Local Government TV

Friday, May 22, 2015

Executive Ordered to Justify Raises Or Face Legal Action

Battle lines are being drawn. Executive John Brown and Northampton County Council appear to be headed to court over raises that Brown has unilaterally given to what he claims are 14 top county officials. Thus was done without the approval of County Council, the branch of government that sets most wages and salaries under the County's home rule form of government. Under the terms of a resolution that was adopted unanimously at Council's May 21 meeting, Brown must justify these raises or face legal action and a possible surcharge. For his part, Brown condemned Council for its "constant interference" and "political pandering."

This issue first surfaced in early April, when Controller Steve Barron discovered that Brown had given his Deputy Director of Administration, Cathy Allen, a 19% pay hike over the course of his first year in office. Brown and Allen worked together when he was Bangor's Mayor. He had proposed her as his Director of Administration, but Council rejected her.  Under county law, a raise of that magnitude requires approval of County Council to prevent the executive from playing favorites. Brown countered this raise is permissible under the arcane provision of a policy and procedure written by the Executive.

As time went on, it became apparent that raises were being unilaterally handed out to other employees as well. Two weeks ago, it unanimously signaled its intention to nullify an undetermined number of raises that Executive John Brown has handed out to top officials during his first two years in office. The precise number was unknown because Brown refused to provide it.

After that meeting, Brown huddled with county lawyers and Council VP Glenn Geissinger. Though each side insisted it is right, Council Solicitor Phil Lauer reported to Council that Brown did have a reasonable basis for his position and was acting in good faith. Brown released a list of 14 County workers who received raises from him alone. He agreed to resurrect the dormant Personnel Commission so it could review some of these policies and procedures.

When Council convened again on May 21, they voted to go into executive session, i.e. behind closed doors, to discuss the matter. Ken Kraft, Lamont McClure and BobWerner were outvoted when they argued there was reason to meet in secret.

When they came out after nearly an hour, they voted unanimously to direct Brown to provide justification for these increases by June 18. If he fails, Phil Lauer has been directed to sue to have all raises nullified. If he does have to sue, layer has also been directed to seek a surcharge for the $100,000 in public funds expended on these raises.

A surcharge is a rare sanction imposed against public officials who abuse funds.

For his part, Brown was incensed by a remark that Lamont McClure had earlier made to The Morning Call, suggesting that the Executive's actions might be considered criminal. He called that "completely ridiculous," characterizing it as "nothing more than political nonsense that he spews regularly." He admitted that he and Lauer disagree, but neither Lauer nor his own Solicitor is a judge. "We need to drop the 'This is illegal' nonsense,"  he argued, complaining bitterly about "political pandering, name-calling, innuendo and under the breath remarks" at every council meeting. He noted Council is quibbling over $100,000. in an administration that saved $8.5 million in salary and benefits last year without laying people off.

He justified the raises as necessary, noting that most of them went to workers at Gracedale whose departments have "improved dramatically." He claimed that his raises led to a recent clean bill of health given to Gracedale by the state.

"Where was council when health care costs grew at a rate of $1.5 million per year?" he asked. "Where was the heated debate over the shrinking general fund?" he asked, noting that the general fund has shrunk from Council let shrink from $70 million to less than $10 million.

He blasted Council for being "focused on the pennies" instead of the bigger picture. He insisted that, contrary to the image painted by Council, the County is "well run, efficient and highly functional" and that he has a "strategic plan" in place.

Lamont McClure, who was participating in the meeting by phone was unable to respond to Brown because his connection was lost and no one seemed to know how to restore it in a county that brown had just called  "well run, efficient and highly functional. " But Scott Parsons, who had turned beet red as Brown spoke, refuted the executive:

"If you want us to work with you, and I'm willing to work with anybody who wants to move this County forward, you have to be transparent to us and let us help you."

Brown then stated  transparency means different things to different people.


