Local Government TV

Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Northampton County: Who's Running So Far?

Trevor Gehret
After March 10, it will be too late to file a nomination petition for one of the many local offices up for grabs this year.  Nobody has filed yet in the "big races", i.e. Northampton County, Bethlehem and Easton. But the petitions are starting to trickle in from the Townships and Boroughs. Here's a rundown.

Nazareth. - Incumbent Mike Kopach, a Democrat. has filed nomination petitions for two-year and four-year seats in the first ward. Dan Chiavaroli, another Democrat, has done the same thing in the third ward. His statement of financial interests does list Nazareth Ambulance as a source of income, so he has been voting on matters in which he is financially interested, in violation of the conflict of interest provisions of the state Ethics Act.

Lance Colondo has filed for a two-year seat in the third ward.

Fortunately, the events of last Summer have inspired a new candidate to join the fray. Sticker Gang member Trevor Gehret, a Republican, is running in the first ward. He just picked up his nomination papers.

Hanover. - In sad news for anyone interested in good government, Glenn Walbert is hanging up his Supervisor position. This very thoughtful man told me last week that it was time for him to step down. I hope to do a profile on Glenn in the near future. Michael Prendeville, an information consultant from Dun and Bradstreet, has already filed his paperwork. He is a Republican.

Upper Mount Bethel - Dennis Jones, known best for his nasty comments on Facebook, has filed as a Republican. He lists as his source of income "rental income" without stating where those rentals are.

Plainfield. - I already told you that John Bryant, a Republican, has filed. So has Joyce Lambert, a democrat. She's the Township's Executive Secretary, but will reportedly be retiring soon.

Lower Nazareth:- James Pennington, an accountant, has filed the paperwork for re-election. An accountant and a Republican, he is also Lower Nazareth's Chair and serves on the gaming Board and Colonial Regional Police Commission.

Lower Saucon - Donna Louder, a mammographer at LV Health Network, has filed her papers. She is a Republican.

Moore Tp - Maynard S. Campbell, Jr., a Democrat, is running.

Washington Tp - David Hess, and Brian Rasely, both Republicans, are running.

Williams - Mark Ernst, a real estate and climate solution salesman, is running. He is a Republican.

Bangor - Barry Schweitzer has filed the paperwork to run as a Democrat.

Freemansburg. Incumbent Council members Jim Smith, Justin Lanar and Homer Lorah have all filed their nomination petitions. They are Democrats.  

Hellertown - Democrat Earl Hill has filed for a two-year and a four-year seat.

N Catasauqua - Republican William R. Duch has filed his nomination petition.

Pen Argyl - Democrats Robert O'Donnell and David DePalma have filed.

Roseto - Kenneth Tilman,a Republican, and Carl Renna, a Democrat, are running.

Walnutport - Democrat Michael Gaston has come down from the mountain to file his papers.

Wilson - Democrats Russell Lepari, Tony Verenna and Tom a Lilly-Kemmerer, have submitted their paperwork.  


  1. Hopefully the election office make sure the check isn't stolen when the sticker goons file. That would be a poor start to a doomed campaign. Vote for me, I break the law and litter public property.

  2. Wilson-- Do you mean the current councilwoman Joan Lilly-Kemmerer? Tom is her husband, or is he running too?

  3. Wow Trevors beard(?) looks great, do people give you two a hard time when you go out on dates?

  4. eConvenient how you leave out the most important race in the Valley, the dethroning of Kommander Kelly Gross and anointment of a modern age Joan of Ark

  5. What address does Homer "Bud" Lorrah lists on his filing papers? I'm curious, since he lives in Easton. I'm guessing he uses his business address, which is actually located in Freemansburg.

  6. Mr. Lorrah filed his petition well before he was required, so if you wish to challenge his residency, now is the time to do so. An anonymous comment here does not count.

  7. "Wilson-- Do you mean the current councilwoman Joan Lilly-Kemmerer? Tom is her husband, or is he running too?"

    My handwriting is so bad that I don't know and will check again to see is I have it right.

  8. "Convenient how you leave out the most important race in the Valley, the dethroning of Kommander Kelly Gross and anointment of a modern age Joan of Ark"

    Had those papers been filed, I would have mentioned that race. This story only details what petitions have been filed, with the exception of Trevor Gehret. You apparently don't know hw to read, just how to defame.

  9. "Wow Trevors beard(?) looks great, do people give you two a hard time when you go out on dates?"


  10. A little investigative journalism won't hurt anyone, even a fat ass like you, Bernie. I've given you a tidbit to run with. It's up to you whether or not to capitalize on it. I'm a protected source, so I only post anonymously. Lorrah is not a resident of Freemansburg. Do what you want with it, cupcake.

  11. The fact that you are anonymous does not give you protection. You have that only if you and i have an understanding. before i invest time in something that often turns out to be a wild goose chase, I like to know what motivates my source. I think you have given yourself and your animus away.

