Local Government TV

Tuesday, November 03, 2015

Congrats to Judge Sam Murray

Both Vic Scomillio and Sam Murray supporters could agree on at least one thing - this was going to be a close race.But I am gratified to see that the people of Northampton County have chosen Sam Murray for a seat on Northampton County's bench by a comfortable margin of 1,700 votes. They have answered the question whether experience matters. Though Vic was hit hard on his ties to Executive John Brown, I think he lost this race because people can still do math.Sam had twice as much experience.

In the upcoming days, I will do an analysis to see where Sam won this race.

Though Vic came up short, he should be congratulated on handling himself with integrity. Though I think Samwas a better choice, I do believe Vic would make an excellent judge. ... Just not now.  


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  3. Two anonymous OT comments are deleted. Follow the rules.

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  5. That arrogant sycophantic half weight got his due thanks to the common sense of the vox populi.

  6. BTW his Molly's robocall turned off voters and showed him for the wimp he is.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Thank God Sam won. Associating him with old Sofa Stoffa was not smart given his dump Gracedale reputation. I am glad people didn't associate the two.

    Try not to do candidates any favors like that in the future.

  9. Experience does matter- Sam was the much better choice! Scomilio's poor judgment was on display during his short stint as county solicitor.

  10. Scomillio's holiday firing of a county employee via a phone call was enough for me to vote against him.

  11. Congratulations to Sam Murray!

  12. John Brownstain is dumb and Vic Scumillio is dumber

  13. I wish to thank both Scomillio and Murray for putting their hats in the ring for this most important office. I personally voted for the man who I thought had the most experience. Sam Murray. It takes courage to put your name out there in front of the public and ask people for their votes.
    Bernie, you ought to delete all the negative comments about both of these candidates. Their family and friends read this blog and I can only imagine what they go through after an election of this magnitude. Murray deserves accolades and so does Scomillio.

  14. The curse of John Brownstain sank Scomillio's ship.

  15. I agree. Delete the negative comments about Scomillio. He is a good person as are his wife and son.

  16. Yes- We are fortunate here in NorCo so far to have good people run for these position like these men have. Both men here were stand up candidates. Bernie, check to see how wrong my percentage was on this call. Anyway, I sometimes judge someone by how they handle things when the chips are down and not going their way. One door opens and another closes sometimes. Life goes on. A larger group of non-risk takers,and others, that do nothing at all to help the common good should be ashamed of themselves for not even bothering to vote.--We should hold all of you in esteem, those few good people that help our democracy within this republic.Thank you .

  17. So glad Sam won -- he's a good, decent, humble and kind person and has the ideal tempermant and judicial background and experience for this position. It's so rare that the good guy wins, and I'm happy to see that it happened this time.

  18. I deleted one comment that included a vulgarity. But when these guys put themselves in the public light, I have to allow comments I myself consider unfair and mean-spirited. I will not allow them to go too far, the way LVL does.

  19. I'd imagine if Sam is half the "man" and "has the judicial temperment to be a judge" he himself would be calling on you to remove these viscious screeds....unless others are right, and think anyone you support is a disgusting mess of a person.....

  20. Tricia Mezzacappa, time for your drug cocktail.

  21. Molly exudes the amount of class most people on here can only wish for!!! Give it up! Being filled with so much anger and hate is disgusting. The voters made a big mistake with this one but we will see.Most people are ignorant don't study the candidate, look how Americans are drawn to Donald Trump? Sad but true.

  22. I love Donald Trump and I was a Scamillio Supporter
    Gee I must be ignorant

  23. Two things. First, the closeness of the election (52%-48%) was pretty much what most expected. What helped Mr. Murray the most was the huge Democratic tidal wave that swept all of the appellate judicial races. I don't recall ever seeing such a sweep. Mr. Scomillio ran closer to Mr. Murray than the statewide Republicans. Tied to this was the gorgeous weather. We all know that the Dems are known for being 'fair weather' voters and the higher than expected turnout statewide helped Mr. Murray.

    Second, the eleventh hour dirty trick of Karl Longenbach to send out a flier filled with falsifications was sickening and relegates Longenbach to scoundrel. People with any understanding as to how government works knows the Mr. Scomillio did not and could not fire Mancini. He had no such authority. His phone call was an attempt to give Mancini a 'heads up' as to what was likely going to happen so she could get a head start on planning a transition as a matter of courtesy. That was not required, and she could have been 'pleasantly surprised' in January. But to assert motives and decisions that were of others and not Scomillio's reveals Longenbach's lack of character, and obviously, his own personal self-interest. I sincerely hope Mr. Murray had no knowledge of this tactic ahead of time. If so, we will not be served well by this election.

