Local Government TV

Monday, May 04, 2015

NorCo Council Solicitor Rules Payraise to Top Officials is Illegal

Northampton County Council Solicitor has ruled that payraises awarded by Executive John Brown to three top officials last year, including a 19% payhike to Deputy Director of Administrration Cathy Allen, are illegal.


TO: County Council

CC: Linda Zembo

FROM: Philip D. Lauer, Esq., County Council Solicitor

DATE: May 4, 2015


Whether, and to what extent, the County Executive can unilaterally increase a County employee’s salary in a manner otherwise inconsistent with the Career Service Regulations and Employee Policies Manual, because of the provision in the Employee Policies Manual labeled "Exceptions".


Several members of County Council have inquired regarding the propriety of a pay increase for a County employee recently approved by the County Executive, which was substantially inconsistent with the specific provisions of the Employee Policies Manual and Career Service Regulations.

1 When inquiry was made of the Executive regarding the matter, the County Solicitor directed the attention of Council members to that portion of the provisions of the Employee Policies Manual dealing with Job Evaluation, Job Descriptions, and Compensation, which reads as follows:

The employee received a raise in salary from $57,459.58 to $68,554.93, a 19.3% increase. Approximately $3,500 is a non-permanent raise for working out-of-class since there has been no director of Human Resources for approximately one year. The Employee Policies Manual provides for out-of-class pay increases not exceeding 4.5%. If that employee is deemed to be in an "acting" status, pay increases are handled pursuant to normal promotional increases.

"Exceptions to this policy may be considered on a case-by-case basis. Such written exceptions must be submitted to the Director of Human Resources and approved by the County Executive and shall be considered a one-time, non-precedential, exception and not the establishment of a past practice. Exceptions made without written approval as described above shall be invalid."


For the reasons which follow, the County Executive does not have the authority, on a case-by-case basis, to change the salaries of individual employees in a manner inconsistent with the Career Service Regulations and provisions of the Home Rule Charter.

Reasons for Opinion

Home Rule Charter Provisions

The Home Rule Charter, in defining the powers of County Council, provides, in Section 202(11), that Council has the power "to establish in accordance with this Charter the salaries and wages of all elected officials, officers, and employees. . ."

Article VIII of the Charter provides that a merit personnel system shall apply to all members of the career service [see Section 803(a)]; states that all officers and employees except those enumerated shall be members of the career service [see Section 802(9)]

2; and provides for career service regulations including "a pay plan for all positions" [see Section 805(a)(2)].

2 The employee in question is not an exempt employee, and holds the position of Assistant Director of Administration.

Section 805 provides that the County Executive (or the head of the agency responsible for administering the merit personnel system) "from time to time shall prepare and submit to the Personnel Commission proposed career service regulations…" [See Section 805(a)]. The personnel commission has 30 days to consider the proposed career service regulations and report recommendations to the official who submitted them, and to the County Council [Section 805(b)]. Thereafter, the proposed career service regulations must be submitted to the County Council for approval.

Council has the power by resolution to approve, reject or amend the proposed career service regulations [Section 805(c)].

Career Service Regulations Provisions

By Resolution No. 28-2011, adopted by the Northampton County Council on February 17, 2011, Council approved revised Career Service Regulations [herein, CSR’s], copies of which were attached to the resolution.

CSR Section 4.01 provides that the Department of Human Resources, on behalf of the Executive, shall develop a pay plan "which is comparable to rates of pay in the area and which is equitable in terms of the contributions of the job makes to the work of County government." More specifically, Section 4.02 provides for a "comprehensive pay plan for all Career Service County employees". It further provides that there will be a periodic pay survey of the Northampton County labor market, with a report by the Department of Human Resources to the County Executive. It further provides that there shall be a system of "job evaluation" established, that adjustments may be made based on changes in job criteria, and that "there shall be a pay schedule with designated pay grades. Within said grades, County Council may establish intervening steps at levels it deems appropriate between the minimum and maximum rates of pay, or simply minimums and maximums, or individual salary placement".

