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Sewage diving wil be part of next year's Sportsfest |
Honest Abe sings Fed Ed's praises now, calling him "the best mayor in the history of the city. I've never expected or gotten anything in return for a donation. I've never gotten any city contracts." Of course he did. As I explained earlier this week, Honest Abe bought the billboard company with city contracts for billboards at 13 different locations. Fed Ed denied that the City was involved in any way. "There was no deal that was made here, per se, and in any way, shape or form," he insisted. But there was. The City actually helped him purchase the company by buying two properties it did not need from Abe, allowing him to realize a $999,000 capital gain.
The first property, a series of three parcels along Union and Basin Streets near the city sewage plant, was purchased by Atiyeh's Basin Street Development Company in December, 2012, for $350,000. In May, 2014, he sold it to the City of Allentown for $950,000. He also imposed a billboard easement, which would allow him to advertise at that site.
His capital gain here is at least $600,000, and is probably more because he encumbered the City's property with a billboard easement in his favor.
The second property, located around 1900 Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive, is the remnant of an old fertilizer company, not very far from where a WPA wall recently collapsed as a result of City neglect. Much of this land, around 60%, is actually located in Salisbury Township instead of Allentown.
Atiyeh's Cedar Holdings LLC purchased this property in February 2007, for $51,000. In May 2014, he sold it to the City for $450,000, for a $399,000 capital gain.
His total capital gain from both purchases in $999,000. The City paid him enough money to purchase the billboard company he wanted.
The person who made all of this possible, by Atiyeh's own admission, is Miked Fleck, the Fed Ed campaign consultant who also acted as a business consultant.
It's unclear to me whether Allentown City Council was ever asked to approve these purchases. I see no evidence of it in any of the City Council minutes during that time period. It might be there, but I'm unable to locate it.
Allentown blogger Michael Molovinsky, unaware that the City was buying these properties from Atiyeh, speculated at the time that the funding source was actually the water and sewer lease with Lehigh County Authority. Fed Ed has apparently been using it as a slush fund. Since Miked Fleck's sister-in-law works as a "compliance" officer there, I'm sure every t is crossed and i is dotted.
Since that time, Atiyeh has been very grateful. He's donated $12,500 to Pawlowski or his puppets. How much he has paid his "consultant" Fleck is a question best left to the Feds.
The ostensible reason for these purchases was so that the City could add to its parks. Cuz as you know, we all love to picnic next to a sewage plant or an abandoned fertilizer company. In fact, sewage diving is being added to next year's Sportsfest. Instead of an A-town Throwdown, it will be the A-town Throwup.
The real reason for this purchase was to funnel $1 million into Honest Abe's pockets.
Blogger's Note: I have linked to a story written by Michael Molovinsky at the time these purchases were made. Although he was unaware that Abe Atiyeh was the seller, or that he was walking away with a cool million, he knew something was wrong with this deal. This story just completes the puzzle.
Excellent reporting O'Hare. This parasite (the short one) has been a lot happier in the last few years - no wonder.
Congratulations, Bernie. You deserve winning the major award. Keep up the good fight.
Damn. It just keeps getting worse and worse. That is truly unbelievable.
A big city contract that was not in the Fed story but is still real is the one that garnered a $500 contribution from the firms representative former Stoffa administrator, Conklin. Shouldn't that be mentioned as well?
Stop the lying, anonymous coward. I have already posted a link in a previous post to the City's contracts, and that proves you are a liar. Additional trollish lies from you will be deleted. Some people are interested in what is going on in Allentown, but you're so full of hatred for Stoffa that you can't move on.
bernie, when i wrote the piece over 13 months ago, although i did know that atiyeh was the owner of the martin luther king parcel, my concern was that it was a folly to add land, and connect existing parks, that already were not being property maintained. i'll leave any analysis of political purpose, profit and gain to you, and continue to advocate for the parks, which are much worse off now, a year later.
So what illegally took place? You may not like the transactions personally, but please tell us what was illegal?
You've changed sleeping habits!
Folks can't wait to get up and check out BOH.
Regarding Abe. Could you possibly with your legal expertise check into the legality perhaps through some state or federal regulation that allowed Allentown to install a 3-tier digital billboard within feet of a bridge? The 15th Street Bridge, newly rebuilt perhaps with some federal dollars, may require different regulations. These billboards in particular were installed adjacent to a bridge that does not have median barriers. What prevents motorists distracted by the changing messages to drift into oncoming traffic while messages flicker?
