Local Government TV

Tuesday, May 05, 2015

Repyneck Responds to Allegations

David Repyneck, who is running for Magisterial District Judge in Hellertown and Lower Saucon Township, has responded to Monday's blog about his race with these comments:

10:25 pm: Mr. O'Hare, if you want answers to the questions, feel free to contact me and I will meet with you to discuss your inaccurate facts and slanderous accusations. On the PFA, it was the strategy of my ex-wife's scum bag attorney to file it when I exercised my Soldier civil relief rights and she had to wait for extra money for child support during my deployment to Iraq.

You fail to let your audience know that the PFA was withdrawn by Penelope as frivolous after I went to her attorney and provided her with documentation alleging child abuse allegations to include leaving my daughter in the presence of a registered sex offender in October of 2007. She is prohibited from having relationships with convicted offenders under Lehigh County Policy. I will be more than happy to give you my side of the story since you have hers so that your readers can determine that 3rd side of the story.

Be a man and meet me face to face and I will discuss my ex-wife’s allegations and my intentions for the candidate forum.

10:29 pm: I respond: Mr. Repyneck, I have been a man. I sent you these allegations in advance and asked for a reply. I am willing to meet you in person as well. You, however, have not been a man. You have ducked a debate sponsored by a nonpartisan group.

I am making no accusations. I am repeating what appears in several police reports and am asking for your side of the story. I also accurately reported that the PFA was withdrawn as a result of a stipulation of the parties. I have that stipulation and know exactly what is in it, as well as subsequent matters, so don't try to bullshit me as you are doing here. It will only make matters worse for you. I am emailing you for a one-on-one.

Email to Repyneck (10:36 pm): I am available to meet you in person tomorrow or Wednesday evening. I prefer meeting in a diner. Please advise me what time and place and I will be there.

10:31 pm: Mr. O'Hare, I resigned from my job at Lehigh County to pursue an opportunity to serve my country full time in the PA Army National Guard. I do not use drugs. I do not sell drugs. My ex wife with whom you have been in touch, is a pathological liar. She involved my kids in her love affair for over 5 years. I contacted Lehigh COunty Adult Probation today and spoke to Chief Probation Officer Ann Marie Egizio. She is very familiar with Penelope and her issues. I will be meeting with her later this week to discuss my ex wife's activities with convicted criminals, especially sex offenders. I have the supporting documents and the pictures. I will be more than happy to share them with you. The comments from my ex wife are the result of a bad divorce.

So there you have it. His wife's lawyer is a "scum bag attorney", his wife is a "pathological liar," the PFA was "frivolous" and he has "supporting documents and pictures" to show she consorts with sex offenders. He denies selling or using drugs.


  1. Mr. O'Hare, if you want answers to the questions, feel free to contact me and I will meet with you to discuss your inaccurate facts and slanderous accusations.

    I have no interest in reading further. I know an asshole when I smell it. This guy avoided you, and then complains about what you wrote. I have no respect for that.

  2. You burn the guy in effigy and then ask him to respond. I guess you think he should have brought you flowers even though you screwed him? Seriously dude, he needs to resopond to O'Hare?? Should he bring a bottle of scotch to sweeten the deal?

    We all know you to well O'Hare, you are obviously in the bag for another candidate or you or one of your mancrushes hates this guy for some reason.

    It is your motive for everything you worte.

  3. @12:50 Are you blind, or some other physical or mental issue? Bernie asked him for comment before he published the first time, and received no reply.

    You can't have it both ways - that the "dude" doesn't have to respond to a reporter, but the reporter can't publish a story with what he states are allegations, and that he asked for a reply and received none.

    You just don't like Bernie - it's obvious. Have some scotch yourself and fall to sleep. Maybe spike a cup of yummy vegan cocoa.

  4. "You just don't like Bernie - it's obvious. Have some scotch yourself and fall to sleep. Maybe spike a cup of yummy vegan cocoa."

