Local Government TV

Friday, April 24, 2015

Abe Kassis Appeals to Fringe Again

Assistant District Attorney Abe Kassis is a fine lawyer, but I now question his judgment. A few months ago, he himself circulated a nomination petition at a meeting of the local tea party. He got the endorsement of members who like to call themselves RATs. He was so busy there that it made him late for a meeting of local Democrats.Unfortunately, this was no fluke.

In February, Kassis appealed to tea party hard-liners like Chairman Ronnie Del Bacco and gun nut Tom Campione, who is currently threatening to sue municipalities who don't allow fellow gun nuts to prance through parks with a six-pack in one hand, and a six-shooter in the other. Bethlehem Tp Comm'r Pat Breslin, who voted against a no-tax hike budget because it included a slight increase in wages for non-union employees, signed Kassis' petition. So did Saucon Valley School Director Bryan Eichfeld, who recently advocated replacing what he calls propaganda about global warming with "true science." Kassis even allowed Tom Carroll, another RAT, to circulate for him.

You might write that off as inexperience or a simple mistake. But Wednesday, Kassis appeared as the guest of Bobby Gunther Walsh. He is so over-the-top on crime that he is being sued by Lehigh County DA Jim Martin for defamation. Just the day before, Walsh had gun nut lawyer Joshua Prince as his guest. A few fays before that, it was gun nut Larry Pratt. That guy has been linked to white supremacist, anti-Semitic and paramilitary groups in Northern Ireland. He even called on the Protestant population there to arm themselves.

I believe it's a mistake for any judicial candidate to appear on that program. I can forgive Judges John Foradora or Cheryl Allen because they are not not local. But Abe is, and should know better.

He never listed his Bobby Gunther Walsh appearance on his Facebook page, which tells me he was trying to appeal to the frings.


  1. O'Hare most of the valley listens to 790, not libtard radio AKA WDIY.

    Get your head out of your ass and stop bashing the right.


  2. While I think Murray would be the legal establishment's choice, as well as having the most petition signatures, this could possibly turn out a little closer than you think. Why would I say that? If he does indeed have the support of those mentioned in your post, they are an energized group. They will vote, and if they are voting for you that's a block a votes.

    However, when it comes to judicial elections, many voters are weaker in distinguishing between candidates as it is non-partisan... yes, they come from one party or the other, but they cross file, all seem qualified, and unlike the "political" offices they don't take stances on issues that cue voters who to vote for. So, how does one go after those super-voters who really don't know what separates otherwise qualified candidates? Well, Kassis is calling super-voters personally--not annoying robocalls, but himself personally. He identifies you by name, making that psychological personal connection, and personally engages (or leaves a message) telling you his credentials and asking for your vote.

    If your a civic-minded super-voter, but a little fuzzy on who to vote for when they all seem qualified, that can be the deciding factor, especially if you don't follow enough to know about what you write about in your post.

    Combine the two groups of voters (Tea Party and personally reached super-voters) and you might get more votes than some think you'll get.

    And in the end, some run knowing it takes a cycle to get your name before a lot of voters, and a second cycle to win.

  3. Actually, very few people listen to WAEB or any AM stations. It is mostly FM. The latest Arbitron ratings for WAEB-A, are 4.2. Thats the best of the AM stations in the ABE market, but only about 40% of the top FM stations. Non-commercial statons are not included, but WDIY would be low. I don't listen to it, and prefer WHYY.

  4. Cheap shot O'Hare. You only hate the group because they won't bend their knees to fake Republicans like Angle.

    No class on your part.

  5. I was undecided until this bullshit post. I'm voting for Abe.

  6. I guess my only thoughts on this matter is "did Abe say something offensive", and if he did, what was it that he said. I like to think I'm broad minded enough to realize that all candidates suffer from the one thing that is most important in an election and that is "name recognition". Go where the votes are. Don't lie and tell me what you are all about. Did ABE say something that was offensive? What did he say that would make me not vote for him?

  7. WAEB is the only *radio station* cheap enough for these little local politicians to advertise on, but you may as well be broadcasting from your own garage. This is not an *energized* group, give it a rest. They talk big, they blab at the hardware store/gun shop in Slatington, they write screed comments anonymously. They're not going to elect anybody.
    Especially not in this dog-patch of a town.

  8. Thanks. Definitely won't be voting for this guy.

  9. Comm'r Pat Breslin, who voted against a no-tax hike budget because it included a slight increase in wages for non-union employees

    Not only did he vote against the raises for non union employees, he went on the radio to address it, then he and the entire board voted to give the union workers signing bonuses with our tax dollars. Outrageous!!!!!!