This is sounding more troubling than ever. Notice how so many "players" have become silent. This, to me, indicates they were always uneasy about how things were playing out. The "stink" hovering over Allentown is going to take years to clear.
Really a shame for a community that was "taken" during its weakest times. The damage done is NOT dependent upon guilt or innocence.
In another twist on the MLK property (old fertilizer plant), the city recently lost both state and county grants for work on that parcel to connect the parks. The combined total of the grants was in the $650,000 to $750,000 range, with the city contributing another $350,000 toward the project.
In early 2013, Pawlowski spoke before county commissioners saying that the project was ready to go once spring arrived, and their approval for the county grant was urgently needed to obtain the state grant.
In June of 2015, it was reported that the state grant had expired due to lack of action and the county grant had similarly expired.
Apparently connecting the parks wasn't really that important to the Mayor, since he could have still used City money (from his water-lease slush fund) to accomplish it. Looking back at it now, it seems that the only real "connection" was to give the city cover for the Atiyeh transaction.
BRAVO AA, you have far outdone your bros.....uh..did they not end up in Federal Court?
Thiel still thinks he is the next full term mayor.
The big money boys and the evangelical nuts have both been backing him.
Holy Smokes now that is flipping properties. Maybe one of those DIY shows want to do a series on this.
Somebody has to do the conscientious reporting here. What a nest of writhing, slimy snakes.
Thank you.
Wake up people, it was NEVER about the School Board for Charlie Theil or his contributiors.
He is being set up to be the $$$ guys next boy in the mayors suite.
There exists an opportunity for a true newsperson to do some real investigative journalism and make a name for themselves, but all we have in the mainstream media are readers of prepared copy, AP rehashers, headlines of store grand openings, and menues at local festivals.
You're doing a great job Bernie.
Pawlowski is not a crook.
Pawlowski is still Mayor of Allentown.
Haters gotta hate.
I am an old country boy and I don't understand all the outcry about this deal. If Mr. Atiyeh made such a intellegent investment why should He not make a big profit.Why would the Mayor make this deal if the Mayor wasn't getting His fair share ? I was under the immpression the Mayor was laundering His share thru the campaign chest.How did the Mayor find the time to go to hockey games with all these cons
Why is none of this in The Morning Call ?
I'm sad that woman died in a motorcycle accident, but that's a human interest story. Not a headline.
@8:51 AM: How did the Mayor find the time to go to hockey games with all these cons
Used his cell phone ?
Democrats can still be proud they elected Pawlowski on multiple occasions.
Democrats care about the poor, that is why we have a Millionaires Improvement Zone in the City Without Limits.
Only Democrats can be fully trusted by the public.
The property that the Atiyeh family owned along the Little Lehigh Creek had been targeted for city purchase for decades. It is right upstream from the primary water intake for the water system that serves the entire Allentown area. The City has always been concerned that someone would put a use in that could include potential contaminants. It will eventually be a link into the City park system.
While any contamination needs to be further studied before it can be used as a park, my understanding is that past studies did not find serious contamination. One of the reasons is that past flooding had probably washed away some of the past contamination.
In your opinion, why is the Morning Call on the sideline? One would thing that a large circulation local paper would be all over this story, especially now.
Inquiring minds need to know.
The city controller should resign
Thiel is running around saying he is the next mayor in Allentown. This guy is the most untrustworthy man in the valley. He strong arms deals for CSI based on his big money friends and his partnership with the mayor and the state reps
Wouldn't want to be the appraiser that has to defend those numbers. If they used one. Those seem like indefensible sales prices.
Those are big dollar property sales and council knew nothing about them. Another reason the whole lot should resign.
The property sales aren't that much different from what Fattah did in Philly where he disguised transactions to pay off people.
Thiel is more dangerous then Fed Ed.
He's more disciplined, more restrained, more compliant and willing to do anything the powers that be tell him.
His nice guy persona hides the soul of a committed sleeze ball toad.
They're all complicit and should be ashamed of themselves. The smug bunch of council members should hope for the best. Karma is a mofo.
Eat your heart out, Charlie Thiel is a good Christian man and he will be the next mayor of Allentown.
The loss of those two important grants is why the last (of a line of incompetent) parks directors was sacked.
This town.n is a freak.ing zoo!
