Local Government TV

Thursday, August 06, 2015

Allentown's Governmental Breakdown

The one person who demonstrated better than anyone that Allentown government is in total disarray was at City Council's meeting last night by accident. It was their second meeting since an FBI raid on City Hall. The first meeting after public disclosure of the federal investigation was relatively quiet. But not this one. At least 60 people were on hand to chastise and, in some cases, taunt members of City Council. All save Jeanette Eichenwald just sat there, unwilling to say a word. It was almost as though those were their marching orders. Mayor Ed Pawlowski, aka Fed Ed, was nowhere in sight. No one had answers to the most basic questions. But City Council's isolation from the public it is supposed to serve was most apparent as members were unable to do a damn thing for a victim of domestic violence who was just  looking for a place where she and her children could spend the night.

Rich Fegley meditates
City Council Unable to Help Domestic Violence Family

This woman, who was crying as her son and daughter sat there bravely, was lucky enough to encounter Good Samaritan Melinda O'Brien. She spent most of the day phoning all the resources that are supposed to be out there there to help people in crisis situations. The Sixth Street Shelter? Swelter. Salvation Army? Put a nickel in the drum. The Lehigh County Crisis Center could only help if she was crazy and ready to toss herself off a bridge. A young woman did just that a few months ago, after throwing her two year-old son off the Hamilton Street Bridge. Now prosecutors want to help her by putting her to death.

Council members sat there, like deer caught in the headlights, as O'Brien painted a pretty ugly picture of the City Without Limits. Just a few blocks away, $54 million in state tax money has been poured into buildings to turn a millionaire into a billionaire. While the gentry dine on fiilet mignon at Shula's, there's no money to help a mother and her two children who, through no fault of their own, are suddenly without a home.

There was no leadership from City Council, its absent Mayor or a Managing Director who spent most of  the evening keeping his head down and trying to ignore everyone. The leadership instead came from the people in that room.

People spontaneously began donating money to help this woman. Don Ringer embarrassed Council into throwing in some of their pay-to-play money. This mother and her children ultimately left with Diane Teti, a tireless homeless advocate in a City where First Lady Lisa McBeth Pawlowski has claimed to have solved the homeless problem.

Like City Council, mainstream news accounts in The Express Times, Morning Call and WFMZ-TV69 are all silent about this woman's plight. Nothing more clearly demonstrates the failure and unresponsiveness of local government and the media that is supposed to be telling us what happens.  They have all forgotten why they are there. One attractive young lady with some press organization was actually munching away on her WaWa pizza as the plight of this mother was discussed.

Lou Hershman wants account number associated
with payment to Atiyeh
All City Council Wants is Silence, and Damn Little of That!

Before anyone got up to speak last night, President Ray O'Connell spent about five minutes going over the rules. Three minutes. Comments to be directed to him. No personal attacks. To be sure you get the message, a timer is displayed on about forty screens as people would begin to speak, flashing as each second slips away. At the end of three minutes, a microwave bell dings to let you know you're done, like a soft-boiled egg.

It's an insulting system designed to chill public comment. While it might be necessary in some instances, there are others in which the public needs to vent. Last night was such a night. That rule could have been relaxed a bit to give speakers like Rich Fegley, who was just getting warmed up at the end of three minutes, some additional time. Other municipalities often vote to extend an additional minute or two.

Allentown's Iron Lady, Jeanette Eichenwald 
Fed Ed and Council Criticized

Noting the Mayor's absence, which is usual for him, Diane Teti told Council that he has thrown them to the lions, and should have enough respect for them and the public to be present. Chris Cocca called on him to resign "so that the City can move on and get out from under the cloud."

Don Ringer called on Council members to resign. Two of them received $15,000 from Fed Ed in their City Council races. "Why would you have to get $15,000 for a $6,000 job?" he asked. "Why $12,000 in consulting fees to Mike Fleck? Ethically and morally, I think it stinks."

Tom Hahn sarcastically thanked council for "never being prepared. The only way we are going to move forward is with a new team and a new regime."

Daniella Bart, owner of Allentown's iconoclastic Hava Java, reminded Council, "You're sitting on your seats because of us. We voted for you."

Michael Molovinsky attempts to smile ... and fails
Atiyeh's $1.4 Million Deal Blasted

The City's controversial. purchase of two properties from entrepreneur Abe Atiyeh last year was blasted by the public and Jeanette Eichenwald, who voted against the purchase. The City paid nearly three times what its own appraiser had told them the land is worth.

