Local Government TV

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Baer: Morganelli May Run For AG

The Philadelphia Daily News' John Baer claims the Oscars are nothing compared to Pennsylvania's Pennies. Best Picture, for example, is the Kane Mutiny. What caught my eye was Best Animated Short - John Morganelli.
No one has been more animated than the diminutive Northampton County district attorney. (Hey, it's not a slight: I'm short, too.) He offered op-ed pieces trashing the state bar on judicial recommendations, hammering Wolf's death-penalty moratorium and weighing in on the Kane probe.

Morganelli, a Democrat who lost a bid for attorney general in 2008, just might be getting ready to cast himself in a rerun come next year.


  1. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

  2. If he does, the best of luck to him.

  3. He can't win statewide he was the only Democrat to loose last time he ran, that says something. He should stay where he is.

  4. Morganelli will never have the support of Unity PAC until he makes right with Gregory.

  5. Morganelli will never have the support of Unity PAC until he makes right with Gregory.

    I'm sure Morganelli will be pleased to not have the support of an unregistered and fake PAC created to funnel money into Gregory's pockets.

  6. If he does, NarcissistVee becomes a state wide show instead of a WMFZ exclusive.

    "Hey everyone in Pennsylvania, look at me mommy!!!"


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