Local Government TV

Monday, August 03, 2015

Jimmy Carter - US an Oligarchy

Many of you consider Jimmy Carter one of our worst Presidents. He also might be one of our best ex-Presidents. He recently told Esquire (link below) that the unlimited infusion of money into political contests has turned this nation into an oligarchy.

As someone who has witnessed the growing influence of crony capitalism on a local level, I agree.


  1. He is right and it is getting worse. It has infected all levels of government. If we refuse to limit the money then we need other alternatives. As someone who has always abhorred term limits,, I have come to endorse them for all offices at all levels of government. There should be bi-=partisan support fort this. Sadly, we have come to this point.

  2. Sorry, but can you please tell me why you dumped my comment. I was neither lewd, rude nor controversial in my comment. I was making a serious comment on your topic. I don't understand?

  3. He is right. Money runs the country at all levels of government. If you think not, you are living in a cave. Both political parties are infected and it is only getting worse. It rules all levels of government from federal to local. The Supreme Court has further destroyed things by their Citizens United decision equating money with speech.
    I once opposed term limits and now I endorse them at all levels of government. They should apply to both executive and legislative branches. While moneymen can just buy new people, it does shake things up and may have some impact on cleaning things up.

    What a mess! Hopefully partisans of both parties can rally behind term limits.

  4. The same could be said of our own Mediterranean Manslab, an awful Bethlehem Councilman that grew into his role as leader of Unity PAC and political kingmaker.

    Hope you have the wisdom to kiss Gregory's ring when he makes his triumphant return to the NorCo council chambers next year, he will resemble Ricardo Montablan from his role as Khan replete with an entourage of beautiful women he has been corresponding with while wrongly imprisoned.

    Vengeance is a dish best served cold, it's suiting that Spartacus will be released in February.

  5. Politicians in America are becoming a significant problem. To them, spending doesn't involve actual money, tighter regulations won't affect their own family, the future means NOW, and the main objective is to remain in office. Being elevated to a committee chairmanship is also nice.

    I encourage everyone to look past party labels and make MAJOR changes next time you vote. We're being duped.

  6. Follow the money, The Federal Reserve is a private bank owned by wealthy families who lend the United States government money at an interest rate, which in turn is paid for by our taxes. We are indentured servants. This is the case in all countries. The same people who run the Central Banks in every country own all of the media outlets and control what everyone sees on the news.

  7. 2:19, I did not delete you. I was asleep. Your comment went into my spam fokder, which sometimes happens.

  8. DandyLion, aka Mezzacappa, may be having trouble sleeping bc her criminal case is today and tomorrow.You really shoukdn't threaten me with vengeance at the eve of your trial. Witness intimidation is a crime.

  9. If things go well. the bitch and the loser dude might wrap up their prison sentences together at the same time and go hand-in-hand to the 6th street shelter.....

  10. "Vengeance is a dish best served cold, it's suiting that Spartacus will be released in February."

    Wait a minute, Tricia. A few weeks ago, you said his release was imminent. You must have been talking about him in the corner of his cell, remembering fondly how he was treated the previous night by Bubba.

    You would know all about vengeance being served cold, and your mother as well. Eat up, and wash it down with some yummy vegan cocoa.

    If you are referring to yourself as "beautiful," well, you're as deluded as thinking you wouldn't have to pay your civil debt to Bernie for defaming him. That was grossly inaccurate as well. The old and decrepit stick has had its way with you, but you rotted from the inside as well.

  11. Much better back in the "good old days", when political leaders were picked in smoky back rooms and by newspaper editors.

  12. Intelligent people knew that unlimited PAC money and corporations determined to be people would end up exactly as it has today. The rich are buying elected officials and it doesn't matter which party wins. Both D's and R's are given money. They all owe a debt that is expected to be repaid with law changes or support for whatever they want passed to increase their wealth.
    It's like betting on every horse in the race. You might not know who will win, but you will cash in a winning ticket.

  13. 10:56 - excellent analogy. I am hoping many incumbents begin to fall. Just to keep the shenanigans delayed for awhile. A listing of which names should be returned is pretty short. It's time for Americans to go to work in many ways.

  14. I know I shouldn't laugh, but whenever I read one of the "Mediterranean Manslab" posts I get a good chuckle! I mean, who has even thought about Ricardo Montalban/Khan in the past 20 years let alone worked it into a post?