This post is not about Charlie Thiehl.
"In your opinion, why is the Morning Call on the sideline? One would thing that a large circulation local paper would be all over this story, especially now. "
I don't think they're on the sideline now. Reporters have had some pretty good stories. The fact that this got by them a year ago should tell them that they were too willing to give Pawlowski a free pass and were failing to scrutinize Allentown the way they should. But i think the raid woke them up.
Charlie Sch, Actually, the City did once own the MLK property and dumped it. So much for trying to acquire it for decades. It is also absolutely absurd to have paid $399,000 more than Atiyeh paid for this contaminated property in 2007.
Monkey Momma, 7:27 has given me a research project for the weekend.
Honest Abe was geared up to help Fed Ed big time in the senate run.
Bummer it hasn't worked out.
a member of allentown's city council just told me that city council has no say in they mayor's ability to purchase property for the city. i can not believe that that is the truth. can anyone explain what (if any) checks there are (or should have been) in a situation like this?
The feds heads have to be spinning. Theres a snake under every rock they overturn .....geeesh. This place makes goodfella$ or the sopranos seem amateurish. Wheres pauly walnuts?
5:23, aka Blog Mentor, I am unwilling to call this a crime, but what matters is what the feds think. I'm sure Fleck has already filled in the blanks.
We know you read this Blog, Morning Call. Please consider doing what GOOD newspapers used to do, that is report what has happened, ask plenty of questions of the participants, report their responses. All during this "normal" journalistic behavior, conduct some research on your own. Reveal on your pages that which remains in question and lacking answers. None of this is too difficult.
It's what your diminishing readership base WANTS you to do. Otherwise, they will go someplace else for their information. It's kinda happening already, don't you think?
Bernie, this is a HUGE story unfolding, both the Morning Call and TV69 appear to be doing their best to avoid it. You are providing a huge service for a growing base of interested taxpayers. Thank you.
Its the city controller who revues all expenditures.
From the allentown city website
"Citizens who have observed waste, fraud or mismanagement of your City tax dollars are welcome to call the City Controller and leave a message 24 hours a day. The number is 610-437-7527. Or you can fill out the internet contact form on this City web site and send it to the City Controller. " Good luck!!
So on 10/13 Dan McNeill spends $1,500 to lease office space at Westgate mall for 3 weeks. On 6/26 the PA lottery cuts a check for $3,000 to pay for advertising at 1/2 day SeniorFest held at Westgate mall. Another govt agency over paying. No waynks Seniorfest worth $3k! Last year they paid $3,500. That is obscene!
Bernie eats the mcalls lunch
"Bernie, this is a HUGE story unfolding, both the Morning Call and TV69 appear to be doing their best to avoid it. You are providing a huge service for a growing base of interested taxpayers."
Meanwhile, the Express Times is posting a new poll on whether Musikfest should allow visitors to wear clothing that is green, and 30 picture galleries of traffic accidents. Yesterday, Rhodin was AT a traffic accident, and got the state of the license plates wrong.
Damn! You're the best. Through all the years, you've always done your homework.
Great job.
Excellent insight Bernie,
Keep the pressure on these phony polticians
Sounds like possible Racketeering Charges could be on the horizon, we can only hope so.
OK, Bernie, you are eating the MCALL's lunch. I'll agree with that. But are you eating someone else's too? I mean, look at that waistline ;)
Isn't there some requirement that an appraisal be done prior to the purchase of real estate by the city?
I am unable to determine whether City Council approved this sale, to say nothing of an appraisal.
Looks like 1:20 got the abe pay to play link as well. Then theres abes properties on linden and the site of the now social security office. How much has abe donated to Dent. Abe's contract with social security is quite sweet. Would be nice to know Dent is clean
Don't even mention the express times in the same breath as mcall wfmz or BO.
We call them "clown news"
Abe contributed $4,600 to Charlie Dent in 2014. But I doubt Cjharlie would sell out For $4,600 or any other sum. In Congress, you have to raise at least $2 million per election cyle, so donations like the one made by Abe are meaningless. It would be like $25 in a local race.
As far as I recall, Allentown City Council approved all of this.
It happened very quickly. Only 10 people were watching.
What else do you want to know?