"You should be ashamed," noted Rich Fegley, after calling Council a bunch of rubber stamps. "You should all be very, very ashamed." Bill Stauffer added, :"You allowed this Administration to spend windfall money. How dare that happen! You have failed us."

Bonzo Bosco worries that the toxins on the Basin Street property might find their way into the drinking supply.

Jeanette Eichenwald would later note that Allentown's most important resource is its children. Pools and playgrounds are closed. "But we do own $1.4 million land that is not developable, that has environmental concerns, that has toxins on it, and we already own this for a year and nothing has been done. And I sit here, week after week, and I never have seen a plan for this land. When the $5 million was discussed, my colleagues - some of them no longer here, especially Mr. Schweyer and Mr. Schlossberg, - spoke glowingly about how they were going to use this $5 million to improve the life of the citizens of Allentown. And instead, what do we have? About 25% of that money, land, that is environmentally dangerous and obviously doesn't have any purpose. And we own it. Plus, 2 1/2 times above its estimated value.And when we have questions, do we have answers?"

While condemning the Abe Atiyeh deal, Lou Hershman defended Abe's role. "If somebody gives you $1.4 million, you gotta' take it."

Allentown City Council with timer in background
One Positive Sign

Toward the end of the meeting, Jeanette Eichenwald and Julio Guridy sponsored a measure that will require Council approval of all professional service contracts over $40,000. "We're talking about consultants and lawyers," noted Eichenwald.

Other than Eichenwald, not a single member of Council addressed any of the concerns raised by Allentown residents.


  1. SNORE, It is the same "activist" people who only complain but do nothing about the problems they alleged, a la the occupy movement people. If Jeannette cares so much about this city, why is she not running for reelection? It is because she does not care and is quitting on the city that she "so much cares about". Your whole story is essentially about the quitter Eichenwald. As for your statement about addressing the concerns of Allentown residents, very few people who spoke were actual Allentown residents. That list includes Don Ringer, Michael Molovinsky, Bonzo Bosco, Chris Cocca, Danielle Barllett, Bill Staufer and yourself. All of those people do not vote, own homes, nor pay residence taxes to the city of Allentown. How ironic that the loudest voices do not even live here. No wonder city council does not gives a damn to what they say.

  2. City government isn't a damn social worker. Why come and piss and moan to city council. Some people want everything handed to them.

  3. A government of the crooks, by the crooks,
    and for the crooks....and a few tireless apologists, like the pathetic creature who posted the comments above.
    I think I might vomit.

  4. If I was Phildelphia Fran I would keep my head down also.
    Good practice if one is ever called upon to do a perp walk.

  5. The third largest municipality in the great state of Pennsylvania is in collapse. It's clear to any objective observer there is no functioning leadership, barely a responsible government,
    and no real chance of significant improvement on the horizon.
    There is the very real fear that this extraordinary failure brings the entire region into a protracted decline, real and perceived.
    It's not simply a joke any longer, it's a legitimate crisis for the Lehigh Valley,
    We are witnessing a slow motion catastrophe,
    both political, civic and economic----all the combined force of regionalism manifest as a black hole.

  6. Camden on the Lehigh, with its very own aquarium, school district and all the attendant fixings.
    The City Without Limits.
    The Miricle That is Allentown.
    ......and yes, who could forget, The Little Apple!
    "We're all living here in Allentown!!!"
    All together now.

  7. Do I have this right?
    A citizen cannot address an individual City Council person at a public session of council?

  8. Some of these incompetent slime balls think they should be the next mayor?
    What kind of the self delusional fantasy world do they live in?

  9. 2:02 2:09.
    Is this how our city scoundrels perform damage control?
    The Mayor and all his colluding minions need to be gone.
    This citizen is done attending phony city productions.
    Pullpudski needs to be impeached now.

  10. Sounds like Allentown is sorely in need of a LEADER. Someone who has the courage to step-up and confront issues during a crisis like this. Someone to say "ENOUGH!"

    It needs a leader to take-over the process, roll up his/her sleeves and REJECT the damn time clock. A representative not afraid to ENGAGE citizens, and to address questions - from no matter where they come.

    The scene being played out now is absolutely pitiful. But, what do I know? I only live nearby.

    Fred Windish

  11. The slugs on council should be worried about
    being indicted, not being the next mayor. With one exception, none of them should ever hold political office again.
    Julio, he of the Police Pension Disaster, is absolutely out of his mind!