Section 4.03 provides for revisions of the pay scale to be "submitted to the County Council for its consideration", and further states that "a revised pay scale accompanied by an estimate of cost for the year shall be submitted to the County Council for its consideration".

Section 4.04 provides that "each employee shall be paid at one of the established steps in the pay grade for his/her class.…" Increases in pay are governed by section 4.09, which provides that "annual increases, in the event the pay plan enacted by County Council so provides, will be granted unless the current performance evaluation is unsatisfactory.

The CFR’s provide detailed regulations governing performance appraisals, recruitment, examinations and other provisions. However, nowhere is there a provision granting to the

executive the authority to make case-by-case departures from the otherwise applicable provisions of the CFR’s.

Employee Policies Manual Provisions

CSR 1.16 defines the Employee Policy Manual as follows:

"Policies, or procedures issued by the County Executive, interpreting and providing procedural instructions to supplement the Career Service Regulations.

The Employee Policy Manual shall be consistent with the Career Service Regulations."

Regulation 2 of the CFR’s provides for the creation of the Employee Policy Manual as follows:

"The County Executive shall establish, amend and abolish employee policies or procedures as communicated to employees and supervisors through the Employee Policy Manual. The purpose of the Employee Policy Manual is to provide standard interpretation of a detailed procedure to be followed in carrying out the Charter provisions related to a merit personnel system". [Section 2.03]

The Employee Policies Manual to which reference has been made was apparently initially effective January 1, 2008, and amended January 16, 2008.

It is this Manual which contains the provision permitting the Executive to make case-by-case exceptions to the otherwise applicable provisions of the Career Service Regulations.

Application of Regulations and Policies

Historically, there has been considerable confusion regarding the differences between, and application of, regulations and policies. In a Council Solicitor’s opinion dated May 8, 2008, this confusion was recognized, and thereafter, on October 2, 2008, County Council adopted an ordinance which would have established the procedure for approval by County Council of the CSR’s, and the procedure to validate the Employee Policies Manual and the CSR’s. That ordinance was vetoed, Council overrode the veto, and the then Executive filed a lawsuit challenging the legality of the ordinance.
That litigation was resolved by an agreement that the Executive would review all existing career service regulations, and present any changes to the Personnel Commission, which would then make recommendations to Council for its consideration and action. It also provided that the Executive would review any Personnel Policies and Procedures, to ensure conformity to the Career Service Regulations, and notify the Personnel Commission and County Council of any action taken. Finally, it provided that, in the event the Executive would thereafter issue any policy or procedure which Council considered to be a career service regulation, the executive would then submit the policy or procedure in question to the Personnel Commission for its review and recommendation as to whether or not the policy constituted a career service regulation requiring the formal approval of County Council.

Thereafter, as noted above, the current Career Service Regulations were adopted on February 17, 2011.


While these issues have a somewhat complicated history, the resolution of the current question is fairly basic. The home rule charter provides that:

 County Council has the authority to establish wages of all elected officials, officers and employees of the County;

 The Executive is to prepare Career Service Regulations which are subject to approval or rejection by County Counsel; and

 The Career Service Regulations will include a pay plan for all positions.

The Career Service Regulations provide that:

 There will be a comprehensive pay plan for all Career Service County employees;

 There shall be a pay schedule with designated pay grades. Within said grades, County Council may establish intervening steps at levels it deems appropriate between the minimum and maximum rates of pay, or simply minimums and maximums, or individual salary placement;

 Revisions of the pay scale are to be "submitted to the County Council for its consideration", and any revised pay scale accompanied by an estimate of cost for the year shall be submitted to the County Council for its consideration;

 Each employee shall be paid at one of the established steps in the pay grade for his/her class; and

 The Employee Policy Manual shall be consistent with the Career Service Regulations.

