Local Government TV

Monday, July 13, 2015

Schlossberg Has 141,498 Reasons To Be Sick

The spin game has begun. NIZ Czar J.B. Reilly and his minions are in full mode damage control at The Morning Call. Reilly dismisses a federal investigation as a "distraction" while his childhood chum, State Senator Pat Browne, harrumphs that it's been unhelpful to the City. NIZ Board Chair Sy Traub disingenuously claims that his board is an independent body, despite the fact that every board member is confirmed by King Edwin's bobble heads on City Council and its own Executive Director just happens to run the City's DCED department. But the most ridiculous of the NIZ defenders is State Rep. Mike Schlossberg, who claims he's been "sick for a week" and that "[n]o matter who is investigated or thrown into jail, ... there are still incentives to businesses to be here."

That's kinda' been the problem all along, Mike.

When $54 million in state tax dollars suddenly gets poured into developers' pockets with no accountability or transparency, it is inevitable that someone is going to get greedy. Schlossberg has been pretty greedy himself. He has 141,498.54 reasons to want federal investigators to go away. $141,498.54 have been poured into his campaign coffers between 2012 and 2014.* Many of his campaign contributors are on the FBI subpoena list.  With these donations, he has poured $33,549 into Fleck's political consulting firms. He also has spent close to $19,000 on what appears to be his favorite charity - himself.

He's raised a lot of money for someone who has never had an opponent.

Schlossberg is a member of the country's second highest paying legislature, after California. He ran unopposed last year, primarily because democracy is dead in Allentown. It's been replaced by crony capitalists who include King Edwin Pawlowski, Pat Browne, Pete Schweyer, Jennifer Mann, nearly all of City Council and any businessman who wants to succeed. Servants of the urban growth regime, their Dark Lord is J.B. Reilly.

Schlossberg is currently being paid $85,338.65/year to represent one of the most impoverished districts in the state. But that's not enough. He also ranks #36 for expenses, according to a 2014 Morning Call report. Theye include $9,782.00 in per diems and $8,027.43 for mileage. That $18,000 above and beyond his $85.338.65 salary.

That $18,000 is about $1,000 more than the per capita income of an Allentown resident.

Schlossberg's Contributors and FBI Subpoena List

Schlossberg's contributors include an alphabet soup of unions, most of whom were likely coaxed into donating by his well-paid political consultant, Michael Fleck. Because nominally he's a Democrat and is willing to say bad things about Republicans, that was probably an easy sell.

Below is a list of some of his other major contributors. Those on the FBI subpoena list are marked in red.

Lil Butz - $250
Lee Butz - $250
Greg Butz - $1250
Jeff Barker - $100
Jim Hickey - $350 
Ramzi Haddad - $1,000 
PPL for Good Gov't - $3,750
Robert Bennett - $5,000 (Exide)
J.B. Reilly - $2,250
Joe Topper - $2,250
Citizens for Urban Renewal (Reilly and Topper) - $2,500
Michele Portnoff - $2,000
Charles Marcon - $3,000
Matt McTish - $3,000 
J.G. Petrucci - $500
Sean Boyle - $2350 
Scott Alinson - $750 
Jenn Mann - $2,500
Thulin (Arcadia) - $500
Air Products $1,000
Mark Jaindl - $1,000
RETTEW PAC - $1,000
Pa. Consulting Engineers - $900

Schlossberg Spent $33,549 on the Guy He Blames For NIZ Mess

Late last week, during a remission in one of his periods of being sick, Schlossberg did his best to insinuate on WFMZ-TV69 there's really only one bad guy in this matter - Mike Fleck.

"Certainly, that would be the implication," he knowingly told a reporter.

Since Schlossberg's finance reports indicate that he poured $33,549 into three of Fleck's political consulting firms, is he a bad gay, too.

Certainly, that would be the implication.

When you sleep with a skunk, the skunk doesn't go away smelling like you.

Why is Schlossberg Paying Lawyers? 

