Local Government TV

Thursday, July 09, 2015

Fleck: The Devil Went Down to Georgia

As noted in a Morning Call story, failed political consultant left his Allentown home today, leaving a cloud of uncertainty about a federal investigation in his wake. I doubt King Edwin waved good-bye. Here's a few things I learned to supplement that story.
  • Though Fleck's wife is from Texas and many think that's where they're headed, they are actually moving to Georgia.
  • Federal investigators know where he lived in Allentown, too, because they executed a search warrant at his home about a month ago.
  • He may have been  flipped as long ago as St. Patrick's Day,  but knew he was in their spotlight at that time. 
  • In addition to leaving candidates high and dry, he also owes money to several vendors. 


  1. this will ensure a Republican sweep for Lehigh County Commissioner this November, poor Dan Hartzell

  2. This will have little or no impact on Lehigh County races.
    It may mean Ed is leaving for the big house in short order however.

  3. Great headline on this story

  4. Couple of the unions expressed a vigorous displeasure with his singing, if ya' know what I mean.
    Best to get out of town until it's time to testify.

  5. This makes me think of all the good times with big Jim Hickey and sexy Jim Gregory. The times they are a changing.

  6. @6:01PM All you think about is Jim Gregory. The mice are nibbling on his ear in state prison - that's how sexy he is. Your obsessed with the past. You should concentrate on the present, like where the nearest bus stops and cab companies are. and the phone number for the women's rights legal powerhouse.

  7. I don't understand the obsession with these minor distractions. The big story this week is that Morgan Stanley opened an office in downtown Allentown. It's going to be an awesome week!

    1. HEADa Harper
      Your realestate skill set is just about the same as those on the list with the fleckster, palousy and the list will become longer as FED fondles the paperwork.

  8. The rest of the choir is starting to sing all over town. A big payday for local attorneys.
    At some offices you have to get a number like the deli counter.

  9. The Fleckster is on the lam to escape the clutches of King Edwin. The captain must go down with the ship, but not necessarily the first mate.

  10. morbid obesity combined with a flaccid micropenis causes an angry, angry man...did you try the online pill packages yet?

  11. We all know that Mike is a crook. It would be very sad to see him skate on this, but I have a bad feeling that the FBI - in their constant thirst for photo ops with bigger fish - have made a deal with Fleck to screw his major client Pawlowski in exchange for immunity. Why else would he have been so quickly prepared to close shop and move out?

    I really, really hope I am wrong on this. This post seems to confirm my hunch that he is headed south - probably Georgia. Can't say how I know this. I hope that wherever he ends up that his reputation precedes him and that no more innocent people are screwed over by this low-life cretin.

    When I was running against him for city council in Easton he made a comment on a local community blog that I had pushed an old lady in a public meeting - total fabrication.

    On election day he told an African American poll watcher working for me that my best friend was a white supremacist that drove around with a rebel flag on his truck. Again, bullshit.

    He of course tried to buddy up and apologize for these lies after the election but I would have none of it. What a piece of crap.

    The Boscov's job was too good for him. I pity his kid. His wife on the other hand knew what she was getting into when she married him.

    I realize these are not nice things to say and I understand if they are deleted but that doesn't change their accuracy.

  12. Meanwhile the Mayor is busy preparing his list of who he is going to throw under the bus first.

  13. Fleck is a lowlife scumbag. But he's not an elected official who violated public trust. Lowlife scumbags are almost always used (i.e. bargained with) to prosecute public officials.

    Bernie, will there be a grand jury empaneled? How do you see this playing out? Many times in public corruption cases before grand juries, there's an "immunity day" where lesser players are brought in and offered immunity to tell the whole truth about the targeted big fish(es).

    I get the feeling you know more than you're prepared to reveal. Thanks for your outstanding work on this.

  14. The feds first catch a minnow and set a hook in its back and toss him back in the lake. Next, they sit and wait for the bobber to move and set the hook on a bigger fish.

  15. 1:27, a grand jury has already been enpaneled. That is what the search warrants were for. I have no federal source. The only time I see one is when I go to the post office.

  16. Let the bodies hit the floor

  17. Thanks, Bernie. So the grand jury is still empaneled? Thank you for entertaining the Law 101 questions. I'm not a lawyer and am interested in how the process works (what comes first, second, etc.).

  18. Mike Fleck didn't pay people? Knock me down with a feather!!!

    When I was his campaign coordinator in 2007, he promised to pay me $500 a week. His wife was the only witness to this agreement. By the end of that fail campaign I was owed over $3,000. Never got a dime. All I got was a run around and a can of sauerkraut. (Not a joke). He gave me some groceries lying around his apartment to "hold me over".

