Local Government TV

Monday, March 30, 2015

Is the Moravian Book Store Being Poached by J.B. Reilly?

All of the redevelopment occurring in Allentown is the result of its Neighborhood Improvement Zone (NIZ). That's a very special 130-acre tax zone created, the only one of its kind in the state, created by a 2009 state law penned by State Senator Pat Browne, which the help of his childhood friend J.B.Reilly, Essentially, it's a TIF on steroids. Development is funded by diverting state taxes for a private business venture. Public funds will transform NIZ developer and political benefactor J.B. Reilly from millionaire into billionaire. Those who dare complain about the inherent unfairness, like former Bethlehem Mayor John Callahan, are cut off at the knees when Reilly spends obscene sums of money to fund their political foes. They are supposed to just sit there and smile as Reilly poaches Lehigh Valley businesses. His latest poaching effort might very well be one of Bethlehem's most iconic businesses.

The Moravian Book Shop, located on Main Street across from the Historic Hotel Bethlehem, may just be the oldest continuously running book shops in the world. It's owned by The Moravian Church, and its profits help fund the pensions for retired Moravian clergy.In addition to the actual book store, there's a deli, candy store and a gift shop that sells the Moravian stars that are so popular at Christmas time.

Just about everyone who shops on Main Street makes a stop at that shop.

For weeks, I have heard rumors that J.B. Reilly had poached a major business on Bethlehem's Main Street. Because I had no idea which business it was, I decided against writing about it. But an anonymous comment on my blog today reports that Reilly has lured the Moravian Book Shop into the Allentown NIZ.

I called Bethlehem DCED Director Alicia Karner, who cryptically declined to comment on the matter. I also called Attorney Rick Santee, who is President of the Book Shop's Board of Directors. If he returns my call, I'll let you know.


  1. It's the Fu-Fu shop.

  2. my guess is that the moravian church owns the bethlehem store building, and vacating it would make no sense, what-so-ever. perhaps they would open a satellite store in allentown

  3. The Moravian Church does own Tge building.

  4. Good, I hope they go under. A Moravian Book Store in Allentown makes no sense.

    But as far as the NIZ, Allentown looks great and the hockey games are pretty fun.

  5. A pretty ridiculous story to go with based on an anonymous comment. Desperate to bash the NIZ?

  6. If past history is any example, it's not ridiculous. Shula's was just poached from Upper Saucon. Agree that Moravian Bookstore doesn't make sense so I'm guessing Ardvark may be the one on the move.

  7. It's not ridiculous at all. I had heard for weeks that a Main Street business was being moved into the NIZ. The anonymous comment tells me which business. I have a call in to Rick Santee, and if the rumor is untrue, i shall say so. i suspect the rumor is accurate. This may not be newsworthy, but certainly is blogworthy.

  8. 12:07, Allentown looks the way it does bc state tax money needed for education and CHIP is being diverted to make Reilly more wealthy. Enjoy your hhockey games.

  9. Sy Traub, Chair of ANIZDA, quoted in a recent Morning Call article on Talen Energy's potential relocation to Bethlehem: "It would seem to me if they are not a new company for us, they should not be a new company for Bethlehem. That's only fair. To poach a major company right across the city line, that wouldn't make a great deal of sense."

    I could make a smartass comment here, but I think Chairman Traub's quote stands on its own.

    The Banker

  10. If the Moravian Bookshop relocates to Allentown, rather than opens a satellite in Allentown, then the Moravian Bookshop is dead. Not worth thinking about, either it stays in Bethlehem on Main Street, or...it is dead in the water. Amazon.com, anybody?

  11. Moravians in Allentown? LOL. If they move out of the Christmas City they are doomed to go under. They are already struggling with the technology age and how it affects book stores. But moving to Allentown. LOL.

  12. Didn't some Moravians found Emmaus a few hundred years ago?

  13. 1:51 is right on. If THE Moravian Book Shop moves from Main St. in Bethlehem to Allentown, both it and Bethlehem's Main Street will financially suffer. I could see however where an opportunity might exist for the operators of the Moravian Book Shop to open a second location in Allentown that would sell books and music, high end gifts, quality holiday items and Lehigh Valley oriented goods. The Moravian theme itself would not succeed as well in Allentown as in Bethlehem but a quality shop might have success there with a highly favorable lease and a few tweaks of the existing marketing strategy. A second shop in Allentown would also generate new business and would not be as offensive to me as the outright poaching of an existing Lehigh Valley retail entity.

  14. The Moravian Bookstore is the anchor for Main Street retail, if it leaves, it would be hard to replace. If true, it must have been an offer they couldn't refuse. I heard Santee was on crutches?