  12. Who voted for these people?? Time to wake up!

  13. John Brown for Mayor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Bernie:

    Atiyeh's land is a drop in the bucket compared to Allentown's water/wastewater concession. The RFP process for the water deal was halted 3 times for document revisions. With each revision, the scales tilted more and more in favor of the LCA. Amidst the other controversies in Allentown, the LCA's CEO just happens to pick now to retire. The finance director of Allentown also retired in the spring just before the second FBI visit to Allentown City Hall in two years. There is too much coincidence associated with Allentown's Water Deal. Fleck's sister in law works there!

    Silence Dogood

  15. Dreaming of JusticeAugust 6, 2015 at 8:10 AM

    Laughs at the pathetic insults posted here at top.

    You are a loser of such magnitude, this is literally the sole contribution you ever make.

  16. Democracy is not dead in Allentown. Hopefully Council member Jeanette Eichenwald, who has been a lonely Cassandra for many years now demanding truth and answers from this corrupt administration and trying to get her colleagues to stand up against it, will lead us in the post-Pawlowski era - which is VERY rapidly approaching.

    WFMZ taped an interview with her last night that they inexplicitly chose not to run either on their website or on TV. Among the questions was whether she planned to reenter the political fray. I unfortunately could not hear her answer but if she chose to rin for mayor i think she would and should win in a landslide. She has publicly stated that she did not run for reelection because of the then-powerful Pawlowski machine and money arrayed directly and specifically.against her.

    The replacement of high powered defense lawyer Robert Goldman with local Gavin Houlihan I think signals the city's determination to get this scandal behind them as rapidly as possible. I would look for a Pawlowski guilty plea the week of August 16. After that we'll see who on city council stands for reform and who does not.

  17. When the dust settles, it'll still be a one-party town.

    Because the voters ARE that stupid.

  18. I second that John Brown for mayor!
    Send him to Atown.
    Browne and Brown, the drunk and the stain.

  19. I cant wait for the perp walk out of city hall. Save yourself the embarrassment and resign.

  20. Just wants to inform anonymous who claimed non of the people who spoke lived in Allentown, is very wrong, at least about dannielle Bartlett. She lives in the city without limits, and pays taxes. Please be informed before you babble on.

  21. Word on the street is that the "mentor" will throw his hat into the ring soon, the guy is just a born winner who has no equal.

  22. Great coverage as usual Bernie! I get a chuckle somehow in every story. You always find a way to awaken the sleeping giant. Integrity is rare these days.

  23. The former police captain has proven himself to be an empty suit of notable proportion.
    What another complete waste of a council seat
    and another lacky who would be mayor.
    These people are complete fools!

  24. Hoo boy
    A ship of fools!!!

  25. Something is terribly wrong with local government. This victim of domestic violence was brought to Council by a Good Samaritan who spent the day trying to find help at numerous agencies and governmental levels. The governing body of the City of Allentown had absolutely no clue what she should do. The help finally came, but it was from the people in the meeting room, not their supposed leaders. That, in a nutshell, explains how out-of-touch government has become.

    The mainstream failed to write a word about this. Guess it didn't fit in with what they had already decided they were going to write. They completely missed a clear demonstration of what is wrong in local government. And that is what is wrong with them. One of them actually sat there eating a pizza.

    As much as government should be bashed for its failure, I deel that the mainstream media is complicit as well.

  26. I have just deleted two comments about political parties. I might be wrong to have done that, but did so because that I felt the comments were an attempt to deflect the real issue here, or to take advantage of a situation to make political hay. It is a TOTAL breakdown in government. Though I understand that one-party rule exacerbated the problem, that is a topic for another day. Right now, the question should be focused on why the people who are supposed to lead Allentown did nothing last night.

  27. The near total failure and collapse of the media is without a doubt fully half of this tragic saga.

  28. Anon 2:03 "but do nothing about the problems they alleged, a la the occupy movement people."

    Hey we tried. We tried hard to bring awareness to the very corruption now being investigated by the FBI. We stayed out there until the city came in and cut our tents to pieces and broke tent poles. We kept at it trying to get a law passed that would require voter approval before the city did anything stupid like sold our water. Despite only legally being able to make sure the signatures were collected correctly the county voting board threw out our petition. We in the Occupy movement did quite a bit locally. As do those who you also bitch about. The local activists. They too fought to keep the water under city control, They helped lead efforts to stop the city from building a sewage incinerator on the river. They have done quite a bit more then you have with your keyboard bitching that others have not done enough when you have done nothing, not even had the cojones to put your name on your post here.

