Local Government TV

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Reminder: Council and Controller Debate Tonight!

In addition to a judicial debate on Thursday, October 29, the Northampton County League of Women Voters are hosting a debate tonight in the Controller's race between Steve Barron and Hayden Phillips. There will also be a debate between the County Council candidates for District Three (John Cuisck v.Lori Heffner) and District Four (Matt Dietz v. Scott Parsons). Tonight's forum will be at Gracedale, starting at 6:30 pm. For more details, see the flyer here.


  1. Hayden will t-bag lil Stevie blumpkin

  2. It's going to be a close race and all indications are that the Rs are ahead. So this should be an important debate. Any County worker who lives in NorCo and fails to vote will only be able to blame himself or herself if John Brown and Cathy Allen get a veto-proof Council.

  3. Word on the street is Hayden Phillips and Cusick are sure things.

  4. I would imagine that Cusick, Phillips and Deitz are all ahead. Rs vote and Dems do not in these races. To have any kind of chance at all, Dems are going to have to come out.

  5. When is the Lehigh County debate......

  6. Little Stevie Blunder is nervous about this election. He has been heavily campaigning, realizing that both his poor image and likely low Democrat turnout will sink his ship. He has probably already applied for another teaching job a NCC.

  7. Of course he is nervous and running hard. I would expect any candidate to do that. Barron is well aware that he has made blunders, but he has also been a very effective check on Brown. Our Exec managed to make him look good. I also think Barron has matured. Hayden Phillips is a formidable opponent and the only way Barron can hope to win is if Democrats come out and vote. At tonight's debate, there will be an opportunity for voters tro see the differences between the candidates. In a close election like this one, a good debate performance can help.

  8. Any idea if the debates will be televised or live streamed? I know it is in the Gracedale auditorium, but it would be nice if they were.

  9. Cusick will beat the shrink from Hellertown, but Parsons may keep his seat. So next council should be 6-3 R's.

  10. No seat is safe and only poll counted is election day! Best voter is an educated one who turns out to vote! May the best person win!


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