Local Government TV

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Abe Kassis Spends $37,600 for Convicted Campaign Consultant

Abe Kassis
Abe Kassis is hungry for a Northampton County judgeship. He poured $25,000 of his own money into his campaign. That's something we can all respect.  But he's so hungry that he's doing other things, too. One of them was to consort with tea party extremists while circulating his nomination petition. He himself solicited support from its most radical members, like Ronnie Del Bacco, on the same night that he was making one of his speeches to Easton Democrats. He's so hungry that he later appeared on a right wing talk radio show hosted by a man being sued by the Lehigh County DA for defamation. He then sent out what I call his integrity  mailer, posing with a woman and three children, creating the false impression that she is his wife and they are his children. It's misleading and somewhat insulting to candidates Sam Murray and Vic Scomillio, who actually have real families of their own. Now this veteran prosecutor, who has claimed he will be tough, has filed a campaign finance report revealing that he has given more than half of the money he's raised to a consultant who was convicted in 2010 of filing fraudulent campaign expense reports.

Sam Murray
Kassis' pre-election report, filed in Harrisburg with no courtesy copy provided to the Northampton County elections office, reveals he's raised $66,906 in his judicial quest. In addition to the $25,000 coming from his own pocket, he's received considerable support from the Lebanese community, including his own affluent family.

The sum Kassis reports is nearly twice the $36,873.10 raised by Sam Murray and considerably more than the $44,480.80 donated to  Vic Scomillio. Together, all three judicial hopefuls have raked in $148,000, according to papers filed with the Department of State. That's no surprise. What amazes me is that Kassis, who holds himself out as tough on crime, has spent $37,600 for political consultant Tom Severson.

He was fined $14,000 and placed on three years of probation after a guilty plea in 2010 to filing fraudulent campaign expense expense reports, as well as tampering with public records.  Now, a few short years later, a judicial candidate is paying him for the same kind of work that resulted in a criminal conviction.

Vic Scomillio
Severson has actually received more money from Kassis than Sam Murray was able to raise.

Seversoin was also convicted in 2009 of misdemeanor harassment after a strange outburst during a funeral mass.

Why would a judicial candidate pay such a huge sum to a disgraced (and convicted) political consultant?

Maybe he thinks Severson has paid for his mistake.

In 1994, before he was a judge, Emil Giordano accused Severson of "sleazeball politics," calling him the "leader of the pack."  For a judicial candidate to use Severson, and pay him so much money, is an insult to the voters, most of whom will never know that a "tough" prosecutor is using a convicted criminal to garner a judgeship. This poor decision is also an insult to many fine Lebanese families who put their faith in Kassis.

Vic Scomillio has raised $44,480.80, with the largest sum coming in the form of a $5,000 check from L Anderson Daub. His law partners have helped with generous $2,000 contributions. He even picked up a $500 check from Wilson Police Chief Steve Parkansky.

Scomillio has spent $27,541.31, including $5,000 for polling. He has sent out at least two mailers, and has $16,939.57 left in the closing days of the campaign.

Scomillion has also lent $7,275 to his campaign.

Sam Murray raised $36,873.10, including $5,000 out of his own pocket. He has spent $33,319.54, leaving him with $3,553.46 in the closing days of the campaign. In contrast to Scomillio and Kassis, Murray has relied on numerous small contributors who were able to give between $50 and $250. That's where he got $13,000 of his warchest. The Palmeri family has been generous, and so have several attorneys with whom Murray has worked closely over the years.

Murray has received in-kind donations from Abe Atiyeh (billboard) and developer Gary Strausser (opening announcement). He is employing H Street Strategies and Joe Welsh for campaign consulting. So far, he has sent out three mailers.


  1. In 2009 Severson, a real Vietnam veteran, called out Ron Angle on his constantly baiting him. When confronted by Severson, Angle ran to his truck and drove away faster than a scalded cat.

