You'll get the boot.
Panto's Parking Police also check inspection stickers and registrations. They even enforce on Sunday. And get this. Panto has set up his own judicial system that completely removes judges and due process from the equation.
Judges? He don't need no steenkin' judges.
Instead of contesting your ticket before a District Judge, you can argue with a tow truck, a boot or some cop on the Panto payroll.
Under an Easton ordinance, Panto's Parking Police can boot or tow any car that is late in paying off a ticket. If some unlucky bastard accumulates five tickets, the zombies must immobilize his car.
After hearing horror stories from several people victimized by Panto's Parking Police, District Attorney John Morganelli decided to test what is going on himself.
On December 11, Morganelli was in downtown Easton. He tried putting change in the meter to no effect. When he returned to his car, he had a ticket. It specifically warned him that failure to pay the penalty by a date certain "will result in a citation being issued against you in accordance with the Pa. Rules of Criminal Procedure."
So far, so good.
That's due process.
![]() |
"I thought they were leaves, Your Honor!" |
That's not due process.
It gets worse. A few weeks later, Morganelli received a FINAL NOTICE, increasing the fine to $45, and warning him again that his car could be booted or towed. Once again, he was provided with no information telling him how to contest the ticket.
Morganelli called Magisterial District Judge Daniel Corpora and learned that Easton no longer bothers to issue parking citations. Instead, the Panto Parking Police are judge, jury and executioner. Pay Panto or they boot or tow the car. This violates the Rules of Criminal Procedure, which require that a citation must be issued to a person who ignores a ticket. It is mandatory, and for good reason. It gives the person who is accused an opportunity to plead Not Guilty.
It's called due process of law.
In a letter to Easton officials, Morganelli lays out his concern:
"The City of Easton's present procedure is woefully inadequate and violative of due process rights. The notice sent to citizens essentially warns them that their car will be towed or immobilized unless they pay the fine. There is absolutely no opportunity to be heard nor is any notice given to the violator that he has a right to be heard. If a car is towed or immobilized, that is a violation of due process in that it is taking of private property by the government without due process of law."Morganelli asked Easton to tell him what steps they are taking to start following the Constitution and Rules of Criminal Procedure. Mayor Sal Panto, who apparently thinks Easton is part of the Kingdom of Ga, smugly tells The Express Times that he unilaterally decided to stop sending cases through the court system because the City is being shortchanged.
This is absolutely outrageous. A City government does not exist to engage in shakedowns, especially against its poorest citizens. The whole point of due process is to ensure that every person, black or white, man or woman, Easton resident and commuter, has both notice and an opportunity to be heard before an independent judicial officer, not some Panto flunkie, before his property is taken away. The citizen must be informed of this right for it to mean anything. Using cops to act as hearing officers is total nonsense.
That's just nutz.
Under Panto's reasoning, he might as well start hearing murder cases, wearing the robes of the Kingdom of Ga.
You can read Morganelli's letter and supporting documents here. They demonstrate that the City misrepresents to drivers that it will issue a citation. Then Panto's Parking Police, instead of following the citation route provided for in the Rules, threatens to boot or tow cars without informing drivers they have a right to contest the matter.
This booting practice has led to civil rights lawsuits in other cities. Then the city gets the boot. In this case, due process and the rules of criminal procedure were ignored because, as Panto made clear, he got tired of sharing revenue with the courts.
"Temporary seizure or immobilization of one's vehicle for violation of parking ordinances interferes with a property interest, thus entitling one to the protections of due process," says one federal court. There must also be a fair and impartial process before depriving someone of important property rights.
For Panto, it's all about the money. While giving sweetheart deals to developer Mark Mulligan and permitting a Redevelopment employee to go into business with him, Panto sticks it to people who could easily lose their car because of the financial hardship involved
But in this country, we have a Constitution.