    ~Elijah LoPinto

  29. Bernie.

    It wasn't one party rule. Remember it was a Republican who 'wrote' the law that started all this. It was his wife and the company she works for Pugliese that City Center (and others) hired as their lobbyist. While there are not many Republicans have been at the top of this issue from day one.

    Your right though, it is a total breakdown of government we are seeing.

    As to why the people who are supposed to lead Allentown did nothing last night, well they never do anything so what else is new.

    ~Elijah LoPinto

  30. The Executive Director of CACLV may have treated you with respect BOH ( which you certainly deserved in any event) but it becomes very difficult to avoid the fact that this gentleman was a major booster for this rotting hulk of an administration and his organization failed the family in crisis last night as much as anyone,
    I take no pleasure in saying this, but it's difficult to reach any other conclusion.

  31. Elijah, I assume you are responding to the anonymous coward at 2:03, who most regular readers recognize as the marginalized Blog Mentor. Most of his information is wrong.Most of the people he complains about are, in fact, Allentown residents. Danielle Bartlett is actually the owner of HAVA JAVA, located in Allentown. It is disinformation. I probably should have deleted the comment.

    1. Bill Stauffer most definitely lives in Atown

  32. O'Connell looked like a deer in the headlights last night. He's clueless, if that fool is the interim mayor for any length of time Allentown will be in jeopardy. Maybe the city should hire more worthless council family members like O'Connells son and others. Funny how the water deal and other big money projects all got passed after the city employed unqualified family members from council, all except Jeanette!

  33. The ship is sinking.

  34. Who needs swimming pools for low income kids when you can get a good $60 steak?
    (Parking not included.)

  35. As a city employee I see these mercy hires first hand. O'Connells son works in information systems. He is a complete fool, I know more about technology than him and that's not saying much at all. No way is he qualified to do anything but maybe be a janitor. Mr O'Connell must have sold his soul to the devil for this mercy hire.

  36. A comment and a suggestion.
    I appreciate the sad, pathetic comments that opened this post. They are a clear and concise indication of just how marginal the defense of the indefensible has become. Whoever posted them, I thank you.

    Perhaps Shulas, The Dime and the Hamilton etc. can open their dumpsters once or twice a week so the poor in the adjacent neighborhoods can come in for some high-quality scraps.
    It gets some vegetables and protein into the neighborhood and would be perceived as a gesture of goodwill by the natives.
    Just a thought.

  37. Every Pawlowski hire should be terminated.
    Every Pawlowski committee/commission appoint must be replaced.
    Individuals furloughed should have the ability to reapply in a fair and transparent process.

  38. You can smell the fear in City Hall all the way out on the parking lot.
    Some long-term cushy jobs are about to come to rather undignified ends.

  39. To Robert @8:31
    The hiring of the new solicitor signals shit nothing.

  40. Does anybody know the two council members that received the $15,000? Why would you need that much money and how was it spent? Did other council members receive benefits other than cash? Maybe a job for a family member or vacation spots. This whole thing stinks and if you're guilty you better fess up or get the perp walk

  41. i was glad to see the number of people that turned out last night. courtesy of the floor fell on def ears, and may have been repetitive, but at least it was entertaining. watching ray squirm all night was worth the trip and parking fees alone. how jeff glazier slept so soundly through the ranting is beyond me fran dougherty also did his best to seem calm and collected. his seersucker suit was a fine touch. i hope future meetings will draw even more people. it would be nice to see more "millennials" get involved.

  42. We're witnessing the implosion of a mid-sized American city play out right before our eyes.
    It's a damn shame a documentary film crew isn't on hand to capture this event.

  43. @11:04..How do you know Ray's son isnt qualified for his position, was he an appointed hire by the mayor?

  44. Philly Francis is a dapper gent.
    I've always appreciated that about him.
    He has the best seersucker suits in the building.

  45. Are the City Hall prayer meetings still happening?

  46. Former city employee was displaced and forced out for the council presidents son, this is a know fact around city hall.

  47. It looks to me like Abe is the real thief here; force him to give the money back or sue him...simple enough...and any Allentown citizen can do it btw; with the right law team it would work.

  48. Phildelphia Fran has a real nack for looking busy, if you think this is easy you have no idea.
    Sleepy Jeff G. can sleep through most anything. These men are gifted.
    Compare them to the Good Captain Hendrix,
    who alternitly attempts to appear concerned or important, and fails at both, or Ms. Moto, who can't help but look like a dummy.