Though he had no opponent and there were no challenges to his nomination petition, Schlossberg's report indicates a $4,907.50 payment to Attorney Tim Brennan on 5/7/12.He obviously was paying for Brennan's legal services for someone else, but does not identify this person or explain this in any other way. The same is true of "in-kind" legal services received from Attorney Scott Alinson, who spends most of his time trying to make deals for developers.

Alinson's legal advice apparently failed to cover identifying the real object of the $4,907.50 payment to Brennan.

Schlossberg draws $1,182 room bill at Waldorf

One thing Schlossberg's report makes very clear is that his favorite charity is himself. He's so incredibly cheap that he even charged a $5.50 lunch at Jack Callahan's to his campaign. But he also made sure that his campaign picked up his $1,182 bill for a 2012 stay at the Waldorff Astoria, where he also paid $400 for one frickin' dinner. He also spent $257.58 to rent a tux.

In 2013 and 2014, he got away from explaining how he is spending that money by simply calling it "reimbursement." He did slip up at times. For example, he bought a $1,000 laptop, which probably actually is a legitimate expense.  But for the most part, he's been very cryptic about the $19,000 he has spent on himself. So it's no surprise that he has no qualms about the lack of transparency on ANIZDA and in Allentown.

Should Investigations Stop Because It Might Jeopardize NIZ?

NIZ cheerleaders have argued that that they do is separate and apart and completely independent of what King Edwin does, despite the fact that their names are littered all over the FBI subpoena list. If that is so, then how can the investigation hurt them?

But if there is criminal activity, I would think that innocent supporters of the NIZ would want a complete investigation and see the bad weeds pulled. The argument that criminal activity should be permitted because business is booming is the same argument that was used to encourage child labor and numerous other terrible ways to make money.

Fortunately, the feds don't give a shit what Sy Traub or Mike Schlossberg thinks.

* Schlossberg does not have to report his 2015 contributions until the end of the year.


  1. Where the hell did this punk come from? Jennifer Mann was his mentor and I am sure she taught him every trick in the book about how to milk campaign money and fat Harrisburg expense accounts for all they are worth. There is no accountability since voters in Schlopsberg's district are sheep. They under the control of the urban democrat machine. You cry out for how minorities are treated in Allentown but they got what they deserved by electing King Edwin and his court jesters.

  2. Good post and lots of valid points, but there was briefly a Republican opponent named Aryeh Spero who filed nominating petitions in 2012. The payment to Brennan was likely to review those petitions and Spero withdrew when it became apparent that he would not survive a legal challenge.

  3. You are correct. Apparently, the petition was withdrawn/


  4. Bernie-

    When this story broke, democratic city council chair Ray oconnell stated something to the effect that he was sure mayor P would be vindicated. Doe he know details we don't know.....doubtful......but it just seems like another example where these guys just blindly protect one another.

    1. I liked Ray until he rubber stamped Pawlowski's plan to raise parking rates to pay for police overtime. Ray made a deal with the Devil and he knows it.

  5. His exact words.

    ""At this point, let the process play itself out, and I'm sure in the end Pawlowski will be vindicated in this situation."


  6. and yet the 132nd district is not in the NIZ... Why no mention of that fact Bernie? mmmm

  7. with the brief potential challenger to schlossberg, the issue wasn't signatures, but residency. i would think that any research to uncover that defect of nomination, wouldn't cost nearly that much.

  8. Love how Iannelli and Cunningham sound clueless in the MC article. Like outsiders looking in. This Schlossberg kid got his political chops working for Cunningham and then was given a Chamber job with Iannelli. Part of the chamber's, pack elected officials drive.

    Now they pretend like they don't know the guy. He is as much their creation as Jenn Mann's. You also still have Browne, Muller and McNeil out there. Check out their contributors. No surprises.

    Insiders helping insiders, helping insiders. Hands washing hands. Both governmental and governmental affiliate non-profits and business. One big smelly bed.

  9. wasn't the drunkard Browne's wife involved in this or some other sleeze?

  10. Still recall your post about this guy, paid $85,000 + benefits, speaking at a social network seminar and then setting up a table to sell his book!