    Yeah and you kiss his ass
    Ronnie boy. Why the Hell should the guy answer Bernie? Who the Hell is Bernie? Everyone knows his game. He rigs the game against those he is after.

    So why don't you take your juicy yummy vegan drink and slather up that anus and have a sleepover with your hero.


  5. pics or it didnt happen

  6. It is clear that a number of Lehigh Valley residents have the need to be a part of the cesspool that Mr Repyneck life has become. I am sure the line to vote for Mr Repyneck travels through a wife and children that probably only wanted to be happy. How many more selfish, self centered people do we need in public office that will not take responsibility for there own actions?

  7. Bernie- back to your other article ---"Don't try to bullshit me. It will only make matter worse for you"... can you explain what you meant by that statement or threat? Did you ever advise Mr. Repyneck where you sent him the info since he advised he did not receive it? and then you can set one faithful reader straight that Mr. Repyneck tried to "avoid" you. Also, why do you always write back assuming its Mr. Repyneck? Because I am not Mr. Repyneck nor am I a candidate but after my post that is what you stated or is that just another bone to try to make Repyneck look like crap? You should also ask Mr. Repyneck to bring all the articles regarding Tidd too. I hope you all aren't too surprised with the outcome. Have a wonderful day. and also does the 12;22am post --- is it a bad habit for you to be smelling assholes?

  8. Mr. O --- come back to the old neighborhood and interview Tidd's neighbors---- oh that's right --- you had a lot of time to do your research on Tidd--- are you gonna share?

  9. It is funny that Mr. Repyneck filed for divorce against his wife then tried to assert the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (not Soldiers as Mr. Repyneck incorrectly called the law) as a defense when she filed a counterclaim.

  10. records indicate he filed for divorce in 2009 and deployed 2010. How do you file a counter claim for a divorce or the soldier or service person relief act? I would like the police to look how his ex abused the officers important time to draw more attention to herself, that is taxpayer money. Now I will go start my important part of my day.

  11. I told you yesterday....."hell hath no fury like a woman scorned". I also told you that woman who become completely frustrated by the legal system (two attorneys or scum bags as we know them) will file a PFA to get even. For what? She feels she is entitled to something and he feels she is getting enough. They must besmirch each other in the eyes of the court so they look better than their spouse looks in front of a Judge. Bernie, you know the system. This woman is half a "wing nut". He is no better however he didn't decide to bring his case public to destroy his wife. She is the one who is doing everything in her power to destroy him, and guess what, he is not going back to her. She certainly appears to be a nut job.

  12. Penny's 15 minute of fame just occurred. Again good job affecting others. you Ms. Penny Repyneck need a mental evaluation and Lehigh County should request it. Nut bag way toooooo kind.

  13. Wow if Mr.Repyneck's responses are correct He has some severe issues.Never a good idea to put such thoughts on paper.Hopefully these comments are forwarded to The National Guard and the Sheriff who issued his pistol carry permit.Hope Mr. Repyneck gets the help He needs

  14. Now he is attach=king his ex wife anonymously.

  15. ". can you explain what you meant by that statement or threat?"

    What I mean by that is that your explanation about why the PFA was withdrawn is a lie.

  16. "Mr. O --- come back to the old neighborhood and interview Tidd's neighbors---- oh that's right --- you had a lot of time to do your research on Tidd--- are you gonna share? "

    Absolutely. You have not yet responded to my emails. Please do so. BOHare5948@aol.com.

  17. Yeah and you kiss his ass
    Ronnie boy. Why the Hell should the guy answer Bernie? Who the Hell is Bernie? Everyone knows his game. He rigs the game against those he is after.

    You're a dumb ass. Do you think Angle would waste his time here anonymously? I wrote the comment, and I am not "Ronnie".

