Local Government TV

Monday, May 04, 2015

Why Repyneck Will Avoid Candidates' Nights

Last week, I told you about a candidates' night in the Magisterial District Judge race in Hellertown and Lower Saucon Township. Incumbent David Tidd is facing two challengers, Attorney Amanda Kurecian and David Repyneck, a former probation officer and retired military man. The Northampton County League of Women Voters has scheduled a debate for Tuesday, May 12, 7 pm, at the Hellertown Library. Tidd "looks forward" to it. Kurecian is "excited" by the opportunity. But Repyneck will be a no-show. Asked if some other night might work, retired Repyneck is too busy. Obviously, he's unwilling to face some hard questions.

1. Why did Repyneck's career in criminal justice end so suddenly? - On his web page, Repyneck takes credit for 13 years of experience in criminal justice. He is apparently referring to his work as a Lehigh County Probation Officer. So why did his career there suddenly end after just ten years? Did he resign on his own or was he asked to quit? He owes voters an answer to that question. His ex-wife is still employed there, and as a probation officer.

2. Is Repyneck using, and possibly selling, drugs? - That's what his ex-wife has told Lower Saucon police on several occasions. Now this could be "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" situation, or it could be true. She is, after all,  a probation officer. On June 7, 2011,  PTL Robert Winters witnessed a custody exchange in an empty Pathmark parking lot, noting that Repyneck displayed an "attitude." After it was over, his ex told police of different areas they should watch, where he uses and sells drugs. On July 13, 2012, she spoke to PTL John Bowlby, in response to a harassment complaint that Repyneck made about her. Denying any kind of harassment, she told the officer that Repyneck has been under the influence of marijuana and alcohol in the presence of their children. She expressed concern about his "supposed drug use" again to PTL Bowlby on September 22, 2012. After a custody exchange on March 4, 2010, he approached PTL Charles Werkheiser and "seemed to be on a short fuse."

3. Does Repyneck have a legal and illegal gun stash? - That's what his ex told PTL Robert Winters on Jun 7, 2011, claiming "he does have a large 'arsenal' of legal and illegal firearms stashed throughout the township (one apparently being as close as two blocks away from the PD)."

On March 9, 2010, a temporary Protection From Abuse Act Order was entered in Lehigh County against Repyneck, but it was withdrawn pursuant to a March 16, 2010 Stipulation. Under its terms, his wife was awarded exclusive possession of the marital residence, located in Salisbury Tp.

I should note that I'm unable to find any evidence that Repyneck has ever been charged, let alone convicted, with so much as a parking ticket. But he's running for a judicial position and has an obligation to respond to these serious allegations. Considering the source, I do take them with a grain or two of salt. But before he asks anyone to vote for him, I think he needs to answer these questions. I have asked him to provide an explanation, which I will post here.

Blogger's Note: The police reports are below, and I believe I have fairly and accurately portrayed the information in them.  I do have information concerning the PFA, but am not posting it.


  1. What a horrible creature you are! You attack and malign this man, why? You always have an agenda. It has nothing to do with facts or care for the truth. You have hid that many times for those who support you. So why this man?

    "Did he resign on his own or was he asked to quit? He owes voters an answer to that question."

    Is that a smear? An innuendo based on what???

    why did John Stoffa tell the county paid lawyers to help you with Gracedale? Why did Ron Angle have to leave numerous radio stations? Did he resign or was he asked to leave? Was it anything to do with racist and anti-Semitic comments? These are questions that must be answered.

    You are disgusting. You have something against this man. Are you fronting for another candidate? Why? What do you owe that candidate to do this? You spread vile rumors and do it as some fake questions.


  2. Give bo credit - he's graduated to men

  3. Is pat Browne attending?

  4. Blogger lacks class and good judgment...already sued for libel, yet still publishes viscious rumors.

    To be expected from such a depraved, lost and envious soul

  5. Question...why would you open yourself up to a whole host of legal problems when you have admitted he wasnt charged with anything?

    ie false, and you know its false

    like the ex-wife's allegations ?

    you just continue to stoop below any level of responsible blogging...you are a piece of trash

  6. It sounds like this woman has a real problem. You're right. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.Separations and divorces are horrible things to go through. Woman more than men use the children as weapons against their spouses. If she knows he likes to hunt, she will bring a PFA against him so he loses his guns to law enforcement and can't use his guns for deer hunting etc. Say anything and do anything to destroy your spouse. Vengeance at any cost to your spouses character. Maybe this guy did use the juice. Why bring it up now during a marital split? This sounds too tacky to be completely true. I think this woman is unfit to be a probation officer and her actions should be looked into. This is one sick woman. The candidate should show up for his candidates night. However he has nothing to gain because if he denies all these allegations she will only make new ones. It is sad. He may be guilty and unfit for public office but she appears to be unfit to be categorized as a sane mother. She sounds a lot like Mezzacappa.

  7. Where there is smoke there is fire. This guy is clearly unfit for judicial office. The fact that an agreement settled the PFA means there was something, otherwise it would have been defended and dropped outright.
    I had occasion to meet all three candidates, and would say that Repynek is clearly the least qualified. In fact, he told he had not yet taken his certification, so he is not even qualified.

