Local Government TV

Monday, March 02, 2015

Donchez to Appeal Hoffman Arbitration

 Bethlehem Mayor Bob Donchez is on a fool's errand. He announced that he's appealing the arbitration ruling in that matter. But this won't be decided by the anti-union Express Times editorial board. It will instead be decided by judges bound to follow the law. Unless there is evidence of fraud or some other gross irregularity, this decision will stand. Here's his statement.

 I  reviewed the decision in the Hoffman arbitration matter. I have discussed the matter with the City Solicitor and with City Council members. Because of my disagreement with the findings and result, and due to the importance of this matter to public safety and related concerns, I have directed the City Solicitor to file papers appealing the decision to the court. We will seek reversal of the arbitrator's decision to reinstate Mr. Hoffman's employment.


  1. If Donchez wants to redeem himself in the eyes of his constituents he will have to do more than appeal the decision. Hoffman WAS a good officer whose alcoholism has made him unsuitable for duty.

    There is a man sitting in state prison who has the experience, strength and hope to be a man in blue once again. This native son should be out by now but is being stonewalled by the parole board who only get negative feedback, mostly from a few loud naysayers.

    Bob Donchez, write the parole board and urge them to be lenient with James Gregory. You won the mayoral in large part because of his incarceration, show the people of Bethlehem you can be compassionate.

  2. Jim Gregory is exactly where he belongs. He started with probation, graduated to a 6 month sentence in county prison due to his own actions, and then graduated again to state prison, again for his own actions.

    How can one person be so stupid, and dangerous. He is in prison for abusing women, and is a menace.

    Here's a thought. Since you are enamored with him, start a gofundme page to raise attorney fees for him. If you contribute $50 to get it started, you'll find it stays at $50. Maybe that's why you haven't done it yet.

  3. I see that Tricia Mezzacappa appears to be impersonating people again.

  4. Funny you mention that @6:54 I just put $100 on Jim's books and no I'm not enamored with him simply a life long friend and resident of Bethlehem who has seen Jim in Master Kim's dojo and know exactly how good he would be at taking down bad guys without resorting to his side arm.

    The abuse was a red herring to eliminate him from the mayoral race, his ex didn't have a mark on her.
    Haters like you should probably find ways to become part of the solution not just shooting down heart felt ideas to replace officer Hoffman.

  5. The defamatory remark you just made is one of the reasons Timmer has been sued. If you are such a life long friend, identify yourself. I believe you are Tricia Mezzacappa, impersonating again.

  6. "a life long friend and resident of Bethlehem who has seen Jim in Master Kim's dojo"

    Jim practiced the "dojo" on a woman's face. That's why he is in State Prison. You aren't a resident of Bethlehem, unless you recently cleaned out your place in West Easton.

    "The abuse was a red herring"

    Yeah, that's known as bull shit. The abuse was real and part of a pattern perpetrated over several months. To suggest there was a political motive is disgusting, but not a surprise coming from you.

    As someone who filed a falsified PFA, but claims to this day it was legit, one would think you would be sympathetic with the victims. But since your PFA wasn't even legit, you can't sympathize. You're just trying to twist facts as usual, with total disregard for the victims of your perversion.

  7. Hoffman was and is a disgrace to the badge and does not deserve to wear a police uniform.

    Sands security is hiring.

  8. This ex-cop is now an O'Hare mancrush because Karen Dolan went after him and O'Hare hates her.
    You should all understand the O'Hare psychology by now.

  9. This ex-cop is now an O'Hare mancrush because Karen Dolan went after him and O'Hare hates her.
    You should all understand the O'Hare psychology by now.

    Potsie and Ritchie rode their bikes to the store for penny candy. You may want to go find them and hang out.

  10. I supported Officer Hoffman bc he was railroaded. It has nothing to do with K. Dierdre Dolan. Every member of Council voted to fire the officer in a predetermined decision, They made the wrong call, as did the Mayor and the Chief. I am critical of them all.

    They filed an appeal in an attempt to save face, but will be embarrassed more when the appeal is rejected. There is no basis for one.

  11. Is he still drinking?

  12. Everyone in Bethlehem who knows more about this case than you is wrong and you are right.

    Are you sure you are not Jim Gregory, you sure sound like him.


  13. Hoffman/Bo disgusting trash

  14. On the bright side, only nine (9) more days till Judge Yetter fires up the old Ridge Street Scrubber and begins the unpleasant task of cleaning up the Mezzacrappa soiling local newspapers and blogs. Unfortunately it will most likely be handed off to a county judge (please Lord let it be Judge Zito) who will park the wench in the same type of facility that houses the blowhard of Bethlehem. Then they can both forward their diatribes to the Blog Mentor, and continue the craziness.

  15. http://news.yahoo.com/penis-size-researchers-long-short-065620878.html

  16. There she goes with the usual penis size defamation.


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