Local Government TV

Friday, July 10, 2015

Too Many Pawlowski Rumors

Throughout the day today, I heard lots of rumors that I have no way to verify unless I get an invisibility cloak. So after a week of nonstop Pawlowski, Fleck and NIZ stories, I'm catching my breath. ... Until Monday.


  1. Good idea. I know it rarely shows up here, but there always is that idea of "innocent until proven guilty," too.

  2. Thank you for all your work on this story. Many of us appreciate your insights and analysis. When the FBI raids a mayor's office (along with the Controller's office and the IT office), it is reasonable to expect people to want to know what the hell is going on downtown. Your blog has nowhere assumed guilt - it has only laid out the facts. If the facts imply guilt to the mayor's cronies, that says almost as much as the resounding silence coming from City Hall.

    Thanks, Bernie. You really are doing an outstanding job here.

  3. Excellent job Bernie !

  4. The jury's back on this much......the local media
    is an absolute and total joke.

  5. Ditto Monkey Mama's comments, great job.

    The Banker

  6. Ed is damaged goods. This is going to haunt him as long as he's in the mayor's office.

    It's not a matter of If.. it's a matter of When he leaves.

  7. You deserve a rest Bernie. Have you considered taking the rest of the summer off? New Hampshire is beautiful this time of year.

  8. Even with the FBI running rampant from the City Halls in A-town and Reading,PA, secret relationships being revealed, grimey white collar practices being exposed, and people disappearing in the middle of the night with moving vans and rumors of body wiring and resignations abounding, there is no feeling of vindication in any of this. There really is no time for "I told you so" and "you should have listened". We are a City on the brink and it seems to me that Allentown can survive being called alot of things but with the brand new designation of "corrupt", it may be another 5 - 10 years before we can escape this "overcast and cloudy" reputation.

    More than ever, the community needs to band together and keep this town afloat because there is alot of uncertainty in the air. Will the new projects continue? How deep does the illegal practices go? Who is involved and how will the City be effected? Will this halt the ability to attract any new businesses to Allentown? And what kind of government will we have since the whole admisnistration is basically going to have to start from scratch?

    It seems like good entertainment and lunchtime conversation but the reality is if you have a PLAN B when it comes to the "Renaissance Of Allentown Part II", I would be breaking its seal right about now......

    - Alfonso Todd


  9. It truly was an awesome week. Here's a recap of everything that happened this week:

    1. MorganStanley announced return to downtown Allentown.

    That is all.

  10. The Morning Call story published yesterday was a propaganda piece. It appears someone wants to leave their baggage on Fleck's step's hoping the movers will take it with them.

  11. Anonymous M. Dierdre Fleck: MorganStanley announced return to downtown Allentown.

    To the chagrin of their customers, who primarily live in the suburbs. Now they have to deal with downtown parking costs, and the general aggravation of having to drive though Allentown to get to the new offices.

    Not to mention the employees of MorganStanley who are also inconvenienced.

    But then, the rent for the offices is lower, if they actually pay any rent at all, so who benefits ?

    It's unfortunate Reilly didn't put in an IMAX Colonial Theater as part of the new building. Would have been a nice touch.

  12. But, the most important news about the Morgan Stanley move back to downtown is IT DOES NOTHING TO HELP PAY FOR THE ARENA and other building costs! The firm and its employees were already living and paying Pennsylvania taxes. Few seem to understand this, even though MOST of what's gone on in Allentown carries the same problem.

  13. Any local politician coming in to defend Ed?

  14. "You deserve a rest Bernie. Have you considered taking the rest of the summer off? New Hampshire is beautiful this time of year."

    You are too funny. I've got Georgia on my mind.

  15. Bernie:

    Rumor has it that Georgia will soon benefit from recently transplanted political talent with local, state, and now federal experience. The individual to whom I am referring was recently lauded by an award-winning LV blogger for having a "good ground game".

    Reality Bites et al:

    I'm glad to see the focus shifting to the real news of the week.

    I agree with all those who have said that 65 fee-leechers, oops I mean "financial advisers", moving downtown is really awesome news. No longer will downtown Allentown's prosperous residents take LANTA to the suburbs to pay exorbitant stock brokerage commissions. Thank you Mayor Pawlowski! It truly was an awesome week!

  16. They raided reading today

  17. Allentown+Reading+Fleck=FBI

  18. I long for the day when Allentown cleans up its act, reestablishes democracy, and becomes "The City Without Dimwits." Judging by the timber of possible Fed Ed successors, it's a long way off.

    Still Waiting For The Miracle That Is Allentown

  19. Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski spoke to the media today. This was what he had to say...

    "There is an ongoing investigation. We have to let the investigation take its course."

    "There is an ongoing investigation. We are cooperating with the authorities."

    "We have an ongoing investigation, right? We have to let this investigation take its course. We are cooperating with the authorities. Let's just let it take its course."

    "I'm here! I'm Mayor! So, ya know, I work hard everyday to continue to move this City forward!"

    "We have to let the investigation take its course, guys. We have an ongoing investigation. We have to let the investigation take its course."

    "Thank you very much, that's all I'm saying." - Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski



  20. I am assuming someone reading Bernie's blog will check for Mr.Fleck's moving permit when they return to work at City Hall Monday. Your Welcome !

  21. He don't need no stinkin' permit,

  22. Ed followed by Sam would be awesome!

  23. Sometimes I think people tell me stuff just to see if I would post it. They would be wrong. But there might be some truth to that rumor that Ed plans to "transition" to a new life in another state. LOL!

  24. As the Joker would say, "This town needs an Enema."

  25. 'He don't need no stinkin permit' Is the City of Allentown a Banana Republic.No-bid contracts,pay to play missing campaign donations.Where does it stop.


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