Updated 9:40 am: I have filed a Right-to-Know request with Easton, seeking the following records:
1. Record of all income received in 2014 from the practice of immobilizing cars for parking violations.
2. Record of all income received in 2014 from the practice of towing cars for parking violations.
3. Record of all income received in 2014 from the sale of immobilized or towed cars.
4. Record of the number of hearings conducted in 2014 for parking violations.
5. Identify all hearing officers who hear parking violation complaints and their title in the City.
6. Identify the number of successful appeals and the number of unsuccessful appeals.
7. How many vehicles were immobilized in 2014?
8. How many cars were towed in 2014?
Contrast this to the lawful taking of an automobile that has been levied, to satisfy a secured creditor's judgment against a deadbeat debtor. Totally legal, as it should be. Panto does not get to make his own laws.
Go get em, Mr. Morganelli!
Contrast this to civil forfeiture.
Go get em, Mr. Morganelli!
(But yes, easton's ticket system is a sham.)
Another reason that Panto is a disgrace! Who votes for him?
A better question is why hasn't NorCo govt left Easton yet? It is run like second class city with corrupt politicians that is not centurally located to citizens in the county. Time for Brown to do something productive and proactive and vacate the city!
Is this part of Mr. Morganelli's way of discrediting any potential opponents to his pal McClure's run for County Executive? Hopefully this isn't part of a larger conspiracy.
Sal is pretty much despised by the NorCo workforce. Didn't know he was interested. But JM does not disgrace Sal. He's done a good job of it all by himself. Right now he should be worried about getting elected as Mayor.
It's about time Panto is taken to task for his parking piggy bank.
Democrats and the progressive elites despise the constitution and the rights of the individual.
They know what is best for the "common good" and you should do as they say.
Your last sentence, "But in this country, we have a Constitution." is a defense we are losing more every day. Use it while you can.
Then, expand this concept nationally to see if it holds up any better on the state and federal level.
A Rule of Law, or a Rule of Man?
Fred Windish
sounds like Easton is being run by mobsters ..
So you contest it with them what about your appeal rights if you don't agree?
So I may do a little experiment myself and get a ticket then sue them. I will contact a few attorney's today to see what is up.
I try to avoid Allentown near lunch time for this reason. The predatory parking maids ticket at lunchtime in an effort to entrap patrons. Must be the only time they can sweep city streets. It worked once. I now find places with free off street parking.
Not to worry,double parking is always free.
"So you contest it with them what about your appeal rights if you don't agree?"
How do you contest it when the city doesn't bother to tell you? Time for a class action civil rights lawsuit.
Agreed Bernie!! However even if they tell you how to contest it (their court at the PD) and you don't agree what are your options then? This reeks being illegal!
If they want to ticket and hopefully people pay up that is fine but for those who don't pay, under the current laws and their system they can't collect or boot or tow.
You have no option at that point. What bothers me is that I am sure that some people of limited income are losing their cars because i doubt they can pay the tow and storage costs.
I was strong armed into paying for a parking ticket last September in New Hope and was taken back by their process.
Here's their verbiage on their website (no mention of my due process either):
Parking Violations
Failure to respond within the time specified (postmarked within 10 days of issue) will result in the issuance of a citation, summons, escalated fine, court costs, and processing fees.
What you describe is completely legal. You are informed you can contest the ticket in court. That is due process.
"Dear Mr. O'Hare,
Thank you for your recent request for information. We are pleased to provide the assistance you request. Due to cutbacks in personnel, a reply could be delayed. You can expect a response in approximately 3-6 years.
Have a Nice Day!"
Fred Windish
I used to visit downtown Easton with my wife and family two to three times per month. I've also entertained business clients there - sometimes a few bucks at Colonial Pizza, sometimes more at River Grille, sometimes dropping a couple hundred at the very excellent Third and Ferry Fish Market. I always stopped at Karmelcorn shop, if there during the day. I wasn't keeping the town afloat. But I and my company were contributing a few hundred dollars each month.
One parking ticket too many last October cured me of visiting Easton, however. I missed my meter deadline by seven minutes and got nailed. I understand the need for parking enforcement. But Easton's parking enforcement is way beyond aggressive. On the E-T website, Sal Panto called parking violators like me, "lawbreakers." My family calls me the law-abiding guy who used to be the loudest cheerleader for Easton's renewal, but who won't ever spend another dime there.