  11. Appears lots of people are seeking some quick conclusion to this. The longer the discussion goes on, the amount of closet doors opening increases. Move along now. Quickly! Nothing to see here.

  12. It would be interesting to see how many Chamber associates become government officials.

  13. when are you going to show us pat browne's numbers, as well as those of his NIZ-made-millionaire-consultant spoue

  14. I can't believe anyone would actually vote for this nerd.

  15. Allentown has a culture of corruption, everyone is involved, whether it is jobs, or campaign contributions or retainer fees

    Who will be left standing to take the wheel as mayor when the dust settles?

  16. Sclossbergs FB page doesn't seem to address any of these issues?

  17. New LCCC course offered at downtown Allentown campus - Hypocrisy 101
    Guest speakers, parking $2 per hour.

  18. Are you saying that a state legislator should not seek reimbursement for mileage of driving to and from Harrisburg, or overnight hotel stays in Harrisburg?

  19. It's naive to think ANIZDA gets a pass simply because it's an authority. I for one was surprised City Center would write something stupid like that considering they, along with half of the NIZ apparatus, are under investigation.

    All of these people/companies are or will be investigated as part of this. Usually once they get a couple people testifying, new things come to light.

    My concern is that whatever this is, it doesn't stop in Allentown.

  20. I go to work in another town 70 miles from my house. No one reimburses me for my travel. Why should the highest paid legislators in the Country be allowed to suck the coffers dry with their reimbursements?

  21. I go to work in another town 70 miles from my house. No one reimburses me for my travel. Why should the highest paid legislators in the Country be allowed to suck the coffers dry with their reimbursements?

  22. @ 8:30, because the idiots in Harrisburg make the laws and take care of themselves first!

  23. Everyone is focused on the NIZ here, but the FBI went back to 2005. In 2006 Allentown, under Pawlowski, received $20 million from HUD for the Hope VI reconstruction of Hanover Acres and Riverview Terrace.

    The timing of the investigation period is interesting indeed.

    The Banker

  24. Let's be very careful not to tar everyone with the same brush, until we have more facts. I see some posts that claim that anyone involved in the revitalization of Allentown must be corrupt. I believe the vast majority of people have been working for the good of the community.

    1. Please tar everyone who stopped the public from speaking publicly about City issues.

  25. There is a rumor circulating that Pawlowski will resign this week...

  26. Charlie Sch @ 8:57

    I think we can all agree the NIZ has been corrupted by several individuals, with MANY more looking the other way. Correct?

    1. Correct. Too many elected officials have looked the other way for too long now.

  27. Worst photo ever of the Schlopsberg. Looks like he is pondering new ways to spend taxpayer dollars on personal expenses. Don't forget to submit a reimbursement request for that Slurpee from the 7-11!

  28. The FBI and IRS can go pretty far with this if they choose. But, will they?

  29. Bernie,
    I see a once 1/2mil has now resurfaced as a 1/4mil never seeing any progress only regression and the all mighty vanishing trix played at the circus¿ The resurfacing of this was only in spoken words and a goggle maps cut and paste¿

    patent pending

  30. Charle Sch,With that kind of salary, there should be no reimbursement. That should exist only for legislators who are so far away they need to rent a place. I believe Simmons takes no reimbursements. Don't think Samuelson does, either.

    1. Bernie I respect you but you are dead wrong here. This is standard operating practices. I get the same reimbursement when I travel. Anyone with a professional job does. You may have a lot valid points this is not one. Your opinion is one thing. Asserting it as fact is another. Creating a standard and asserting an ethical issue to followers who trust you is a problem. If by chance you did not know this, do some research. There are enough ethics issues in local politics for you to attack without making them up.

  31. Proverbs 16:12

    It is an abomination to kings to do evil, for the throne is established by righteousness.

    Jeremiah 23:1-4

    “Woe to the shepherds who destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture!” declares the Lord. Therefore thus says the Lord, the God of Israel, concerning the shepherds who care for my people: “You have scattered my flock and have driven them away, and you have not attended to them. Behold, I will attend to you for your evil deeds, declares the Lord. Then I will gather the remnant of my flock out of all the countries where I have driven them, and I will bring them back to their fold, and they shall be fruitful and multiply. I will set shepherds over them who will care for them, and they shall fear no more, nor be dismayed, neither shall any be missing, declares the Lord.