  12. Can't say enough good things about Joan Lilly. I've known her for over 20 years. She loves her community.

  13. @8:32 AM Did you mean "Joan of Arc"? That's a laugh. A criminal does not a heroine make.

  14. W.E is small, the votes are there. No amount of blog bile can change peoples minds.


  15. You took the pipe in 2013:
    Elected Daniel DePaul 92 23%
    Elected Louis Niko 83 21%
    Elected Thomas Nodoline 92 23%
    Elected Timothy L. Jones 80 20%
    Kicked to the curb Tricia Mezzacappa 48 12%

    Make sure to include your full background in your election handout - full disclosure is important so voters know what they are getting.

    I can see the headline now: "Mezzacappa runs for council despite criminal charge and record of harassment and defamation." LOL

  16. The smart money is on Gregory, running from his 6 x 9 prison cell for Bethlehem water treatment system inspector.

  17. Two people that do not live in the jurisdiction they are running for. Mezzacappa does not live in West Easton anymore. And Kassis lives in P'burg. Doesn't even live in the County.

  18. "Mezzacappa does not live in West Easton anymore."
    Where does she live now? An institution?

  19. Hey Bernie, you should tell your little sticker goon candidate that the soul patch he is sporting looks more like a shitstain on his chin.

    He has enough things going against him in his wannabe political career.

    Better have Jim Gregory advise him.

  20. So much violence on your blog bernie. People condoning beating up women, bashing people they don't even know or have met and you have a psycho lady who is jealous cause she pissed off the wrong person. Sounds like a great episode of Jerry Springer here. May have to read your blog more often now.

  21. Update:

    Matt Dees has entered the fray in W.E where he is predicted to run on a slate along with the Ridge St. Stunner, and Dandy DePaul

  22. Tricia Mezzacappa has in the past engaged in online impersonations of Matt Dees, feigning support for her. It reached a point where Dees had to file charges. I see she has learned nothing. Anyone who reads the Dees' informative blog about West Easton knows that he has no regard for her whatever. She currently is facing criminal charges of defrauding a secured creditor for hiding an asset after it as levied upon and then purchased at a Sheriff's Sale. She is on the path to prison, not public office.

  23. Matteo will be exposed for the misdeeds committed against our fair damsel of the 9-12 party, fear not conservative W.Easton residents the mil rate will fall!

  24. The WE Damsel, who is actually a worn out old maid, will have to defend the fact she has criminal charges against her. Oh yeah, and how she wanted to see the sitting WE Council president drowned and Bernie with a hollow point bullet through his head. Then there are the disorderly conduct and harassment convictions.

    Matt Dees has announced on his blog he is running. He'll defeat her with his hands tied behind her back - which she'd probably like to see as well. She seems to be into violence, so it's great that she was denied a LTCF, as reported in the press. Google search will bury her. Read em and weep.

  25. Hey Bernie, you should tell your little sticker goon candidate that the soul patch he is sporting looks more like a shitstain on his chin.

    He has enough things going against him in his wannabe political career.

    That puts him in good company with the common scold wannabe of WE. Her record is longer than his.

  26. Mezzacappa believes so much in transparency that she shut her WEFP "here are the numerous ways I am a narcissist" page down to the public, AND also shut down her "Mezzacappa in 2015 for West Easton Council" FB page down.

    What does this tell you? What political candidate hides all traces of herself from the public she hopes will elect her? It isn't as of someone was posting comments she didn't like on those pages - there was not a single comment, because she doesn't allow them.

    Her campaign is getting off to a slow start.

  27. My hope is that she decided against running.

  28. When will you leave that poor young woman alone. Enough is enough.

  29. That woman, who is certainly no lady, is far from young. She or the Blog Mentor or Henry Schaadt attempt to hijack this blog, and then want to be left alone when things don't go their way.

  30. Maybe she was and is mentally incompetent. Is it possible she never really understood the what was happening. Has a court ever considered if she was competent to be held responsible for her actions.
    It would not be right for her to have her possessions seized if she is not competent enough to be aware of what is going on.

    Just a thought.

  31. @1:15PM You are way off base. She is competent, but she is obsessed. So obsessed she is delusional. She knows what she is doing, and doesn't care about the consequences.

    Ask yourself this - could she read the warning "THIS VEHICLE IS NOT TO BE MOVED" on the bright orange sticker they slapped on it? Was she competent when she libeled Bernie?

    Suggesting her possessions should not be taken to pay her debts because she didn't know the consequences of her actions is ridiculous. She as much as stated here that she had full knowledge of her debt and didn't expect anyone to come to make her pay up. SHE WAS WRONG. She has taunted Bernie several times here, because he hasn't been able to collect the bill she owes him. She's even stated she CAN PAY THE BILL.

    Get a clue.

  32. Mezzacrazy is running in West Easton. The person above who said she no longer lives in WE should check their information.


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