Local Government TV

Friday, May 22, 2015

Bethlehem City Council Races - The West Side Difference (Updated 4:54 pm)

The latest web updates on the Bethlehem City Council races make clear that the west Bethlehem vote was a huge factor. That vote is what put Michael Colon over the top. Jeff Kocsis did very well there, too.

4 Year

J Willie Reynolds 1918 (NC) plus 777 (LC) = 2695.
Shawn Martell 1619 (NC) plus 634 (LC) = 2253
Michael Colon 1309 (NC) plus 807 (LC) = 2116
Michael D Recchiuti 1480 (NC) plus 618 (LC) = 2098

2 year

Olga Negron 1214 (NC) plus 343 (LC) = 1557
Matt McKernan 805 (NC) plus 268 (LC) = 1073
Jeff Kocsis 663 (NC) plus 529 (LC) = 1192


  1. We are so glad that arrogant reccuitti lost. He was a terrible councilman.

  2. These numbers seem off. I thought they were all over 2000 votes.

  3. Maybe Reynolds was right when he said Bethlehem needed district seats for council 2 years ago in the Mayor's race.

  4. This tally supports that argument.

  5. 4:28, They were, and i corrected the error.

  6. Doubt Willie and the Callahan clan will let it end like this.

  7. Recchiuti was clearly the best councilman, rising to top positions based upon his skill and intelligence and professionalism. It is a sad loss for the city. What a stark contrast his excellent service to the City is to the inept, corrupt County Executive. The ignorance and apathy of the public is truly remarkable.

  8. Anon 7:50

    Your comment is spot on. He was very effective in that position for 4 years.
    People who really follow what is going on in Bethlehem think the same way you do.

  9. Mike Recchiuti is an excellent councilman. He took on some of the most difficult issues confronting city government. As chairman of Council’s Finance Committee, he kept a close eye on city spending. During his tenure he helped close a $6 million budget deficit.

    Last year he initiated a resolution that places a check on employment levels in city government. Under this resolution, the administration must justify in writing the need for any new hirings or replacements. At the same time, he worked with the administration to reduce the city’s workforce to the smallest level in memory. City government has become more efficient and leaner.

    He was the first member of Council to voice concern about the cost of the city’s 911 communications system and how it would affect Bethlehem’s budget. The 911 system is a necessity for the city and a valuable tool in law enforcement and public safety, and it cannot be left to suffer because of changes in state law. Mike felt it was important for the public to recognize, though, that it will cost the city a lot to operate and upgrade the system. Roughly 80 percent of the city’s property tax increase for 2015 is attributable to the 911 system. Mike made that point.

    Mike fought for the first comprehensive overhaul of the city’s zoning ordinance in over 30 years. Up-to-date zoning laws lay the basis for business development and for protection of homeowners’ property values.

    These are but a few of his accomplishments. People may quibble about what he did or didn't do, or how he should have done something different. But overall—and I think there can be no dispute about this—his public service to the city is truly valuable.

    As a citizen who regularly attends Council meetings, I have seen Mike's positive role in Council deliberations. His presence will be missed.

  10. Politics gives and politics takes away. An interesting scenario will be unfolding in Bethlehem. The Callahan clan top ally Willie Reynolds did them a great favor. When Callahan lost the race for Executive, Callahan lieutenants were scrambling for jobs. One was Atty Spirk. So Willie got the city Council to dump Atty Spadoni for Spirk. That gave Spirk income and city health benefits.

    Now we have Reccuitti out of a job. Reccuitti is an a attorney. So there is a new scenario afloat that Willie may break with the Callahan Clan and get the votes to make Reccuitti the new city council solicitor.

    Will it happen, who knows but anything is possible in the Game of Thrones that is Bethlehem Clan politics.

    Remember, Politics giveth and politics taketh away.

  11. Reccuitti is not "out of a job". He is a successful attorney.

  12. It seems like all these successful "lawyers", want to get elected and appointed to an awful lot of paying positions.

  13. Bethlehem is an inbred cesspool.

  14. There are a number of lawyers on a number of different Boards and Commissions, and they are there gratis, or for peanuts. They should be thanked for contributing their time to the City, including time on City Council, even though, most of the time I am at odds with them. Ask the lawyers on the Zoning Hearing Board. So go smoke that!

  15. Mike Recchiuti is a very thoughtful councilman with an excellent understanding of the issues the city faces. Anyone who actually attends council meetings knows that.

  16. Glad that non-owned candidates finally won in Bethlehem. The Independents hold great promise for the future.


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