    Isaiah 1:4

    Ah, sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, offspring of evildoers, children who deal corruptly! They have forsaken the Lord, they have despised the Holy One of Israel, they are utterly estranged.

    What is wrong ... Our hearts are with things that pass away and not the eternal .. Jesus when in the temple confronted individuals who were about to stone a prostitute for breaking the law ... Jesus said those who are without sin I give my blessing to do this ... But all shied away as none of them were with out sin ... In talking to the prostitute ... He said I will not cast a stone against you either but I warn you do not sin again ... Meaning Jesus loved the person but hated the sin ...

    In the current situation questionable things happened because people put their own egos over the law if breaking the law was evolved .. They put their own egos over what the eternal moral code of God demands ... And in many ways all of us are guilty of this ... But for the long term benefit of our society we must not put our own egos or wants over what the eternal moral code of God demands ... In every area of our lives we must understand what the eternal moral code of God demands and do not repeat our sins again ... Jesus loves us all but he hates the sins we commit ... We live in a society that values fairness and equality ... But some things which we say is unfair is not supported by God's eternal moral code .. And some things we decry as unequal are not supported either ... But us being human and in our legal system we are trying to make all things fair and equal but again some of our fights are not supported by God's eternal moral code ...

    John 1:14

    And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.

    But some of us want to re-interpret his truth to satisfy our own egos and wants.

    Dennis Pearson

  32. Rich,

    if the Dems in harrisburg would support pension reform, Paw wouldt have this problem...Allentown pension obligations were more than the entire Allentown budget for the year. Do you have anything constructive to add, like a solution, or are you just baiting s usual?

    1. You are too late to ask anything about this.

      You are just an anonymous troll.

  33. What about Pete Schweyer, who actually represents the NIZ?

  34. The Rettew PAC is interesting. An engineering political action committee? They moved into the NIZ and worked on plans for NIZ buildings while provide consulting services to the City. I see them all over the place.

  35. If Jim Gregory were here this would not have blown up. Since he was pushed out all hell has broken loose. His political acumen would have been here to keep this from going off the rails. When he returns his political capital will be worth millions.

  36. Peter Schwyer is in this up to his neck. He is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Queen of Party Hacks, Jenn Mann. Schweyer can't stand the mayor but that fact hasn't stopped him from providing a loyal rubber stamp just the same.
    Schwyer is less fawningly repulsive then Schlossberg but at least as involved in the rot and stench.

  37. Question....if there is so much outrage over the Allentown mayor, then why does he keep getting returned to office by the citizens he represents? They are the ones who decide if he is hired or fired.....so they say, only 10% of people in Allentown vote....then the other 90% are infuriated? Somehow, I think not. If enough people are infuriated, enough people will vote him out. I imagine that there is enough support for Mayor, and the ones who despise him are a small, insignificant group.

  38. @11:02
    I think the current situation speaks for itself, although you provide us a service in reminding us that
    the dedicated apologist will attempt to justify any deal no matter how dirty and low.
    Soon enough even your fellow rats will start fleeing the sinking garbage barge.

  39. Great piece BO. This New Jersey native was rewarded for his 2006 political work for Rendall and Casey, with a cushy job at the Chamber. Then was selected to run for Council, and was later rewarded with an unopposed campaign for State Rep. All for doing everything Mann, Pawlowski and the other leaders wanted him to do.
    I am sure Mike is popping Xanex like candy this week.

  40. 11:02 Will you be at the train station to wave goodbye?


  41. Blogger Charlie Sch said...

    "Are you saying that a state legislator should not seek reimbursement for mileage of driving to and from Harrisburg, or overnight hotel stays in Harrisburg?"

    Want to compromise? Give up the free auto insurance and meal allowances and you can have the travel and lodging expenses. Everybody insures their cars and everyone eats, no matter where they are.

