Local Government TV

Monday, March 09, 2015

Why Bill Blake Should Not Be a Mini-Judge

Last week, I told you that Assistant DA Bill Blake is pondering a run for the Magisterial District judgeship being vacated by Judge Barner in Bethlehem Township. Starting next year, that district will only hear cases arising in Bethlehem Township. Assistant DA Pat Brocious and Bryan Altieri have also announced. There are likely some other candidates out there. Bill Blake is an excellent lawyer, and more importantly, an excellent person. He'd not only make a great Magistrate, but a great judge. But he should not run. let me explain why.

Bill Blake's brother, Richard, is a distinguished Sergeant on Bethlehem Township's police force. Last year's recipient of the Nathan Ogden award, he is arguably the top cop in Northampton County. He has been involved in numerous drug arrests and is also a patrol supervisor.

If elected, Bill Blake will be unable to hear any case that is brought by Sergeant Blake or anyone working under him. This familial relationship is exactly what disqualified Bob Sletvold, another great lawyer, from being considered for the position of Chief Public Defender. That's going to eliminate a huge chunk of his caseload.

There's another problem. Bill's wife Kristen is also an Assistant DA. If he's elected, he will be unable to hear any matter in which she is the prosecuting attorney because it's an obvious conflict. But since she's conflicted, so is the entire staff. So Bill will be unable to hear any matter involving the DA's office. The same reasoning that applied in the case of Judge Sletvold would pertain here.

That pretty much takes care of 75% of the caseload.


  1. It is troubling that this type of thing happens more and more. I don't know if its hubris or vanity, somehow it appears there are so many connections with these governmental positions and offices.

    One could cite public service but this is just all too common. If you scratch the surface you find it everywhere. We have elected officials with siblings, spouses and children in related governmental positions of one sort or another.

    We could say, if tyhey are qualified why not but there is more to it than that. Are we allowing a privileged caste society, where members of a family are in these positions which really means if you are not connected you are not part of the caste.
    Whether intentionally or by accident that is something we need to consider.

    The old adage of, "its who you know not what you know," may not be totally true. However, it is becoming more and more apparent that who you know, or are related to makes all the difference in government.

  2. Bill Blake is one of nicest guys you would want to meet or have as a friend. AGAIN......I would never never never vote for an attorney or a cop for magistrate. You are right on target Bernie. They are too well connected. Cops are the biggest "mutual admiration society" there is. They stick together like glue. Lawyers are very opinionated when it comes to what the law is and many times exercise their beliefs and values over the people before them. The role of "magistrate" should be for the common man. The Common man should be part of a system that our legislators and judges have continually tried to deny him. Years ago you didn't have to be a lawyer to be a judge. You had to be fair and honest. Bill Blake is a nice guy and a good lawyer but he doesn't get my vote for the position of magistrate. Give me the common man to listen to my tales of woe. He better understands them.

  3. Isn't it true one must KNOW THE LAW in order to uphold it? The subject of Law is not a 300 page booklet that you can read over a weekend and become an expert! Who better to serve in this position than a lawyer or policeman with years of experience! I'm not saying Bill Blake is the man for the job - but give this man a break! Many political figures have family " in the business" and it makes no difference.

  4. The problem is that fewer people are willing to seek a job involving public service.

  5. "ive this man a break! Many political figures have family " in the business" and it makes no difference."

    Actually, it does. Had Bob Sletvold been named Chief PD, Judge Sletvold would have been unable to hear any criminal cases involving the PD's office. Here, Judge Blake would be unable to hear any cases in which his brother is arresting or supervising, and would be unable to hear any case involving the DA's office. He unfortunately has a conflict.

  6. " Give me the common man to listen to my tales of woe. He better understands them"

    There should be no hard and fast rule. I agree nonlawyers tend to have more common sense, but I don't agree that no lawyer or cop is qualified.

  7. I dont really see why it would effect the officers he supervises. Look at Barner. He heard cases from all of his subordinate officers

  8. When he first ran, there was no familial relationship of which I am aware.. Plus his jurisdiction extended onto Lower Naz and Freemansburg. In Bill's case, there are two familial relationships - his brother and his wife. He basically won!t be able to do the job he was elected to do. I don't like saying this bc I have high regard for Bill, his brother and wife.

  9. I like that you "show all work" in your opinion posts. Sometimes I view your work and conclude you're so angry with a subject that your view is too clouded. This is not one of those times. This a sound and fair analysis of an otherwise good guy. Thank you for providing a valuable service to this voter.

  10. Great analysis Bernie. You would hope Bill Blake himself would agree with your argument.

  11. Okay Bernie,
    did you think to ask Bill if his wife would consider resigning her position? If she would, would you then reconsider your position?
    And....what does a brother who is a cop have to do with anything? What financial gains are in it for Bill? You are jumping to conclusions. Assuming Bill would do something illegal because his brother is a cop. Bill is above that nonsense.

  12. The way I see it, this is exactly want the justice system needs a WIN WIN when theses assholes get arrested...NO MORE deal making GUILTY! Hur..ray for the good guys!!!!

    BOB 1056

  13. 2:39, if Bill's wife resigned,that would eliminate the conflict with the DA's office. The conflict regarding his brother would remain. That exists because they are brothers, not bc of the potential for financial gain.

  14. I've worked with both on different matters. Both are excellent people, but I never knew they were related.


  15. They are both excellent people, and I rally don't like making the observation I did.

  16. Ok.. what if Bills brother took a reduction in rank and is no longer a Supervisor? That would solve the problem except for any arrest or citation his brother would make, and then, a conflict Judge would be used. Your opinion please on this hypothetical.

  17. I'm supporting Pat but this article strikes me as a rather low blow to Bill. It does raise good questions but false comparisons are being made.

    Mrs. Blake as an ASSISTANT DA is not akin to Mr. Sletvold as CHEIF PD. So far as I know It would not conflict the whole office in the way that it would if Mrs. Blake was in a chief/supervisory role as Bob would have been.

    Regarding the Brother Blake, it certainly would be a conflict to hear his cases but would not bar all criminal cases.

    Both Mrs. Blake and Brother Blake would easily find employment elsewhere anyways. Perhaps this has even already been considered.

    I do however, whole heartedly support an article on the reasons we should not vote for the 3rd ADA supposedly running.

  18. With regard to the false comparisons claim, you are incorrect. In the case of Bob Sletvold, Judge Sletvold would be unable to hear any case involving him or any member of his staff. It is true that Kristen is an assistant, not the DA. Since there is a conflict with respect to her, there is a conflict with respect to anyone on the DA's staff. If one attorney in a firm is conflicted, they all are.

    Let me state again that I admire Bill Blake, consider him an excellent lawyer and his brother is an excellent cop.

    If his wife resigns, that removes that problem. If the brother then voluntarily steps down as Supervisor, I'd agree there would be no real conflict.

  19. 9:10 comment has to be Altieri and another shameless plug for himself!

  20. Bill Blake, No way and because of his Sergeant Brother in the township who could not even pass the Sergents test so he was appointed to the job.... If thats not enough LOOK FURTHER....Start with the TOP GUN CHIEF....The WORST ever and likes to play favors NO MORE BLAKES...And maybe NO MORE CHIEF.... Come on Bernie, DIG alittle you'll find alot...


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