I went to Colonial for dinner on a Sunday and got nailed for a ticket. So did the other 3 couples who met us in separate vehicles. The Sunday tickets and the late hours to feed the meters all had us vowing to never return to downtown Easton. We now meet in Forks.
I don't know if it's true, but was told the new electronic meters have sensors that inform the maids immediately upon their expiration, if there is a vehicle in the spot. It could explain why they seem to be in the right place at just the right time to issue a ticket within minutes of the meter running out.
"But in this country, we have a Constitution."
Lincoln, W, Obama, et al., would beg to differ.
"Contrast this to civil forfeiture."
Or to a kid getting worked over by a teacher at a football game...
Go get em, indeed.
We need this man in palumpashitskyville the county seat to make a laughing stock of those carnival bobblehead acts¿
patent pending
How long til Sal gets the CAMERA in the circle, like the feeders in Philly?
Seriously, when I go to Easton, or anywhere that meters for that matter. I just put an extra hours worth of money in the meter. It is a hell of a lot cheaper and a ton more convenient than dealing with teh local gestapo later.
The feeders will get you one way or another. May as well minimize the bite and cut Sal's take to that measley extra buck.
These Parking Authorities horrors have been going on for years.Allentown has a reputation for booting and towing.Not to mention the Pennsylvania State Constables abuses.It is refreshing that The District Attorney is looking into Easton.
For every boycotter, there's a Clem who pays above and beyond to perpetuate the system. I stopped going to downtown Easton last summer. Colonial Pizza, Saturday evening; two cars with tickets after overparking for 6 and 9 minutes. Easton deserves to go to blight for belligerently abusing those who tried to bring it back. #boycotteaston
Point taken.
But I'll still spend the buck, when I HAVE to be somewhere that meters, before I let them get me for a bullshit fine, potential penalties and costs, or waste even more of my time and money fighting them.
Either way, what is perpetuated is the feeding. Gotta choose a lesser evil.
Plus, it is always cool when you pull up to a meter with some time left on it. I get a quiet satisfaction from returning the favor when I can.
I'm surprised Mayor Panty Waste hasn't chimed in here!
"Lincoln, W, Obama, et al., would beg to differ."
Really, racist much?
What's racist about a list containing the names of two white guys and a mixed race guy who ignored The Constitution when it suited them? The Society Of The Perpetually Aggrieved is on a hair trigger.
Sal has no dignity. Just ask anyone in Forks Township. He couldn't get hired to pick up dog shit there. The talk of him as county executive a few years ago was hilarious. With the exception of a few very friendly developers, the rest of the county hates his guts and considers him a obnoxious pickpocket.
Sal Panto has turned Easton around, from blighted slum to jewell of the valley. The haters like Bernie, Clem, and co. are evidence of his success.
Turned around? Not according to Sal. When he was sued over his increased commuter tax, he said Easton might be headed into receivership. According to Sal, Easton is a complete financial disaster; only a few commuter tax dollars from the brink. That's the opposite of a turnaround. The emperor has no clothes. His jewel is four square blocks. The rest of his city is a filthy, violent mess.
How about this... time for NORCO to do what Chester County did about 10 or so years ago.. move its operations from the Borough of West Chester out to a greenfield in a nearby Township. The crap then stopped with parking, stupid taxes etc... NORCO should look at picking up some land from St. Luke's out at the Route 33 Freemansburg Avenue interchange. Build a new government center and jail and be done with Easton. Last I remember was that Bethlehem Township is County friendly with the new Human Services building.. just move it all out there and be done with it!
They EASILY have the land and space in Lower Nazareth next to Gracedale to do just that!
I love Easton.
This is why I rarely shop or dine there.
That land is in Upper Nazareth. I believe the locals would fight hard against any attempt to move the jail.but I think they would accept a gradual migration.i'd start by shipping The Exec, Council, HR and DCED there. This will give the courts more room, and the council chambers could be a courtroom. I'd keep the jail where it is bc of easy accessibility to the courts. But the idea would be to build a facility for the county's worst offenders, after they are sentenced. Don't know how popular that would be.
