled with the Zucal/Rossi vote for Sheriff, they are such similar candidates, both good. Voting at my polling place in Allentown very slow, but voters having to run the gauntlet through the teams of poll workers, all part of process.

  14. Bernie
    if this is true, an election judge should investigate today!

    Hers is one of the many races I failed to cover. But Trotter still reached out to me yesterday to warn about possible voter suppression and Pat Engler's use of her own judicial offices as a polling place, in violation of the Election Code.

  15. Rich Fegley.
    A leader when we need one.

  16. I'm at Sons of Israel in Allentown. Two years ago the turnout here was 25% and I think we'll eqyak or exceed that. The turnout for Rich Fegley and the entire Clean up City Hall looks very strong.


  17. This morning, Ed Pawlowski referred obliquely to the Clean Up City Hall folks as people who want to see Allentown fail. He has no shame. Vote against every single one of his candidates.

    Write-in Fegley. Write-in Fillman. Vote for Ramos.

  18. Silly rabbit. No write-in candidate is going to come remotely close to winning in Allentown. Not one.

  19. "Vote Barron for Controler"

    Those who can spell properly will vote Phillips for Controller.

  20. Pawlowski is going to jail!

  21. Is it legal for a disbarred attorney to be a judge of elections? Also isn't Hanover Twp. where Finnegan runs things and he and you are very close, is that a conflict? Not sure if any of this is appropriate or not? Could be nothing.

  22. Oh Crap! I spelled fegley wrong: FEGELY instead of FEGLEY, but I did use his first name, so will my (and my wife's) Rich Fegely votes count - or be disqualified? How are the rules for write-in interpreted/applied?

  23. 2:24, please feel free to register a complaint. 610-559-3055.

  24. 2:25, assuming you are not the Blog Mentor who commented at 2:24, it is a question of voter intent. In addition, the candidate supplies the registrar with name variations.

  25. Vote in the Republican team in Northampton County. Bring back sanity to county government.

  26. Aren't Republicans already in charge?

  27. I voted for Lt Col Phillips.

  28. Is it legal for a disbarred attorney to be a judge of elections? Also isn't Hanover Twp. where Finnegan runs things and he and you are very close, is that a conflict? Not sure if any of this is appropriate or not? Could be nothing.

    Yep, it is nothing. Ding ding ding - a winner. But you knew that before you started typing. If you set out to be a horse's ass, there is a very good chance you will succeed if you are qualified - and you are. Bernie volunteers for something, and all you can do is try to disparage him. Thanks for coming in today.

    I thanked the poll workers where I voted today at around 3pm for their service, and one said "thank you - you're the first person to do that today." Try showing some gratitude instead of wearing assininity like a badge of honor, Lehigh Valley Nobody.

  29. @Anon 5:12 wins the comments section today!


  30. Looks like some big change in Bethlehem Township! Way to go Malissa!!! No more special interests!!

  31. Congrats to Matt Dees, who is at least twice as popular as the Mezzacrappa POS.

  32. Little Deesgrace and Tommy Noodlebrain will make a great duo on council, we all know who will be the little spoon....

  33. West Easton has rejected Tricia Mezzacappa again, though I heard she was waging a write-in campaign for constable. She is lashing out with her usual sour grapes.

  34. Koval....part of a criminal regime.
    Ramos..... not ready for prime time,
    Damned if you do, damned if you don't. That's the way goes in the Miracle that is Allentown.

  35. Mezzacappa had her wrinkled ass handed to her, losing both the 4 year seat and the 2 year seat to a guy she likes to call the short bus driver. The only seat she'll hold is the uncomfortable one in the audience. Now she can videotape meetings, while Dees gets the people's work done. West Easton cleaned house this year, and kept the wench who no longer even owns one in the cheap seats.

  36. Mezzacappa new West Easton Constable wins write-in!

  37. 2 for 2 those perceived to have been brought in by developers lost in BT! Wake up call. Occasional Commissioner Breslin ought to take notice.

    Knowing the dynamics, I can see wheels spinning already to maneuver for the Presidency. I would actually encourage newcomers Davis and Jenkins not to be afraid and try to secure one more vote between now and January. Make the push that new blood brings a new direction of leadership. Davis' background I think would make her a quick study to easily serve in that role. Regardless, have eyes wide open with all your new "friends."

  38. Vote Ramos....turn the whole town over to the lowest common denominator.
    Let every ward shine.

  39. Bernie how did all your pics turned out, 3 for 9 or WHAT?

  40. Hey O'Hare please don't support my candidates. I want them to win.

    Thank You

  41. Those were not my picks. Those were who I wanted to win. My wish was granted for Sam Murray, Steve Barron, Roger MacLean, Bob Smith, Dan Hartzell, Priscilla deLeon and Donna Louder. If you had asked me for predictions, i would have predicted that Marty Nothstein would win, as well as Cusick and Dietz. What I want to happen and what i think is going to happen are always two different things.

  42. Comeon, Bernie - admit it - you were hoping off'cer Kupcake would become West Easton Constable so she can walk around town looking for criminals like herself, while reminiscing about when she used to own a house and car and spent her days filing OOR appeals.

  43. And Armstrong, outta here!!! Best news all night! Keep sponging off your wife and her pension, cuz no one would hire your pathetic ass!
    East Sider

  44. How is Emil g doing, asshole

  45. @11:15PM Take a chill pill, man - it's just an election. Is foul language necessary? Sounds like you lost an election tonight, or two.

  46. Congratulations to Sam Murray, for kicking Scomillio's butt! Awesome. Also to Barron for holding off the toy soldier.

  47. Victor is not the victor.

  48. If TM won the write-in vote for constable, she can patrol the streets of Mayberry RFD with her heater and a mug of yummy cocoa and make sure Nodoline plows the streets so she can receive court notices in the mail. lOl


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.