  10. Don't take this the wrong way Bernie, not every American tax payer that is pro- 2nd Amendment is a 'NUT". All these people you mention are cognitive of former New Your City Mayor's obstruction to U.S.Constitutional issues .If the Mayor was on a 14th Amendment 'bender'you would be fit to tied! They probably don't want that influence in local politics. Abe being on the radio is no different.So what? Abe, like the other fine candidates we are so fortunate to have here this time, will use ' the principles" first and not personal issues .. Don't want to hear it? -Like Diane Sawyer and that creep Jenner,turn it off ,that's it.

  11. Peter, I understand the difference between a second amendment advocate and a gun nut. Larry Pratt, Tom Campione and Ronnie del Bacco are all gun nuts. Abe Kassis has made a concerted effort to appeal the fringe of the right wing, people so nutty they work against Rs they consider impure. I now think that Abe lacks the judgment he should have to be a judge or he would not reach out to these people. I also think it is important that everyone else know when he tries to pretend he's a Democrat among Democrats and be all things to all people.

  12. "did Abe say something offensive"

    He did not. His very presence on that show is what I found offensive. The need for name recognition is no reason to go on the program of someone who hosts people like Larry Pratt and who himself is being sued by the LC District Attorney. No judicial candidate should ever appear on that show. For that matter, I question anyone who goes on that show.

  13. One person's advocacy group is another person's extremist group. The ACLU is extremist and the SPLC is nearly terrorist in its character assassinations and hateful bigotry. Teamsters are awesome until they terrorize families at their residences and slash tires during strikes. Political nuts come in all forms.

  14. I get your point. I certainly don't consider ACLU or SLPC extremist, nor do I consider most tea party groups extremist. The RATs are certainly a strange group. They espouse conservative ideals yet hate the conservatives within their own party and work against the. They are currently working against Vic Scomillio, whose chief sin appears to be his failure to back Tom Carroll in the last judicial race against Jennifer Sletvold. They are actively working against three fairly conservative Rs in Bethlehem Tp. They embrace ridiculous ideas like the right to carry a loaded weapon inside a municipal park, where children play, or at municipal meetings, where emotions are often frayed. They circulate vicious anonymous personal attacks. They wear their religion on a sleeve but host candidates' nights on Good Friday. And they have Bobby Gunther Walsh in their pocket.

    I don't care for this group, but there are those who do. I want to make sure that people know that Kassis, in his attempt to get votes, has reached out to this group. In my view, it's evidence of poor judgment and is a bad decision by a judicial candidates. Now i doubt that Scomillio or Murray were asked to be on this show, but if they were, I doubt very much that either would attend.

  15. Why don't we just tattoo a scarlet letter to his forehead?

  16. You hate the RATS for finding Ron Angle a totally innapropriate person and politician, and for forming their own group, outside of the NCRC frat, that religiously ostracizes and tears down other Repubs. The RATS espouse exactly the opposite of what the establsihment NCRC members do....ie, there is no infighting there, they take up causes and promote them, they dont gang up on fellow Rs, they take action to support the constitutional rights of all people, they fight for candidates they believe in...

    what you cant handle about them is they they are not evil haters like you and your pal Ron. Plain and simple, no story here....you do what you always do...attack and belittle anyone and everyone who asscoiates with people you hate, with no basis in fact, just pure explosive and disfunctional rage.

    Take a pill

  17. Yes 10;11 nobody get on the political left!! A couple of College Profs over here that 'engineer' where voting poles will be out of state students than don't have to apply as absentee - and the setting of agenda,like the word 'PIPELINE" They need to stay out of the stuff that pays the taxes and spend time on 'productive issues .Engineer a non-polluting shopping bag .

  18. Actually, the RATs do engage in vicious personal attacks at other Rs, and it extends far beyond Ron Angle and goes into other Rs like peg Ferraro, Lee Snover. They send mass emails under names like "David Jones." But as I understand, they are losing their clout bc even the tea party Rs realize that people like del Bacco, Tony Simao and Tricia Mezzacappa have personal agendas that trump any interest in any cause or issue.

  19. As NorCo Rs have done very well in the last couple of elections, the RATS have not, within the party. If they exist beyond the dozen or so declared members, Abe certainly doesn't need them to be elected. He should be smart enough to have figured this out.

  20. All this is just smoke. Republican voters pull Republican levers. Republicans do not vote for Democrats. They either vote Republican or not at all.
    Look at the county council. You have country club Republicans like Ferraro, who is more liberal than many Democrats. You have RAT endorsed candidate's like Phillips and Benol. You have guys like Vuaghn who seems to have no position other than being a Republican.

    It doesn't matter.