The City of Easton has in fact has started to regenerate it's old flavor of occupation by real nice folks. If fact as I write this we have new neighbors moving in ,professional people with educations from New York. They like it here. In David Skillman's book-The Biography of a College, in 1752 there were as he says eleven families here in town.Later 3000 people a day would pass though Easton on their journey West in this country for death or settlement. I will expand on the parking issue shortly as to the reason thing are ,what they are. The Mayor is looking out for bigger issues than meets you eye.
Re-Parking issue, OK- a couple of years ago I went into Easton City Hall to see the city administrator. I had drew out a plan to ward off and weed out the overtly and obvious criminal element that was saturating West ward . AS a Constable that derived income from people that avoid the courts of this commonwealth and the City of Easton flopping here ,I wanted to 'get some teeth' on my deadbeats. SO- they had boots ,but no boot ordnance ,then they had to decide who was going to boot,ect. So now they have pulled complaints from rotation to district courts in favor or a collection agency with no teeth and it may have got away from judicial responsibility, in any case nobody asked me about' how to' follow up nor did I expect anybody to even ask,as I am now an old broken down has been! I will expect that they will eventually return to the local courts as the private collection processes has not works well in other jurisdictions and somebody does not know that.
Peter, It is ridiculous that they would not consult with constables who deal with this kind of offense all the time. Amazing.
Well I don't know Bernie. Technology is advancing at a faster rate than they can print about it. Nodes at the malls can tell if your 15 year old daughter with a WiFi phone in her hand IS PREGNANT because when she bought a test kit and then the second one shortly they know. Well this can be applied to DRUG DEALERS for example -with GPS that lead them to a drug sale in the West ward the NODES if used here will ID them just like the EZ-Pass does --but nobody knows this,or does anything about it. Issue is to know who is here ,we loose tax revenue and the same characters cause the problems .This system will ID and locate as it works with GPS .Guy's like me are old floppy disks.
Though Sheriff Dalrymple is not supposed to be involved in criminal investigations,I believe he would bring a wealth of knowledge to any department that consulted with him.
Bernie YES HE WOULD. But only in a couple of counties in Pa. can the Sheriff get involved. This Sheriff we have now [never met him ] is a quantum leap over any other because of several factors. Not that the others were not good men ,but this one has been out in the field , or 'down range' before he was Sheriff. DOD-National Guard of N.J. is in the same building with NJSP -Trenton,N.J.
Two months ago my wife and I met a couple for dinner in Easton .We paid for 2 hours meter time but guess what ? It wasn`t enough. And there was a ticket. As I recall it might have even been after 9 pm.
I love Josies but I`ll be darned if I`ll pay a dollar to park for a sandwich.I haven`t had a meal in Easton there since. What are needed are meters that you can shut down after using a credit or debit card.
Easton uses a smart meter system, all meters except credit cards, they also alert the parking officers via smart phone if within a certain period of time, (about two minutes) if a car pulls into a space and doesn't feed the meter. Also when the meter expires and the car hasn't moved. Once notified the officer can go to the exact meter and with other hand held device print out a ticket in seconds.
Anon 8'10 Unfortunate I will pay your fine if you come back and spend money . Give me your bill .
Peter (8:21 pm) Thanks for the offer but it is too late. It is the gluttony not the money. I DIDN`T KNOW YOU WERE SO RICH.
Bernie. I can not find where it states that this practice is not allowed and I am using your link. Seems like this practice is allowed. Morganelli was wrong about the commuter tax maybe he is wrong about this too.
Morganelli is absolutely right, and I will post again on this topic at midnight.
And that damn street sweeper doesn't clean up sh*t, except $ for the city.
The meters are all electronic now. There is no excuse to run out - you just tap the app and add more time. No need to even leave where you are! Deadbeats.
Clem, let me educate you a bit. I understand you got the short end.
Abraham Lincoln suspended habeas corpus when there was an armed insurrection taking place in the Capitol itself.
I love the tea party clowns that believe a President should just allow revolutionaries to take over the government. They aren't that bright.
What do YOu expect from the guy who learned all His underhanded nonsense from king of the easton area Charlie Chrin, Panto needs to go and GO NOW!!!!
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