"Any property owner or resident who has planted or maintains Bamboo (“Bamboo Property Owner) shall be required to take such measures that are reasonably expected to prevent such Bamboo from invading or growing onto adjoining or neighboring properties. Such measures shall include, but not be limited to, installation of sheathing comprised of metal or other material impenetrable by Bamboo at sufficient depth within the property line or lines where the running Bamboo is planted or growing to prevent the growth or encroachment upon adjoining or neighboring property by the Bamboo.”
Today's one-liner: "The shortest way to the distinguishing excellence of any writer is through his hostile critics." Richard LeGallienne
Local Government TV
Monday, August 03, 2015
Bethlehem Township Will Consider Bamboo Restrictions Tonight
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Hokie Joe says
ReplyDeleteThe township should consider importing "Panda Bears". They love Bamboo shoots and by eating them, they will protect the spreading of this invasive plant and provide an environmental service. wink wink
I saw a panda bear on Hudaks roof.
ReplyDeleteMe too. He was talking with a Blue Heron. They were discussing how dysfunctional the BOC has become.
Not only will the panda bears eat the Bamboo, after they feast on the delicacy we can feast on the pandas.