  21. WHYY is where it's at.

    I listened to Kassis this week. It certainly didn't seem like he was cozying up to BGW's audience. He refused to say he was for the death penalty and waffled when Gunther was trying to get him to comment on pro-life issues - using the case of the fetus in the toilet tank at Starter's as a catalyst. BGW repeatedly said "So, it's clear you don't want to answer questions!?"

    I'm not a shill for Kassis, but the interview seemed almost contentious.

  22. I listened to it, too. He was evasive but did try to create tge impression that he is a hardliner. He has reached out to the RATS, allowed them to circulate for him and appeared on their radio show. He was interviewed by Amanda currently being sued for defamation by the LC District Attorney. He appeared as the guest of someone, who a few days prior, had Larry Pratt. That guy has been tied to racism and antiSemitism. This was an exercise of poor judgment from someone who wants to be a judge.

  23. Here we go again! You insist on criticizing everything Abe Kassis does because "your" candidate is so scared of Kassis' strong support base that you, once again, are acting as Sam Murray's puppet and bad-mouthing the best candidate in the race. I cannot understand why you constantly attempt to transfer these individuals' "alleged bad deeds" onto Abe Kassis. Bottom line, Abe Kassis gets along with everyone! Are you seriously arguing that a candidate in an election should not appear on a radio show because the host has had controversial people on the show in the past? That is truly ridiculous. Your motives are so clear. Honestly, your blogs are so biased that I think you are actually helping Kassis' campaign because you keep bashing someone who doesn't deserve it and your reasons for doing so are not only ignorant but clearly for the sole purpose of trying to get votes for your buddy Sam.You're just jealous because Sam Murray's true colors are coming out and he's slowly alienating his fellow democrats because of his rude demeanor and inability to relate to voters. Maybe Sam should take a page out of Kassis' book and try getting along with EVERYONE, a good quality for a judge to have.....

  24. I am seriously arguing that anyone who wishes to be taken seriously does himself no favors by appearing with on right wingnut or left wingnut talk radio with a host so inflammatory that he is being sued by the LC DA. People need to know this.

  25. "...talk radio with a host so inflammatory that he is being sued by the LC DA."

    There's an awful lot missing from that statement:

    1) It's a personal suit by the person holding the office, not an official action by the DA.

    2) The LC DA hasn't had much success in any of the high profile "vendetta lawsuits" he's brought in recent years.

    3) Anyone can FILE a lawsuit. Why not let the case be heard before declaring anyone guilty?

  26. There's nothing missing. Walsh is being sued by the LC District Attorney. Despite your false claim of vendetta lawsuits, he is running unopposed. Finally, someone like Jim Martin does not file a suit like this, using the best defamation firm in the state, unless convinced he can win. And I hopw you lose the case, Blog Mentor, and that they find some way to sue both you and your wife. That way you'll lose your home. I understand some of the others you defamed are making appointments with Sprague. I hope so.

  27. "People need to know this."

    Now that is funny. There is a lot people need to know about your topics. You ensure they only know the parts you want them to know. You are quick to get rid of the parts that do not fit your agenda.

    You are a hoot! Your moral compass is a long time busted.

  28. I'd say that a person who uses the privilege of anonymity to launch vicious personal attacks is the one whose moral compass is broken.

  29. Why not tell people how your hero Ron Angle worked with good old Gunther at WAEB at one time. I guess it was different then.

  30. Last time I checked, this is an election for all people, not just those you approve of. How much is sam paying you?

  31. Go Take your "CRAZY" pills again Mezzaluny. You can join Alice at her TEA PARTY!

  32. What is poor judgment? He appeared on a radio show that had pro 2A people? That shows poor judgment? Lets see, if the O'Reilly factor offered him an interview, that would be poor judgment? Its a far right show....

    what is showing poor judgment is O'Hare, with a multiplicity of cases before the court, publicly bootlicking one candidate, and bashing another one. My advice to you, since you will be spending the rest of the year in the courtrooms, is to not mention the judge race at all.

    But that is what sane people would do. Oopsie!

  33. Anonymous troll, it was a mistake for Kassis, who is supposed to be a Dem, to appear on a radio show hosted by a right wing nut who is currently being sued by the LC DA for defamation, and try to pretend he's one of them. Or maybe he's pretending with Dems. Or maybe he's pretending with everyone.

    As for where I'll be, I'll be exactly where I need to be to exact every penny owed to me as a result of defamation. And a person who is hiding my car will be in jail soon.

  34. "Last time I checked, this is an election for all people, not just those you approve of. How much is sam paying you?"

    This is aan election for all the people and i am telling ALL the people that Abe Kassis is disingenuously pretending to be all things to all people. If he was proud of his appearance on Gunther, it would be on his Facebook page. It's not because he knows the Dem backlash would be strong.