  42. This reminds me of the movie Goodfellas. Joe Pesci could play Ed and the rest you can figure out.

  43. I'm not an apologist....there is always going to be a group of haters where success and improvement is well underway, and positive changes are happening....thanks to the Mayor and all the statewide support he received, Allentown is no longer the poverty crime filled ghetto it became.

    The jobless impotent losers who have nothing to offer society are the ones who complain about success, because they are so unsuccessful in their lives. Lets take it from its source. Fegly needs to hit a local barber shop, a laundry mat, and the YMCA...just sayin

  44. 11:27 Your not simply an apologist, your a narrow minded jackass in addition to being a sycophant.

  45. 11:02 and 11:27 are trying the usual Pawlowski tactic of attempting to marginalized and discredit critics who are slowing down the miracle that is Allentown. But that tactic won't work against federal investigators who don't give s shit what you say anonymously on a blog. They are not jobless impotent losers and appear to be building a case that takes aim at the culture of corruption in Allentown.

  46. I've said it before, but Allentown is succeeding in spite of Ed Pawlowski, not because of him.

    Imagine the boom that would come from having the NIZ and City Hall working for ALL interested parties, instead of the select few that are filling Ed's campaign coffers or working on his home.

    As to the bigger picture, only Ed's apologists would tout having the city become the largest recipient of municipal welfare in the state as "progress", instead of the sign of failure that it is.

  47. Where is Marcel Groen in this process? He's been one of the puppet masters advising king Edwin.

  48. I with the sentiment that Jim Gregory's incarceration has played a much bigger role in this whole debacle than is being readily acknowledged. There was a lot of tension between the Aryan Brotherhood and Black Guerrilla Family when Jim was transferred to SCI Pittsburgh but within weeks of his arrival the two groups were participating in weekly interfaith gatherings where unity and harmony were achieved.

    Jim may be from Bethlehem but has always had a soft spot for Allentown where he would run to on the Lehigh Canal path shirtless and glistening with sweat as his bronze and ripply physique drew the gaze of soccer mom and college coed alike.

    You thought he was hot going in? Imagine what he looks like after 500 sit ups a day while on a 2000 calorie vegan diet, he's absolutely shredded.

  49. 9:04 am said:

    "There is a rumor circulating that Pawlowski will resign this week..."

    I think the talk of the Mayor resigning is optimistic, at best. Yes, he should resign, and in a sane town that would happen. However, we’re witnessing a class in Political Cover-Up 101:

    Release bland statements, say nothing off-the-cuff, and then just wait for the whole thing to blow over. Hope that some other event happens that will distract people from the wrongdoing. Get your accomplices in the media to print pieces about how applying justice to your situation might harm the overall progress made, and other articles about how much you care about the entity you serve.

    These are techniques that have been honed in Harrisburg and Washington, and now we’re seeing them here. We need to wake up to that.

    So what do we do? Demand answers from those in office about what went on and what they’re doing to prevent it. Also, demand the same answers from any candidates for office not currently serving. Corruption in City Hall should be the number one issue for this election.

    Demand the immediate start of a public investigation by City Council about the City’s contracting process, which we all know is the flimsiest excuse Pawlowski could use to explain away the reason for the FBI probe. There is no reason why the City must or should wait until the FBI finishes their probe. Something is obviously wrong, and the public deserves answers now. Council has subpoena power for a reason, and this is the occasion to put it to use.

    Ironically, although Pawlowski is in the middle of everything that’s come out, he has thrown this back on City Council, although I’m not sure they realize it yet. By stating that the Feds are looking at the contracting process, Pawlowski has made it an issue of policy. Well guess who’s supposed to be in charge of policy? That’s right, City Council.

    In addition to Council starting their own investigation, they should make sure that Pawlowski can do nothing to hinder it. They should be leading the call for him to step down.

    The longer Council members refuse to talk to the press, and the longer they refuse to investigate, the more I’m convinced that they are willing accomplices in what’s happened instead of just being innocent bystanders.