  1. Why is this executive being singled out? This was done before, yet we only go after Mr. Brown, why?

    Heaven forbid we review some past practice.

  2. He is singled out because he is not transparent in his actions. He's in over his head and attempting to buy his way out of ignorance.

  3. Way to go John. You have my vote for re-election. The do-nothing, spendthrift, tax-raising council is a joke - Rs and Ds, alike. Worst council in county history.

  4. Hey 6:42 am the raising of the taxes was done by your hero Brown. He could have vetoed the increase if he was truly the man he pretends to be. The 5 republicans voted for that tax and that was not a veto proof majority. Go back to school and when you learn anything other than raising and killing little pigs, then come back here and post some truths.

  5. Brown is delusional. The phone loss of McClure is an example of the inefficient county. Morale is at an absolute low around the county and in every department. I suggest Council meet with employees at every department and have a sit down with all the staff there. They will then get an understanding of the functionality of the work force. An example of a morale killer is the administrator of MH/EI/DP being there several months and getting a 9.1% raise! While admin and supervisory staff there have gotten no increase and got crushed with the insurance change for a loss of up to 13,000 per year if they have family coverage. The workers also have seen no raise and have been doing more with less and the department has been understaffed as they hold onto open positions due to mass retirements.
    Council needs to take these raises away, charge Brown, and amend HRC to include a method voters can oust an executive if needed before term is up.
    That is our only hope!

    1. Shame on you. That is all.

    2. They won't talk to us, no one talks to us. They would rather all stick their heads in the sand and pretend everything is fine. Things are not fine. Workers, management, whole units are not fine. There are managers who are nearly in tears on a daily basis. But they wont come. Council should come and talk to each department. Brown should come and face each employee. None of them will because they have no moral code of ethics nor feel any obligation to make things right. Keep your heads in the sand. Ignore the reality that the county is about to implode.

  6. Sadly council will just sit back and let him get his way. He says the employees want to be heard but he's not listening. Who are these employees? Mr brown has really ignited the great divide by selecting a few to receive raises while others do as much if not more work. Hope those who got raises can look their coworkers in the face after "standing with them" and claiming nothing can be done about raises. Yet another sad day for the county. After 20 years I've seen many changes happen and I have to say this is one of the worse times for employee morale. If his strategic plan is wear down your employees, then Mr brown you are succeeding. Glad you and those who received nice hefty raises can sleep at night.

  7. let's see- brown creates this mess all on his own, passing out secret raises then refusing to provide the details to council for almost 6 months, and he has the gall to preach to council about political pandering, etc. this guy is a real gem.

  8. Brownstain will continue with his ignorance! Council does NOT have the courage to do the right thing. Politcal pandering at it's best. Just look at the vote SCUMILLIO got in this past election. He was the Mentor for all of this mess.

  9. 8am. How is Council sitting back when they just made a resolution that said if he does not come to them to get these raizez approved he will be sued and it was a 9 to 0 vote?

  10. hey brownie- what about me? I haven't seen a penny increase in 2 and a half years.... would you sign for an increase for me? come on ole buddy! I have 25 years in Norco. shouldn't I be in that group of long term valued employees that you spoke about? I got more time on the crapper there then allen does in total. don't you like me johnboy?

  11. Brown is a pompous ass. Like a 2 year old having a tantrum because his toys were taken away, he scolded council for having the nerve to question his authority to hand out raises how he sees fit for his favorites. Steam was coming out of his ears as he lectured council on how inept they were. He bragged about how much money his administration had saved, mainly by not filling job vacancies. How dare council, or the public criticize him for handing out fat raises to his favorites! I was disappointed in the response, or lack thereof by council to his petty tirade. Parsons challenged Brown a bit about lack of transparency and Werner babbled on confusedly about bridges. But Kraft was mum, perhaps because he like others were speechless with Brown's hissy-fit. And luckily for Brown, McClure was in telephone purgatory or he would have given him a verbal smack down. Let's hope that council follows through. And that the Personnel Commission is not just s rubber stamp for Brown. Council should have just rescinded the raises and see if he or the lucky minions of his who got them, had the nerve to sue council.