  49. @11:04 ray's son has a communications degree. now he reboots computers and unplugs modems at shitty hall. i wouldn't say he is unqualified, but i wouldn't say he was an obvious fit for the position ether. qualifications aside, the fact that he was unemployed for 3 years before being hired by the city does put ray in a tough spot. pawlowski's vindictive streak is no secret. once ray's son was hired, ed had ray right where he wanted him. stepping down due to a conflict of interest and voting his conscience are both out of the question. ed found a good docile mouth piece in ray and if i were ed id want to make sure i got good use out of it.

  50. Bring in Malcolm Gross.

  51. I certainly applaud Mr. Guridy's proposed review of contracts.

    Given that his resume lists him as having served as a VP of "Latinos for a New Lehigh Valley" I would also hope he would insist on a review of that somewhat mysterious organization's donor list.

  52. In response to a comment above, Senator Browne's wife no longer works for a lobbying firm, according to her LinkedIn profile.

  53. Julio did an outstanding job reviewing the police contracts,

  54. I don't know how Susan Wild can defend the cities purchase of unbuildable swamp land laden with arsenic. I hope she realizes her credibility is at question. It's much better to admitt there's a problem instead of looking like part of the problem. Dont ruin your reputation circling the wagons for people who wouldn't think twice about tossing you under the bus.

  55. @Anon 1:17 ...220 million reasons why he was hired. Ray opposes water sale, idiot son is hired, ray changes his mind. And nobody noticed this yet!

  56. @12:06 great post. i lol'd.

  57. 11:14 brings up a good point about local restaurants in the NIZ feeding the poor with scraps. Those new high-end local restaurants really are empty, by and large. (I'm talking about Shula's, the Hamilton, the Dime, Roar, and Cosmo/Hook.) How do I know this? I've been blessed enough to visit them - they are really good, but really underwhelmed by customers. So, there must be food thrown out in epic proportions. To have large menus like they do with very small customer bases means a LOT of waste of food.

    When I drove my kid to the Baum one week this summer, I passed the Salvation Army building on 7th Street. Do you know the line was a block long to get to the front door at 8:50 AM one morning? Allentown has no business using taxpayer money to prop up $60 entree restaurants instead of helping the massive amounts of poverty stricken families in this town.

    It's just disgusting. I mean, there's so much more wrong, but the excess food really must be massive.

  58. Robert Trotner, you said to look for a guilty plea the week of August 16th. But...there can be no plea if there are no charges. I'm just very curious about your comment - what specifically makes you think this is the timing of a Pawlowski departure??

    1. I'm guessing there are indictments and charges under court seal. No one knew there were charges against Acosta in Reading, and then suddenly they appeared when the guilty plea was done.

  59. Regarding poverty levels in Allentown, a good source of information about statistics is the Allentown School District's website.


    Here are some statistics to consider when ordering your next martini at the Hamilton:
    Families denoted as Low Income: 88.7%
    Percentage of students receiving Free/Reduced Lunch: 86.8%
    Serving a community with a poverty rate of 38.64% of the City's population. (2013 Census)

    It would be one thing if these high end restaurants were organically grown, business-wise - that is, if the market itself demanded them and customers wanted such restaurants. But the reality is, these restaurants are political pawns in a rich-man's game of using TAXES to create the impression (not reality) of wealth. The restaurants simply would not exist without this NIZ tax scheme. How can our local leaders and Harrisburg officials sleep at night?

  60. Ms.Wild will do (or defend)!whatever she is asked/ordered to do, short of the clearly illegal,
    more or less.
    She is part of Team Pawlo/Fleck Inc.!
    Like the thugs at Codes, she's ready to serve.
    Whatever it takes.

  61. I went to school with Brendan O'Connell he always seemed to be a good guy. Don't people get jobs from connections all of the time? His father getting him a job just shows how much he loves him

  62. What ever Ms. Wild is getting paid she'll soon learn it's not nearly enough.

  63. Timewise, where did the Atiyeh sale fall in relation to the water lease?

  64. Allentown has a damn good leader and his name is Ed Powlowski. It was a shithole ten years ago and it's turned a corner, but you pack of idiots want it back the way it was, well now your going to get what you obviously want. Good luck Allentown

  65. Betsy, it was AFTER the water lease. That's where tge money to make the purchase came from.

  66. 3:34, Abe Atiyeh, JB Reilly and numerous engineers and contractors will agree with you. But the average Alllentown resident, where per capita income is $18,000? Not so much.