  15. Thousands and thousands of people love going to the hockey games. That is undoubtedly a huge success. Sorry haters.

    Having said that, downtown Allentown is a derelict infested ghost town when there is no event at the arena. People may come a little early to eat but once the event is over they rush to their cars and get out. If Moravian thinks it will see the same foot traffic that has money and will buy books, they are crazy. Maybe if they carry religious porn it may work. There are panhandlers within a block of the arena even during game nights.

    Sorry to say that Allentown has a long way to go before people other than young hipster urbanistas want to stroll down Hamilton street on nay given day.

  16. So they "declined to comment" rather than deny the rumor????!!!!

    That tells ya something.

    This is major news, if true. And if it's true, it is going to inspire a LOT of animosity between Bethlehem and Allentown. Whitehall already hates us. Now Bethlehem? Great....

  17. Not at all sure how or why a tax exempt organization would risk the expense and loss of business in order to move into a tax incentive zone. This does not make sense at all, and I will be surprised if it is anything other than a rumor.

  18. 4500 season ticket holders (and the people they provide tickets to) plus 1 or 2 thousand more on most game nights, does not a city make.

  19. Throughout the day, I received several back channel comments telling me this is no rumor. I agree it makes no business sense.

  20. Reilly would about give away the space to get the Bookstore to move. He can afford to since in addition to screwing the state taxpayer, he's now trying to screw the school district too.

    The business case may be that they can lease the Bethlehem space to another party at a good rental rate, get new space in Allentown cheap, and that business income lost due to the move will be lower than the reduction in occupancy costs - a net gain.

    No, I would not do this if I were them. A satellite location in Allentown, while maintaining the main location, would be more palatable than this.

    But end of day, I'm not locating retail in Allentown period, there's not enough there to make it work.

    The Banker

  21. A pretty ridiculous story to go with based on an anonymous comment. Desperate to bash the NIZ?

    It is much more accurate to observe that your comment is a desperate attempt to discredit Bernie. Nothing else to do today?

    Bernie tries not to post stories that have no basis, and I am sure that when this one is verified you'll be the first to acknowledge he broke another story. Right?

    19 hours and counting down.

  22. donchez needs two things - one is to grow some balls,two is to buy his clothes from some place other from walmart

  23. This story was just published by Olanoff on LVL.

    Bernie O'Hare scoops the dailies again! Good work.

  24. And it appears that The Express Times story is not entirely accurate. The Book shop might expand, might move or might do nothing. I'll have more tomorrow.

  25. @4:47 PM (Willie Reynolds)

    Grow up!

  26. bernie, here's another scoop; reilly has been trying to get me to relocate production of molovinsky on allentown into City Center 27. we are very close to terms, he's sending pawlowski over to try and seal the deal

  27. I understand they are giving you your own dam, too!

  28. I think Reilly and Pawlowski are trying to get us to relocate to Syria.

  29. Once again Mr. O'Hare leads with the news!

  30. Schlossburg is attempting to get the Fu Fu shop into Allentown to meet the under served gay community.

  31. Bernie, is there no one out there that remembers how long it took to fill the Butz factory¿ Than there will be companies flocking to fill the now defunkt PP&L Tower as more and more jobs are outsourced to the fill a job for a week positions¿

    There is no one going into this Brown Hole creation with there eyes wide open¿

    patent pending

  32. Olanoff had to break away from her riveting story on Potbelly Subs coming to Hanover Township to followup on this lead from BO!

  33. @12:08PM How is that crow tasting? Wash it down with some yummy vegan cocoa.

  34. But Bernie, Isn't the store stilling staying in Bethlehem too? At first, it sounded like the entire business was moving to Allentown?

  35. 12:07, Allentown looks the way it does bc state tax money needed for education and CHIP is being diverted to make Reilly more wealthy. Enjoy your hhockey games.

    Governor Wolfe is going to adequately fund ASD. The sky is not falling and Allentown is on the rebound. Anyone outside of the curmudgeons in Nazareth and other far flung places see the Allentown renaissance as a good thing.

  36. There are panhandlers within a block of the arena even during game nights.

    Oh. My. God. Stop the presses. A PANHANDLER! Oh no.

    Get your head out of your ass and go to ANY CITY IN AMERICA and you will see "panhandlers". What? Are you 75 years old?

    Let's see where Allentown goes beyond a year, shall we? Did we even have a summer down there yet?

  37. "Governor Wolfe [sic] is going to adequately fund ASD.

    Yhis, ot course, is nonsense. There is no way the GOP-controlled state legislature is going to bow to Wolf . But I get your point. It's fuck the poor people so long as you get yours. I understand it quite well.

  38. " Isn't the store stilling staying in Bethlehem too?"

    It is by no means clear or decided. That is why I state the ET article is mistaken. Though Rick Santee would oppose any move, he is only speaking for himself, and his board may have an entirely different view. If you read between the lines of what he said, I believe the Moravians want the parking issue addressed.

  39. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  40. If you want to make a bigoted copmment, identify yourself.


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