Local Government TV

Monday, December 15, 2014

We Really Are Still Bigoted

On Saturday afternoon, I stopped at my grandson's favorite sandwich shop to get him his favorite - a turkey hoagie with just lettuce and a little mayo - no cheese.  He would be playing in two basketball games that evening, so this was his fuel. As I waited, the owner of the store and one of his customers were trashing the "moolies" who are rioting down South, Then I heard one of them stating that he had just listened to crackpot radio, and it's really hard to give one of them the death penalty.

Most of you know me to be pretty confrontational. But I just kept my mouth shut, wishing to avoid an argument instead of telling two racists that they are racists.


  1. What is a "moolie"?

  2. So did you buy the sand which?

  3. what the hell is a moolie?

    and racists are dumb fucks. but you can't pick a fight with each and every one of them. too many of them, unfortunately

  4. never mind, just looked it up. a racial term of derision for african americans. italian in origin.

  5. Name/location of shop?

  6. But u still bought the sandwich. That makes u an accomplice or at least a passive racist759

  7. You are right Bernie this country is still very racist. I can understand you not saying anything since you did nit want special sauce on that sandwich.

  8. "But u still bought the sandwich. That makes u an accomplice or at least a passive racist759"

    I should have said something and opted to take the easy way out. I agree i was wrong.

  9. "never mind, just looked it up."

    I'm sure.

  10. Negative behaviors tend to increase before they go extinct, so it's not surprising that racism has surged in this country following the election of an African American to the office of President. There will most like;y be a similar surge in violence against women when Hillary is elected as well, although this can be hard to track in conservative homes since the bible says raping and beating your women is not only okay, it's an entitlement.

  11. Sad times. So much divisiveness and bigotry. It seems to be increasing. A black President and Fox News seem to have really riled them up.

  12. @9:29 - You are correct that our president has done alot to fire up racism, but I defy you to find an instance of Fox News racism. Seems to me that they go out of their way to avoid even the appearance of it - because they know the other news orgs would mae a big deal of it.

    However, Fox will report stories that you won't see on the other news:
    - the Sharpton-led protest this weekend where protesters chanted: What do we want?
    Dead cops
    When do we want it?
    -also, stories of reverse racism in Ferguson.

    Yes, racism still exists but it must be reported fairly!

  13. Racism will continue to exist as long as any group demands preferential treatment over any others.

  14. Nah, no racism or ignorance on Fox at all...


  15. Oh the horror of it! If that's all ya got you're pretty lame!

  16. I hear stuff like this almost daily, but never confront anyone on it. I seriously doubt I have the ability to change anyone's ingrained behavior or beliefs, and I don't need to pick a fight in the process. What's that saying, "change needs to come from within"?

  17. Look at all the people who defend that crap on Fox news. It is what they wan to hear. It confirms(in their minds) their most basic fears and hate so they love it. It is rationalized as the news they don't get form the mainstream media. The thing is it isn't really news. It is telling of the utterings of fools in the corner that reflect their views. Some guys in a crowd chant they want dead cops, not surprising you find that in every group. Is it news, not unless it is the intent of the larger movement.

    Face it Fox is the outlet for our most angry, hateful and fearful visions of America aonf th eworld.

  18. Says the guy who only gets his news from Rachel Madcow.

  19. I am an equal opportunity bigot, I hate everyone!

  20. "Says the guy who only gets his news from Rachel Madcow."

    Both Fox and MSNBC are crap. Buy a clue and see a therapist.

  21. Why didn't you go into the nearest phone booth and put on your super hero outfit to save the day? Or you could have gone to Illick's Mill. Its empty. Nobody is using it these days.

  22. Race hustler.

    You make Al Sharpton proud.

  23. "Race hustler.

    You make Al Sharpton proud."

    You make Lincoln Rockwell proud.

  24. People are absolutely sick and tired of all the race hustling that has been going on the last six years.


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