    Assuming Mr. Murray is innocent and had no knowledge or role of the mailing, I wish him much success in his new endeavor. Being a juvenile master is no where in the same league with being a Common Pleas judge. I trust all who appear in front of him will receive a fair even-handed hearing and compassionate justice.

  24. 'THE DONALD' has done one thing here. HE has insisted people that want the government to get more business like. I for one do not like this administration consisting of light weight screwballs in Washington,D.C.---I do like their disrespect for our Constitution or foreign policies.Putin thinks our Pres is a goof . wow- After January of 2016 I will refuse to vote for ANY democrat until they sigh off on their party ,period.I like Bob Freeman for example ,but after TWO TERMS of this mistake ,I will not bring myself to pull any levers for any Democrats. Now I wish the 'R' would get back into EASTON ,PENNSYLVANIA,and get ready for the next issues.Get seriously involved here. Dr.Carson for example is by nature 'analytical' and would in my view be miles ahead of what we have now -even with virtually no political resume. Horse crap to career politic anyway.

  25. Correction ;word insisted changed to INCITED- I will add that the same man has had Bankruptcies,evaded the draft several times and is all about himself. However he is right about PAC'S and influence after having donated to a political candidate,and the violations of more importantly -our Constitution. Social programs sound nice but people like my rental neighbor are abuse of government funds. That's it. I'M done.

  26. Victor also sent out an 11th hour dirty trick, to tout his "experience" as being more grand than Sam Murray. In that flier, Victor chose to quantify his docket numbers in trial court and appellate court, as compared to the docket numbers attributed to Sam Murray...sad part was Vic lost them all, but didnt bother to state that.

    If quantity of docket numbers becomes "I am the most experienced candidate for judge" then that whack nut from West Easton should have won the judge race......

  27. If a number of voters were troubled by the undeniable negative and costly consequences of the actions taken by the losing candidate while serving as County Solicitor he has no one to blame but himself. A candidate's ability to be knowledgeable in the law and fair in its application is the central question and issue in a judicial race. When an incident occurs that sheds direct light on a candidate's qualifications, a voter has the right to be informed. The right to freedom of expression particularly when it involves elections to public office is sacred.

    As a federal jury found, the losing candidate was wrong in doing what he did. It was not a wrong of minor import or consequence. Rather, it involved the violation of a constitutional right to due process. To suggest that bringing these inconvenient truths to the attention of voters was somehow a "dirty trick" rings hollow. Nothing that was stated was untrue. To suggest that the losing candidate was motivated by a desire to be courteous is laughable. Voters were allowed to decide. There is no question that they selected the superior candidate based upon his record.

  28. The problem is while what Mr. Brown decided to do, eliminate positions, was not what Mr. Scomillio did. He did not fire anyone. And due to attorney-client privilege, one cannot know what advice was given and whether Brown ignored it. Same type of dirty trick that was done against Judge Giordano when he ran and when accused of defending criminals, as if an attorney representing someone adopts that person's conduct. Attorneys have tough jobs to do and someone is always unhappy, and if clients don't follow advice, then they should be made to bear the consequences. Unfortunately, Bernie is right. The stain of Brown was hurtful and, in retrospect, quite I am surprised the judicial race was so close.

    1. His deposition and trial testimony made it clear that it was his advice to Brown to do so. The attempted comparison with the anti Giordano flyer is bogus. That was obviously unfair and justly warrants rebuke. Scomillio did exactly what he was criticized of doing. Voters have been saved from his hubris.

  29. If quantity of docket numbers becomes "I am the most experienced candidate for judge" then that whack nut from West Easton should have won the judge race......

    Funniest comment I've read here in weeks. Excellent! She lost most of hers too.

  30. Can anyone interpret what Peter is saying? He is slamming Democrats while acknowledging Republicans make all the mistakes. One of his more confusing posts from his repertoire of way out there comments

    A. Rod Sterling.

  31. Mr Sterling ,good morning,My grandparents were D'S.they paid taxes and owed no-one. THE party is full of 'THE VIEW' types in Washington now. Where are the Harry S Truman types-they are out here but they don't surface. ,My editing is non-existent,and sometimes admittedly confusing .

  32. Though Vic came up short, he should be congratulated on handling himself with integrity. Though I think Samwas a better choice, I do believe Vic would make an excellent judge. ... Just not now. Sucking up to Vic after blasting him?

  33. I don't suck up to anyone. Vic would have been a good judge, but he needs more experience. His record establishes he needs a little more seasoning.

  34. RIGHT Bernie, you don't suck up to anybody. Vic is a good man ,I and maybe you will open the door next time for him.Vic ran a clean deal and I respect him personally as you do .


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