Local Government TV

Thursday, March 05, 2015

Voter Fraud Does Exist

To those who say voter ID laws are completely unnecessary and that there's no such thing as voter fraud, it would seem that it does exist after all. According to The Express Times, NorCo detectives have charged an elderly man with doing just that in two different states in the 2012 election.


  1. That I do not know, but suspect he is a D. I will find out this afternoon.

  2. Oh, so R's don't lie, cheat or steal?

  3. How would voter ID prevent someone from registering in another state?

  4. You are correct. I just confirmed that with the elections office.

  5. Voter ID would not have caught this. He was using absentee ballots.

  6. But our voter registration office caught it. Cud is to them and the entire staff

  7. Wow, I must have missed the trial and sentencing. Voter ID would not have prevented this.

  8. "Voter ID would not have caught this. He was using absentee ballots"

    Piker. We Dems do it right!

  9. This one guy [proves the point. We need massive laws to prevent this. Uniformed officers at every poll saying,

    "Pares, PAPERS!"

  10. A handful of cases does not a vast conspiracy make. It isn't surprising there is a case here or there. This guy was caught without a new law, right?

    You know darned well the only reason R's want voter ID is to knock a bunch of valid living voters out, even though their signature is good enough to identify them to the election officials

  11. Ridiculous to consider this rampant practice.

  12. The thing is, Voter Fraud, if convicted has stronger penalties than some rape cases. That's why you don't see it happening as often as you would think. Fun fact: A cursory google search at who is caught and convicted of voter fraud are poll workers.

  13. Voting fraud takes place at every polling place in America. This is why the Democratic Party and Obama are fighting photo Voting laws.

  14. OK 10:07, put down the remote and step away from the Hannity.


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