Local Government TV

Friday, May 01, 2015

Whitehall 19th Safest City in US, Sez Safewise

Safewise has rated Whitehall Township #19 in its latest rundown of the "Top 100 Safest Cities in the U.S." Here's what it says: "Right next door to Allentown, Whitehall originated as a hunting reserve. Safety in this leafy suburb begins with a considerable body of community-based programs like 'PREMISE ALERT' and neighborhood watch-like programs that provide services such as self-defense courses."

Population: 13,936.
Violent Crimes per 1,000: 0.79
Property Crimes per 1,000: 3.59

I called Mayor Ed Hozza for his reaction, but he was on night patrol.


  1. It is hard for me to envision Whitehall as a city !

  2. First, it is all townships. Second, the company that puts the list together makes money getting you to buy security systems. It isn't lost of me that they appear to be catering to those who can actually afford security systems. Basically, if your township isn't on the list, you better call them and buy a security system so they can make money.

  3. Whitehall is comaparble to Easton in population. I believe theese studies are based on population and frequency of violent crimes. I suspect the population doubles during the day with shoppers. Whitehall is unique in that it has a mix of single family homes, several apartment complexes,and plenty of 55 and older housing. Not sure what constitutes a City, however, half of Allentown is composed of annexed townships.

  4. Whitehall is larger than Easton and nect to a cess pool riddled with crime.

  5. The population of Whitehall is in excess of 26,000. The number you show is not correct. Easton is not really a city anymore. Too much including population left. It really does not have the economic base to support the size of government that it has. Probably should reduce the size of government and knock down its taxes and fees. Do everyone a favor. Crime in
    Easton is related to ignoring problems in sections of the city other than the downtown. Not any different than what has happened in Baltimore. Ignored long enought, eventually it erupts.

  6. Good point @9:28:
    Easton population (2013) 27,073

    Why is Easton a city?
    Palmer: 20,691
    Beth Twp: 23,730

    Make the change and then Sal can get a job that hi could actually handle, a parking maid with a scirt and all!

  7. "Nect to a cell pool riddled with crime"? Besides your slopping typing, your reference I assume to Allentown was a cheap shot. You hate Pawlowski so much that you are blind to the facts that crime in Allentown has been steadily declining. Just look at the FBI statistics. All decent residents of Allentown should be offended by your snarky comment that we live in a "cess pool." that is where your mind is O'Hare.

  8. I am not blind to the fact that Allentown is a cess pool riddled with crime. Moreover, crime there is NOT decreasing. It's just that people stop reporting. They stop bc police do nothing. I saw that with one single mother whose car was stolen. Allentown police did not care. I saw it with an older paper delivery man who was beat up on the job. The police refused to cniduct any meaningful investigation. So i stand by what i wrote and sign my name. You don't bc you are a coward.

  9. Yes, call cities names and poster cowards. That is what you are good at Bernie. You have a few isolated, anecdotal incidences and no facts to support your outrageous statement that Allentown is a "cess pool." But it is your blog and you can make any cRaZy, unfounded allegations you want.

  10. Nazareth is a lily-white town oblivious to the the plight of minorities in the inner cities. So is Hanover Twp. and for that matter most of the 'burbs. But YOU call Mayberry Nazareth home and have the nerve to insult Allentown which has a largely minority population. Calling it a "cess pool" infers that people who live there, 60% of whom are Hispanics are turds. Guess your racist rants make you feel good, BO.

  11. You are great at calling people cowards, yet YOU are the coward living in a suburban town and throwing stones at a city. Why don't YOU live in Allentown for a year or two and then I will respect your opinion. But your hatred of Allentown's mayor means more to you than to insult its residents. That is cowardice, pure and simple.

  12. You have failed to explain why you remain a coward and do not take responsibility for what you write. No, I don't live in Allentown, but do know Ed Pawlowski wanted me to help pay for his palaces. I don't care what you respect bc you are a coward who will not ID yourself.

  13. 11:39, Calling Allentown a cess pool is accurate and is a reflection of the poor enforcement of Allentown PD, which I have seen first hand, not its inhabitants. King Edwin has decided that other things are more important than public safety. Outside the arena, it's a war zone.

    1. Bernie,
      The fact is that all the gangs doing there serviice to the US of A have nothing on the county seat of Allentown pa in house home rule rule¿ There are gangs and than there are the great Law Dogs¿

      patent pendin

  14. There you go again BO, throwing enough crap up on the wall to try and make it stick. So Allentown is a "war zone" outside the arena... where are your statistics to back this up? Where are the police reports, newspaper headlines to affirm your childish characterization of those neighborhoods as "war zones." You treat this blog like a middle school cafeteria. Calling people cowards, towns as "cess pools" etc. You have NOTHING to back these claims up other than your own demented hatred of Allentown and its mayor. Those of us who live in the city, who care about it, pay our taxes and help social causes in the city are insulted by your poor choice of words. But you really don't care. This is your own personal vendetta in a middle school cafeteria. I used to have some respect for your intelligence and point of view. No more.

