Local Government TV

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Shafer: Bethlehem Tp Redistricting Will Be Effective Next, Not This, Year

Melissa Shafer
Last week, I told you that Bethlehem Township intends to redistrict its wards. It is required to do so by something called the Municipal Re-Apportionment Act. Though iofficials stated there was "some urgency" to the matter, the County has already advised the Township that whatever changes are made will not go into effect until 2016. So if you like your Commissioner, you can keep your Commissioner. Manager Melissa Shafer has prepared a statement concerning the new wards. Let me share it with you.

Due to population changes in the 2010 Census, Bethlehem Township is proposing a redistricting of the four wards. According to the Northampton County Board of Elections, this ward redistricting will not go into effect until AFTER the November 2015 election.

The Bethlehem Township Ward Map from 2003 shows the population variance of the wards from 5,135 people in Ward 2 to 6,816 people in Ward 4. This is a 30% population variance. Per case law surrounding the Pennsylvania Municipal Reapportionment Act, only as much as a 10% deviation is acceptable. Therefore, in December of 2014, a meeting was held with the Township Solicitor, Township Manager, Township Physical Plant & Information Services Director, and Township GIS Consultant. The purpose of this meeting was to more evenly distribute the population among the four wards, making as few changes as possible. The data points available were the population counts per census block and the addresses of the current Commissioners, to make sure that a sitting Commissioner was not moved out of his ward.

The map that the staff presented to the Bethlehem Township Board Commissioners in January 2015 has a new population variance in the wards ranging now from 5,891 in Ward 4 to 5,961 in Ward 3. This is a 1% population variance. An Ordinance adopting the new ward map is being prepared by the solicitor’s office and will be presented for the Commissioners’ review and advertisement consideration at an upcoming Board meeting. Check the Board of Commissioners Meeting Agenda section of the website (http://www.bethlehemtownship.org/commagenda.pdf) for the exact date.

It is important to note that there will be no changes to the ward map for any of the 2015 elections. Once a new ward map is adopted, the Township will notify all property owners whose wards have changed.

If you have any comments or questions about the ward map, please email Township Manager Melissa Shafer at mshafer@bethlehemtownship.org or call 610-814-6400.

Updated 1:15: Bethlehem Township's proposed new map is available online. The "Key adderesses referred to are the addresses of incumbent Commissioners. This presents the question whether it is fair to draw new boundary lines around their addresses.


  1. It's the right call. Redistricting is most definitely needed, but the timing created--fair or not--a perception of political gamesmanship, and no doubt would have resulted in some voter confusion affecting already low turnout. This way the election can be about issues and leadership, and let the voters decide. Then regardless of who is elected/re-elected, a new map is put into place.

  2. Has anyone explained why the Township has waited so long to do this? The federal government released data from the 2010 data in 2011. That probably was too late for the 2011 elections, but they certainly could have fixed this prior to the 2013 elections.

  3. What you have to do is look at who was running the show at the time to point out the blame. It all points to one direction.

  4. So change voting wards in the Presidential election year. Brilliant.

  5. Its a new revenue stream for solicitors to grab more money from taxpayers.

  6. "So change voting wards in the Presidential election year. Brilliant."

    You have to redistrict, like it or not. Complaining changes nothing.

  7. "What you have to do is look at who was running the show at the time to point out the blame. It all points to one direction."

    I would not be so quick to blame anyone.

  8. You have to redistrict, like it or not. Complaining changes nothing.

    Of course. But it makes a hell of a lot more sense to do it during an off year election. How is that complaining?

  9. People bellyache no matter when it is scheduled. Just suck it up, cupcake. :-) It has to be done.

  10. very interesting what key people in the township were moved out of 4th ward versus who was not. HMMM Breslin remains in 4th ward, but his adversaries were moved out.

  11. Breslin is a one term stiff. He is totally inactive and doesn't participate at the meetings. He has no agenda except best government is no government . Now people see him for what he is a non resident jake the fake. I am surprised he lasted this long.

  12. It is truly amazing how close those lines are to the "key addresses". Seems unfair to draw lines around incumbents houses.

  13. Ward 4 will be way out of wack by 2016 with Madison farms being built. Smart move jackasses

  14. What do you propose? Do you suggest redrawing the map based on what the population should be by 2016 or by the way it is now? I'm not sure you can use a prediction, even a fairly good one, to justify a boundary change. But I may be wrong. I suggest you voice your concern to Commissioners. The problem that I have with the new map are the "key addresses." I believe the map should be re-drawn without reference to the residence of any incumbent. Doing so is a form of incumbent protection. Commissioner.

  15. Point well taken. I begin questioning if its time to give the at large a ward of his own or add 2 addtl commissioners.

  16. Yes Madison Farms should be added we know where it is located and what is projected in phase 1.
    Maybe they should go to five wards and everyone run in a district. They need to look ahead instead of fixing it today and it is wrong in two years.

  17. I suggest you make these points at a Commissioners' meeting. Not all of them read this blog.

  18. Madison Farms will not be built out by then. Jerk


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