  2. Abe is a good man but of course O'Hare is backing another horse so let the hate go on. How predictable.

  3. Sam Murray is a good man with integrity. I worked with him for several years in CY&F.

  4. Doesn't Morganelli use that same consultant? Funny how O'hare doesn't bash him.

  5. What are the party affiliations of these candidates?

  6. 7:32 AM Morganelli used Severson BEFORE HE WAS CONVICTED.

  7. no consultant for Scomillio?

  8. Yeah, Abe doesn't have a real family just because he isn't married. Abes family is the Lebanese community, the same one Sam claims to be a part of....when it is convenient for him or when he needs a vote. Forget it though if Sam doesn't need a vote, his Lebanese heritage is conveniently tucked away until needed again. Fool me once....

  9. 8:06 Scomillio is using the consulatant team that Brown used in Palmer Twp. (once operated by Scizzorhands Severnson)

  10. He paid his dues. Severson is still the best political consultant money can buy and that is a compliment not a jab.
    You're right, Morganelli uses Severson and they still remain friends today.

  11. Just because Abe is divorced he still has friends here and his ex-wife in Lebanon is his friend also. You do not have to be married to be a judge.

  12. "In 2009 Severson, a real Vietnam veteran, called out Ron Angle on his constantly baiting him. When confronted by Severson, Angle ran to his truck and drove away faster than a scalded cat."

    So because you have no regard for the victim, you would defend criminal behavior. Sorry, but the law exists to be applied evenly, not just to thise you like Your factuall recitation is also off, buit that's what is to be expected from anonymous 3 am trolls.

  13. "Morganelli used Severson BEFORE HE WAS CONVICTED."


  14. "no consultant for Scomillio?"

    He is using Tim Butler's Communications Concepts. Severson is no longer assocuiated with that firm.

  15. Severson ran many campaigns in the Lehigh Valley for some mighty big named politicians. Just because a politico used severson doesn't mean that the politician is dirty and corrupt. It's like saying just because I have a friend who once was convicted of a crime that I am guilty of the same crime. That's kind of stretching it Bernie.

  16. "He paid his dues. Severson is still the best political consultant money can buy and that is a compliment not a jab.
    You're right, Morganelli uses Severson and they still remain friends today"

    If Morganelli uses Severson ansd seeks statewide office, this will end him. In a place with no press willing to ask questions or even cover the county and only 5,000 readers, a judge candidate might get away with using a concvicted criminal as a consultant. But if Morganelli runs for anything statewide and uses Severson, he will be ridiculed as another Kane.

  17. "be doesn't have a real family just because he isn't married. Abes family is the Lebanese community,"

    Then he should not have posted a picture with rent-a-kids and fake wife. That's inherently dishonest from a man who would be judge.

  18. "Just because a politico used severson doesn't mean that the politician is dirty and corrupt. It's like saying just because I have a friend who once was convicted of a crime that I am guilty of the same crime. That's kind of stretching it Bernie."

    I'm sorry, but when a judicial candidate associates with known criminals, I'm not voting for him. This judicial candidate has paid a known criminal $37,000.

  19. "What are the party affiliations of these candidates?"

    Kassis and Murray are Dems. Scomillio is an R.

  20. Jim Gregory did not keep a low profile and ended up in jail. Severnson will do the same given the opportunity for deception and $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

  21. These are the facts. Kassis made a conscious decision to appeal to the extremist element in the tea party while holding himself out as a good Democrat. He made the conscious decision to appear on a right wing radio show hosted by a man being sued for defamation by the Lehigh County DA. He sent out a mailer posing with rent-a-kids and rent-a-wife in an effort to create the false impression that he is a family man. He then spent $37,000 to hire a known criminal to work his race. All of this is a reflection of his decision-making ability.

  22. In fairness, the fake and wife and kids are lovely. Bill Clinton used this ploy very successfully.

  23. Bernie Mr.Angle never claimed to have been a Vietnam Vet ,he was a 'era' vet of the Marine Corps ,whats was the dispute.We had an administrator at EASD that pretended but Mr.Angle ?Severson is hard boiled egg as the results of his lovly times over there also a Marine. I can see him now not taking any flak from guys that wore Holster shirts at 26,smarty paints types.