  8. @4:06,
    You're a classic example of "When your argument starts to weaken, change the subject." You just can't avoid personal attacks on someone who has merely reported what has transpired, not created a fictional account of the events. From the police reports, this candidate is of questionable moral character.

  9. much to your chagrin, a "questionable moral character" is not found in unsubstantiated police reports which only record an allegation, with no back up from a woman scorned.

    "A questionable moral character" is found within the depths of this hate blog, which exists for years purely for personal vendetta , based on pure emotion, envy, hatred and revenge.

    Nice job loser

  10. I weighed the pros and cons of reporting this story, and decided in favor of the public's right to know. It is a fair and accurate representation of complaints made about Repyneck to the police by his ex wife, who may have an agenda but is also a probation officer. The guy is running for judge, and he really needs to respond to these questions. I have sent him an email dfor answers.

  11. fair and accurrate? How so? Did the police contact him regarding those allegations? Where is his respoense in those reports? None? Maybe the cops took it for exactly what it was...bullshit. No illegal guns, no drugs, no selling, nada

    good reporters know the difference, but hence, there is you

    just miserable with way too much time on your hands, whoring yourself out for a little attention. Hope he sues.


  12. Once again Mr. O'Hare has provided a great public service.The voters of Hellertown have the chance to vote for Their District Justice with some information of the candidates.

  13. I will be waiting for Mr. Repyneck's response to the reporter.

  14. How much is Tidd paying you?

  15. oh, I get it...he gave you the silent treatment, hence the explosive attack...how dare him not answer Bernie.....hes the god of local media

    How much attention should be paid to O'hare?

    Hint: answer rhymes with hero

  16. Repyneck was contacted yesterday and is free to repond or not. Whether he does so to me is one thing. But he really should explain this to voters.

  17. so how does it feel to know that at Penny's breakfast table she has to explain to her kids what she's been saying about Dad...

    Mom, does dad sell drugs and carry illegal guns?

    You have no respect for yourself or anyone...seeing that Morganelli keeps you right where he needs you...on your knees

  18. "How much is Tidd paying you? "

    You need to make up your mind about who is paying me. Some days, you claim it is Angle. Others, it is Stoffa or Charlie Dent. People who make these kinds oif accusations usually do so bc they themselves have sold out. In reality, I am paid by nobody to write what I write except what I derive from a small weekly newspaper. But thanks for the compliment.

  19. 10:39, Gotta' love the pious condemnation from a coward unwilling to identify himself or herself and take responsibility for his or her words. I decided to go with this and make clear that the ex could have an agenda. I have also offered Repyneck an opportunity to get his side of the story out there. I believe these are serious allegations, especially considering that they are being made about a person who wants to be a judge.

  20. Mr.Repyneck should have been aware of these police reports.He decided to enter the arena.Now apparently Mr. Repneck seeks special treatment that His background can not be brought up.Mr. Repyneck please respond to the reporter.You can clear Your name here is the opportunity

  21. silence speaks louder than words, and some garbage is not worth responding to at all.

    What did you expect him to say? Yes Mr. O'hare, I am a drug user/dealer, and have illegal weapons? I'll turn myself in...

    Your problem is that you have an illness and an expectation that you are entitled to a response. If your blog wasnt such a waste of space and time, you may have received one. Your reputation proceeds you.

  22. I agree silence speaks louder than words, and it is deafening. T=Repyneck owes me nothing. He does owe the voters of Hellertown and Lower Saucon some answers.

    I think the word you are looking for is preceeds, not proceeds.

  23. Anyone who would bring this up doesnt deserve the time of day, here, or at a debate. Its clearly a personal family matter and has no bearing on what he can or cannot do for the people he serves in his district.

    Why dont you run O'hare? Know it all-king-of-high-morals-I-Can-do-no-wrong-im-alwayss-right

    Sorry that '86 disbarrment kinds gets in the way...OOPSIE

  24. Mr. Repyneck family issues are very impotant with His ability to deal with The District Justice Office.If Mr. Repyneck wants to respond to these reports He has the chance to do so.

  25. Yet you fail to report of Tidds' recent run-ins with the law...says alot.

  26. Family issues are fair game? If so, I would think Ron Angle is hiding under a couch

  27. If by run-ins with the law yiou mean Tidd's finances, I will be getting ijnto that. I am exploring it now.

  28. "Its clearly a personal family matter"

    The allegations here involve drug usem, drug dealing and illegal arms stashes. I do not consider that a personal family matter. Had the ex not been a probation officer, I might not write about this. But she is, and that makes me concerned.

  29. This is an interesting leap. A probation officer, by virtue, is beyond question, and always right....same with all LEOs

    The cops launched a special investigation team to find the drugs and the illegal guns, because the allegation came from a probation officer, right?

    So then whats the story? She was right and credible, or she wasnt?

  30. anon 11:41. We will not be reading a truthful account of all the reports of that family's various issues on this blog, will we? Yet there is another person that should come clean to the voters, right?