    The same goes regarding the NIZ contributors. I’m inclined to believe there’s nothing criminal there on most of their parts, and would think they'd want to quickly remove the cloud from their investment. But the longer they keep backing Pawlowski in office, the more I think I might be wrong.

  50. Jim's in PC with the child molestors and rapists. He's the lowest form of human behind bars and would be killed in GP.
    Ex Con

  51. It worth revisiting this idea that Schywer can't stand Pawlowski. More then a few of these men loathe one another, consider Cunninghams feeling towards the mayor for just one example.
    This animus lurking just under the surface will make the FBI's job much much easier.

  52. Anyone who feels the least bit queasy about their connection to the Pawlowski administration needs someone to take a fall sooner rather than later. The Mayor has already dragged a few names with him into the frying pan by having his records snatched by the FBI. There's plenty more room in the pan available. Lots of people, including his "friends" hoping he resigns. He just can't stay in office. This won't go away.

  53. the revitilization of broken cities is no new idea. check out how cities came back to life after 1929. the crash of 2008 was also a depression, but allentown was in trouble before that. if your gripe is that a few rich guys got together , put in tons of cash, then got some public help to revitilize a city, go cry somewhere else. check out the hsitory of philadelphia, cleveland, and dozens of others whose leaders did this exact re-bulding project after the depression.

    you keyboard clowns are a great comic strip.

  54. Some public help? This isn't low interest loans or tax forgiveness. Plus, other Pennsylvania communities are having their own tax base gutted when in-state business is moved to the NIZ, and that's about all that happened so far.

  55. the biggest tax grab in history from the american public started as a result of widespread poverty, homelssness and crime...its legislation took place after the crash of 1929, and is known today as soc security and medicare.

  56. "if your gripe is that a few rich guys got together , put in tons of cash, then got some public help to revitilize a city, go cry somewhere else."

    But that's not even accurate. Everything was fronted. Before the NIZ was even operational, Scott Fainor had his bank kick in the dough, knowing irt would all come back. There is no public risk. And the public help we are referring to is $54 million that will NOT be going to CHIP or to fund failing school districts.

    "the biggest tax grab in history from the american public started as a result of widespread poverty, homelssness and crime...its legislation took place after the crash of 1929, and is known today as soc security and medicare"</em

    No one, excepting anonymous cowards afraid to sign their name, will call for the abolition of social security or medicare. Those are both nobble programs designed to help those who are no longer able to work. It serves the public good. That is completely different than a $54 million tax grab that takes away from our most precious asset - our children - and hands it to somneone who is already wealthy.

    It is Robun Hood in reverse.

  57. 54 million tax grab that takes away from our children. No fan of the Niz but some will say, would the 54 million go to benefit our kids or the teachers. The overall priorities need to be rethought out.

  58. Maybe 2:15 can tell us all when the NIZ will start paying back the arena construction cost.

  59. @1:25

    A part time City Council isn't suited to perform an investigation. Isn't there an elected Controller in the City of Allentown? Where has he/she been?

  60. The City seems to have a Controller but She is a Pawlowski Zombi.Perhaps I am wrong but all these contracts had to go thru Her office.Someone inside City Hall who had inside information fed it to the Feds.If it was the Controllers Office they should have obtained 'Whistle Blower' status

  61. Look for the Controller to be pushed under the bus early in the game.

  62. Baiting, as usual.

    Because, hey, we are all just slaves to the wealthy.

  63. Reads like Gina's had too much Koolaid.

  64. The City Controller is one of nine elected offices in the City of Allentown. The term of the office is four years and is not subject to term limitation. The City Controller is independent of the Mayor and City Council.

