Local Government TV

Monday, May 11, 2015

Save Green Pond Mounts Write-In Campaign in Bethlehem Tp

Save Green Pond, a group committed to preserving the marshy bird sanctuary slated for development by Traditions of America, is mounting a write-in campaign against Marty Zawarski. Here's what I received.

To help SaveGreenPond Marsh, please cast a 'write-in' vote for 
John Glagola in Bethlehem Township on May 19. 

If you are a registered Democrat in Bethlehem Township, you can help SaveGreenPond Marsh by going to your local polling station on May 19, 2015 and casting a write-in vote for John Glagola. There are NO CANDIDATES listed on the ballot on the Democratic side. John needs your write-in vote because apparently some of the Republican candidates in this primary, in addition to running on the Republican side, are also running a write-in campaign on the Democratic side!!! Please cast a write-in vote for John Glagola. And get your neighbors and friends to vote too! Besides his goal to SaveGreenPond, John will be a good steward for Bethlehem Township. For all the people who have said they have no voice on the Green Pond Marsh issue, that will no longer be the case when John Glagola is a commissioner.

Here is the simple process for casting a 'write-in' vote for John
on the Sequoia AVC Advantage voting machines:

Step 1: Press the 'write-in' square for Commissioner At-Large.

Step 2: The arrow will flash. The arrow will continue flashing until the write-in is complete, or until the square is pressed a second time to deselect the write-in.

Step 3: Using the write-in keypad below the ballot, key in JOHN GLAGOLA. As you key in the letters, they will appear to the left of the keyboard. To make a space between JOHN and GLAGOLA press the right arrow key. If you make an error when entering the letters, press the left arrow key to move back.

Step 4: When you are finished keying in the name JOHN GLAGOLA, press ENTER on the write-in key pad. This is the most important step because this will register your vote.

Thank you.


  1. This is awesome news, I wish John the best of luck securing the necessary votes to win the democratic position for the fall election. This is democracy in action. For those of you who say a write in election cant be won, just ask PA State Senator Scott Wagner, he ran a write in campaign and beat the endorsed republican candidate during a special election.

    Good Luck John!

  2. um, Mary Zawarski? Shouldnt that be Martin or Marty?

  3. Thank you for noting my error. I have corrected it.

  4. John would serve that Township quite well! It is time for developer oriented Board members to move on. John has the Township at heart and will do right for the community. What is news is that these Republican candidates are launching Democratic write ins. I am sure the NORCO Republican Party will love to hear that. I would suspect than any Republican who loses the primary but say wins the Democratic nod because of a desperate right in campaign might feel the NORCO Rep Party wrath!! Thankfully John is running as a pure Democrat and not launching a write in on the Republican side.

  5. John is a single issue candidate there is more to the township than one development

  6. Anonymous 6:32
    Although the Save Green Pond folks have drafted John and mounted a write-in campaign there is an additional group of people that John is concerned about.and need a voice. They are those concerned about smart growth, transparency on the current Board, traffic, congestion, lost of quality of life, parks and natural resources. They moved to Bethlehem Township for those reasons and now see those resources being squandered away by commissioners with ties to developers.

  7. Sell the community to a for profit entity and nix the $300k bathroom, got my vote!

  8. Wanna save Green Pond? Chip together and buy it from the owners. Then you all can let it alone for eternity. Otherwise, shaddup.

  9. To 7:44
    That very logical approach was tried three years ago by the Wildlands Conservancy. But the response from the owner, Green Pond Country Club, was that they "appreciate the Conservancy's interest in the 68 acres", but they "are proceeding with the developer."

  10. Several overtures were made to Green Pond CC all of which fell on deaf ears. With $111,000,000 in play I am sure there is an incentive beyond the purchase price for Green Pond CC to hang in there.

  11. 11:03

    As it says in the article "The Truth about Green Pond Marsh", pure GREED holds sway with the owner of Green Pond Country Club and cohorts.

  12. Could be interesting.

    Green Pond issue has touched a nerve with this latest of many plan submissions, albeit rather belatedly. Public concern for early submissions centered more on traffic on Farmersville and Church roads, and stormwater issues for Penn's Farms and around Blue. But, the current environmental concerns do touch a more emotional nerve that could easily motivate a core group to write G in.

    Likewise, Z's recent letter asking for Dem write-in was fairly effective. I think the typical voter who is a super-voter, but only casually follows the details of municipal government would at least think favorably of it, whether or not they act upon it. Of course, you can't be a long-time local developer without people having positive or negative perceptions of you, fair or unfair.

    I have seen glimpses of both of these write-ins' brighter and darker sides. As such, I think an "average" primary voter's opinion might be hard to predict based upon their own experiences, or perceptions of what they've read or heard through the grape vine.

  13. 11:17

    You have "seen glimpses of both of these write-ins' brighter and darker sides?" Pardon the expression, but give me a break! Zawarski's is on display every commissioners meeting - and there is not much light there. Glagola also attends most commissioners meetings, even though he is not a commissioner, and there hasn't been any dark in his corner.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.