  31. The idiot(s) who are attacking Bernie for reporting this have their heads up their butts.

    This guy is running for judge. Bernie didn't say this stuff is true, he is reporting what the records indicate and says he should answer to the allegations.

    Hey, when the shoe is on other foot, readers are supposed to believe all the crap some crazy woman made up in a fraudulent PFA against Bernie - yet when it is someone who is being reported on, suddenly allegations are an attack, viscous rumors, etc.

    Look in the mirror, hypocrites.

  32. Good Evening, I will choose to remain anonymous because of a woman who makes sickening statements and uses her title "probation officer" to throw her weight. Please don't take that lightly. She has made false accusations for years from parents, relatives including siblings, friends and has inappropriate relations with known offenders. Bernie, I'm shocked that you took this path to release this statement as Mr. Tidd has numerous articles released through the years from his group home rental, business out of his home, court within Lower Saucon about fencing and failure to pay recycling and advertising bills. But I would have to say the most interesting is the relationship that Mr. Tidd and Mayor Fluck share. Isn't it amazing that the mayor campaigns for Tidd, petition signing for Tidd and both son and grandson are constantly escaping jail due to their actions... money, checks, drugs, etc. I would have to say that Mr. Tidd and Mr. Fluck both have serious ethical issues that neither handle very well. As for Mr. Repyneck, I do not see any proven allegations and I sure hope the best for Mr. Repyneck.

  33. What on earth are you talking about? You are running for judge, yet are apparently unaware of this thing called the First Amendment. Mayor Fluck has every right, under our Constitution to endorse and speak in favor of the man he thinks is best suited to judge citizens in his borough. i also happen to know the Fluck family and hold them in high regard. You establish exactly what kind of person you are by coming on here anonymously to slime them.

    Answer my questions. Why did you quit your criminal justice job after just ten years? Are you using? Do you sell> Do you have ilegal firearms? Why do police remark that you have an "attitude?"

  34. Mr. O'Hare, if you want answers to the questions, feel free to contact me and I will meet with you to discuss your inaccurate facts and slanderous accusations.

    On the PFA, it was the strategy of my ex-wife's scum bag attorney to file it when I exercised my Soldier civil relief rights and she had to wait for extra money for child support during my deployment to Iraq. Apparently, through my research and discussions with law enforcement officials, significant numbers of women use this tactic when going through divorce. It is unfortunate that these false allegations tie up our court system.

    You fail to let your audience know that the PFA was withdrawn by Penelope as frivolous after I went to her attorney and provided her with documentation alleging child abuse allegations to include leaving my daughter in the presence of a registered sex offender in October of 2007. She is prohibited from having relationships with convicted offenders under Lehigh County Policy. I will be more than happy to give you my side of the story since you have hers so that your readers can determine that 3rd side of the story.

    Be a man and meet me face to face and I will discuss my ex-wife’s allegations and my intentions for the candidate forum.

    David Repyneck


  35. Mr. O'Hare, if you want answers to the questions, feel free to contact me and I will meet with you to discuss your inaccurate facts and slanderous accusations. On the PFA, it was the strategy of my ex-wife's scum bag attorney to file it when I exercised my Soldier civil relief rights and she had to wait for extra money for child support during my deployment to Iraq.
    You fail to let your audience know that the PFA was withdrawn by Penelope as frivolous after I went to her attorney and provided her with documentation alleging child abuse allegations to include leaving my daughter in the presence of a registered sex offender in October of 2007. She is prohibited from having relationships with convicted offenders under Lehigh County Policy. I will be more than happy to give you my side of the story since you have hers so that your readers can determine that 3rd side of the story.
    Be a man and meet me face to face and I will discuss my ex-wife’s allegations and my intentions for the candidate forum.

    David Repyneck


  36. Mr. Reppyneck, I have been a man. i sent you these allegations in advance and asked for a reply. I am willing to meet you in person as well. You, however, have not been a man. You have ducked a debate sponsored by a nonpartisan group.

    I am making no accusations. I am repeating what appears in several police reports and am asking for your side of the story. I also accurately reported that the PFA was withdrawn as a result of a stipulation of the parties. i have that stipulation and know exactly what is in it, as well as subsequent matters, so don't try to bullshit me as you are doing here. It will only make matters worse for you. I am emailing you for a one-on-one.

  37. Mr. O'Hare, I resigned from my job at Lehigh County to pursue an opportunity to serve my country full time in the PA Army National Guard. I do not use drugs. I do not sell drugs. My ex wife with whom you have been in touch, is a pathological liar. She involved my kids in her love affair for over 5 years. I contacted Lehigh COunty Adult Probation today and spoke to Chief Probation Officer Ann Marie Egizio. She is very familiar with Penelope and her issues. I will be meeting with her later this week to discuss my ex wife's activities with convicted criminals, especially sex offenders. I have the supporting documents and the pictures. I will be more than happy to share them with you. The comments from my ex wife are the result of a bad divorce.

  38. Mr. O'Hare, I checked my email and my voice mail again and nothing from you. Please contact me tomorrow to set up a meeting. I look forward to meeting you.

  39. Mr. Repyneck, I emailed you almost immediately for a sit down, and am sending it again.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.