  12. brown sounded like a cry baby last night anyone in their right mind would know giving these raises to some and not all was wrong ,he knew it was wrong that's the reason for the secrecy . he stands there critizing everyone who served before him stoffa ,desalva etc ... that's easy to do when they can't be there and defend themselves that move is unprofessional and makes brown look weak .he stood up there sounded like he thinks he is smarter than everyone else it was an embrassment to watch . all I have seen was cooperation from council!!! brown should look at himself in the mirror long and hard maybe he'll find his conscience if he has one ! people already don't trust government he just gave more reason's not to .

  13. Can you now say "Lame Duck" County Executive John Brown? HAHA! His own party now sick of him and his antics. Finally..even the Tea Party crack pots can see the Emperor has no clothes on! You blew it John. Your political capital wasted on your friends and the hanger on's. Despicable you.

  14. To all those who think brown is finished...none of this is reverberating outside the courthouse. Look at the judicial races. Unless the Ds put up a very strong candidate, brown will get re-elected.

  15. JB is an empty vessel. There is nothing inside the man. Nothing. No morals..no ethics..no compassion..nothing. Why are you surprised about this? His reputation proceeds him. He is not capable of doing what's right except for himself and his supposed allies. Shame on the electorate by this charlatan. Minimize the damage he tries to do from here on. Block him at every chance you have to do so. Council needs to be the adult in the room from now on.

  16. Just cause Scumillio beat out one guy in the primary is no vindication of Brown. Voters tend to be more conservative with judicial races. Just about anybody the Dems would run against Brownstain. including chubby Barron or McClure, would crush him in two years. Brown has been an embarrassment to the county and those who voted for him. His political allies are eroding day by day. He is a piss-poor leader with delusions of grandeur.

  17. 9:41, Ds have put up a strong candidate. His name is Sam Murray. I agree this judicial race will be a referendum on John Brown. Vic Scomillio eliminated two FT solicitors. Tgat now appears to be an error. He fired a county employee without providing due process, something that should be ingrained in every judge. He advised the Exec he could borrow money to balance the budget, which is totally illegal. He stepped all over the rights of every day workers. He told the Wxec to hire a PR consultant without Council approval. He will not be elected judge. The turnout problem that occurred in 2013 will not be repeated.

  18. Brownpants=Worst Mayor in Bangor history, including the drug-dealer (Janus), who did less damage to town.

    Brownstain=Worst Executive in Northampton history. By Far!

    John "the clown" Brown=consistent.

  19. 7:49, this is a good idea. The personnel committee should start meeting with departments by inviting entire departments to come in and tell them what is wrong. Civil Division. CYF. No Luis Campos bullshit burgers but the sentiments of the workforce. John Brown claims the work force is dissatisfied, but is unable to admit that he is the reason. Let him hear it. After all, he challenged Council to find out why workers are dissatisfied.

  20. You are wrong, BO. In his angry missive Brown tried to claim that county employees moral is the highest it has ever been! His brown bag lunches and e-mail newsletter has resulted in the workforce being elated with their executive! Sprinkling raises on lowly clerical staff has endeared him to them forever. He is their HERO! Only council, the press and bottom feeding bloggers think he is a bumbling, vindictive fool. His employees think he's a god!

  21. This guy is tone deaf stone headed jackass. He gets up last night and rambles on in his "executive report" for 10 minutes about all kinds of stuff unrelated to the matter at hand. Council caught him red handed again, called him on it, and he reacts by doing exactly what he accuses council is doing - pandering and making wild accusations.

    Stay on topic, Brownie. Your underwear will look like your name soon.

    Brown had the unmitigated GALL to mention county worker morale, and blame council for it. BS! Look in the mirror Brown - you are to blame.

    It's a damned shame McClure was cut off last night - he may have ripped Brown a new one.

