Local Government TV

Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Dent With Netanyahu: Never Again!

This is LV Congressman Charlie Dent's reaction to the historic address to Congress that was delivered by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu today:

“Prime Minister Netanyahu laid out a compelling case during his speech for extreme caution on the part of United States in reaching any agreement that would lead to Iran gaining the ability to produce nuclear weapons. Israel is one of our greatest and truest allies and it’s people rightly view a nuclear-capable Iran as an existential threat to their existence. It was important for the Congress to hear that message directly from Israel’s leader. On a personal note, it was a truly inspiring moment to be in the chamber and to hear Prime Minister Netanyahu forcefully proclaim ‘Never again’ regarding Israel’s determination to avoid the tragedy of another Holocaust. I’m proud to stand with our Israeli ally.”


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. if you can't make your point civilly stay off this blog.

  3. More typical knee-jerking. Does Charlie get coins tossed in his war chest from AIPAC???

  4. I've already expressed my views on the middle east foreign policy before, so won't again.... only thing new I'd add, is that it is a secret hope of mine that Bibi/Israel and Obama/Congress are actually playing "good cop/bad cop" with Iran to add pressure to the negotiations.... too cynical to believe it could be the case, but would be nice if true.

  5. Unfortunately, unless they're very good. There are too many details about the rift between Obama and Netanyahu, including an American threat to shoot down Israeli bombers.

  6. Not stuckinEaston anymoreMarch 3, 2015 at 6:20 PM

    All comments should now be blocked from this blog. If you did Not hear this impassioned and truly heartfull speech from this true human being representing the last honest politician in this disintergrating planet, soon to be torn apart by nuclear armegeddon, then NORCO politicians and the Express Times will be last on your mind. Survival is Job One.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Charley did a nice job of reading his GOP press release. Nutyahoo is in a tight political race back in Israel where he is not as popular as he is with the GOP.

    If this were not such an overt act of political grandstanding by the Republicans it would possibly have been taken seriously.

    The USA has a big picture to view for "our" security. Israel has never been abandoned and never will. We continue to support them militarily and financially. Those words are for alarmists to use on the dummies. Nutty's feelings are appropriate for his country. If the GOP loves his views and wants his policies , I suggest they leave America and move to Israel.
    Love it or leave it, isn't that one of the bagger slogans?

    By the way Bernie, I will believe the us shoots down Israeli bombers when it happens. What we do know as a fact is that Israel did blow an American warship out of the water.

  9. It's not our war!

  10. Sir, I do remember the Israeli attack on the U.S.S. Liberty. I was an 18 year old lad waiting to board a bus at Camp Lejune to be transported to Cherry Point to be flown to Israel to defend Her from annihilation. Netanyahu explained to the American people what dangers the World faces from Iran.Our President keeps jive talking nonsense that Iran will not produce 'The Bomb'.It was refreshing to hear a non-political lecture on the state of world affairs

  11. How sad when the Prime Minster of Israel enters the Congressional Chamber and is announced as if he were the POTUS. Where was Obama... watching TV. Unbelievable. Bibi sounded more Presidential than Obama ever could. Bibi is a Philly boy and would be an excellent POTUS! Obama has surrounded himself with sorority girl spokespersons and has candidly lost the initiative. Hoping Congress keeps him in check for the remainder of his term until an adult can be elected to lead this country.

  12. How sad when the Prime Minster of Israel enters the Congressional Chamber and is announced as if he were the POTUS.

    The Republicans orchestrated it that way, and you slopped it up. We knew days ahead of time there would be a standing ovation, pomp and circumstance. No surprise.

    It was a great big stunt, perpetrated to embarrass Obama, ignite a last minute push for Netanyahu in his election, and promote the Republicans. Back to our regularly scheduled program, like funding DHS, which was done later in the day.

    You saw POTUS - I saw a show.

  13. The GOP has become the shamefully pandering party. Amazing. Oh and anon 7:31, whatever your pointless point of view is, that was a very political speech for Nuttyahoo's election. In some ways he played the Republicans which is more funny than ironic.

    Also you point about the President "jive taking" is very revealing. Sigmund Freud would have a field day with you latent racists.

  14. This guy is just Isreal's version of Chalabi/Curveball.




    It's called political pandering. He sees the majority in the clown car (aka Congress) are knee-jerk reactionaries who oppose anything Obama says, just because. If Obama came out pro-life tomorrow some in congress would offer abortions in their congressional offices performed by Vladimir Putin just because.

  15. The entire American population should feel used by this politician who is worried about nothing else but getting himself re-elected. Obama is a disgrace and I not only voted for him once, but was foolish enough to vote for him the second time. Shame on me. The fact still remains the Rrepublicans have used this issue to attempt to further embarass Obama. Now with the crazy Arabs rejecting the Obama plan for furthering their goal of more Nuclear weapons, the Republicans will wind up eating crow. The Obama plan in the eyes of the Arabs sucked.

  16. Oh stop. Obama actively campaigned against Netanyahu and Clinton sent his campaign guys to take over an Israeli prime minister campaign. American presidents have always sought to influence Israeli politics.

    Let's review: Obama hates America. Netanyahu loves America.

  17. Charlie Dent voted to fund Obama's unconstitutional amnesty.

    My God, man, grow a pair.

