Local Government TV

Thursday, March 05, 2015

Brown and Cusick Overheard at Recent GOP Event

This story comes from a die-hard Republican. At a recent event (fundraiser?) attended by both NorCo Council candidate John Cuisck and Exec John Brown, they were both bashing Cusick's opponent, Mickey Thompson. This person is a Mickey Mouseketeer. Thompson was derided as an Abe Atiyeh puppet being installed to protect Abe's interest in the West Easton Treatment Center, which the County is leasing from him

"How can this not be a conflict?" one of them repeatedly asked.

It is. That's why Mickey would recuse himself from any discussion concerning any matter in which Abe Atiyeh is involved.

This is vastly different from Cusick, who got involved in several education issues despite his occupation as a teacher; or Brown, a former consultant who has yet to meet one he does not want to hire.

It's unfortunate that Cusick would do this because I consider him very independent-minded.

Brown apparently regards Mickey with some disdain. That makes Mickey look all that much better to me.


  1. Everyone knows your stoolie Ron Angle hates Cusick. Too bad Angle is always spreading crap in one form or another.

  2. Hate to disappoint you, but Ron does not even know about this. The world is much bigger than sickos like you think.

  3. If these idiots want to trash Mickey, they should do so outside the earshot of one of his supporters.

  4. If it wouldn`t be for Abe the prison count would be 1300 and the county would be paying to imprison elsewhere.

  5. anon 2:37, that is one nutty comment. You must be high.

  6. I'm voting for Mr Thompson. Cusick didn't pay off swaption until forced by the newly elected Dems and cost us 40 million of our reserves

  7. Cusick is a Brown=noser! Thompson should pounce on their association and win easily.

  8. met Mickey.

    I don't like Abe.

    I liked Mickey. Smart dude.

  9. I like Cusick. Don't know Mickey yet. So my vote is up in the air.

    But with support from Brownhead, Cusick loses my support and my vote goes to Thompson.

    Pick better friends Johnny

  10. Mickey is absolutely a puppet for Abe, and I wish more people knew about it.

  11. Even a broken clock is correct twice per day. They're right about Mickey (nice guy; Abe stooge). Their form was certainly poor, however.

  12. On multiple fronts, this somehow brings to mind the expression, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend". What do they do if they are all enemies? Well, will make it interesting. At the end of the day, hopefully whoever is elected will try to keep his eye on governing, and not personal/partisan vendetta politics, or "agendas".

    Any verifiable D in the race?

  13. Yes, a woman from Lower Saucon is running. I am getting information about her and will post it.

  14. Mickey is absolutely a puppet for Abe,

    I fell for that bullshit when he ran for Comm'r. I'm done falling for what he really is bullshit. Aside from the treatment center, Abe has no involvement in the county, and Thompson can recuse himself from that. Problem solved.

  15. Call me cynical but I would be more worried a potential Mickey conflict of interest involving what Abe has in his future plans rather than a conflict with what he already has going on. It could be as simple as Abe proposing a billboard on county-owned land 2 years from now or something like that. We all know that Abe is successful because he is a "schemer" and I think this is part of it.

  16. Pipeine, You're entitled to your opinion, but I'm calling bullshit. That was the argument made four years ago, when Zawarski and Barnard were elected in BT. I saw absolutely no evidence of any Atiyeh attempt to interfere in government. That argument was made again when Mickey ran in BT and again, there was no involvement other than a contribution.

    In the County, Atiyeh owns the treatment center, so Mickey wik be unable to vote or deliberate on any matter involving that. If Atiyeh has other business interests that include the County, Mickey will be out again.

    In fact, if you distrust Abe, Mickey is the perfect guy to have bc he would have no vote.

    As I indicated earlier, others have conflicts, too, even though they are not conflicts as a matter of law.

    I do not dispute that Cusick is very well informed on county matters. But he should not be trashing his R opponent with the R exec at an event attended by Mickey's supporters. That's poor form.

  17. The only reason O'Hare is shitting on Cusick is because Ron Angle hates Cusick. Angle threatened to run negative ads on Cusick if he had tried to run for re-election.

    The Abe-Thompson thing is BS. If that were the case Stofa should have resigned, as every decision he made was to enrich Abe.

    Stop the Bullshit. Stop being an
    Angle puppet and destroying good people. Your game is crystal clear.

  18. You tried to make this point before and I refuted you. Angle knows nothing of this, and I was always pretty fair to Cusick and pointed out numerous things he did that were good for the county. Now you are just repeating the same lie, which is a product of your own hatred. I will be deleting you from this point.

  19. Actually... Cusick had his ride on the merry go round and was mediocre ordinary at best. I also recall that he is a teacher and has very little experience doing anything for pay beyond teaching kids. Mickey has a breadth of experience mostly being paid to work with day in and day out adults. I am throwing my Republican support behind Mickey in this primary!!!

  20. Anon 3:32 -First of all his name is Stoffa. Second, if you think John Stoffa was in Atiyehs back pocket you are full of shit.


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