  22. "You are wrong, BO. In his angry missive Brown tried to claim that county employees moral is the highest it has ever been! "

    Actually, he went back and forth. He claimed "employee satisfaction" was high, but ended by challenging Council to tell him why dissatisfaction is at its highest point in decades.

    I can tell him now. He fails to communicate. Employees can take all kinds of shit if their bosses are open and talk to them. Brown is not and thinks he is better than everyone. I heard of him telling one department head to continue sitting in some room bc he was not going to take someone else's meeting.

    He started off by talking to workers, but that has stopped.

  23. he should be thanking council for their willingness to work with him,they have been far more patient than I would be ,he has some nerve ! the county survived just fine before brown showed up and will long after this dishonest, unethical and immoral man is gone!

  24. Council capitulated because of the nucleus of R's who still support Brown, although that support is waning. They are being patient and methodical, allowing Brown enough rope to hang himself. Even his biggest ally Geissinger is losing patience with him. Last night Brown insulted council in public. He is so arrogant he forgets that they are elected officials with the responsibility to make sure that taxpayer dollars are being spent wisely, and legally. Brown doesn't want anyone to use the term "illegal" to describe raises he gave to his pals, but that is what they are. Substitute unethical, unfair, discriminating, stupid, any other term you want. The raises given to the 14 lucky, undeserving employees was still WRONG.

  25. I love that shiftless, entitled county employees hate Brown. I just love it. Re-elect Brown. I wish I could vote for him 10 times like a Democrat.

    Lame duck? Yeah. And Job Johnny Callahan was already measuring the drapes for the Exec's office. A silent majority will speak loudly, again.

    Stand strong, John. You've made all the right enemies. I thought they couldn't hate anyone more than Gentleman John Stoffa. Stand strong, John.

  26. Bernie, who comprises the Personnel Commission? They are all CE appointees approved by council, correct? Don't they have an allegiance to Brown? How unbiased will they be in evaluating his justification for the raises? Is it his prerogative to remove any member of the commission at his discretion?

  27. 11:52 you are a Brown minion. Probably Allen or Donaher. You should kiss Brownie's ass a few more times to get your new raise.

  28. And you are a constantly a grieved, whining goldbrick who thought Callahan was a sure winner. Re-elect Brown. He has all the right enemies.

  29. hey brownie- how about more brown bag lunches? are you afraid to face the rank and file employees after your screwing? hero.

  30. Can someone explain to me why this was an Executive session? If it is discussing an employee yes, the law allows for that, however, this was solely a discussion about the practice and the policy. It was not about whether an employee deserved the raise. This was a clear violation of the PA Sunshine Law and it should be reported.

  31. 12:28, get your butt off the couch and get a job. brownface wannabe. go whine to your hero like he did to council last night, wah wah.

  32. Story after story of missteps. Yet, "John Brown now plans to bring his business acumen and leadership experience to work for all off Northampton County. He has the ... record of results we need from our next County Executive." (flier)

    I've often wondered how successful each of those "multiple corporate enterprises..both local and international" did during and immediately after his tenure. Did he have substantive responsibilities? Did he give up making money in the "corporate" world to try to be a local politico in little Bangor and NorCo? He must have quite a sense of civic responsibility.

  33. Though going after workers' benefits while giving raises to selected management does sound rather corporate now that I think of it....

  34. You are wrong, BO. In his angry missive Brown tried to claim that county employees moral is the highest it has ever been! His brown bag lunches and e-mail newsletter has resulted in the workforce being elated with their executive! Sprinkling raises on lowly clerical staff has endeared him to them forever. He is their HERO! Only council, the press and bottom feeding bloggers think he is a bumbling, vindictive fool. His employees think he's a god!

    10:33 AM


  35. County employee morale is always low. They're like Eagles fans who boo Santa Claus and kids who don't find eggs in the Easter egg hunt. John Stoffa is a Democrat and, more importantly, a consummate gentleman. They hated his guts, still accuse him of a raft of wrongdoing, and called him everything but his name. Saying morale is low is like saying the sun rises in the east.