"Mr. Fegley, 1002 S. Bradford Street, stated that the $5 million is not City Council, the mayor or the city administration money to spend. Mr. Schweyer stated that this was a windfall. The Managing Director acted like we got a windfall. This is water money. We have a 50 year lease and they are not going to pay us again. We didn’t find money. "
@2:44 fred lesavoy?
That week's agenda is missing from the City's website.
the difference between real journalism (Express Times. Morning Call, and WFMZ) is that they do not connect dots to nowhere, and are mindful of trashing the reputations of people on a whim, for fun
Sorry, it is there. I looked at 2015.
Page 18
Rich, thanks very much. I will check.
4:23, the facts are what they are. Allentown bought property it did not need and gave Abe Atiyeh $1 million at the very time that Abe was acquiring tge billboard company with city contracts. Pawlowski was under subpoena and everything came to a sudden end after Atiyeh hired Fleck. I believe it is a solid story, and you don't shy away from a solid story simply because it might offend a wealthy person.
Rich, I can't believe how this was buried.
I can see why we don't have money to fix pools and parks. All animals are equal, but in the city without limits, some animals are more equal than others.
Gary W. Gorman writes...
Really, BOH??? Really??? trying to make a connection to implicate, or try to implicate, Jen McKenna in the Fleck/Pawlowski affair is unfair, not true and down right defamation! F*ck you c*nt. yeah, I said it!
And, BTW, congrats on your mezzacappa victory.
trish: one thing you will never get: BOH has done a tremendous job reporting on this fiasco. You gotta give credit where and when credit is due.
Good reporting Bernie, but leave jen alone.
Page 24
Bill 5 Capital Funding Allocation
Amending the 2014 Capital Project Fund Budget to provide for a supplemental appropriation of Five Million
Dollars ($5,000,000) from the proceeds of the water/sewer lease project to various capital projects across
the City.
Notice how there is nothing in the minutes reflecting what Francis Dougherty and Peter Schweyer said about the $5 million "windfall". But how would you all know if you were not at the meeting? Why is this not part of the meeting minutes? This was very important information that Dougherty stated about where they "found" the money. All of the readers here today have no idea what Fran and Pete said that night.
Fran and Pete were so happy and wanted everyone to know that this was a good thing. This was something that was good and came from the water & sewer lease. We were told the lease was better than we thought and there was a "windfall" of money left over. Hooray for Gary Strathearn and MaryEllen Koval!
So as an aside, everything the Blog Mentor has advocated for has been extremely marginalized. Everything! Wow that was a miserable fall with a deafening sound of silence.
Just maybe after all the smoke clears, we all could join the notorious Hamilton street gang of thugs for a Hamilton Hanna handjob at the her pie hook up hot spot from the back midway of years past undercover under colum acting in the official CAPACITY of homeroom home rule law of the county seat, than there is the multigenerational pyrotechnical tools employed by this multifaceted institution administration ally buying the all new yet same old Century 21 placard hanging as a proud shingle Replaced with the now defunct Purdential Pat White¿! ($
Damm that is even a mouthful for the best tongue twisters of the back room tinfoil cap weares¿! ($
You got it Bernstein as your college lost his sack with the rest of the pa lump a some cheerleaders¿! ($ The festering puzzle boil on the assignment of the east coast is about to burst Releasing all of the shitfilled ms giggles and juggles a mast in creating the venue of the pump a dome venue¿! ($
They all have another wonderful preparation al weekend¿! ($
patent pending
Gary Gorman, she is Fleck's sister--in-law and likely got that job for that reason. I had to note the connection. The only concession I did make was to not ID her by name. Now you hsve done it.
Hey anon 8?::57, who is more guilty. The Democrats in Allentown that take the Republican businessmen's money in order to control government? Or the Republican businessmen themselves.
How about in the Macungie's where the Republican businessmen own the Republican office holders?
Cities' you get Dem's., Townships you get Republicans. At the end of the day they are all whores.
Sorry to shake your Fox/Gubber Walsh worldview.
I guess I'm happy that people are all awake on the problems in A-town now... but it goes all around the Lehigh Valley; There is dirt everywhere, even in BO's area, but the people are finally awakening, about time!!! Stop down here Bernie, but hide your ride from the Easton Parking Police....
Ms. Bowman was in charge of the City's finances on the evening of April 16th, 2014. Mr. Strathearn was either MIA or he had resigned at this point in time. The fate of $5 million of the Water/Sewer money was in the hands of an acting Finance Director that evening.