  15. The human tripod has received a special pardon to set up "Greggy Platz" ate the fest. He will be handing out gold chains to all young women and signing autographs. It is rumored he may end up being hired by Ed P. to clean up the political mess in Allentown.

    The manslab will stand tall and glisten in the August sun. His rippling muscles and flowing mane will attract women and men like a fabled ambrosia.

  16. But, but, but. The righteous (and all-powerful) Democrats in one-party Allentown actually care about poor people. Just ask anybody (like Alan Jennings, for example).

    I will take this opportunity to remind everyone that a) Pawlowski is still Mayor of the City With No (Spending) Limits and b) no one has even been charged with anything, let alone the fact that no one has been convicted of anything.

    All the unabashed Hate & Bullying is just so unbecoming.

    I suggest Re-Education Camps.

  17. I suggest Re-Education Camps.
    So you think Hanoi's policy of imprisonment, torture, and abuse of over 1 million people is a good suggestion. Either you are too young to understand where the term came from, or a local Tea Party Republican. Either way, you are an idiot.

  18. No funds over $100 dollars should be allowed any candidate ,--IF THAT! The money is corrupting the system more and more .A Candidate for a political position should show his or her face and let voters judge their issues stated only . The voters should present an ID to authenticate who they are and that should log in a national database, asap so students and traversal folks can't vote twice.WE taxpayers must crack down on the people we sent or our kids will be broken for life.

  19. Im with you 100% on the campaign funding Mr. Cochran. I'm not a big fan of any national data bases but i do understand your concern.

  20. Congrats to Tricia on the VERY favorable outcome at today's hearing. Golem must be seething in his hovel, clutching his precious (IPad) while covered in grime and body oil.

    Smeagol supplicate to your intellectual superiors and retire from blogging.

  21. Your very favorable outcome, as I understand it, consists of a continuance so you can apply for ARD. In reality, you are about one inch from jail, and given your personality, I question whether you can avoid it. You certainly don't help yourself when you comment here. You are not supposed to be commenting here, even anonymously. This is the kind of thing that ruins an ARD application and all the hard work your attorney. Stay off this blog.

    Those of my readers interested in seeing how successful Mezzacappa is can do so by looking at her docket.


  22. Just block her stuff dude, its so old and nobody gives a shit.

  23. @9:12PM We know all about your false claims of victory. There are many examples. One that comes to mind is an OOR appeal you got slammed on, but you told your readers you were victorious and tired and would post the juicy details later. Later never came, because it couldn't - you lost.

    You've lost every step of the way in this matter. You lost the decision, you lost the award phase, you lost the appeal of the award to Koury, you lost the appeal to Superior Court, after losing the fraudulent attempt at being declared pauper status.

    Let's see. You lost you car to Bernie. You lost your attempt to have the criminal charge for concealing said car belonging to Bernie dismissed. You got caught red-handed fraudulently transferring your house to your mother, and now are claiming that was to repay a debt. Tisk tisk. What mother would take her daughter's house to pay off a debt? Ain't gonna happen. You aren't supposed to lie in court filings.

    Looking further, you blithely assumed you wouldn't have to pay your debt to Bernie, and you were very wrong about that. You could have settled with Bernie for probably $50,000, and now you're in for more than $75,000 by the time this is over, plus attorney fees to the river rat.

    Intellectual superiority? Legal superiority? You're an incompetent amateur. O'Hare has run circles around you so much that the floor got hot and it burned through from his feet - and you're falling like the Mad Man guy.

    If you are planning to file for ARD, you'll need to take responsibility. Not fake responsibility - the real thing. I doubt you'll make it sweetie. Have some bacon and cocoa and get some sleep. And why not start your own blog, instead of stenching this place up with off topic rants? You need a bath.

  24. Brenda, Brenda, Brenda (sigh) those were the days.

  25. Congrats to Tricia on the VERY favorable outcome at today's hearing.... supplicate to your intellectual superior

    Here's a newsflash, "Tricia". It is intellectually inferior to hide someone's car and be charged criminally for it, than to simply turn it over when law enforcement demands it.

    You're an idiot, and your intellect is not superior to that of a rock. Have a great night in la la land. Do you take drugs to be the way you are, or does it come naturally?

  26. we need to repeal the first amendment. persons exercising their free speech rights should be jailed, especially if they are rich. we should permit vast numbers of un- or mis-informed voters to decide our future.
    Oh wait - that's what has happened in 2008 and 2012 - thank God we're in such good shape today

  27. @11:11
    Great comeback, Potsie!


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