  36. This is inaccurate. County employees for the most part admired and really respected Stoffa. The attacks at him came from a fake clergyman, political wannabe Mezzacappa, Barron and McClure. If Stoffa were to run now, he'd be overwhelmingly elected.

  37. Sadly council will get the information and will bow down and agree to the raises. Let's see if they have backbones and challenge what is happening. Are all employees going to have the opportunity to be reviewed for a raise? Head over to Emrick. You'll find many who have a lot to say.

  38. Brown replied transparency means different things to different people.

    Yep, and you have none whatsoever, yet you ran a campaign proudly proclaiming your administration would be. And it isn't. If you think it is, then your statement is true and you are a moron.

  39. Nowhere to run..nowhere to hide. HAAAAAAAAA!

  40. You are so silly. Your post of 1:31 is not that true. Numerous employees have no use for John Stoffa and he would never get re-elected. He is hated at Gracedale and lost the respect of many who knew him in the courthouse.

    What is silly is by deleting any comments that point that out you are confirming it as true, otherwise why would you bother. Of course you think it is some lone person and not true because you love the guy.

    Comparing him to Brownstain is like comparing a lost demon to
    Satan himself. Stop being so silly and dramatic and allow for other viewpoints. What are you afraid of?

  41. I am far from afraid of a coward who does not identify himself. I delete you because you always go off topic and make everything about Stoffa. Now go away and let the grown ups talk.

  42. I talk to county workers and ones that left! Morale worst in 30 years or more! Brown's message is clear, he doesn't value human service workers, and picks administrative staff to pay higher wages! Let the lowly workers pay more of their health care! ! He had brown bag lunches, but left mad, couldn't answer questions, and only did as a publicity ploy! Bangor is lucky he is gone! Northampton County voters will do what is right when the time comes!

  43. This is why I cringe when folks say government should be run like a business . It is not a business and never will be. If Brown has
    a major flaw it is this. In private business you can reward your buddies and loyalists but in government one in his position must treat everyone fairly and equally and most importantly with appreciation and recognition for what they do. Secondly transparency is a must in government and not in private business. These are two reasons why Brown has disappointed. Right now he is a fish out of water and lost sight of the stream to get back in.

  44. The other day, someone called a department head with a question. This person could have answered, but felt obliged to refer it to Luis Campos pursuant to Brown's order. When this person called back thirty minutes later, as directed, Campis had taken off. This lack of transparency breeds resentment and distrust. Brown's top down approach also deprives him of some very good ideas from county employes. He can come up with all the strategic plans he wants, but will still fail in his goal of delivering "efficient" services until opens up lines of communication. Incidentally, businesses fail when they stop being responsive. So I'm unclear on just how businesslike he's been.

    1. It will be an interesting day when all who have been rewarded are the ones running the ship after all of those who have been treated so unfairly that we end up with no choice but to move on. Even though it has gone unrewarded and is not appreciated those who really know how things work and how departments are run will leave. This will cause neglect to our most vulnerable citizens and ultimately more legal action against the county. How will Brown answer when departments are unable function because there is no one left with any experience? The county will be sued over and over again. Just wait. Poor choices, poor management, poor service to the residents and tax payers of this county. Disgraceful.

  45. What is interesting, is that, Brown picks and chooses who gets raises. Inequality at its best. Brown states that people are rewarded for doing other people's job that went unattended when Brown doesn't fill the position. If this is the case, then why didn't Luis Campos get a raise, when he oversees Court Services as well, because a Director wasn't appointed there? Yet, Cathy Allen does what's in her job description, yet gets a car and a couple raises. Even within his own cabinet, Brown cannot be fair. Campos doesn't trust the Brown/Allen affair. Often, he is resigned to doing what Allen tells him.