  67. Any idea who "For The People" PAC is?

  68. It's "pack of idiots", you idiot!

  69. 3:54, that is Jenn Mann. I wrote about her PAC several weeks ago, you can use the search feature on this blog to read my report.

  70. Anon 3:34 said:

    "Allentown has a damn good leader and his name is Ed Powlowski."

    If you think he's such a great leader, you should learn how to spell his name.

  71. Great leaders name is PaPalowski.

  72. DanPeak is correct and the early morning anonymous post was inaccurate. I am a life long Lehigh Valley resident and have lived the last 25 years within the city of Allentown.

  73. Accuracy has never been the apologists
    long suit.

    Neither has truth.

  74. It is time to apply the penalty of "surcharge" to those who voted in favor of any deals beyond to appraised price!

  75. Bernie,
    This Brown Hole deal in itself had a shitty smell to it from the very begining¿ Now we are just begining to see the ringmaster trix¿ Under the homeroom charter Re:Written for full disclosure of said property sales¿ This is especially intestine seeing Allentown has lost a suit to the very same hazardous waste dump circus handlers¿

    Ending this conversation it must be legal to use industrial waste lands as hazardous waste dump sites under cover under colur of local law than in turn sell it to the circus stick mayor at a ludicrous price on the tax payers children's children not even yet concieved¿ This is not some big medicare fraud perpetrated by the poisonous water war consessionair¿

    Jus think of what must be buried on the new FEDEX site at the airport for FedEd to be pushing the fictitious Rockefeller purchase¿ We all know that the EXCIDE site in Allentown was a unclean ed site for the Flopp to Be nett, hence what's in the Flopp for Allentown pa said, "Re Pete the new yet same old state Representational tool for LYNN formally known as the great allentown circus creeks and geeks of the back midway of years past¿! ($

    patent pending

  76. redd for mayor.
    why not?

  77. The question that I have those who are calling for resignations, what crime has the Mayor or any member been charged with? The reason I ask such question, because the anti Pawlowski crowd demand democracy at its best. But is that not hypothetical since no charges have been made. Once and if charges are applied to members of the administration and/or city council I will understand your demand for the request of resignation. Until then you are acting as judge, jury and executioner. Do not all citizens deserve the right to be innocent until proven guilty?

    1. 2:13 am
      The answer to the question of what crime committed is simple¿

      Theft of services as a public servant¿! ($

      I would want the doc'said job and mayor to keep the current mayors double dip pension procurement process intact¿! ($

      patent pending

  78. Higher standards must be expected of public officials. Independent of the federal investigation, there is ample evidence that pawlowski has abused his position of trust to deprive the people of Allentown of their right to hinest services. He funneled $1 million to Abe Atiyehm, buying land the City did not need for far more than it was worth, to silence his criticism. This is unacceptable, and Pawlowski needs to resign.

  79. Expected, sure! But an expectation does not make your expectations legal or their failure to uphold those expectations illegal. There is no way that anyone on either side of the argument can say that "there is ample evidence". No one knows no matter what side they support. It is a grand jury investigation and by such is extremely secret. He if the city did over pay for properties that were owned by Atiyeh still does not make it illegal. Poor judgement? sure! Bu tstill not illegal. The witch hunt is getting ridiculous. Until an indictment comes down, no one has any clue. If they say they do, they are either lying or being provided with leaked info...Ask Kane.

  80. I indicated that there is ample evidence that pawlowski deprived the citizens of Allentown of the right on the services and that this is independent of the federal grand jury investigation. It is also a dependent of the question whether Pawlowski committed any crime. He paid nearly 3 times the fair market value of property that the city did not need them for the sole purpose of bringing Atiyeh to his side. He squandered $1.4 million in water and sewer revenue. He was motivated by self-interest not the best interests of the citizens of Allentown. For that reason alone I think he needs to go . This is far from a witchhunt it is actually good government .

  81. Anonymous 3:34 PM said...
    Allentown has a damn good leader and his name is Ed Powlowski. It was a shithole ten years ago and it's turned a corner, but you pack of idiots want it back the way it was, well now your going to get what you obviously want. Good luck Allentown

    Take the time to correctly spell the "damn good leader's" name, and perhaps people will pay attention to your cheer leading. Doesn't much matter as soon, Ed's name will likely be spelled "mud".



You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.