  24. Let it go!! Abe is the BEST!!! Stop trying to look under rocks to disparage this guy.Its amazing how much hostility you have toward others that you look to victimize!! Your candidate is playing dirty and this is a judicial race, no need to look to slam others.guess he doesn't get that!!

  25. If it looks like a duck......walks like a duck.....Quacks like a duck.....then in all probability.....

  26. Bernie
    I disagree with you on Severson. Voters do not care about the candidates' consultant. They just do not buy guilt by association.

    In 2004, Tom Corbett who was running for AG had Bob Asher as his general chairman for his campaign. Asher was and is a convicted FELON who served jail time for public corruption. Corbett's opponent , DA Bruce Castor, ran tv ads all over Pa. hammering the connection. The ad was how could you run for the top law enforcement office with a convicted FELON as your Chairman. Corbett won easily. Voters did not care about that.

    Corbett used Asher again in 2008 and Governors race in 2010 and won big. Severson plead guilty to a handful of minor misdemeanors involving one election-- got no jail and paid a fine. His record will likely soon be expunged. Not any where near Corbett's buddy Bob Asher.

    That did not seem to bother you-- you supported Corbett did you not??

    Supreme Court candidiate Christine Donahue is using Severson. She will likely win. Severson has not even been brought up bc no one knows him and who the consultant is is not important to voters.

  27. Abe has been given some poor advice to hook onto some of his mentors in this race, Sad situation. If you stand by the mudpit you are sure to get splashed.

  28. Tom is misunderstood because he has a big personality and doesn't take any shit, in part because he was in "the shit" and saw things that change a man.

    He doesn't like to talk about the number of confirmed kills or sleeping in the jungle soaking wet for weeks at a time but trust me it's never off his mind for long. The cowards on this blog (author included) who use the moniker "scissorhands" to describe a decorated combat veteran should be ashamed the reason turds like you have the freedom to spew your venom is because of heroes like Tom

  29. First of all, Severson does nothing but talk about his "war" experiences. Second, I identify myself and take responsibility for my words. Cowards are people like you, who make anonymous personal attacks. Third, Kassis' decision to pay this person $37,600 is a factor voters should consider in deciding whether he has the right temperament to be a judge.

  30. 11:36, if you think Rs will make no issue of Donohue's use of Severson, you're nuts. Corbett did not use Asher as a consultant, but it was a big issue in his races.

  31. I have known Abe and his family for many years. This is difficult to read as they are good people.

  32. Dear Bernie,

    For general comment: Why is it supposed to be a big secret that the McClure and Kassis election campaigns are super linked at the hip, and that both have ascribed to doing big business with the powerful Severson political campaign machine. Shame, shame on both of them, Sandy and Abe.

    Worried Bethlehem Township Voter.

  33. Ok this is last Of my crap on this . I like both Abe and Sam personally , both absolutely wonderful people. I do not know the R candidate at all. .---But I do not like Joe Walsh! I think he is a scum bag, a worm and a infestation . I told Mayor of City of Easton he would bring suit,---and he did, the guy lived on South Side and his car was ticketed for sitting in one place for weeks because it was dead.The guy rented space at 2nd and Bushkill and was a disaster as a tenant-he can/t tell the truth .Ya I said this !

  34. Peter, the difference between Joe and Tom is that Joe was illegally fired, sued and won, while Severson for decades engaged in increasingly unethical behavior until he was charged criminally. Now Abe Kassis has paid him $37,600.

  35. And the temperament of Scomillio? Callous, indifferent to the law, arrogant all in the name of preserving the values we share. He is a petty tyrant. And you give him a total pass while complaining about insignant matters. Has Abe cost the county hundreds of 1000s due to poor legal research?

  36. O'Hare is a slimy worm. He has shilled for his patrons like Angle , Stoffa, etc., for years. He can bend and twist the truth better than most veteran pols. he is also well known to let out the facts that di not support his so called "truths"

    A reported fact is if you have any Democratic background you don't get to work with Severson without some Morganelli help as is word on the street. That was always the case. Many Dem's heard
    Tom say he can't help you due to Republicans money guys. However, Morganelli guys always seemed to get the help and there is nothing wrong with that. Ask Donchez and McClure and if Abe got him, good for Abe.

