Local Government TV

Friday, November 27, 2015

Madame X Placed on Administrative Leave at NorCo Jail

On Monday, I told you that a former heroin user and stripper I call Madame X is working as a corrections officer at Northampton County jail.  Informed sources tell me she has been placed on administrative leave while the County investigates these allegations.


  1. Cue Mezzacrappa and the "Bernie has destroyed another young woman" comments, lol.

  2. Madame x should had never been hired. Thanks to King manipulator and con artist al she was. Miss Amy Trapp should crafting new employees requirements for the prison, kkk welcome, you must hate Mexican, Arabs, Puerto Ricans, blaks, Muslims , prostitution is plus, stripper 10 points, posing nude for magazines 5 points, framing minorities 30. Extra, extra, come an apply with us. However, if are a minority don t apply.

  3. Amy Trapp is an HR professional who, if anything, will stop or deter the subtle racism that I and others detect. Dan Keen seems to be trying, too, though the jury is still out on him.

  4. Bernie, al already told several employees that the solicitors office already instructed Mr. Keen to get rid off of Madame x and Dan Keen is dragging his feet, because Mr. Keen Cannot make a decision. Wow!!!!!

  5. Bernie, it appears at this point, since the prison knew about this bigot ( Madame x) and they have not address such an important issue that affects the inmate population. I think that it will be appreciate for family members to file a complaint with the US department of Justice office of civil rights. End the Brown administration nonsence and bigotry. For those in power that had the opportunity to addressed and they didn't, shame on you.

  6. Yeah, Al is a real reliable source of information.

  7. ISSUE IS and WILL BE like in Easton city hiring procedures a few years back ----THAT SCREWING with the 'natural selection list of candidates -under the laws of this nation and state ---ultimately get you in trouble. --Example- we had Dennis O'Connell on civil service board here 24 years ago =he played games with the list and ether was IGNORANT of the law or chose to violate it as he was the 'Chairman[' SO---The first thing I did after I got hired from an ADA issue he helped cause- was to recruit two Attorney 's at LAW who lived in the city to get on the Easton City Civil Service Board along side of him --I was a Vietnam VET and put back two years on the primary list the city violated by hiring non-residents of this city-illogically-they just did this until a challenge CUVO vs City of Easton -and that was the END of him here. However- he had caused damage costs the city a million who knows -later as THE CITY paid extra pension to police to 'GO AWAY EARLY'. This was as result of the eggs that hatched 15 and 18 years later. SO BEWARE AT COUNTY ABOUT this subject.

  8. FYI- Bernie, several years ago when the SHERIFFS DEPT employed Kunkle who got hired as the result of political donations by his family. SO - he works his way in and put on 'Full Bird COLONEL ' insignia in the Sheriff's Department and where s them around awhile- problem is that he is' recruiting 'young men that are willing to -BEND OVER- as he uses rubber gloves to check them out. WOW-- anybody that would 'interview like this will be bait for an inmate at the prison during a transport. Well maybe he -KUNKLE is about to be paroled from state prison by now ,I don't know but it is a lesson in hiring procedures. This county paid about 8 -10 young men to 'go away 10,000 each that had been hired by KUNKLE and they ALL fit a mold-- they ALL looked like those guys on bicycles-pushing the bible downtown.

  9. I read all the articles relativeto Madame x. I have worked in law enforcement for over twenty five years particularly criminal and political investigation s. this issue with respect to Madame x is not uniquee.most law enforcement agencies and correctional facilities a background disclosure package, which are very specific. Did Madame x disclosed her :(1) prostitution, ((2)striper, (3) possing nude for Biker magazines (4) substance abuse history, heroin for law enforcement and corrections is a big disqualifier. If Madame x failed to disclosed any of the issues, then it is dishonesty and she should terminated. However, if prison officials knew about this and didn't take any action; then we have a different dilema, perhaps a collision by several or many. The best way to judge a person character and integrity is based on their past actions or behaviours. If prison officials or the Brown administration knew the situation, then shame on them for not addressing it
    Bernie kudos to you for writing the story. As public servants the Brown administration and prison officials need to transparent to the citizens of Northampton county. Last but not least if any of the allegations are true miss Madame x should prosecuted for falsefying her employment application.

  10. As long as cathy Allen is the puppet master, they will never be transparent. This is simple if she lied, she needs to go. This embarrassment as time goes along is going become worst. I hope when the feds interview the prison officials, they need to realize that Allen will no be there.

  11. As long as cathy Allen is the puppet master, they will never be transparent. This is simple if she lied, she needs to go. This embarrassment as time goes along is going become worst. I hope when the feds interview the prison officials, they need to realize that Allen will not be there.

  12. 7:24, Madame X did not disclose her work as a stripper, drug abuse or posing nde for biker magazines. She is denying having worked as a prostitute.

  13. Bernie, I read on the blog that Madame x became a Christian and turnned her life around. However, Madame x was distributing nake pictures of herself to her new found friends at the prison wow. She is back to her old tricks, she didn't change. On top of that , she hates Mexicans, Arabs,Muslims, blacks and misss Allen and keen are protecting this degerate. What is world coming too.

  14. Her placement on admin leave is an indication that Keen is taking the matter seriously.

  15. what does it matter what she USED to be ..don't you think its great that she has straightened her life up and working and trying ..yeah lets kick this madam X right in the teeth for trying

  16. Madame x past is worst than some of the prisoners
    Definitely, she is a huge security risk. I don't think she has straightened her life. The BIGOT got to go. There is no room for narrow minded bimbos in corrections.

  17. Unfortunately al and Madame x have something in common, they are both liars.


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