    I hope he loses the support he has among some members of the Labor Council, who should think two or three times before putting this guy on the bench.

    As for people like you, who make false accusations, you are now doing it anonymously

  35. "Why not tell people how your hero Ron Angle worked with good old Gunther at WAEB at one time. I guess it was different then."

    Actually, it was different then. Though Gunther was just as ethically challenged then as he is now, he used to have people on his show who would disagree with him, and would take calls from anyone. He was always right wing, but morphed into an extreme right wing who thinks nothing of hosting guys who speak to white supremacist groups or bitter losers who have vendettas against DAs or CYF. He has had losers like Ron Shegda, who called our human services in Northampton County corrupt, and Heidi Markow, who has gone after judges and DAs for not sending people to jail with no evidence.

  36. I thought judicial elections were non-partisan? tehrefore, what does it matter if he appeals to the right, or to the left? or...to both? Isnt this what Slevtold did?

    Your boy Murray selected a bad apple to do his dirty work.

  37. Jennifer Sletvokd campaigned hard, to the annoyance of the RATs. But she never appeared on BGW's show, and that was BEFORE Gunther started a campaign of defamation. As hungry for votes as she was, there were some lines she refused to cross. Abe Kassis did, and should lose his support from unions as a result.

    As for being a bad apple, I do not make anonymous personal attacks like you do, and my readers see through assholed like you.

  38. After the way you treated unions during the dump Gracedale campaign. The way you allowed thus encouraged vile comments about union officials and members, you are the last person they will listen to. In fact you jeopardize Sam's chances by your actions.

  39. Bernie UNIONS built this country,no question about that. Just HIRE correctly and set standards and make the work force adhere. Union bodies make aircraft .The Commercial Aircraft industry is the largest EXPORT of American talent to the world market .Although I think the NEA teachers in many parts of this country are overpaid for WHAT THEY PRODUCE in results like Easton Schools ,Unions provide a balance on what employers do with profits as the result of their talent. In Easton Schools the Union has had a history of promoting the incompetent.Not all but I will you if this is debated.That/s right I said that !

  40. sorry; i MEAN,i WILL debate you if this is debated . Just sign your name and i will be more than happy to take your ASS on.

  41. Bernie, you have known Abe for many years. Do you believe in your heart he is disingenuous? Or is that just your wallet speaking?

  42. If you want to make an accusation like that, don't bother asking the question. You are just posting here to defame me and make the false accusation that I get paid. I usually get accused of doing what others don't like about themselves. I have never been paid a dime to support or oppose anyone. I reach my decisions based on what my conscience tells me is right, and sleep well on weekends while haters like you are slinging your bile. But to answer your question, Abe is being disingenuous. If he was really proud of soliciting tea party support, he would have told Dems he just came from there when he arrived late at one of their meetings. If he was proud of his appearance on wing nut radio, he would have mentioned it on his Facebook page. Hope he had a good excise for the LV Labor Council at their dinner this evening.

  43. The NCRC is investigating this issue. Discipline of committee members actively supporting Democrats will not be tolerated and sanctioning is on the table.

  44. No worse an accusation that you make against Abe. He is running for judge which shouldn't even have political affiliations to begin with but don't get me started on that. Is Sam only going to represent Democrats on the bench? Is he going to rule in favor against the liberal nut jobs that litter the Democratic party? Is he gonna do favors for Abe Atiyeh since Abe has plastered his face on Atiyehs billboard? All fair questions thst you won't ask of Sam but you have zero problem in ripping Mr. Kassis for introducing himself to everyone in the county that he will be representing. And instead, you report on how Sam honored himself at a spaghetti dinner. You know nothing about these men.

  45. That should be for, not against.

  46. 4:58, Why don't you tell everyone who you really are, and that you don't live in this county? There are some groups and some people from whom you do not accept support. If you are running for any office, you would not accept support from the sovereign citizen movement of posse comitatus or ISIS. If you are running for judge, and have to decide issues concerning innocent children who were sent to this country through no fault of their own, you don't accept support from assholes who demonstrated outside their building wearing surgical masks and acting as though they have leprosy. You don;t accept support from people who want to ban books or who are themselves so bitter that they host guests who call county human services corrupt. You just don't. And you don't appear on a program hosted by shock jock who is currently being sued by the Lehigh County DA for defamation.

  47. Now O'Hare is compari8ng Republicans not in the Angle/Snover wing of the party to ISIS.

    Were you born an ass or did you have to work at it?

  48. I am pointing out the flaws in your argument. Nobody who wants to be a judge should be courting those people. It is poor judgment on Kassis' part and evidence that he lacks the right temperament.


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