Allentown City Council rubber stamped the use of $5 million that was not theirs or the mayor's to spend like this. Only Eichenwald voted NO.
These idiots actually knew they were buying a tract on Basin and 3rd for a park! Only one member of Council saw thru it and voted No - Jeanette Eichenwald.
Again, it would be interesting to follow the money on transactions involving the new HS run by Building 21. Look who owns that, surprisingly.
Macungie doesn't have a magnificent hockey rink.
Macungie doesn't have anywhere near the number of economically disadvantaged people as Allentown does.
It is the all-powerful Democrats in the one-party City Without Limits who have turned their backs on their very own constituents they claim to care about so much.
Shocking, even if CNN never sensationalizes it.
This is what floors me more than anything.
Once a property is acquired, appraisals and environmental assessments become public records that are subject to a right to know request, according to the PA. Right to Know Law.
Charlie, thanks. I am fairly knowledgable about the RTKL. I am considering seeking appraisals for the MLK and Basin St properties if they were done in 2014 or late 2013. I am not interested in older appraisals. Now this is what will happen. I will file my RTK request. On the 5th day, tge city will send a letter, at the end of the day, invoking the automatic 30 day extension. Then, at the end of the 35th day, there will be a letter telling me there is no appraisal. By that time, everyone will have forgotten about this.
He's eating too many rav4ioli's. Ohhh
This is how in the Brown Hole acting as a Whole while separating them self in the all new nude nude RE:NEW the triburo area as a whole and the third world nation unto itself¿ Morgane Lil is possibly the only one with a sack as large as the iron lady on allentown counsel to clean house¿ We all must RE:MEYER the big Don Cunning wish is at the helm of this transgression al transformation appointing himself and dictating his salary¿
Once justice in the domestic arena has been made unjust we should really open the books to see how truly unjust the perfect system has been comprised in the Great Nation of the USA¿
patent pending
Obama is good
He is still President of the United States
Hater gotta hate
Mr. Beck, This has nothing to do with Obama and the usual squabbles between Ds and Rs. This has to do with crony capitalism., That alluring siren has attracted both Dems and Rs. I am particularly offended by the Dems who get sucked into this bc they hypocritically abandon those in need.
Mr. Beck, Whatever happened in the case filed against you involving that protest outside LC jail?
Finally! Mr. Hankey will have a park to enjoy!
In the meantime, Tuesday night between 2 and 5AM, someone crept into my lighted yard in the 2300 block of Tilghman Street and stole my powermower. How can no one notice some creep cutting the asphalt in the middle of the night.
Do you know when is someone is starting to lose their argument? It is when they start to use derogatory names or the full press court of name calling. It is also a reflection of what being a blogger is; someone with no journalistic integrity i.e. Fed Ed, Miked Fleck, Honest Abe, crony capitalist, MIZ (Millionaire Improvement Zone) and etc.... But you do not once seen Bernie O'hare reference Molovinsky as two time loser in local and state elections. Why not? Is it because they share the same hatred for the politics in the Lehigh Valley? Is it because they both do not obey journalistic standards? You decide, but I think the answer is obvious.
p.s. Either Molovinsky or O'Hare will try to attribute my comment as being from the "Blog Mentor". Unfortunately the "Blog Mentor" is a very ill man and if anyone who is familiar with the local blogosphere will know the reference. However, Molovinsky and O'Hare have many more critics than supporters. They just fail to realize it and tend to blame it on one particular person.
One more thing to add to @5:09's comment. Bernie O'Hare and Michael Molovinsky are neither voters, private property owners or tax payers in the city of Allentown. Molovinsky lives in a house that he owns in South Whitehall Township and O'Hare lives in apartment that he rents in Nazareth. Is it not funny that these two grown single and never married men, who also have never had children throw stones through their glass houses at a city they do not live in? Thanks Michael and Bernie for being the role models that you are!
Absolutely pathetic attempt at excusing the inexcusable,
Send this to Edwin's Phiadelphia attorney, maybe he can use it during the plea bargaining phase.
Listen, 5:09 -
ANY person living in the state of Pennsylvania has very good reason to be concerned about this matter. The STATE budget is being affected!
It's obvious you don't understand how all the bells and whistles are being paid for. That kind of ignorance is what brought us to this place. Way too many people glossed over the details, particularly our news media.