  15. Way to go Bernie! We in Whitehall totally agree with your analysis of the cesspool to our south. We are proud of our low crime rate. We are proud of Mayor Hozza for flying the Syrian flag when King Edwin, ruler of the cesspool refused to do so. Merchants fled Allentown decades ago to come to our lovely malls and shopping centers. Their tax revenues have helped us keep property taxes down, unlike Allentown which has to crush its taxpayers to pay for its failing schools and war zone policing. Rte. 22 is a natural barrier for us to keep the wolves at bay. But, some of our citizens south of 22 have to suffer with the smell of the cesspool to the south. We truly sympathize with them. But the good news is that their taxes are half those of their neighbors to the south. So this article praising Whitehall while trashing Allentown was pure genius! Thanks again.

  16. "I used to have some respect for your intelligence and point of view. No more."

    I have no respect for anyone who uses the privilege of anonymity to make personal attacks. So I don't really give a shit what you think. You have an agenda.

    You ask questions about police reports and morning Call stories. The Morning Call, which is located inside the NIZ, is in the tank for and has been a cheerleader for JB Reilly, the real King of Allentown, for years. As for police report, people no longer report crime there like they used to bc police do nothing. They are understaffed. Unless it's a murder, don't expect to see them.

  17. "Edwin wanted me to help pay for his palaces"

    Can you explain this ludicrous statement please? I defiantley want to know how "your" money was going to be used for his palaces? I assume you mean the EIT that was originally in the NIZ....which was legislatively removed. But if it had not been removed, you would have to have a "job" in the NIZ , and that EIT money from your "paycheck" would stay in the NIZ.

    Did you ever draw a "paycheck" from "employment" in the NIZ?

    Or is your fat ass blowing its usual clear gas, with nothing to it except for a sickening stench?

  18. Why does anyone care if Easton is listed as a city and Whitehall a Township. The entire Valley has become one large city and will soon encounter issues like the other large metro areas of the country. Either way, your local municipality won't be arounf much longer.

  19. You are so full of shit Bernie you could fill up a cesspool. You have no facts, just speculation and hatred of a fine community. You hate success because of your own failures. Allentown is becoming a huge success and you are jealous. So trash it, call it names and feel good about being the schoolyard bully. Pathetic!

  20. Everyone with a brain knows the O'Hare game. He rants about those he hates and ignores the sins of his patron saints. In Northampton County he praised Angle and Stoffa while they were in office. Yet he ignored all the crap they did to people and the harm they caused the county.
    It is what he is and everyone knows it. Just another angry alcoholic who should be in therapy.

  21. Bernie, is it legal for the police to force a witness to fill out a written statement my friend was just forced to as the officer stood over her and made her write it at her job, looking for help

  22. Replies
    1. Bernie,
      What is it called when a report is ReFused to even be filed by the kings boys in blue now in white for the double dip¿ I know a team effort or even better yet a diversionary tactik¿

      I no wat its called, go down the street and take a left, than the person putting that to print declairs a glitz in the approach¿
      patent pending

  23. can you help, how can I get in touch with you and stay anonymous because of fear of retaliation, I would like to see this type of police action brought to attention and stopped.

  24. BOHare5948@AOL.com. I am unable to practice law, but can put you in touch with a lawyer who can help you.

  25. what is your email I would like to speak to

  26. will call you tomorrow or tonight which ever is better for you, thank you

  27. Saturday. I have been doing lots of research.

  28. I live in a township, after moving from Easton during Panto's first, disastrous mayoral stint. I see he's become less competent over the years. My closest neighbors are from Phillipsburg, Wilson, Easton (2), and Bethlehem. We moved here because it's clean and safe. It's not perfect and we have regular political disagreements - even debates and contested general elections. But the quality of life is much better than the bastions of one-party-lever lemmings. The Balkanization is result of electoral majorities who governed without compromise and got everything they wanted after rendering the competition powerless. The powerless eventually seek to not be powerless. Those who can - move. Those who can't - riot and loot or become victims of rioters and looters.

  29. Saw the Mayor of Easton hanging out with the pot heads, LVNORMAL earlier. At least one politician here in the valley gets it.

    Leagalize it and the city of East on will capture all the Jersey business too...

  30. Gets what? How to get high by inhaling a toxic substance? Move to Denver, pothead where you can get silly high while polluting your lungs and the air around you.

  31. Enough of this boorish nonsense. What is the latest on Jim Gregory, Bernie?

    Word on the street is the magnificent man meat will be out in a month. Gentleman Jim will be naming name sand preaching the word of God at musikfest.

    We need to know if the prophet is truly coming?

  32. Sgt William T Shyder (ret.)May 12, 2015 at 12:24 AM

    anon 12:46, you state you are proud of your mayor flying the flag of Syria when Allentown would not. Are you equally proud that the sacred POW-MIA flag was removed and stashed to fly the Syrian Flag? I believe the missing war veterans deserve a flag to be flow until each one is returned and accounted for As a country that is the least we can do, not ignore the symbolism of the flag for a Syrian flag, almost as bad if he would have removed the American flag for a syrian one.

  33. Sgt William T Shyder (ret.)May 12, 2015 at 12:26 AM


    follow up article on the Syrian Flag vs POW-MIA flag

  34. Pawkowski and the Fleckster managed to whip you guys up to take a shot at Hozza. Believe me, Pawlowski doesn't give a shit about veterans.


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