    Political Consultannts atre almost as low as O'Hare. They have one job, get you elected. O'Hare has a horse in this race so he is going after Abe with a weak card. Is it hypocritical, of course. That is O'Hare's middle name. he really hates Severson because Tom called the Northampton County squawker out.

    Ronnie Angle ran like a mouse when confronted by Tom.

    The victim in this is
    Sam Murray who should have known that associating with the toxic waste fill O'Hare will cost you more than you gain.

  37. Tricia Mezzacappa, the terms ofyour bail bar all contact with me, direct or indirect. You are being arraigned on Thursday, and unless you have blans of moving into the jail, I'd suggest you start following the bail conditions.

    You also have no understanding of Severson and what he is doing. He no longer works for ANY Republicans. he works exclusively for Democrats. You can't even get your facts straight. Now go take your drug cocktail and piss off.

  38. I just got a look at Abes mailer. It is a photo of him with his cousins at his fund raiser. There is not even another adult in the photo so I don't know how he could be falsely displaying a wife in the photo. If you have some other picture, please paste it so we can see the fake family.

  39. I am not posting a picture of innocent children. I've learned that lesson. I saw Abe tonight and he told me the rent-a-kids were his cousins and claimed there was no rent-a-wife in the picture. My conclusion was that the female in the center was a grown woman, but Abe told me she's a girl. I believe the publication of this picture was meant to create the impression that those are Abe's children. Both Scomillio and Murray are family men while Abe is a bachelor. Severson stuck a picture of Abe in there with kids to make it look as though he has his own family. False advertising.

  40. "the reason turds like you have the freedom to spew your venom"

    freedom from...the invading north vietnamese?

  41. Abe is a handsome man. Lately the democrats have found success on a national level appealing to single females.

  42. 3:16 Handsome doesn't give him the qualifications to be a judge and run a sleezy race. Only scissorhands would put out such a statement.

  43. If one comes across too hungry for an elected office, it can backfire and turn some voters off... the constant robocalls; and not just daily, but lately multiple mailers the same day. There is trying, and trying too hard. Its a turn off in relationships, whether personal or electoral.... McClure not as bad, but like Lamont's Exec campaign, the volume and size of mailings is getting old.

  44. O'Hare haters handsome men. I mean he loves guys like Stoffa and Angle. Enough said!

    Pat McGroin

  45. "PRETTY BOY" I got 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000mailers from you today! Smile for your selfie! Stretch your resume and qualifications more than 20 words?

  46. The people on Kassis' flyer were all children there was no women. And clearly some of the children were special needs. SHAME on you Bernie for accusing him of giving the illusion of a fake family.

  47. Does anyone really care about Judges. How many of you really know anything about the candidates and their ability to do a good job. I see "I know him he's a good guy". Is that the qualification you need to be a good judge? This is the most inane contest I have seen in years. What if none of them are qualified? Let's vote for the guy that said hi to my brother last year at the picnic..cause he's a great guy.

  48. Hey Bernie, since you love to talk about lawsuits, why don't you ever talk about your pal Sam Murray's lawsuit against the county that he now wants to be a judge for. I heard he was fired from a Northampton county position for doing a bad job and being incompetent and then turned around and sued the county. Now he wants to be our next judge. You always say "people have a right to know." Well, they definitely have a right to know this piece of information. Funny you haven't mentioned it.

  49. That's fair game, though your characterization of what happened is flawed. Sam was one of a number of public defenders who sued for political retaliation when they were replaced with a change of administrations. Sam and the other PDs settled.

  50. Sam can argue political retaliation but the PDs office fired him for doing a bad job. No matter how you spin it, HE SUED THE COUNTY and a settlement means he took money from the taxpayers for his own personal gain. Lawsuits cost counties money and he was part of it. Bottom line....

  51. If he has so much more money couldn't he rent a better quality family? They hardly look like "rental" quality.


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