    1. I have been put in the position of doing two jobs for over one year since the previous exodus of experienced management. I have not had a raise. Not a penny extra. This is not about people who do exta get extra. This is favoritism. $30,000 a year raises? 2-3 raises in one year? 9% raises for people working for the county for less than a year? Council really needs to recall the raises or pay everyone raises. Not doing something to rectify this mess will cause a disaster. It already has created an environment of hatred, mistrust and complete animosity.

  46. I am going to assume that the reference to the Brown/Allen affair is a reference to their professional relationship and nothing more. That is the only reason I will allow that comment to stand.

  47. John Brown and his trusted inner circle have been viciously undermined by the rogue sadist blogger whose only ambition in life is to inflict emotional suffering on those who he is jealous of in terms of appearance and accomplishments.

    Gregory's release will spurn changes in the local blogosphere, he has a razor sharp wit and the connections to rival Bernie's insider knowledge add in stunning good looks and you can bet your last dollar NorCo will indeed be playing reruns of the "Jim Gregory Show".

  48. Dear Ms. Mezzacappa (10:28 PM),

    Please, please let me know what you are smoking. I need to have the same hallucinations you are having this weekend. By the way, how can you afford these drugs, when you don't work and sponge off of society? Do you hide these drugs in the car that you owe BO? Is that why you don't turn it over? Let us know, before you head into the slammer and see Jim Gregory yourself from behind bars.

  49. 11:20 AKA Smelly Kelly, doubt you will be showing up at future council meetings after the voters referendum on your tyrannical reign. Time take the pink gavel and put it in the garbage bin or donate it to Bernie so it can be used on the Norco Twink in an adult play context.

    Maybe daddy will allow you to see some of the paperwork for the borough in the future, but my guess is after you got fired from the dais he will learn to keep a healthy distance your revolting personality knows no bounds.

  50. Mezzacappa, stay off this blog. Turn over the car. Have your mother sign over the deed. You are heading to jail.

  51. Unbelievable, $416,946 in raises all while Brown says we are strapped for money. Wages are still frozen for a lot of us, wage increases even given when the employees were told about the health care changes and unbelievably even after the change. It's odd how some workers received 2 raises back to back. What's with that? Couldn't someone get something right? Lamont McClure had it right a while back, what about the employees with no voice. Where is council's spirit? Come to our offices, meet individually with no bosses around. John Brown talks about this being pennies. $416,946 is not pennies of raises given. That amount could take care of approximately 185 employees increased health care costs. But don't look just there. Look at how many other raises were approved the correct way through council. Unbelievable. Look at the Personnel Committee meetings and then the votes the next day at council meetings. Add all those up. All this is being done on a lot of employees backs. Where is the new HR Director, why is she so quiet? Well, better get ready for my yard sale. Hopefully, I'll sell enough for 2 medical necessities I need or a down payment for a car to get safely to work.

  52. Wow... those raises really move the "needle" in a multi, multi million dollar budget. The County Executive runs the day to day business. The County Council writes the rules. Pretty simple. This petty bullshit needs to stop. All parties are guilty and perhaps each and every council member and the executive should resign for the could of the County! IMHO.

  53. Arrogant Brown pooh poohs council's objections to his far too generous raises to his personal favorites. They are "pennies" when council should be concerned about dollars. To the people given the raises they are not pennies. To the hundreds of employees who have not benefitted from Browns selective generosity they are not pennies. They are real dollars that add up. At a time when Brown is preaching austerity he is a hypocrite to hand out raises like taxpayer dollars are his own personal candy jar.

  54. Tricia's mother owes you nothing. her attorney thinks you are nuts.

  55. You mean the same attorney representing Tricia? No conflict of interest there.

  56. Will somebody please drug test this courthouse. Do you know how many people are on drugs? People choose to look the other way. What does the union do? Nothing. I can say this. I've seen it firsthand.

  57. 10:06 you should be taking your own drugs. To stop hallucinations.


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