    He told me one day, "Go to my dad's office tomorrow. He can write you a check". I went to David Fleck's office. David was totally not expecting me and said, this was news to him. He then "called" Mike who did not answer the phone several times. So no check. While I was there I heard Dave's wife (Mike's step-mother) yelling at Dave that if he has $3,000 for me, they better get the money he owes them.

    As much of a crook as Fed Ed may be--Fleck is a witness of very questionable credibility. Myself and many others could easily tell many stories to destroy him as a key federal witness.

    And Dennis Lieb is SPOT ON!!! Fleck is a narcissistic sociopath. He will say and do ANYTHING to advance himself. Fleck has ZERO morals.

    And as for his wife, I found her to always be a charming lady. But, seeing her stand by his side as he has done all the things to me and many others. To quote former federal prosecutor, Edward McDonald from Goodfellas (1990)--"Don't give me this babe of the woods routine!"

  19. Mr. O'Hare, do you have any idea who is representing the mayor?
    It's pretty clear the city solicitor is keeping her distance.

  20. I have no idea, but he should lawyer up.

  21. ... and his lawyer should insist on payment up front.

  22. Orclownski will represent just about anyone, also seems like he got stiffed for a big "win" recently.

  23. "As much of a crook as Fed Ed may be--Fleck is a witness of very questionable credibility/"

    Agreed. That is why I think the feds would wire him.

  24. "Orclownski will represent just about anyone, also seems like he got stiffed for a big "win" recently."

    Mezzacappa, once again, you are thumbing your nose at your bail conditions. I hear your lawyer will be applying for ARD. If ytou keep trolling this blog, you will not get it.

  25. "I hear your lawyer will be applying for ARD. If you keep trolling this blog, you will not get it."

    My understanding is that a criminal defendant must waive her preliminary hearing in order to qualify for ARD consideration. According to your reporting, she did not waive. Is this accurate?

  26. Musty Muller was tight with the Fleck. Fleck helped convince him to pretend to be a Dem and took care of everything in his campaign to win. There are many stories there as well.

  27. He should go swimming at the shore !. He could swim with the sharks and not get bitten ,professional courtesy! --I remember the day I saw him at the YMCA after his ' executive workout' with the pool and sauna. He was on the way out and I knew he was going to be picked up that day by other State Constables from Wilson ,so I say'Mike do you have a minuet? He say's he busy and I'm KNOW ALREADY that I'm not that important to talk too ===so the next time I see him he is in the back of the caged Constable vehicle at the Mini -Judges office in Wilson Boro ,I was at Georges having egg whites,and coffee!! OH WELL!!!

  28. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  29. Peter,
    Great story. From one PSC to another, be safe brother!

  30. In the long run......this ain't about Fleck.

  31. Some stupid people live in Allentown..keep voting like robots..keep placidly accepting whatever crap you are fed.. I'm not angry at Fleck..at Pawlowski..I'm mad at the ignorant boobs that make up the voting block.

  32. That "voting blocks" size should speak for itself.
    Thousands have been turned off or turned away. Be as smug as you want @ 7:35, and fuck yourself on the way out.

  33. What happens to any money that the Pawlowski For U.S. Senate campaign has already raised?

  34. It goes to the Pawlowski Defense Fund.

  35. Could Lehigh County Commish candidate Dan Hartzel really claim he knew nothing about the character of Mike Fleck? If so, he wasn't such a good reporter, was he?

  36. Does this FBI investigation cast any clouds of suspicion over anybody / everybody involved with Citizens For A Better Allentown (Pawlowski's PAC)?

    Does this mean my front doorstep won't be continuously littered by those fancy glossy mailers from Citizens For A Better Allentown when campaign season comes around again?

  37. "What happens to any money that the Pawlowski For U.S. Senate campaign has already raised?"

    NO PERSONL USE. He can't pull the bullshit that Mann pulled in her new "For the people" fund. He can give unlimited amounts to charities or his party, but contributions to other candidates are limited. No cars, vacations, flowers.

  38. ^ Attorneys fees???

  39. So, in other words, the money raised for the Pawlowski For U.S. Senate campaign can be contributed to that very same Democrat Party that Jen Mann belongs to.

    How comforting to know.

    At long last, I can finally rest easier!

  40. "^ Attorneys fees???"

    No personal use.

  41. Nyuck nyuk nyuck nyuck...

  42. @9:19 Oh, a Boob has spoken.


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