Local Government TV

Wednesday, May 06, 2015

Brown Incorrectly Accuses Barron of Promoting Without Council Approval

Yesterday, I told you that Controller Steve Barron has requested NorCo Executive John Brown to suspend the temporary pay hikes he's awarded to top officials, pending Council review. He made this request after Council Solicitor Phil Lauer ruled that these payhikes are ultra vires. Brown responded with this poorly researched memo, essentially making a pot-meet-kettle argument.

John Brown
The problem with Brown's argument is that it's wrong. This is what I mean when I suggest above that he is hampered by inexperience and naivete. Here's how Barron replied, almost immediately.

Dear John,

These raises were presented before council at my budget hearing in 2013 and presented in my budget as part of the budget process. I presented this when I presented my budget to council that year and it was approved when council approved the 2014 budget. I also had lengthy discussions with Mr. Stoffa and Ms. Siemenkowski who agreed with the changes presented.

This was discussed as a way to promote internal movement of Auditor II positions in the office and Mr. Cusick at the time did not agree with the move, but it was presented to council and justified and passed by council during the budget process.

Please check the meeting minutes and record of my budget hearing. You will find that I brought this before council as required by law.

The minutes of the October 9 2013 Budget Hearing, which Brown incidentally attended, proves that Barron is correct and Brown is mistaken. 


  1. Glad Vic's latest mailer actually admits that he was "Northampton County Solicitor", however, he tries to qualify/misrepresent it as only "Chief civil litigator for the county" as if that is the only job of the solicitor. As the Home Rule Charter, Section 908 clearly states, however, "(b) Function. The Office of the Solicitor shall provide legal counsel to elected officials and all agencies" before mentioning "and shall represent the County in all legal proceedings to which the County is a party."

    Vic is no longer solicitor, but Brown's missteps until recently should fall not only on Brown, but on his "legal counsel."

    I could not vote for him because of his NorCo solicitor post. Murray should win. Should be interesting, however, if Giordano get the nod, we might have yet another vacancy. At this point.... still another hat in the ring. Would another enter?

  2. What a bumbling buffoon. "Hey, look how easy it is to make a fool out of myself!" Surprised he didn't call in the highly paid PR firm we are paying to make a press release.

    Brown and his "team" never, and I mean never, research anything beyond one glimpse of something they want to see. They always end up with their asses laid bare. Give em all raises, Brownie, for doing a shitty job of polishing your balls.

  3. and again, Brown has done a good job helping Barron actually look good at his job. I still don't know if I could ever vote for Barron after his little abuse of power intimidation tactic at Verizon a few years ago...

  4. Good for him. This nonsense has been going on long enough. Why do you think the policy of 2008 was put on paper? Check into what prompted that action. History is awesome of you open your mind and not defend your friends, right?

  5. Its a close race between Brown and Scomillio as to who is the more clueless about County govermnent. This fatal Leopold and Loeb connection has lead to the many illegalities and violation of civil rights which have become a hallmark of this dynamic duo of ignorance, arrogance and incompetence.

  6. Steve Barron has atoned for his sins. Everyone deserves another chance..to get it right. We mature..we live and learn. The guy has become a great watch dog after all. What more do you want from him? Lighten up already.

  7. Man, this guy is a stooge. And he has to communicate snakily via memo.

    Nice job, Repubs.

  8. this guy doesn't have a clue!

  9. Brown is such a baby. He sends out an immature tit for tat memo to Barron with allegations that were not even researched for accuracy. Now he must return to his crib suck his thumb until Nanny Kim can change his diaper. If he was a big boy he would realize that what he did in rewarding a unqualified crony with a 19% pay raise was wrong, and would reverse it.

  10. every time I think this Brown has hit rock bottom and it cant get worse he proves me wrong. Boy I wish I could have a "do over" from the last election

  11. Brown is helping Barron look like the next County Executive....Although neither of them seems capable of preparing a well written memo...

  12. Evidently the standards for drafting memos are extremely low.

  13. Evidently the standards of selecting a competent county executive is low.

  14. Evidently the standards for merit raises for friends and supporters of county executive is low.

  15. I think the exec. should hold a news conference explaining that he has difficulty with reading comprehension and needs to invoke the American's with Disabilities Act.

  16. @11:11 I agree that the rock bottom keeps getting lower. It's almost as bad as the rock bottom of Scientology. I for one did not vote for this clown. We don't have to have the circus come to town this Summer as it has been here for the past year and half.

    County Council, where u at??


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