@7:55, what's even more pathetic, is that the comments are from the blog mentor
The comments at 5:09 and 5:26 almost certainly come from the Blog Mentor, who posts around that time every day. I agree he is a very ill man. He is angry because not enough people hit "like" on his weeks old Facebook rant supporting Fed Ed. As for the descriptive term crony capitalist, that describes businessmen and politicians who create an economy whose very success is dependent on their close relationship and favoritism displayed with the distribution of legal permits, government grants and special tax breaks like the Millionaire Improvement Zone. This comes straight out of economics classes and is an accurate description of the government that exists in Allentown.
I do use names like Fed Ed, Miked Fleck or Honest Abe to add some humor, although the names would not be funny unless they were accurate. I probably break quite a few journalism rules. But the mainstream, until very recently, has been little more than a cheerleader for Fed Ed and the Millionaire Improvement Zone. People read this blog and MM, despite the typos and grammatical errors and our failure to follow the AP stylebook. The reason is bc we are honest, try very hard to be accurate factually and are independent. Those would seem to me to be the highest ideals of journalism, and ideals that have not been followed by our local mainstream until the federal raid woke them from their slumber.
I fail to see what MM's previous runs for elected office as an independent have to do with whether what he is saying is accurate. That appears to be thrown out there as a personal attack. But if you want to go that route, Fed Ed is a two time loser, too. He launched bids for Governor and the U.S. Senate without a prayer. The only thing he managed to do is rake in money for himself and Miked Fleck. I don't think you'll see evidence of MM doing that in his campaign finance reports.
Speaking of journalistic standards, I was married at one point in my life and do have two children. So you got your facts wrong, not that you care. Once again, I fail to see what relevance our marital status has to this story, or whether only people who are parents may comment.
Finally, I was unaware that one had to be a resident and a member of the landed gentry before being qualified to write about Allentown. If that is a journalistic standard, about 90% of the mainstream would be unable to write about Allentown, too, bc most of them live in what Fed Ed calls the boonies.
I personally think that I have 54 million reasons to speak. That's how much, in state tax dollars, are being ripped out of the pockets of state residents to fund this monument to crony capitalism in Allentown.
You can now return to rolling around on the floor, frothing at the mouth.
What no attack on religion?
Allentown residents are grateful to Bernie and Michael for their diligence and intelligence to keep those who care informed.
It's rather easy to recognize a posting from the Blog Mentor. It's all gone on too long.
Bravo Bernie!
you blog for free as an occupation from your "home". You have no life and never did. You have failed miserably, and have done nothing about it. If you channeled your efforts to finding solutions for all the woes of the world in local politics, people may actually have some respect for you. But its the same hate driven garbage from a seriously delusional person that persists day in and day out.
I do wish you'd get your attacks straight. One minute you accuse me of being paid by this pol or that pol, and the next minute, you claim I do it for free. Which is it?
This blog is actually a public service and one of which I am quite proud. It is a success. I don!t know how you measure success. If it is in terms of wealth, then yeas I am a failure. If it is in terms of being comfortable with who I am and what I do, and doing what I like to do, I am fairly successful.
In my years as a blogger, I have broken hard news stories more often than I care to remember. I have received Jeystone Press awards for the past three years.
I have made mistakes in my life and will continue making them. But I keep getting back up and trying.
I have managed to make law, even after losing my license on public bonding, the Sunshine Act and the application of tge Communications Decency Act to blogs. I am the first federal prosecutor to Ever seek pretrisl detention against an accused criminal and be successful.
I have two very successful children and a grandson who makes me very proud. And I have a few very good friends who will drop everything to help me when I am in need.
I am actually a very lucky and happy person. By contrast, you are an anonymous weekend troll who loves to berate others and who defies the law. You are Tricia Mezzacappa, who has lost a car, lost a house and may very well lose your personal freedom next week if you face trial. You have endangered your own mother's financial stability. She must be very proud..
Every rational Allentonian owes you a dept of gratitude, Mr. OHare.
From the bottom of my heart, for myself and on behalf of my family, I thank you.
Shooting the messenger is an age old tactic that serves only as a distraction from the truth. O'Hare and Molovinsky are well equipped to handle such arrows and daggers - Bernie and Mike present the truth without hiding their bias and let the chips fall where they may. Readers know what they're getting when they visit these blogs, and many of us come here for the truth mixed with a great deal of entertainment.