    He doesn't have to respond to a reporter, but if he doesn't he can't complain he didn't have a chance and wasn't asked. Why wouldn't a public figure want to get the truth out, if they feel they are being portrayed inaccurately?

    If you go back and READ the post, Bernie was careful to distinguish between what is fact and what are allegations.

  18. I don't care if the allegations are true or not. What deeply disturbs me is Mr. Repyneck's response to the allegations. He seems extremely bitter about the whole situation perhaps rightfully so. Don't district judges decide if women should get PFAs? I worry he will think every women in his court is applying for it "frivolously" becauces of a "scumbag lawyer's plan" and deny them. Many women and children really do need protection orders.

  19. what you continually fail to grasp is that a maliciously false statement is a maliciously false statement

    Wether found on a police report, the side of a bridge, a campaign mailer, a wall, or a sidewalk.....you CHOSE to publish the fallacy, and now you will be sued.

    Deal with it.

  20. Actually, reporting what someone else has told police is not defamatory, so long as it is done fairly and accurately. I am still waiting for Repyneck's response to two emails seeking a meeting.

  21. This story has a little of everything!

  22. I think You all should mind Your own Fucking business...O'Hare You are nothing but a bottom feeding disbarred attoorney and thief..You of all people should not be judging others...My God how do these people continue to let You try to ruin there lives.....one crack at You would be all I need.....

  23. Guys like Stoffa Angle, etc. need people like O'Hare to prop up their egos. So unfortunately he publishes this crap.

  24. "I think You all should mind Your own Fucking business...O'Hare You are nothing but a bottom feeding disbarred attoorney and thief..You of all people should not be judging others...My God how do these people continue to let You try to ruin there lives.....one crack at You would be all I need..."

    You cares what you think. You failed grade school English, and now you're a miserable adult displaying your poor breeding, lack of education and ignorance of the concept of reporting for all to see. Is this all you have left - threatening a bottom feeding blogger with violence?

  25. "Guys like Stoffa Angle, etc. need people like O'Hare to prop up their egos. So unfortunately he publishes this crap."

    Did the crazy farm have a breakout today? What do Stoffa and Angle have to do with the background of someone running for office? Wake up, Rip Van Winkle - it is 2015.

  26. Real men don't exhort others to "be a man". I no longer care what transpired between Mr. Repyneck and his ex-wife, because he told us all we need to know with that comment.

    And Bernie, I hope in the future you won't be drawn into puerile manliness contests with unhappy people.

  27. What 11:01am and 8:07pm said. I was undecided for whom to vote for in this race until I read Repyneck's responses (not when I read BOH inflammatory blog). Sorry, Mr. Repyneck, but you lost my potential vote.

  28. I have recently done some computer work for a family here in Hellertown. Their children are in high school, and one class is learning about voting, from the presidential election to local government. One child in class is following the local district magistrate election and mentioned this blog. Although I don’t like to talk politics in public, I feel someone needs to speak out. We live in a great community. I remember a time when a political race was about which person was better qualified for the position. Where there was a public meeting and people came to ask questions of the candidates. Although the Internet is a great way to communicate with others, it also allows people to remain “anonymous” and say things they wouldn’t dare say in front of their children or neighbors. I am a firm believer in the First Amendment of our Constitution. We all have the freedom of speech, but some people posting here just don’t have any common sense. As I read through this blog, I am appalled at the language and assumptions mentioned here. One can only wonder what happened to the integrity of some of those who contribute to this forum. It is time to grow up and stop the childish name calling. Is this what we teach our children? What will the world be like in another 20 or 30 years from now if we can’t act like adults? Why can’t everyone just give these candidates a chance to explain to us first hand, of what they are accused of. Seems to me a lot of “hear say”. What ever happened to getting to the facts? Slander back and forth is No way to teach our children, or grandchildren how to debate an election! Maybe this blog should be set up in such a way that no one can remain “anonymous”, and we start showing who we really are. I am proud to live and work in this community, and I think it’s a shame that we have a few people who seem to want to drag this forum down to their level. We have all made mistakes in this life and none of us will ever be perfect. Remember the phrase “Let him who is without sin cast the first stone”? Lot of stone throwing here. And another “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you”. No, I’m not trying to sell religion, but just to make a point. We don’t have to use slanderous words. Let’s show our children we can all be kind and considerate of others. Show them the positive side of debate, with honesty and integrity. Learn everything you can from each candidate by calling, emailing, or talking to them. Then and Only then can you make the wisest decision, and vote for the best person. Don’t forget ... You MUST VOTE!

