Local Government TV

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Bonilla Accusations Prompt Quick End to Bethlehem School Board Meeting

An unpopular decision to switch athletic trainers at Bethlehem's schools resulted in an early end to the School Board's February 23 meeting. They voted to adjourn when School Director Basilio Bonilla insisted on repeating allegations made during an executive session. Right before the vote, Bonilla had started to claim that some school officials were provided with sports tickets and golf outings in exchange for supporting a switch in athletic trainers from Coordinated Health to St. Luke's,

By a 7-2 vote in January, school director decided to replace Coordinated health, which had served Bethlehem's schools for 25 years, with St. Luke's. They did so despite protests from a long line of student athletes, parents and Freedom High School football coach Jason Roeder.

St. Luke's could do more for less money. For $25,000 annually, St. Luke's will provide athletic trainers to the high schools and middle schools.

Lehigh Valley Health Network had also bid on this project.

Resident Jack Toy stated he was "blindsided" by the switch. "What did they do, or what didn't they do?" he asked. Toy went on the claim that St. Luke's, the original high bidder, had been given the opportunity to reduce its bid. He added that he had heard that "fringe benefits were provided to certain staff at the school district.

Dr. Josephy Roy, usually rather mild-mannered, told Toy that he is "really disappointed in you." He added that Toy had most of his facts wrong. "You're not going to come in here and challenge the integrity of our school officials based on inaccurate information," he lectured.

Toy then responded that he got his information from a school board member.

"If a school board member shared false information, then I apologize," stated School Board president Michael Faccinetto.

"Who was the school board member? he asked.

That's when Bonilla outed himself, and began repeating these accusations.

After the meeting, Faccinetto pointed out that the school officials who were supposedly bought off favored keeping Coordinated Health.


  1. Bonilla has a habit of "outing" himself doesn't he?

    If it smells like fish...

  2. Why are they meeting in executive session to discuss a routine contract?

  3. Good Lord... just when you thought the BASD has civilized itself then comes this stuff. While Bonilla is a loose cannon... he accusations need to be investigated to say the least. Pay to play allegations are serious matters and should also be at least checked and then reported to the public. If nothing is found, so be it. If something is found, then to what degree?

  4. Bernie
    is this true? Did board members receive gifts? Isn't that illegal to take anything?
    It could be a feather in any hospital's cap to have an entire school district for its client.
    Please continue to research this accusation. It is very serious!

  5. How much money is in it for the medical provider granted an entire district's student athletic body? Can you find out?

  6. Why wouldn't board members stand up for themselves if this accusation is false?

  7. The way i read this is that it was school officials, not board members who were accused of getting favors.

    This bonilla has had a hell of a run on the school board. He should be nominated for Bill White's hall of fame.

    If he is not protesting a strip bar, he is making racial accusations against allentown, which the school board needed to apologize for (2x) and now he is basically making defamatory claims of bribery, without any evidence.

  8. Wouldn't an examination of the contract bids resolve this claim?

  9. The school official involved is the current Athletic Director at Liberty HS. Was seen in several restaurants and on golf courses with St. Luke's brass. He is the major player in this back door deal.

  10. It amazes me how Fred Harris, who has had skeletons in his closet since appointed AD, can turn his back on a medical team that has done an outstanding job. As a parent of an athlete who has been injured, I commend Coordinated Health for their years of loyal service.
    Thanks Freddy., you dope

  11. "Why are they meeting in executive session to discuss a routine contract?"

    A meeting to discuss a contract is not done in executive session. But personnel discussions should occur there.

  12. "While Bonilla is a loose cannon... he accusations need to be investigated"

    I think the first part of this sentence is the operative psrt. Bonilla is a loose cannon who has made statements before that have no basis. I believe Faccinetto has twice been forced to apologize to ASD for Bonilla's behavior. Last night, he did nothing other than make bald accusations. He named no names, no dates, nothing. I frankly feel it is completely unfounded. Having said that, I would still investigate simply bc, as you say, these kinds of allegations have to be put to bed.

  13. "is this true? Did board members receive gifts? Isn't that illegal to take anything?"

    There was no allegation that board members received gifts in exchange for their support, which would be bribery. The allegation was that certain staff members received gifts, but that makes no sense bc the staff members in question supported staying with Coordinated Health.

  14. "How much money is in it for the medical provider granted an entire district's student athletic body? Can you find out?"

    According to an ET article on this point (I don't do school boards), it is $25k per year.

  15. "Why wouldn't board members stand up for themselves if this accusation is false?"

    For the second time, the accusation was not leveled at school board members, but at staff, and school board members did stand up for staff.

  16. "This bonilla has had a hell of a run on the school board. He should be nominated for Bill White's hall of fame."