Neither the Home Rule Charter, nor the Career Service Regulations contain a provision granting to the executive the authority to make case-by-case departures from the otherwise applicable provisions of the CFR’s. Further, there has been no proposed revision of the pay plan, providing for such authority, submitted to County Council for its consideration and approval or rejection. Accordingly, that provision in the Employee Policy Manual is not consistent with the Career Service Regulations, and the Executive does not have that authority.


  1. Wanna bet that Brownie's people were completely ignorant of anything covered here except the section they hoped would give Allen the raise Brown wanted to dole out to his buddy from Bangor?

  2. So Brown can give Cathy Allen or anyone in the administration an increase to $1,000,000 after he gets beat in the next primary or general election as long as the HR Director approves along with Brown?

  3. Since she's already been paid, does Cathy Allen have to reimburse the county (again) or does Brown need to seek (retroactive) Council approval?

  4. Lauer doesn't make law or enforce it. The question is: what will his client (council) do with its solicitor's legal opinion? This should be interesting.

  5. 2:46, I would not favor requiring the people who benefited to repay sums to which they had every reason to believe they were entitled. Council could even decide to ratify some of this.

  6. Bernie,
    There is many underhanded dealings behind closed doors guarded by shierffs¿ This is especially true in the ReNue the Brown wHole of the valley were the public water supply is a national tool¿ There may just be a supply of blue juice readying for nation wide distribution¿

    patent pending

  7. Pay back the county Bitch. Just like your other free lunches - or so you thought.

  8. All a comment like that does is make everyone else look bad.

  9. I can hear Brown saying: fuck that shit!

    1. The illegal pay raise no doubt had the scumillio stamp of approval.

  10. More bullshit. When will someone take a serious look at this? This county has problems and council allows it all to happen. Disgraceful.

  11. Phil Lauer ,Esq. has been around long enough to render an opinion based on several factors . The man is a Sr. Bar member and if his clients don;t take his advise ,it;s on them ,period.

  12. Maybe some of this crap will end. The entire Brown crew need to go.....

  13. @ 901 OMG you have to be kidding 2008? What do yoy have against Stoffa? He did not screw the masses to award the few. Get over it Brown is an idiot.

  14. Did Brown's new attorney advise him? He is a joke just like scumillo.

  15. I despise Brown, but this is not all Brown. This has been going on for years
    There have always been favors for the few, fair treatment for the unions and complete inequality for career service "middle management". I have not seen a wage increase for the last 5 years (other than cola + a huge insurance hike). I have watched everyone around me continue to make more money while i struggle to pay my bills and support my family. Someone needs to do something. I've been recently asked who I can go to to talk with about this. After 5 years of trying the answer is nobody. No one has tried to help to make things fair. Not this administration or the previous. Not human resources or the DHS Administration. The disparity and maltreatment of career service employees is sickening. The rules change every minute. There are no checks and balances. Where is Barron in this? What does the Personel board do? Where are the reports on salary comparisons? There are many behind the scene raises and enhancements of positions, are these publicly announced or posted? There is a culture of bad business, unfair wages and poor practice. There needs to be a full investigation of what has been going on. I bet there would be years of discrepancy and unequal wage practices.

  16. 9:40. If you pay attention you would know that council has been trying yo stop this for 6 weeks now.

    1. 10:32...for 6 weeks? This has been going on for years! There are no checks and balances and it has all been on council's watch. Bad government, plain & simple.

  17. Wow 9:40, you should join a union if you want representation

  18. 9:11. Illegal contract; illegal budget, illegal payraise. Scomiillio doing Brown's bidding. Wont he make a wonderful judge. God help is.

  19. @9:40... Barron has been all over this and exposed Brown's actions and going around internal controls. Shortell's article proves that!


    Brown hid this from everyone who has a check over him. He has to go!

  20. 10:42 The union is ineffective and uncommunicative.

  21. do the right thing cathy- pay it back!

  22. Thanks again, Repubs. You guys sure pick winners.


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