    This whole Netanyahu thing was just a smokescreen while Boner-buried-in-the-Chamber's ass could push the amnesty through.

    Charlie is a small potatoes lackey.

    Hey Chuck, don't you ever want to be more than someone's bitch?


  18. It is funny to read how people who "voted for Obama", think he is terrible and a disappointment. I will say he does think a lot instead of just shouting so that is a deficit.

    In a couple years the teabaggers will be happy. President Trump will tell it like it should be told.

  19. Once again if one does not bow down and kiss Obama's ring You are racist.Grow up and get over it.

  20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. To all those who are just a-gaga over the wonderful, knowledgeable, smart and prescient statesman Nuttyyahoo.

    Check out his speech in early 2002, He told congress that if the US invades Iraq, we would make the middle east safer, create a stable, free Iraq and destabilize Iran in the progress. Check out the CSPAN files for 2002.

    The man is a genius, sort of if being totally wrong makes you a genius. Oh, he also said in a 1996 speech that Iran would have a nuclear weapon within a year. Yeah, your not getting played. Or who is playing whom??

    For the teabagger Republicans, that is close enough.

  22. Embarrassing episode for the US congress. The country needs so much attention and these political extremists waste time trying to play gotcha with the President.

    Yet none of these brain surgeons has an alternative. Just hating on this "jive talking" President. And we all know what that means.

    He's just not like us, right.

  23. Interesting how Netanyahu does NOT need a teleprompter, unlike other alleged leaders.

  24. What is embarrassing to the United States is all the hate for Israel being expressed here on this blog and others.

    I had no idea so many Nazis were here in Amerika.

  25. He gave an excellent speech, one of the better ones I've heard in some time. He is one tough sumbitch, and unfortunately, needs to be or Israel would be wiped off the planet.

  26. Bernie, thanks for monitoring well the comments. Some people allow their passion (or other forces) to pull them away from keeping their discourse civil.

  27. The Central ScrutinizerMarch 4, 2015 at 12:19 PM

    That display put on yesterday was a disgrace and an insult to the integrity of the office of the President. I'd never thought I'd see the day where a foreign leader was brought in by a President's opposition party to publicly humiliate him. A sad day indeed.

    I always thought foreign policy and diplomacy was executed at the executive level. This Congress is embarrassing.

  28. 1. Americans favor America over Israel in ANY and ALL scenarios. This incessant ass kissing of Israel is sickening.

    2. Saying the President is "jive talking" is fucking racist and it's total irony when that is followed by some complaints of anti-semimitism.

    3. Obama doesn't have Israel - that's absurd. But he's not going to allow Israel to dictate American foreign policy. We are not negotiating with Iran for Israel's benefit and anyone who thinks we are or should be should move to Israel.

    4. Before anyone worships Israel, take a look at their ghetto treatments of the Palestinians in Jerusalem. It's horrendous.

  29. A foreign leaders address to Congress is by no means nothing new if Obama wants to construe this is an attack on him then he is just demonstrating how thin-skinned he really is. It is one of the speeches I've ever heard my life. I'd love to hear from more foreign leaders including putin. Maybe Obama can arrange that visit.

  30. This was a political stunt and one to try and snob the nose at the potus

  31. People apparently see what they want to see...

    Alfonso Todd

  32. I know you and I don't agree on this, but...

    I’ll call this the tail that wagged the dog.

    Quotes from an Oct , 2012 Haaretz article (I use abbreviations):

    “Ten years before his ‘red line’ speech at the UN last week, PM Benjamin Netanyahu appeared before the US Congress and called for bringing down Saddam Hussein before he developed nuclear weapons.

    ‘There is no question whatsoever that Saddam is seeking and is working and is advancing towards the development of nuclear weapons—no question whatsoever,’ Netanyahu, then a private citizen, told the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform on Sept 12, 2002……

    Netanyahu stressed (2012) that if Iran is not stopped, it will be on the verge of producing a nuclear weapon by next spring, or summer at the latest (that would be 2013)...

    (His) remarks during the 2002 congressional hearing sounded very similar to his UN speech. The arguments were the same, the intonation is the same, …. (dare I inject, the same in 2015 speech to Congress this week)….

    “Today (2002 speech) the United States must destroy the same regime because a nuclear-armed regime because a nuclear-armed Saddam will…….

    Six months later after that congressional hearing, the United States invaded Iraq in March 2003 and overthrew Saddam’s regime.”

    1.) despite Netanyahu, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, et al, no WMDs—let alone proof of specific nuclear weapons program-- found, but a decade long war that resulted in a MORE destabilized middle east.

    2.) Iran is NOT Iraq. It is much larger geographically and in population. If Iraq turned out to not be quite the “cakewalk” we were told it would be, just what are responsible options for Iran are the saber-rattlers proposing??

    3.) I have always supported Israel’s right to exist and defend itself, but I support America’s right to stand up for its self-interest, and remind the tail who the dog is.

  33. http://www.politico.com/story/2015/03/nancy-pelosi-empowered-by-gop-dissension-115733.html#ixzz3TYR26Jhq

    You know ol' Clem would never say "I told you so."

    Now, the question: Was Chuck duped or was he complicit?



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