Local Government TV

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Senator Scavello Visits Upper Mount Bethel Tp

Senator Scavello addresses U. Mt Bethel Supervisors
Here in the Lehigh Valley, it's rare to see a state representative or state senator in what Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski has derisively referred to as the boonies. Unless an election is around the corner, they are largely out of sight and out of touch in our more rural communities. So it was both refreshing and something of a surprise to see State Senator Mario Scavello at last night's meeting of Upper Mount Bethel Township's Board of Supervisors.

"It's a lot more crowded here than it was in Bangor," joked Scavello about the crowd "There were only two people in Bangor," joked
Scavello, who brought his Chief of Staff with him, stated he would like to personally visit each of the municipalities he represents at least twice a year.

Asking what he could do for them actually took Supervisors by surprise. They're not usually offered help by state legislators.

"We need more jobs, I know that," Scavello stated.

Finally, Township Manager Bob Cartwright asked Scavello about Governor Wolf's proposed budget. Scaello stated that it would result in a 30% property tax reduction in this area. "But he's holding it a year," Senator Scavello complained, noting that Governor Wold does not plan to distribute any of the property tax relief for another year.

"I'll support it if it helps us. If it doesn't, I'll support [SB]76," he stated, referring to a tax shifting bill that has been under consideration in Harrisburg for several years.

After Scavello was gone, Supervisors thought of several things they could ask for help with, including grant money for an emergency generator. Next time, I think they'll be ready.


  1. We need lower gasoline tax Scavello --- PA gas tax is the highest in the nation!!

  2. He's just another lousy, lying tax raiser. Not a word from his mouth is to be believed.

  3. It's easy to see why he's very well liked in Monroe County. I give him where credit is due, he makes sure he is out and about every chance he can get, plus he runs a weekly TV outreach on BRC Cable 13. He defines the term "Community Servant"

  4. Going to Republican strongholds to sing to the choir. Good way to them get press and people to say you are "working". It sounds like he just gave prepared talking points.

  5. Mario is a tax-raising scoundrel. I'm surprised he could find UMBT. perhaps that's why he satrted his address with, "It's great to be over here in New Jersey ..."

  6. "What do you want, what do you need?" I'm the candy man.

    Is this the new conservative Republican mantra?

  7. You completely missed the point. Too many of our state legislators from both sides of the aisle have no idea or understanding of the concerns and issues faced by local municipalities. If you want to see them head for the hills, ask any one of them to take a stand on anything. In this climate, Scavello is a breath of fresh air.

  8. How soon we forget Rich Grucela. Scavello should thank his lucky stars Grucela chose not to run against him.

  9. Scavello have over 400k in his warchest going into the primary. Even Jesus himself would have lost that race.

  10. Joe Emrick hasn't shown up for a Bangor council meeting..ever! Scavello won..he's our PA Senator and I give credit where it is due. Never saw Boscola either by the way.


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