    The City Controller performs the following functions per the City Home Rule Charter and City Ordinances:

    Have financial oversight of City finances, independent of the Executive and Legislative branches and shall review all expenditures of all City departments, the Mayor, City Council and City boards, commissions, agencies and authorities for whom the City provides financial guarantees;
    Review the Annual Budget before approval by City Council, and make nonbinding recommendations to the Mayor and to City Council for consideration, if he or she deems it necessary;
    Be present or represented at all City Council meetings;
    Perform specific audits of City finances from time to time as requested by the Mayor or by City Council;
    Report to the Mayor and to City Council, on the progress of the implementation of any recommendations as found in the Annual Audit and Management Letter;
    Assist in all audits conducted by independent auditors;
    Assure the accurate and timely completion and submittal of audit reports along with appropriate follow-up recommendations;
    Furnish to City Council, the Mayor, and others, as appropriate, periodic reports of audits conducted;
    Interpret and communicate audit policies and procedures to all City management and staff;
    Direct internal financial security and loss investigation activities;
    Issue any subpoenas in order to fulfill the duties and responsibilities of the Office of City Controller;
    Perform financial and department reviews as deemed necessary by the City Controller.
    In addition the City Controller audits the bank accounts of City related authorities, boards and commissions as well as acting as the repository for all City contracts, leases and other agreements.

    Citizens who have observed waste, fraud or mismanagement of your City tax dollars are welcome to call the City Controller and leave a message 24 hours a day. The number is 610-437-7527. Or you can fill out the internet contact form on this City web site and send it to the City Controller.

  65. I agree with Gina on this one!
    Many issues out there, but this doesn't rise to the unethical issues that are out there!

  66. Mike Fleck wore a wire. Who would have thunk it.

  67. Canary_In_CoalmineJuly 13, 2015 at 7:27 PM

    MCall reporting that Fleck recorded people for the Feds, including Pawlowski.


    So the $54 million question is, what did they get?

  68. Ironically, I heard the same thing this afternoon. I have a few details the Morning Call does not have, and they have a few details I did not. I am writing the story, and it will publish at the witching hour.

  69. Bernie, just because Nat Penn put in a lot of money does not mean that it was done in an unethical way, the NIZ was a great opportunity that many people wanted to get in on, Fainor was given the opportunity to fund it and a chance to make his bank some money so he made a smart decision in granting a loan. if making smart business decision makes u unethical than i dont know how this world even works

  70. It was such a smart decision that his HQs in Boyertown is sitting vacant like a white elephant. Stockholders should hold him accountable. The loan to Reilly was a personal favor, based on assurances that NIZ tax money was on its way.

  71. Gina, Forget my opinions and look at the facts. 1) He paid out $33,000 to a guy he just threw under the bus. 2) He had no qualms about accepting money from all kinds of NIZ beneficiaries, even though he appoints three members of the ANIZDA. 3) He spent $19,000 on himself with very little accountability. 4) He spent $1182 for a stay at the Waldorf Astoria. 5) He is so cheap he even billed a $5.50 lunch to his treasury. 6) He raised money despite having no opponents in two elections. 7) His per diems alone amount to $19,000, which is $1,000 more than the paer capita income of an Allentown resident.

    Based on these facts, it is next to impossible to avoid the conclusions i reached unless you are wearing NIZ-colored sunglasses.

  72. All over but the shoutung.What is the over/under on guilty pleas ?

  73. So, the Mayor was right. Early on he stated the FBI was looking into the Allentown contracting processes. Evidently, verbal contracts by HIM are a big part of all this!

    Resign, Mr. Mayor. You will be spending way too much time preparing for trial.

  74. @802 --- If I'm betting:

    1) time served or house arrest for the lower level players who cooperate with the feds.
    2) Fleck is likely getting a year and a day to 3 years as I doubt he's getting immunity.
    3) Best bet is 24-80 months for the mayors and inner circle.

  75. I believe the weekend stay at the Waldorf and the rental of the tux were part of the Pennsylvania Society weekend, which is a major gathering of PA. officials and business-persons. Those expenses were paid by a campaign fund, not by taxpayers. It is an important networking event for political campaign purposes. You may think the Pennsylvania Society weekend is questionable, but it is standard operating procedure for politicians to attend it. I wouldn't be surprised if some of Bernie's favorite legislators attended, and used campaign contributions for similar expenses.

    Also, keep in mind that Rep. Schlossberg twice thought he would have an opponent. In one case, the opponent was not able to run at the last minute because the Supreme Court overturned the redistricting maps.