    Bingo. I think that is the real story. I would investigate his allegations, though, and give them a public airing. I understand why Dr. Roy and Faccineto are so put off by Bonilla. They believe he is making an unfounded attack on the integrity of staff members. They are almost certainly right. But the way to make rumors like this grow is to try to silence public discussion. Though they cannot discuss personnel members in public, they probably should have let Bonilla rant on. Dr. Roy told Toy he would be happy to discuss this matter with him privately. But he really shouldn't say anything privately that he is unwilling to state pulicly.

  17. "The school official involved is the current Athletic Director at Liberty HS. Was seen in several restaurants and on golf courses with St. Luke's brass. He is the major player in this back door deal."

    The fact that he was seen with these people means nothing. Also, it appears that he supported staying with Coordinated Health.

  18. "Wouldn't an examination of the contract bids resolve this claim? "

    Not completely.They show that the staffers in question supported Coordinated Health. But I would like them to explain the allegation that they were seen in golf outings and at restaurants with St. Luke's officials.

    If BASD has no gift ban, it should adopt one.

  19. Bernie - is it the case that school officials made a recommendation to the school board, which then voted 7-2 in favor of the recommendation? And what is alleged is that the recommendation was tainted by alleged gifts to some school officials?

  20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. If you want to make that claim, you need to ID yourself, 10:31.

  22. "Bernie - is it the case that school officials made a recommendation to the school board, which then voted 7-2 in favor of the recommendation? And what is alleged is that the recommendation was tainted by alleged gifts to some school officials?"

    The staff members alleged to have rec'd gifts supported Coordinated Health. The school then voted 7-2 in favor of St. Luke's.

  23. It amazes me how Fred Harris, who has had skeletons in his closet since appointed AD, can turn his back on a medical team that has done an outstanding job. As a parent of an athlete who has been injured, I commend Coordinated Health for their years of loyal service.
    Thanks Freddy., you dope

    You act as though St Luke is incompetent. Let me guess, you have friends that work at CH?

  24. Sometimes, an anonymous personal attack like that gets by me. I just missed it. Had I seen it sooner, I would have deleted it. It's a little too late now. But I do not place him on the same level of scrutiny as I would Dr. Roy or a school director. I caution readers that future attacks like this one, if made anonymously, will be deleted.

  25. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  26. Lots of questions on this. If St. Lukes was the highest bid of the three on the original RFP why did the BASD administration only go back and give St. Lukes another opportunity to resubmit their offer instead of allowing Lehigh Valley Hospital and Coordinated Health the same opportunity? Something there doesn't sound right!
    The most troubling thing to me is, there is absolutely no legitimate reason for anyone sitting on a school committee that is awarding a contract to ever take any kind of gifts, golf outings, dinners, weekend getaways or Phillies tickets unless they are trying to manipulate the fair process of awarding the contract. Not sure if Bonilla has inside information or not that he was trying to shed some light on but the questions need to be asked to the BASD. Did anyone on the committee at anytime accept any of the mentioned gifts? There is no way they should ever mention the names due to the sensitivity of the personel issues, but if it happened the BASD should at least acknowledge that it happened and say the individual has been reprimanded so the tax payers know the truth and that confidence can be restored!
    Things like this don't go away until the questions are answered.

  27. Why does everyone think that you cannot accept gifts? The school directors can accept all the gifts they want, but they are required to disclose those gifts on their ethics forms each year. A school director would get in hot water if he voted to award a contract that was a pecuniary benefit to him or a direct family member.

    JOHN M

  28. I think a gift ban should apply to all public employees and elected officials.

  29. Bernie,
    It sounds like in the conversation after the meeting that Faccinitto admitted that someone accepted the gifts or whatever it was that Bonilla was trying to claim.
    Isn't it a fair question to ask Faccinitto or Roy if the Liberty AD accepted any of the alleged Phillies tickets, golf outings, weekend get aways at the Stroudmoor Resort, dinners at high end restaraunts etc.???
    Just ask them to be transparent and to find out the answer to the question.

  30. I don't know how people reach these conclusions? I have to be more clear. Faccinetto very specifically denied that any gifts had been provided.

  31. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  32. You're in no position to herald transparency when you are too much of a coward to identify yourself. If you want to get personal, ID yourself. Otherwise, slink back under your rock.

  33. http://m.wfmz.com/lehigh-valley-regional-news/basd-director-to-propose-change-in-gift-policy/31471778

    First they denied everything. They lied to you! Now they are admitting to the golf outing. Keep digging. I'm telling you there is alot of smoke because there is a fire.
    St. Lukes had the highest bid out of the three bidders. They went to a RFP for a reason. They only went back to St. Lukes and allowed them to change their numbers. There is a reason why.
    There was weekend get aways, Phillies tickets, and dinners at high end restaurants. Keep digging! Just ask the question, " did they ask the AD's about the other gifts"? They are not being truthfull about the committee recommendation.


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