The idea that someone cannot become an expert on an area in which they do not have property is insane. But, I guess insanity goes with the territory of defending an administration that is obviously and totally corrupt.
Whether or not the Feds can find anything technically ILLEGAL in Allentown is one thing, but the facts of Pawlowski's campaign donations and subsequent sweetheart contracts speak for themselves. If they are not legally corrupt, they are without a doubt morally corrupt. There are too many undisputed facts (painstakingly listed here, at Molovinsky's blog and now quite a bit at Fegley's Facebook feed) for anyone with any ethical foundation to not be appalled.
I'm still stuck on the insanity of the parking meter rate hike. Who was it that recently said the parking meters are not even counting change correctly? Guess what - they're right. We had dinner downtown last night, and we had to put $3 in the meter to get 2 hours. For real. I would urge residents to NEVER swipe their credit card in these meters, and definitely do not use the app. Something is very very fishy about the whole thing - the meters should not be $2 an hour in the first place, and they are (at least the one we used last night) $3 an hour in reality. I had a similar experience with a meter over on 5th by the Baum a few weeks ago, but I didn't really think about it until someone posted about them counting change wrong. All I wanted last night was an Always Sunny poured from a tap, so I didn't bother worrying about it last night, but the reality is, Allentown is a scam operation and it's about time the crooks get exposed for their unethical and immoral actions.
Monkey Momma, the person who told me about tge $2 meters being $3 meters is Lou Hershman. He tried it out at several places. Thanks for the nice words.
If the Morning Call knew what it needs to do to remain relevant, it would offer Bernie $500 a pop to send in a weekly column.
There are many good people who worked there or at The Express Times that could do a better job than I. Randy Kraft, Joe McDonald and Tom Coombes, to name a few. A lot of them have been picked uo by FMZ.
It would not surprise if the digital billboard company or contract changes hands.
If this true Mr. O'Hare you have 'CONDENSED '500 pages of bullshit backscratching into one chapter on your blog that FBI reads!---hello this pete from Easton--HI !! mr. FBI man! Anyway were lucky here that nothing like that happened in Easton ,Pa. 18042
@10:01AM As Bernie has correctly identified you, your are none other than Tricia Mezzacappa. Having lost your appeal of the award of $67,000+ in Bernie's favor just Friday, and due in court in Monday on criminal charges for concealing Bernie's car (which used to be yours), you are lashing out at him here. Not surprising, for someone with the mind set of a 12 year old. You should grow the heck up - time is running out. Next up is the matter where you dragged your mother into your legal problems. Yet another brilliant Clarence Darrow move.
It is ironic that you blew off the hearing where Bernie testified as to his lost income, and the judge determined damages, while you sat at home posting letters of JG online. As a result, the person you claim makes no money, and shouldn't have had any lost income, achieved a $67,000 defamation judgment against you. Pretty embarrassing, for someone who brags about representing herself in court. Your priorities are all turned around. You should be lecturing yourself, not Bernie. As Bernie has detailed, he is pretty darned successful, satisfied and happy. His blog is 1000x better than that waste land you were running before you pulled the plug. The truth has battered the crap out of you, and you in contrast are absolutely miserable.
Read em and weep, sweetie. NEXT!
This property in question is on or nere the road to nowhere hopefully some day going somewhere¿ If anyone anywhere has traveled past to and fro in the spring and fall prior to this aquitaine of said parcel they would have noticed the wood of developmental clearings and god knows what else buried upstream from Allentowns waterway inlet for drinking water¿ That said this is just yet another hazardous waste dump site owned by said and such¿ This is development 101 palumpa style cause and effect home school home rule under said engineering under cover under colur acting in there official capaCITY to poison the public and be one, hence Dear Park and many such bottled water Co's not Allentowns curves LLC fop tools in this real property game of chance at the downtown palumpadome¿
Well at least we have met Alicante, and that is huge said said perm oter extraordinair¿! ($
patent pending
Anonymous said...
If the Morning Call knew what it needs to do to remain relevant, it would offer Bernie $500 a pop to send in a weekly column.
1:28 PM
What say you? You think the MC should replace Bill White's probing columns on eating through Musikfest, and the lives of dogs and cats with real journalism? Bite your tongue!
is the morning call in the NIZ?
HEADLINE: Morning Call says goodbye;
Subline, JB O'Reilly buys Morning Call property for $50M, thank you taxpayers of PA!
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