Local Government TV

Thursday, February 26, 2015

King Edwin For Senator?

Though his gubernatorial campaign fizzled pretty quickly, Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski is being considered as a possible contender in the Democratic quest for a candidate who can beat U.S. Senator Pat Toomey. According to The National Journal, many of the state's top Democrats are less than enthusiastic about another Joe Sestak bid. T.J. Rooney has already predicted a loss if Joe Sestak carries the Democratic banner.

The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee has already talked with Pawlowski, but is also talking to others. Potential candidates include Philadelphia DA Seth Williams (he says maybe), Allegheny County Exec Rich Fitzgerald (he says No), former U.S. Rep. Chris Carney, State Senator Vince Hughes, Josh Shapiro (he says No).

Pawlowski's political adviser, Mike Fleck, declines to confirm or deny that Pawlowski is running. But he said to check back in April.


  1. It must be hard for Fleckster to control the raging boner this attention gets him.

    If only Kind Ed of Allentown could battle King Sal of Easton for the King of the Valley.

    It would be like the old balloons over Shawnee festival, with all the hot air those two would displace.

    As bad as Eddie Money is, did he have someone arrested for stealing from tax payers in his ads like a new local state senator?

    I guess there is that slight up? Right?

  2. This should give Molovinsky a stroke.

  3. Maybe the king will explain why those most vulnerable to this weather have been left without hot water and heat in a city high rise, according to the morning paper. With millions poured into a few downtown blocks, why are seniors shivering?

  4. Bernie, any candidate running aginst "big Ed" will use your blog information to destroy him. Ed cannot win. Sestak is our man.

  5. Maybe the fleckster tells you one thing but we got it on good authority pawsloserski is in it to win it

  6. Has Ed's NIZ begun repaying the state? The state was demanding money just a couple months ago and the new businesses look like a ghost town during the morning commute hours. I went to a hockey game last month (free tickets). At the game's conclusion, blinking lights and police on strategic corners shepherded cars out of center city with remarkable speed. One can leave from the arena and be up on 22 in four minutes, while arena-area businesses sit quietly. Things aren't working out as planned - except for the friendly developers.

  7. http://www.mcall.com/news/local/allentown/mc-allentown-arena-zone-refund-20150109-story.html

    The bill is now due and the scam is up. Construction was stopped abruptly in December. The story linked above is six weeks old. Why is nobody covering this disaster? The urban growth machine lies are being found out. And this guy is seriously running for guv? Wow.

  8. Gregory or Mezzacappa have as good of a chance of being a U.S. Senator as this windbag has!!

  9. Will him and fathead fleck have thugs at the voting machines like at the kings original appointment back when he first arrived to take the thrown? Just maybe this time it will be the kings boys in blue posted with arena revenue stratagically threating the publics vote? Tha there will be the imports with three and four last names voting RePeteadly withvarious id's paid for by the arenas general fund allocations?

    Local political atmosphere one has got to love it?

    patent pending

  10. Chris Carney is a former Congressman, not a state rep. He's probably the best Democrat option. King Ed doesn't have a federal campaign account.

  11. Why are they not being supportive of Admiral Sestak? This is just stupid as Ed is a loser with nothing on his resume. Bad move by the Dem. party.

  12. They don't like Sestak primarily bc they don't think he can win, and they want to win.

  13. "Chris Carney is a former Congressman, not a state rep. He's probably the best Democrat option. King Ed doesn't have a federal campaign account."

    I corrected by error and thank you for pointing it out. As for not having a federal account, that is a huge drawback bc it takes forever to transfer money from a state account.

  14. Sestak or Ed..and they want Ed? And they want to win? Hopeless..

  15. King Edwin is ruler of his local domain. Once outside the boundaries of his kingdom, he is reduced to a common serf with an uncanny resemblance to Danny Devito as the Penguin. He has all of the charm of a dust bunny. Toomey would crush him him a cockroach. But he will never get that far. His party will come up with a far more charismatic candidate than his majesty, the King of Naptime.

  16. He cannot win the seat with Allentown alone. Do fellow democrats consider him a party uniter or a party divider? Toomey has the solid backing of the GOP.

  17. Seth Williams beats them all. He's young, sharp, very popular, and unafraid to speak truth to power - even within his own party. He has the Philly party machine behind him and will pull a lot of R votes statewide, as well.

  18. This part-time runs for political office must pay pretty well.King Edwin keeps doing it

  19. I love all the name calling... you know what they say when you resort to that, you lost the argument.

    King Ed
    King Sal
    Eddie Money
    Big Ed
    King Edwin
    King of Naptime

  20. Names add to the fun A.K.A. 'The Fatman' When one whines about the names You know there is no argument to be made Lighten up politicians collect much $$$$$ and it's fun to insult them

  21. It will be a presidential election year. While PA swings both ways on state-wide races (Corbett/Wolf, Toomey/Casey) PA will presidentially begin Dem-leaning unless candidate qualities for either party skew that. Despite outward appearance, I think Toomey (privatize Soc. Security; Club for Growth RINO hunter) will be vulnerable in a presidential election cycle IF the Dems put up a strong candidate with state-wide appeal. Personally, I can't see that in Mayor Pawlowski. Williams clash with Kane, and relative popularity in Philly/suburbs would make him a formidable candidate if he should run.

  22. 8:58 like most hopeless libs you have lost your sense of humor.

  23. 8:48 have YOU ever met these peeps I have observed them in action when they didn't know they were being observed and that why I use the names NO RESPECT for either mr Fleck or Mr Ed

  24. King Edward can't control his salacious appetite for power in the State. He has the Dems coming here in June and I predict he will walk on water to show them he is the chosen one. Of course I mean the ice at PPL arena. Is the Fleckster investigation over with the mayor of Reading about mishandling of funds with Philly labor money? Pawlowski is a snake. He sabotaged Afflerbach when he was mayor to gain favor for his shot to be Emporer of the Lehigh Valley. He and his political hitman Fleck are zeroing in on Mayor Hozza in Whitehall. He will eventually piss off every Dem in the state.

  25. Hey at least Duped Dunce Donovan didn't get elected....

  26. But if we're lucky, he'll be joining the long list of plaintiffs signing on to the Martin suit. This should be against both you and your enabling wife.

  27. Fleckster learned from the best/worst, Jim Hickey.

    I heard the list of folks Fleck asked for money in his second failed run for Mayor in Easton was a real "Who's who" of ethically questionable Democrats. One being King Eddie, former hoagie prince.


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