Local Government TV

Monday, July 13, 2015

Pawlowski Cheerleader Ed Disgrace Forced To Recant Libel

Over the years, I've had a number of internet run-ins with one of King Edwin's less erudite soldiers, Ed DeGrace. They go all the way back to 2008, when I wrote about Allentown Mayor Edwin Pawlowski's strong-arm tactics against a 75 year-old woman who dared conduct yard sales outside her Turner Street home. [REDACTED] exploded with vicious diatribes aimed at Lázaro Fuentes (with an á, damn it!), Michael Molovinsky, Scott Armstrong and yours truly. This, I would soon learn, is standard fare from Pawlowski's horde.

[REDACTED] is actually Edward DeGrace, described by Scott Armstrong as a Pawlowski apologist. "He's part of the city machine and will do what he has to do to make sure the machine succeeds." DeGrace, who actually hails from Cape Verde, is a Democratic activist who worked for Pawlowski's 2005 mayoral campaign. He chaired Latinos for a New Lehigh Valley, which donated $8,000 to King Edwin in October 2005, but never filed a campaign finance report indicating where it got its money. I contacted DisGrace and asked him where he got that money, which I believe was laundered by Pawlowski. "I've got nothing to say to you," DisGrace said, and then hung up during a brief phone conversation in 2012.

DisGrace has continued to act as one of Pawlowski's pit bulls, mostly at the ASD: Issues and Discussion Facebook group.

He's been awful quiet since news of the federal investigation has surfaced. On Sunday, he actually retracted some vicious online statements he had made about an ASD employee, after a demand that he do so from Solicitor John Freund. Of course, it was done insincerely, but it's enough to establish that he is a liar.


  1. Bernie
    How can this guy ignore filing regulation? Why isn't the state after him about this? Bet you couldn't get away with violating the law.

  2. Ed was all over Mark Smith's Campaign for ASD school board Facebook page. Can we judge people by the company they keep?

    Scott Armstrong

  3. In your photo it appears as though the two Eds are attached, as in the movie "The Two Headed Transplant." Wonder if there is one functioning human brain between the two.

  4. Just laughing at these horrid, arrogant assholes.

    But it really isn't funny.

  5. Pawlowski looks like a ventriloquist dummy sitting on big Ed's lap.

  6. It will be interesting to see if these men will all lie to the FBI like they lied to the Citizens of Allentown. I have called people liars in public meetings and no one has told me I'm wrong? It seems that "little white lies" are ok for these men.

  7. Believe it or not, Ed DeGrace was a fairly nice guy before he let politics run his life.

    1. Known him most my life. It is true. He simply isn't the same guy the last 10-15 years. Not sure what happened because he used to be a super guy!

  8. @11:21
    I've heard that, but when it turns into this sort of thing, it's not politics, it's just thuggery. The legal system needs to stop him before he winds-up hurting someone.

  9. Canary_In_CoalmineJuly 13, 2015 at 12:19 PM

    Photo caption: Disproving the saying that two Eds are better than one.

  10. The difference between this gentleman and Alan Jennings is simply one of volume and style, their purpose is in total sync.

  11. Alan Jennings has personal integrity, something both DisGrace and you, as an anonymous attacker, lack. You have more in common with DeFrace than Jennings.

  12. And yet this cowardly blog attack comes from a person who, in qucik succession, lost his job, his career and his family....seemingly, the author of this hate blog has done nothing since, except lash out, bashing anyone and everyone who is a success. I see some unchecked rage problems that are best dealt with in hospitals. Please seek mental help ohare, you are unhinged and crazy

  13. Unlike you and Ed Disgrace, I sign my name and take reponsibility for my words. There are no "cowardly" attacks like you just made.

  14. This episode is a fitting testimony to Jennings integrity. I rest my case.
    (......and you damned right I'll remain anonymous. These gangsters still have the power to do some real harm before the final curtain falls.)

  15. 4:48, your comment is deleted. If you want to personally attack someone who is not part of this investigation, you are going to have to sign your name - a real one - and accept responsibility. You won't do that bc you are a coward.

  16. The principal of remaining Anonymous is a central tenet of the program that has guided us both, sir.
    You have a friend who is long entrenched in the inner circle of this affair. You have done some excellent work here and now you have to make a tough decision.
    It's your integrity that's on the line here sir, not mine. I remain, anonymous.
    I wish you luck and thank you for your invaluable contribution.

  17. You scooped the Morning Call by days on the wire story because people believed in your commitment to the task at hand.
    Stay the course, sir.

  18. Rat Fink Fleck wore a wire to snitch out his boss. What integrity! But this act of betrayal only highlights the piss poor judgement of King Edwin in trusting Fleckster to begin with. Just a company of thieves...

  19. I wonder if they cheated when they played poker together?

  20. Ed DisGrace is a total POS !!!

  21. Someone really needs to look into that 8000.00 dollar contribution .. I never got anything like that ...

    Susan Wild


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.