  76. A couple years ago, there was a bribery scandal involving Lackawanna County and a set of engineers and architects. I don't remember all of the details, but I believe the two County Commissioners went to prison, but the engineers and architects were given a slap on the wrist in return for their cooperation.

  77. And after he realized he had no opponent, he continued raising money. I do know legislators who visit the Pa Society and who spend their own money at that event instead of sticking it to people who give them their hard-earned money to seek office. I also know legislators who sometimesstay in a hotel room when the legislature stays late, but do not milk the taxpayer for other expenses. Let's face it, Schlossberg is basically a greedy pig who even bills his campaign for a $5.50 lunch at Jack Callahan's while people in his district go hungry. Hope he sleeps well at night.

  78. Gotta believe this will REALLY slow down the NIZ progress. Frankly, it isn't working out for taxpayers as planned. Particularly those outside the Lehigh Valley.

  79. Good job Bernie hope feds gets all of them

  80. Cats a transparent phony.
    "Oh Michael, thank you so much for your hard work on the budget.....your kids are so josh darn cute......oh��"
    Gag me with a fucking spoon!

  81. "What about Pete Schweyer, who actually represents the NIZ?"

    I will get to him.

  82. "Creating a standard and asserting an ethical issue to followers who trust you is a problem."

    You are confusing ethics the law. Nothing Schlossberg did is illegal,unless he;s tighter with Fleck and Pawlowski than appears, and it appear already that he is pretty tight. Just about everything he did is unethical, and is unethical for the large majority of pols who accept money from people who want something. It is not just unethical, but obscenely immoral, for him to take $19,000 in per diems when we all know that kids in his district go hungry and have no winter coats. Politicians like Schlossberg and Jenn Mann are very much a big part of the problem in Allentown, and hopefully, there will be no more free rides.

  83. Amazing thing is that Callahan's is across the street from Schlopbergs office. Why doesn't he bring a freaking samwich to work like the poor stiffs he represents?

  84. Blogger Bernie O'Hare said...
    "What about Pete Schweyer, who actually represents the NIZ?"

    I will get to him.

    11:21 PM

    When you get to him, please try to find out how much his S. Allentown outside office sign cost taxpayers. It's the most expensive sign of any political person around Allentown. Please check it out. His office is across the street from Wells Fargo.

  85. Schlossberg is basically a greedy pig who even bills his campaign for a $5.50 lunch at Jack Callahan's while people in his district go hungry. Hope he sleeps well at night.

    9:12 PM

    When a guy sells his own book at a public meeting, it says a lot about his character.

  86. Poor Baby Schloss!!! Now I'm hearing a very credible Republican opponent will be challenging him on this in 2016. The party is over Mike! Time to grow up

  87. Slopsberg.

    Dopey Allentown Electorate gets what it voted for.

    As usual.

  88. How much $$ is the monkey in the window

  89. I love his FB page. Transparent hack comes off like he's JFK Jr.!
    Fucking joke!!!

  90. The phoney doesn't have the balls to address this on his social media.
    Some expert he is.
    Take it home to Jersey, pretender.

  91. The mayor always seemed to treat this young guy with real contempt.

  92. I think it was perfectly understandable that local business people made political donations to Schlossberg. The district was designed by the legislative leaders to be Democratic, but he is a moderate pro-business Democrat. There are people in the district who would like to defeat him who would be perceived as anti-business.

    He also was a known quantity to the business community because of his past work for the Chamber of Commerce.

  93. This poor guy is one of the first to be thrown under the bus.

  94. Charlie Sch , in other words, he is a crony capitalist whose real masters are in the LV Partnership, and certainly not the people he ostensibly represents. I'd agree with your statement, which is no defense of Schlossberg. Nice to see him shaking hands with pawkowski yesterday at a Butz groundbreaking.

  95. The warmth between the Mayor and this kid was touching to witness.
    I agree that both young state reps are among the fist to be tossed under the buss.

  96. Hiding behind your little boy on FB is despicable.

  97. He donated $250 to an Eastside community group. He's making a big deal about it on his FB page.
    I kid you not.


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