    Ps. For all students in high school who read this blog, I apologize for some of the statements made here by a few of my peers. Just remember, most of us are honest and sincere.

    Everyone should attend League of Women Voters on Tuesday, May 12th, 2015 at 7pm, at the Hellertown Area Library

  29. Mr. O’Hare, I wanted to thank you for the opportunity to meet with you to explain my side of the story on the PFA issue and drug dealing issue that my ex-wife, a LEHIGH COUNTY ADULT PROBATION OFFICER, alleged to local police departments.

    What the voters need to know is that my PFA was the result of a scorned woman using her children to try to get the better of me while going through a nasty divorce. She filed the PFA claiming that I was physically disciplining the children. My PFA had NOTHING to do with alleged abuse or threats of violence against my ex-wife.

    As per the Stipulation Agreement, my ex wife was awarded exclusive possession of the marital residence , which was just a formality, and in paragraph 6 both parties agreed that the PFA was to be withdrawn. The reason she agreed to withdraw the PFA was because it was without merit and also because I informed her attorney that I was going to let the judge know about my ex-wife’s association with a convicted sex offender and that she left my daughter stay overnight at his residence. Had I known at the time that Oliver JasonTressler was a registered sex offender, I would not have permitted my daughter to stay at that residence overnight or associate at all with him. All this coming from a woman that directly involved her children in her 5 year affair with her lover.

    My point in showing you the letter I received from her lover’s wife and the other documents and pictures, was to illustrate that my ex-wife is not a credible source of information. My ex-wife cares nothing for rules and regulations of Lehigh County Adult Probation , let alone the safety of my daughter, in that she continued to associate with Mr. Tressler and his wife. Adult Probation employees are strictly prohibited from associating with convicted criminals. If the voters are interested they can Google Mr. Tressler’s name and read the articles about him especially the one from the Naples Daily News which will validate my claims.

    I was unaware that you did not know that Mr. Tidd had a PFA issued against him in 2005. The circumstances involving his PFA were very different than mine. He threatened violence against the father ,of his then girlfriend’s children. For those voters that wish to research this information the docket # is PF 2005 -960, in Northampton County Courthouse.

    Regarding the ridiculous allegations of drug dealing and drug use, I had no idea the extent to which my ex-wife went in notifying local police departments of my alleged illegal activities until I read your posts. I DO NOT deal or use illegal drugs. According to the police reports she notified them on multiple occasions, that I was either using or dealing drugs. I am in the process of taking appropriate action against her for this harassment and have notified the Chief Probation Officer from Lehigh County Adult Probation of her actions.

    While we may not agree and see eye to eye on some issues, I do need to admit that you are correct in that I need to be at the debate on 12 May to let the voters ask their questions and address these issues. I am in the process of clearing my calendar on 12 May and I intend to participate in the debate. I will make an official announcement when I confirm that everything is good to go and I will call you personally. Thank you and good day.

  30. Mr. Rrepyneck, As I told you during our meeting, I was aware that a PFA was filed against Tidd, and that it was dismissed almost immediately as frivolous.

    As for your ex-wife, I agree that there are three sides to every story and do not believe the accusations she has leveled at you.

  31. I am the mother of the children involved with the PFA and david Tidd never threatened my children's lives, in fact he was very good to them through out the course of our relationship


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.