Local Government TV

Tuesday, May 05, 2015

NorCo Controller Requests Executive To Suspend Pay Raises For Top Officials

In the wake of Norco Council Solicitor Phil Lauer's opinion that Executive John Brown lacked the power to award pay hikes to top officials without prior Council approval, Controller Steve Barron has asked that they be suspended pending a discussion with Council to determine an appropriate course of action. He stops short of seeking a surcharge of monies paid to date, but suggests that if payments continue, it might be appropriate to seek a return of the nearly $20,000 paid out to date.

This matter first came to light when Barron disclosed, earlier this year, that Deputy Director of Administration Cathy Allen's salary had gone up a hefty, $8,143 in one year, from $57,460 to $65,603. That's a 19% pay hike. Some of it was labeled a "temporary" increase because Allen had assumed the duties of the vacant HR Director. Similar "temporary" increases were awarded to top officials filling the shoes of two vacant cabinet positions. But once those slots were filled, brown paid these cabinet officials and continued paying the "temporary" increase awarded to other officials.

It is entirely possible that Council could end up agreeing with Brown. But that should be their call, not his.

As Barron explains in his memo to Brown, "Checks and balances over the spending of county funds are essential to build an open and accountable government for the citizens of Northampton County."

Transparency has hardly been a John Brown strength.


  1. Well, it is likely John Brown himself or one of his minions that keep bringing up the Conklin raises of 2006. This has been a weak attempt to smokescreen the obscene 19% pay increase given by Brownie to his Slate Belt cronie. The Allen raises should be reversed immediately. She is lucky she was paid more than her predecessor to begin with. She certainly has not earned the illegal raises Brownie has thrown at her.

  2. This whole Bangor crew is terrible and corrupt. Brown, Allen, Ceraul, Hunter, Jones, and others crippled the little town with vacations to Notre Dame for $7,500, while squeezing the employees and firing half the depts. It will take the county 10 years to recover from the "Clown Administration"!

  3. The only labor agreement she has ever negotiated was with a town police force of 9. Totally in over her head. Glorified insurance expert is all she is. She really has Brown wrapped around her finger. Wonder who wears the pants in that relationship?

  4. Brown has demonstrated that he has total disregard for public trust. He spends taxpayers money like it was his own, rewarding cronies with obscene, illegal raises for doing nothing above and beyond their already inflated salaries. He refuses to share public information about communications relating to the C3 contract. Brown is a sneak and a cheat. And Allen has been lining her pockets from day one, including her bogus expense accounts. Let's hope council has the resolve to suspend the obscene 19% pay raise to HS grad Allen.

  5. Hunter is a glorified loan officer for goodness sake. The county is in real trouble if these incompetent people continue to have a say in the financial end of things. Not a drop of Economic development money has made it's way into any distressed area of this county for going on 2 years now. Show us the money as we are in desperate need of some!

  6. Brown is sitting on a pile of casino money ear marked for economic development. So start doling it out already!

  7. DCED has been the biggest joke of the Clown administration. Glorified voice-over artist Donaher and her bloated staff have yet to create ONE JOB in the county. Yet Brownie keeps wasting money on this duplication of service. LVEDC just announced another major job initiative for one of the county's industrial parks. Northampton DCED was not even mentioned in the article because they had nothing to do with it. The economic development component of DCED is a joke. And yet, that department will be absorbing other county divisions just to justify the inflated salaries of DCED administrators. Another stupid initiative by Brownstain.

  8. Brown has all the right enemies. Every mention of his name is like "Niagara Falls" in that Three Stooges episode. He's almost as hated as Stoffa. I'd vote for either of them again, if given the chance.

  9. FAR more hated than Stoffa.Not even close.

  10. Brown is hated by 5,300 of the 5,319 people in Bangor. The other 19 are getting paid off with jobs or buyouts (police chief Kerrigan illegally fired)

  11. Brownie is starting to make Barron really look good!

  12. Anon 7:19, there is no smokescreen but rather an attempt to discuss the policy change of 2008. The fact that O'Hare keeps making any mention of it "disappear" speaks volumes as to its probability.

  13. What freaking policy change are you referring to, Brownie?

  14. The money should be paid back and council should order that it happen. This is on Northampton County council to make it right. I doubt they will do anything.

  15. You are right. They are a bunch of wimps

  16. No wonder he needs to advertise for the Public Works Director position, the current asst. director ( with his raise after only being hired for 6 months) makes him higher paid than that of who his boss would be.

  17. If a 19 % pay raise is good for kathy allen it should be good for all the bargaining units whos contracts are in negotiations or about to be negotiated

  18. I think we should all call out the people who we are aware of who got raises under browns administration. I'll start. Cindy Smith. It's rumored that she got a 20,000 pay raise.

  19. How did Mrs. Smith get that raise? Seems to me she still has the same job she always did. If my memory is correct, the supervision of fiscal staff dates back to Joe Misero. For some reason, those duties left the position after he left and Walt ?? got the job. This seems to be an example of when duties are taken away, the pay scale remains the same. For some reason, when they are added back you get a pay raise.... Don't know of any other employees were this happened. Could it be that this employees political party is the same as our new leader?

  20. The Smith raise is complicated. Stoffa hack Ross Marcus did not like fiscal oversight and instead just did what ever his Division heads said. Since he lacked any real working knowledge of the Department, he was an easy mark and used by Division heads who wanted lots of extra cash.
    Ms. Smith is finally back were she belongs overseeing the fiscal side of things the way the Department should be run.

    It is sad O'Hare lets this long serving career service woman of integrity be slandered on this blog. He is quick to delete any reference to his buddies but this innocent lady is fair game. Nice job O'Hare.

    Department Insider

  21. This supposed insider's lies have been debunked many times.

  22. I don't know what the Hell you are talking about Mr. O'Hare. I posted about this lady because what I posted is true. Talk to some "regular" Department employees and not just your buddies. She is doing the job she was paid to do. She was in fact misused by an inexperienced Director. She should not be maligned but you do not care do you?

  23. Frankly, I did not bring up Smith and know nothing about her or her circumstances. I do recognize you, however, from your many past lies. You are no department insider.


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